scholarly journals Penyuluhan Protozoa Usus Penyebab Diare dan Penyerahan Washtafel Pada Siswa SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo

Rochmadina Suci Bestari ◽  
Novita Ardilla ◽  
Safitri Sri Handayani

Penyakit diare merupakan penyakit endemis di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2016 terdapat 911.901 kejadian diare di Jawa Tengah. Salah satu sebab diare adalah infeksi protozoa usus. Penyakit diare yang disebabkan oleh protozoa usus pada siswa SD bisa terjadi karena banyak faktor, antara lain yaitu pengetahuan dan sikap tentang protozoa usus yang bisa menyebabkan diare, serta perilaku dalam pencegahan diare karena protozoa usus. Perilaku dalam hal ini yang bisa mencegah terjadinya diare karena protozoa usus yaitu menjaga personal higiene siswa, misalnya mencuci tangan sebelum makan dan sesudah buang air besar. Oleh karena itu, kami mengadakan pengabdian masyarakat dengan cara memberikan penyuluhan tentang protozoa usus yang bisa menyebabkan diare kepada siswa-siswi SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada siswa-siswi SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo tentang protozoa usus yang dapat menyebabkan diare. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu tanggal 13 November 2019 di SD Negeri Makamhaji 03 Kartasura Kabupaten Sukoharjo. Peserta penyuluhan terdiri dari siswa-siswi kelas IV, sebanyak 37 anak. Siswa-siswi mengikuti penyuluhan dengan antusias. Acara ditutup dengan penyerahan washtafel dan sabun cuci tangan dari tim penyuluh kepada pihak sekolah. Persiapan, proses dan hasil penyuluhan baik. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan siswa tentang protozoa sebagai penyebab diare. Hal tersebut bisa diketahui dari nilai kuesioner. Rata-rata nilai pretes adalah 2,45 sedangkan rata-rata nilai postes adalah 3,16.---Diarrhea is an endemic disease in Indonesia. On 2016, the incidence of diarrhea was 911.901 cases in Central Java. One of microorganism can cause diarrhea is intestinal protozoa. Protozoal diarrhea in elementry school students can occur because of many factors, such as knowledge and attitude  of the diarrheal prevention. One of the attitudes is about maintain personal hygiene, such as washing hands before and after eating and after defecation. We did the community service by socialization to the students about intestinal protozoa as cause of diarrhea. The socialization aimed to give adequat information about intestinal protozoa as cause of diarrhea to the students of SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo. The community service was held on Wednesday, 13th November 2019 in SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo. The audience was students of 4th grade of SD Makamhaji 03 Sukoharjo, 37 students. The students attended the socialization well. There  was donation of washtafel and hand soap from presenter team to school team. The preparation, process and socialization result was good. There was increasing of students’ knowledge about intestinal protozoa as cause of diarrhea, within the mean of pretest score was 2.45 meanwhile the mean of postes score was 3.16.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 135
Tetti Solehati ◽  
Sri Susilawati ◽  
Mamat Lukman ◽  
Cecep Eli Kosasih

<p>Banjir sering menimbulkan masalah kesehatan terutama pada anak. Hal ini diperparah dengan buruknya pola Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) pada masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Pengetahuan Dan Skill Guru dan  personal hygiene siswa setelah diberikan edukasi. Penelitian dilkukan pada tahun 2014. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimen dengan rancangan pre test dan post test. Penelitian dilakukan di SDN VII dan X Dayeuhkolot Bandung. Sampelnya adalah 24 guru  dan 288 siswa kelas 3-6 SDN VII dan SDN X Dayeuhkolot. Instrumen menggunakan quesioner, lembar observasi, dan lembar cek list. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil menunjukan rerata personal hygiene siswa 77,78 sebelum intervensi meningkat jadi 89,54 (pv= 0.001). Rerata tingkat pengetahuan guru sebelum intervensi 52, rerata skill CTPS 64,17. Setelah intervensi mengalami peningkatan rerata tingkat pengetahuan menjadi 97, rerata skill CTPS 97,92 (pv= 0.001). Simpulan penelitian, ada perbedaan bermakna rerata pengetahuan dan skill guru serta personal hygiene siswa sebelum dan setelah periode intervensi.</p><p> </p><p><em>Floods often cause health problems especially in children. This is aggravated by poor pattern Clean and Healthy Lifestyle/ PHBS in the community. The aim is to determine the effect of education on knowledge, skill of  the teachers and hygiene of the elementary school students. The study conducted at 2014. The study was a quasi-experimental of pre-test and post-test design. The study was conducted in elementary school VII and X Dayeuhkolot. The sample is 24 teachers and 288 students in grades 3 to 6. The instrument used quisionare, observation sheet, and a check list sheet. Univariate and bivariate analysis was used to analyze the data. The mean score of personal hygiene students increased from77.78 to 89.54 (pv = 0.001). The mean score of teacher knowledge increased from 52 to 97 (pv = 0.001). The mean score of skill in teacher increased from 64.17 to 97.92 (pv = 0.001). Conclusion: This study found a significant differences of mean the knowledge and skill on teachers and personal hygiene students before and after the intervention (p = 0.001).</em></p>

