scholarly journals Using four pelletizing machines with flat die and different capacities for obtaining the best pellets from corn cobs waste

BioResources ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 7058-7073
Aurel Lunguleasa ◽  
Cosmin Spirchez ◽  
Sorin Radulescu

Making pellets from corn cobs, the goal of this work, was motivated by the abundance of vegetable biomass. Corn is used in both animal and human food. Four pelletizing presses with flat die and different capacities were considered. The influence of the capacity of the pellet mills on the density of the obtained pellets was established by increasing the capacities of the pellet mills to increase the density of the pellets. The waste of crushed corn cobs was used for pelletizing. The energy characteristics of the pellets from corn cobs were determined, with a high calorific value of 20.0 MJ·kg-1 and a calorific density of 19.8 MJ·m-3; these values were much higher than the wood species used currently in combustion. The black and calcined ash contents of 24.7% and 2.3%, respectively, were also obtained. Based on the main properties of experimental pellets, corn cob waste can be regarded as suitable for transformation into pellets with good characteristics. The positive influence of capacity press increase on density of pellets was also highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Ety Jumiati ◽  
Ufik Eliati Tumanggor ◽  
Abdul Halim Daulay

<p align="center"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p>Ceiling evelopment by utilizing waste corn cobs, coconut coir with gypsum flour an the adition of latex adhesive. Variations in the composition of the mixture of corn cobs, coconut coir, gypsum flour with latex adhesive include sample A (0:0:100:15), sample B (3:3:94:15), sample C (6:6:88:15), sample D (9:9:82:15), sample E (12:12:76:15), and sample F (15:15:70:15) with emphasis using a <em>hot press </em>and drying for 28 days. The test parameters include flexural strength and fracture strength. The test results show that sample B in the composition (3:3:94:15) is the optimal result. In this composition, the resulting ceiling board has the characteristics of a flexural strength of 3966,39 kgf/cm<sup>2</sup> and a fracture strength of 1088,6 kgf/cm<sup>2</sup>.</p><p><strong><em>Keyword :</em></strong><em> Lateks , Ceiling Board, Coconut Coir, Corn Cob</em></p><p><em> </em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. 234-238
DamgouMani Kongnine ◽  
Pali Kpelou ◽  
Mazabalo Baneto ◽  
Kossi Napo ◽  

1989 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 248-251 ◽  

Trichoderma reesei NRRL 11236, Trichoderma viride ATCC 32630, Trichoderma viride ATCC 32098 and Myrothecium verrucaria ATCC 9095 were evaluated for the production of toxic substances with the fertile egg tests. Strains NRRL 11236, ATCC 32630, and ATCC 9095 produced no detectable toxic substance. However, when an oil extract was made of fermented corn cobs, strain ATCC 32098 produced a significant kill of 23.1% of the embryos. Cellulases (C1,Cx) and beta glucosidase production were produced using different ammonium salts as additional nitrogen sources to what the corn cobs contained. Temperatures (23° and 30°C) had no effect on beta glucosidase except for T. viride ATCC 32630 which produced significantly smaller quantities at 30°C than at 23°C.

2021 ◽  
Vol 328 ◽  
pp. 08009
Ni Ketut Sari ◽  
Adelia Hayu Regita ◽  
Dimas Wahyu Dwi Putra ◽  
Dira Ernawati ◽  
Widi Wurjani

The increase in plastic production worldwide has created quite a serious environmental problem. Edible film is an alternative packaging that can decompose naturally, one of the materials that can be used to make edible films is starch. This study aims to determine the composition of corn cob starch and plasticizers that can produce edible films with the best properties. The starch used is derived from corn cobs and the plasticizers used are glycerol and sorbitol. The edible film in this study was made by the casting method by dispersing the raw materials, heating the mixture, printing the edible film and drying the edible film. This research was conducted with variations in the corncob of 5, 6 and 7 in grams and the variation of the ratio of glycerol to sorbitol plasticizer is 2:8; 3:7; 5:5; 7:3; 8:2 (ml). The more starch content increases the thickness of the edible film and tensile strength, but the elongation and water vapor permeability decreases, the best edible film is obtained at the glycerol-sorbitol composition ratio of 5:5 with the amount of corncob starch of 7 grams.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2057 (1) ◽  
pp. 012128
G V Kuznetsov ◽  
I V Cherednik ◽  
A A Galaktionova ◽  
S A Yankovsky

Abstract The manuscript presents the results of experimental studies of the energy and technical characteristics of mixed fuels based on lignite from the Maikuben basin of the Republic of Kazakhstan and wood processing waste, pine sawdust from the Tomsk LPC. The addition of wood biomass to coal is found to result in a significant reduction in the ash content of the mixed fuel (by 73.1 %) with a wood fraction equal to 50 % and a moderate reduction in calorific value (by 8.2 %) with the same concentration of biomass in the mixed fuel.

