On a group analogue of the Heyde theorem
AbstractHeyde proved that a Gaussian distribution on a real line is characterized by the symmetry of the conditional distribution of one linear form given another. The present article is devoted to an analogue of the Heyde theorem in the case when random variables take values in a locally compact Abelian group and the coefficients of the linear forms are integers.
2010 ◽
Vol 88
pp. 339-352
1994 ◽
Vol 14
pp. 130-138
2010 ◽
Vol 88
pp. 93-102
2007 ◽
Vol 75
pp. 369-390
2008 ◽
Vol 340
pp. 219-225
1973 ◽
Vol 9
pp. 73-82
1984 ◽
pp. 261-269