Juniastuti Juniastuti ◽  
Lynda Rossyanti

Sorong Regency in West Papua Province, is an endemic area of malaria and dengue.The aims of this community service were 1) To increase the knowledge level of childrenabout malaria and dengue, 2) To increase the skill of children in monitoring Aedesmosquito larvae, 3) To identify the proportion of anemia in children. The methodsincluded 1) giving information about malaria and dengue, 2) cadre training of Aedesmosquito larvae monitoring, 3) Hb level examination. The targets were students inElementary School Inpres 24 and Public Elementary School 22, in Sorong. The resultsshowed no difference (p>0.05) of knowledge level between before and after givinginformation. During 4 weeks of monitoring mosquito larvae, the mean percentage ofstudents’ house of Elementary School Inpres 24 and Public Elementary School 22 withpositive mosquito larvae were 57% and 60.3%, respectively. Most (60%) of studentssuffered from anemia in Public Elementary School 22, while only 38% of those inElementary School Inpres 24. Conclusion: Giving information was not able to increaseknowledge level on malaria and dengue in elementary school students in Sorong. Theyhad a good capability to monitor mosquito larvae. The proportion of anemia inelementary school students in Sorong was 38-60%.AbstrakKabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat, merupakan daerah endemis malaria dan dengue.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah 1) Meningkatkan pengetahuan anaktentang malaria dan dengue, 2) Meningkatkan ketrampilan anak dalam memantau jentiknyamuk Aedes serta 3) Mengidentifikasi proporsi anemia pada anak. Metode kegiatanpengabdian masyarakat meliputi: 1) Penyuluhan tentang malaria dan dengue, 2)Pelatihan kader pemantau jentik nyamuk Aedes, 3) Pemeriksaan kadar Hb, untukmendeteksi anemia. Sasaran kegiatan adalah siswa di SD Inpres 24 dan SD Negeri 22,kabupaten Sorong. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan tidak ada beda (p>0.05) tingkatpengetahuan antara sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan. Selama 4 minggu pemantauan,rerata persentase rumah siswa SD Inpres 24 dengan jentik nyamuk positif sebesar57.9%; sedangkan rerata persentase rumah siswa SD Negeri 22 dengan jentik nyamukpositif sebesar 60.3%. Sebagian besar (60%) siswa di SD Negeri 22 menderita anemia,sedangkan di SD Inpres 24 sebanyak 38% siswa menderita anemia. Kesimpulan: Penyuluhan belum dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang malaria dan dengue pada siswa SD di Sorong. Siswa mampu melakukan pemantauan jentik nyamuk. Proporsi anemia pada siswa SD di Sorong sebesar 38-60%.

Zaitul Akmal AZ ◽  
Salmah N ◽  
ND Ismail ◽  
Muhammad Akmal MN ◽  
Khairatul Nainey K

Introduction: In Malaysia, the rate of adolescents involved in sexual activities has increased and starts at an earlier age. Data from NHMS 2017 showed that 7.3% among surveyed 13 to 17 years-old adolescents have already had sex. The rate of teenage pregnancies is also increasing at 3.7-3.9% between the years 2009 until 2011. Therefore, an effective SRH Programme should be conducted in schools to equip them with adequate knowledge regarding this subject.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among 145 randomly selected secondary school students aged 13 to 15 years old, attending the SRH Programme in a secondary school in Cheras, Selangor, Malaysia. The objective of this programme is to deliver knowledge and promote awareness among adolescents regarding SRH. The programme consists of intervention using adolescent-friendly module and games. A pre- and post-test were given to the participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme using the validated SRH questionnaire (Malay version). The questionnaire consists of fourteen and six items for knowledge and attitude, respectively.Results: The result showed an increase in the mean knowledge score (±SD) after the SRH Programme at the school from 7.25 ± 2.44 for pre-test to 9.70 ± 3.17 for post-test. The mean difference in pre- and post-test was 2.45 (95% CI: 2.02, 2.87) and was statistically significant (p<0.001). In terms of attitudes, the majority of the students felt that they have enough knowledge to make a gooddecision regarding sexual reproductive health issues after the SRH programme. However, there was only a small increment with regards to their attitudes on assertiveness.Conclusion: This study demonstrated an increase in the level of knowledge among adolescents in Cheras after the SRH programme using the adolescent-friendly module and games. However, there is no significant change in attitude among adolescents regarding SRH.Future SRH programmes need to be done regularly to instil positive attitudes among adolescents in dealing withsexual reproductive dilemmas.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Supplementary Issue: 2021 Page: S20

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Ari Damayanti Wahyuningrum ◽  
Misbahul Subhi

