Improvement of enzymatic digestibility of wood by a sequence of optimized milling procedures with final vibratory tube mills for the amorphization of cellulose

Holzforschung ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 72 (6) ◽  
pp. 435-441 ◽  
Jinwu Wang ◽  
Johnway Gao ◽  
Kristin L. Brandt ◽  
Jinxue Jiang ◽  
Yalan Liu ◽  

AbstractA three-stage wood milling process was investigated leading to coarse, fine and amorphization of milled wood (MW) as a pretreatment for enzymatic wood hydrolysis. An eccentric vibratory tube mill (EVTM) and a spring suspended vibratory tube mill (SSVTM) were found to be suitable for wood cellulose amorphization. Both methods gave rise to highly digestible and amorphous wood powders amenable to enzymatic hydrolysis. The SSVTM had superior energy efficiency. The resulting MW afforded a 70% sugar yield via enzymatic hydrolysis and the total energy consumption was around 1.5 kWh kg−1oven-dried wood (odW) for all three milling stages. In contrast, EVTM consumed 17 kWh kg−1odW energy. Accordingly, SSVTM has a high potential for preparing wood for enzymatic hydrolysis.

Li-juan Qu ◽  
Li-nan Lei ◽  
Wei Chen ◽  
Jin-yuan Qian

In 2007, Chinese Ministry of Education (MOE) and Ministry of Housing & Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD) carried out the Campus Resource Conservation Actions, in order to take full use of resources and to improve the energy efficiency. However, due to the large amounts of universities, the total energy consumption and the energy efficiency situation have no objective statistics. Taking modeling the energy consumption of university buildings as the starting point, this paper analyzes the characteristics of university buildings in China. Then, we do the prediction, trend and potential analysis of the total energy consumption in 2020. In addition, four strategies for energy efficiency management are carried out, which might be helpful for all the university managers and related departments.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 136
Amr Soliman ElGohary ◽  
Shereen Omar Khashaba

Existing buildings are the massive percentage of the building stock, and therefore, are the key to improving efficiency; buildings account for an enormous share of the climate change crisis, and approximately 40% of the world total energy consumption (McArthur & Jofeh, 2015). The Egyptian stock of buildings includes about 12 million buildings. 60% of these buildings are residential. The final electricity consumption of the residential buildings in 2010 was 51370 GWh and increased in 2014 to reach 62441 GWh. Thus the share of total energy consumption was 18.8% in 2010 and increased to reach 21.55% in 2014 ("Technology Roadmap - Energy efficient building envelopes.", 2013). Therefore, the residential sector plays an important role in the mitigation of energy consumption crisis, which is expected to increase. The research field and initiatives in Egypt on the green buildings and green buildings retrofits are rare and, if existing, are weakly applied. Unlike in developed countries, there is a large research on building retrofits, e.g., the Residential Property Assessed Clean Energy (R-PACE) program and the weatherization assistance program (WAP) of the department of energy (DOE). Both are examples of the incentives to green building initiatives globally. This paper discusses the challenge of greening the existing residential buildings in Egypt by demonstrating an analysis of the motives and the barriers to applying green measures in the Egyptian market. The research methodology comprises the analytical-comparative method. In the analytical part; the paper identifies the current situation of the residential sector energy consumption in Egypt, and the benefits of greening existing buildings for tenants, investors, and owners. In the comparative part, the current situation of Egypt's Green Market Business Case is compared with the international one, discussing the challenge of greening the residential buildings. The paper summarizes the opportunities to improve the building energy efficiency, incentives, and policies that are developed to address significant financial and technical awareness to building efficiency. These policies will help enable critical market actors to make decisions to promote energy efficiency in existing buildings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. e380101019039
Matheus Gonçalves Silqueira ◽  
Fernando das Graças Braga da Silva ◽  
Alex Takeo Yasumura Lima Silva ◽  
Matheus David Guimarães Barbedo

According to the Alliance to Save Energy, between 2 % and 3 % of the total electric energy consumed in the world is used for water pumping in supply systems, with the consumption reduction potential through energy efficiency and conservation measures being estimated at 25 %. In Brazil, the water supply sector corresponds to 2.6 % of the total energy consumed in the country, with pumping systems being responsible for over 90 % of the total energy consumption. It is extremely common to find supersized facilities with pump motor sets operating outside their ideal points, with it being a common practice to perform flow and pressure control through the installation of valves. The use of reducing valves inserts unnecessary pressure drops into the hydraulic system, increasing energy consumption. The objective of this work is to present an energy balance of a study sector of the Autonomous Water and Sewage Service (AWSS) of a municipality in the south of Minas Gerais, Brazil, aiming to elucidate the electric energy consumption of the system and where the reduction in such consumption may occur. For this, we measured data such as the efficiency of the pump motor sets, calculated performance indicators and water loss indices, and applied the energy balance adapted. This work presents an application of a water-energy balance with adaptations to a Brazilian water supply system, under the perspective of the energy efficiency in lift station pump motor sets.