2018 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-40
O.I. Sigal ◽  
L.I. Vorobiov ◽  
N.Y. Pavliuk ◽  
R.V. Serhiienko

The results of experimental studies of humidity, ash content, calorific value for сomponents of municipal solid waste in Cherkassy city are presented. The results of the research are used to develop an integrated waste management and recycling system in the Cherkassy city.  The waste management strategy has been adopted in Ukraine. It determines the main directions of reforming the system of sanitary cleaning of cities in order to minimize environmental pollution in accordance with EU standards. In the process of preparation of the regional implementation plan for the Strategy in Cherkassy, a study of the morphology, energy and environmental characteristics of the components of solid domestic waste (SDW) was made. This article presents the results of experimental studies of humidity, calorific value and ash content for 8 components of waste: paper, cardboard, composite materials, textiles, hygiene products, plastic, other combustible materials, wood shavings are presented. Humidity is also determined in organic residues and in fine fractions. The investigations were carried out at the experimental stand of the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Due to the absence in Ukraine of standards for the study of energy characteristics of solid waste, the measurements were carried out in accordance with standards for solid organic fuels, which slightly differ from the EU methods for the study of solid waste. In order to develop regional integrated waste management plans within the framework of the strategy implementation, based on the qualitative analysis of MSW components, it is necessary to develop standards for determining the energy characteristics of SDW in line with European normative documents. The study of the energy characteristics of solid waste showed a significant heterogeneity in the components of solid waste, which significantly complicated the determination of characteristics and led to a considerable scatter of results and an increase in measurement uncertainty. This happened due to low weight and the need for thorough homogenization of the sample, which was experimentally investigated in accordance with the method of preparation of an analytical sample. The article analyzes need for adaptation of the European methods of detailed morphology of solid domestic waste in Ukraine, which is necessary for separate waste collection. The results of the research are used to develop an integrated waste management and recycling system in the city of Cherkassy.

Ugwu Tochukwu Nicholas ◽  
Nwachukwu Augusta Anuli ◽  
Ogbulie Toochukwu Ekwutosi ◽  
Anyalogbu Ernest Anayochukwu

Enormous quantities of plant biomass are generated annually, as agricultural wastes. Lignocellulose is the main structural constituent of plants and represents the primary source of renewable organic matter on earth. This study was carried out to evaluate the lignocellulose composition, proximate and selected physicochemical characteristics of some selected plant-based substrates for biogas production. The substrates were: Corn cobs, Rice straw and Water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes). They were collected, cut, dried for 72 hours at 320C, milled and subjected to hemicellulose, lignin and cellulose compositional analyses, using the standard Sox let extraction method. Standard methods were employed for proximate and physicochemical analyses. Results of the compositional evaluation showed that corn cob has the highest percentages of cellulose (42.0%), while extractives content was least (2.18%) in Rice straw. For the proximate analysis, the percentage carbohydrates (24.22) and ash (24.40) were highest in rice straw, while fat content  had the least values of 0.65%  recorded in corn cobs. The results of the physicochemical analysis showed that Rice straw had the highest values of TS (94.55%) and phosphorus (928.57mg/kg), Corn cob had the highest TVS (85.53%) and organic carbon (50.46%) while Water hyacinth recorded the highest Nitrogen content (2.33%). They are good substrates for energy generation, and lignocellulosic biomass holds a huge potential to meet the current energy demand of the modern world. The knowledge of the lignocellulosic composition of the biomass would help in choosing appropriate pretreatment measures to achieve better hydrolysis which would translate to higher biogas yield.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Haidar Ali ◽  
Ahmad Tawfiequrrahman Yuliansyah

