The last three years have seen a rapid growth of 600 V and 1200 V SiC Schottky diodes
primarily in the Power Factor Correction (PFC) circuits. The next logical step is introduction of a
SiC MOSFET to not only further improve the power density and efficiency of the PFC circuits but
also to enable the entry of all SiC power modules in Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power
converters such as motor control in 600-1200 V range. The combination of SiC MOSFET and
Schottky diodes will offer 60-80% lower losses in most low voltage applications at normal
operating temperatures (< 200°C) where no significant improvements in packaging are required.
This will cover most commercial applications with the exception of those having to function under
extreme environment (>200°C) such as applications in automotive, aerospace and oil/gas
exploration. For these high temperature applications, a case can be made for 600 - 2000 V Bipolar
Junction Transistors (BJTs) and PiN diodes provided we do our homework on high temperature
packaging. A number of interesting device related problems persist in bipolar devices such as
forward voltage increase in PiN diodes and current gain degradation in BJTs. For very high voltage
(>10 kV) applications such as those found in utilities (Transmission and Distribution), Large Drives
and Traction, a case can be made for >10 kV PiN diodes, IGBTs, Thyristors and GTOs. While
IGBTs will be restricted to <200°C junction temperature, the PiN diodes, Thyristors and GTOs may
be operated at >250°C junction temperature provided that the high temperature, high voltage
packaging issues are also addressed. Significant progress has been made in the development of the
p-channel IGBTs and GTOs. The main issues seem to be the VF degradation due to stacking fault
formation and improvement of minority carrier life-time.