2014 ◽  
Vol 620 ◽  
pp. 625-631
Guang You Yang ◽  
Xiong Gan ◽  
Tuo Zheng ◽  
Zhi Yan Ma

In wireless sensor networks where the volume and energy of nodes are limited by batteries, which are difficult or prohibitively expensive to replace or recharge in the most of its application scenarios, so improving energy efficiency has very important significance.Cooperative beamforming forms virtual antenna arrays by multiple adjacent wireless sensor nodes, which improves the signal strength at the receiver and reduces the energy consumption of the transmitter by multiplexing gain and interference management.In this paper, the problem of energy consumption optimization for cooperative beamforming in wireless sensor networks was studied. First, considering both amplifier energy consumption and circuit energy consumption,energy consumption models for both broadcast phase and cooperative beamforming phase was presented.Then,we propose a two-step optimization to minimize the total energy consumption by optimizing the modulation parameter and the number of cooperative nodes.We simulate the total energy consumption for various transmission distances,modulation parameters , path losses and the number of cooperative nodes.The numerical results show that,for different system parameters, selecting the optimal modulation parameter and the optimal number of cooperative nodes can reduce total energy consumption and improve energy efficiency.

Pha N. Pham ◽  
Kazuhisa Ito ◽  
Shigeru Ikeo

Low energy efficiency and high installed cost are the two main problems that prevent water hydraulics to be popular in application. This research introduces two novel systems: water hydraulic fluid switching transmission (FST) and pump motor transmission (PMT) that only use cheap ON/OFF valves for lessening the initial cost and reducing the energy consumption; beside, this paper also introduces a conventional servo motor system (SMS) for comparison. Moreover, both FST and PMT systems can recover the kinetic energy of a flywheel in a deceleration process and store it into an accumulator for using in the next working cycle. The experimental results show that the FST system only need from 33.2 to 47.3% of total energy consumption of the SMS to complete a full cycle and even much reducing in PMT system with the reduction from 76.0 to 86.0%. A method to estimate the saved energy stored in the accumulator will be introduced in this study as well and found out that from 8.2 to 11.6% and from 8.7 to 13.7% of the total energy consumption of the FST and PMT systems were recovered. The SMS shows advantage in transient response with the shortest rise time and smallest overshoot while the steady state error is only slightly smaller than the PMT system. The steady state error of FST system is quite large, but it keeps almost same value for all reference velocity; thus, such system is appropriate for applying in high velocity systems. With acceptable velocity response and extremely improving in energy efficiency, the PMT system is promising to replace conventional water hydraulic system in many applications.

2019 ◽  
Vol 231 ◽  
pp. 1330-1341 ◽  
K.N. Shi ◽  
J.X. Ren ◽  
S.B. Wang ◽  
N. Liu ◽  
Z.M. Liu ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Vladimir Zolotarev

Red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) it is one of the most popular crops for creating lawns of various types and as a component of meadow and pasture poly-species mixtures of long-term use. The volume of domestic production of seeds of this crop is less than 2% of the total sales of seed material on the Russian market. The wide expansion of imported seeds of foreign-selected varieties to the domestic market sharply raises the question of the need to develop seed production of this crop in Russia. To do this, it is necessary to intensify breeding for the development of new varieties of red fescue, the development of zonal technologies for cultivating them for seeds. Analysis and generalization of research results shows that when using a set of optimal agricultural techniques, it is possible to consistently receive seed collections of more than 0.4 t/ha. This level of seed yield ensures high profitability of production and recoupment of energy costs. Assessment of the energy efficiency of technologies for cultivation of red fescue pasture-lawn ecotype shows that the total energy consumption per 1 ha of seed was 17.7 GJ, per 1 kg of seeds – 68.2 MJ. Due to the increase in yield by 44.4% and the use of energy-saving techniques, energy savings per 100 kg of seeds amounted to 25.6%. The energy assessment showed that as a result of harvesting seed crops by direct threshing in the optimal time frame, total energy costs decreased by 19%, and energy consumption for fuel – by 29%.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
A. Lazić ◽  
V. Larsson ◽  
Å. Nordenborg

The objective of this work is to decrease energy consumption of the aeration system at a mid-size conventional wastewater treatment plant in the south of Sweden where aeration consumes 44% of the total energy consumption of the plant. By designing an energy optimised aeration system (with aeration grids, blowers, controlling valves) and then operating it with a new aeration control system (dissolved oxygen cascade control and most open valve logic) one can save energy. The concept has been tested in full scale by comparing two treatment lines: a reference line (consisting of old fine bubble tube diffusers, old lobe blowers, simple DO control) with a test line (consisting of new Sanitaire Silver Series Low Pressure fine bubble diffusers, a new screw blower and the Flygt aeration control system). Energy savings with the new aeration system measured as Aeration Efficiency was 65%. Furthermore, 13% of the total energy consumption of the whole plant, or 21 000 €/year, could be saved when the tested line was operated with the new aeration system.

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