Corn is one of staple food and influential commodity driving Indonesia’s economy. Indonesia currently produces as high as 19 million tons of corn which contains 50% of biomass in the form of cob. Waste from harvesting and consumption of corn, namely, corn cob (CC) is left as waste. This CC is actually a sustainable, easily accessible, and renewable biomass energy source as an alternative to Indonesia’s depleting fossil fuel reserves. Hydrothermal treatment is a conversion method that has some consequential advantages compared to other methods; e.g. the ability to treat high-moisture biomass like CC and the possibility to use lower temperature. This research aims to produce and characterize liquid and solid fuel subsequent to hydrothermal treatment of CC obtained from Sleman, Yogyakarta. After size reduction, fine particles were mixed with water to form slurry. Slurry was heated in an autoclave for hydrothermal treatment at initial pressure of 2.0 MPa and was held for 200°C, 240°C, and 270°C in 30 minutes. The solid and liquid products were then separated. Liquid was analyzed using GC-MS and solid by using AAS. The result showed that, in comparison to raw material, solid product had higher carbon content which resulted in the increase of calorific value of the solid biofuel. The calorific value of solid product ranged from 19,59 -22,02 MJ/kg or 20,93-35,87% higher than raw materials and 4-17% higher than average coal used in Indonesia. Major component in liquid product are N, N-dimethyl formamide, furfural, and phenolic compound, with benzoic acid present as minor component. The potential of liquid products as organic preservatives are examined by testing the tenacity of wood against termite according to ASTM D3345-74 standard method. Result showed that liquid product were effective in exhibiting termiticidal activity and temperature 200°C showed the optimum condition. Keywords: corn cob, hydrothermal treatment, organic preservatives, solid biofuel Jagung merupakan salah satu makanan pokok dan komoditas yang berpengaruh terhadap ekonomi Indonesia. Produksi jagung Indonesia saat ini mencapai 19 juta ton dan sebanyak 50% berupa tongkol. Limbah dari pemanenan dan konsumsi jagung adalah tongkol jagung (CC) yang cepat busuk dan banyak kelemahannya yang harus ditangani. Sebetulnya, CC merupakan solusi yang berkelanjutan, mudah diperoleh, serta sumber energi terbarukan berupa biomassa yang dapat menjadi alternatif solusi untuk berkurangnya cadangan bahan bakar fosil di Indonesia. Hydrothermal treatment adalah metode konversi yang memiliki beberapa keunggulan jika dibandingkan dengan metode lain seperti kemampuan untuk menangani kandungan air yang tinggi pada CC dan kemungkinan penggunaan temperatur yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi cairan dan padatan yang dihasilkan dari proses hydrothermal terhadap tongkol jagung yang diperoleh dari Sleman, Yogyakarta. Setelah proses reduksi ukuran, partikel halus tersebut dicampur dengan air sehingga terbentuk slurry. Slurry dipanaskan dalam autoclave untuk dijalankan proses hydrothermal dengan tekanan awal sebesar 2.0 MPa dan dijalankan pada suhu 200°C, 240°C, dan 270°C dengan holding time selama 30 menit. Padatan dan cairan yang dihasilkan dipisahkan. Cairan dianalisis dengan GC-MS sedangkan padatan dengan AAS. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa dengan perbandingan bahan baku, padatan memiliki kandungan karbon yang lebih tinggi sehingga terjadi kenaikan nilai kalor. Nilai kalor padatan berkisar antara 19,59-22,02 MJ/kg atau 20,93-35,87% lebih tinggi dari bahan baku dan 4-17% dari batubara yang ada saat ini. Cairan yang dihasilkan didominasi oleh N,N-dimethyl formamide, furfural, phenolic compound serta sedikit asam berupa benzoic acid. Pengujian produk cairan sebagai pengawet organik dilakukan dengan pengujian ketahanan kayu terhadap rayap sesuai dengan standar ASTM D3345-74. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa cairan yang dihasilkan cukup efektif sebagai pembunuh rayap dan variasi temperatur 200°C memberikan kondisi yang optimum. Kata kunci: tongkol jagung, proses hidrotermal, pengawet organik, bahan bakar padat

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Sebastianus Dani Ganesha ◽  
Salsabila Maris Syahputri ◽  
Samuel Yedija Liem ◽  
Joko Prasetyo ◽  
Harum Azizah Darojati

Post-harvest activities of agricultural products often generate wastes. One of the agricultural wastes that increase every year is corn cobs, which have a high cellulose content and can potentially be used as raw materials for making natural fibers. Therefore, this study aims to examine several potential commercial products from corn cobs. The method used is a literature study by tracing the sources of previous writings. Furthermore, how to process corn cobs waste for the manufacture of natural fibers and commercial products will be discussed. From the previously traced sources in the utilization of corn cobs waste, 4 products were obtained. The results are nano hydrogels based on gamma radiation, activated carbon with a carbonation process, bioethanol using the SSF process, and the use of corn cob cellulose as good-quality brake lining.

2013 ◽  
Vol 409-410 ◽  
pp. 330-334
Wen Ju Zhao ◽  
Li Rong Wang ◽  
Hong Ji ◽  
Yan Wei Fan

Wheat straws, wheat shells, corn leaves and corn cobs (0%, 5%, 8% and 10%) were added to red clay to obtain seedling bricks, pure red clay as control (CK), did evaporation test. The results showed that the larger of the proportion of mix-plant was, the smaller the cumulative evaporation of seedling bricks was. The cumulative evaporation of seedling bricks mixed with 10% corn cob was the minimum. In all seedling bricks, the order of 1st day evaporation suppression efficiency and cumulative evaporation suppression efficiency IE: mixed with corn cobs > mixed with wheat shells > mixed with wheat straws > mixed with corn leaves > mixed with nothing, and evaporation suppression efficiency of seedling bricks mixed with 10% corn cobs was the maximum. With the proportion of mix-plant increases, evaporation stability, evaporation suppression efficiency and water retention characteristic of seedling bricks were improved significantly.

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