Scabies is a skin infestation by Sarcoptes scabiei. Several risk factors for scabies infestation is individual personal hygiene and environmental sanitation is not maintained, density, crowding, poverty, lack of knowledge, direct contact with the infested person and use of contaminated equipment. According to Orem theory of self care every individual has the ability to care for themselves so that they can maintain the health and welfare of yourself. The purpose of the study was to investigate knowledge and attitude of adolescent in Nurul Abyadh Orphanage Malang in healthy behavior and on handling scabies. Desain use pre test post test non equivalent control group. The population adolescent Orphanage Nurul Abyadh as the treatment group was 38 respondents and adolescent Orphanage Sunan Ampel as the control group was 29 respondents, taken according to inclusion criteria. Research variables include of knowledge variable and attitude variable. Data were collected using structure questionnaire. Data were then analyzed using level of significance ≤ 0,05. Before and after treatment using analysis of the Wilcoxon and Mc Nemar, treatment and control groups using Mann Whitney and Chi Square.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-30
András Papp ◽  
Judit Krisch

National and international surveys show that people still do not have appropriate knowledge of and attitude to food safety. Therefore more and more countries organize educational courses to improve skills and knowledge regarding food safety. In Hungary the National Curriculum 2012 contains the program for food safety education. The aim of our survey was investigation about knowledge and attitude of primary and secondary school students towards food safety. The questions, according to international surveys, fell into 5 categories: personal hygiene, keeping food at safe temperatures, adequate cooking, avoidance of cross-contamination, and safe source of foods. Statistical evaluation was done using SPSS 20 software. Significant differences were evaluated by logistic regression, Chi square test, and crossing table analysis. Results showed that there was no significant difference among primary school students regarding gender or residence (village or town) in knowledge of food safety. Their attitudes showed more significant divergence. Logistic regression investigation has showed that there was a good correlation between knowledge and attitude of personal and kitchen hygiene. In conclusion, our students have presented more or less the same results as the others from international questionnaires. Even though, we need to improve knowledge and skill in food safety.

BMC Nursing ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Zahra Mandegari Bamakan ◽  
Khadijeh Nasiriani ◽  
Farzan Madadizadeh ◽  
Fatemeh Keshmiri

Abstract Background The knowledge and attitude of health care providers are important and influential factors in providing care services to the elderly and need to be considered during the training course. Simulation in geriatric nursing education can be an opportunity for learners to experience the restrictions of the elderly. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of training through simulation on the attitude and knowledge of nursing students in elderly care. Methods This study was quasi-experimental with two experimental and control groups of pre and post-test, which was conducted on 70 nursing students of the 5th semester (two groups of 35 people). For the experimental group, the elderly simulation suit was worn for two hours, which was designed by the researcher and created sensory, physical, and motor restrictions similar to the elderly for students. Before and after the study, Kogan’s attitudes toward older people scale and Palmore’s “facts on aging quiz” were completed by students. The data were analyzed using an independent t-test and paired t-test using SPSS version 16 software. Results The mean scores of students’ knowledge in the experimental and control groups had no significant difference at the beginning of the study (p < 0.05). But the mean scores of knowledge in the experimental group before and after the intervention was (9.2 ± 2.6) and (15.3 ± 3.5), respectively, and in the control group before and after the intervention was (10.4 ± 2.9) and (11.3 ± 2.6), respectively, which had a statistically significant difference (p = 0.0001). The mean scores of students’ attitudes in the experimental and control groups had no significant difference at the beginning of the study (p < 0.05). The mean scores of attitude in the experimental group before and after the intervention was (114.69 ± 8.4) and (157.31 ± 10.7), respectively and in the control group before and after the intervention was (113.34 ± 13.6) and (108.5 ± 16.6), respectively, which was significantly different (p = 0.0001). Conclusions Based on the findings, the experience of aging restrictions through simulation has improved the knowledge and attitude of nursing students towards the elderly. Nursing education requires the growth of attitudinal skills, individuals’ beliefs, and creating empathy among them, so creating simulation opportunities can assist nursing students in the educational processes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Hartono Hartono

Background: Various efforts have been made to reduce the risk of head injury due to motorcycle accident. But the effort has not succeeded that looks still high head injury rate so that it enters in 10 diseases most in Surakarta. Police records, motorcycle accidents in the Surakarta region ranks the highest compared to five other Central Java areas which tend to increase. An effort to reduce the risk of head injury is to increase knowledge about head injury. Especially in the vocational school students who use motorcycles for their groups at high risk of accidents and head injuries. The study wanted to see the effect of watching videos on knowledge and compliance using helmets of motorcycling students in Surakarta. Method: The design of this study was quasi experiment using pre-post test approach on population of vocational students in Surakarta with 343 samples using a knowledge questionnaire observation and compliance observation sheets using a helmet. Research data were analyzed using Chi Square Test. Result: The results showed that there was a significant difference in knowledge of vocational students about head injuries before and after watching video. As for the helmet there are significant differences. Conclusion: Researchers suggest student knowledge about head injury and compliance using a helmet.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-79
S.M. Rufa’I

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM), also known as Automated Banking Machine (ABM) or cash machine and several other names, is a computerized telecommunication device that provides access to financial transactions in a public space without the need for a cashier or other intermediaries. The Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) has been widely used due to its convenience but also serves as a source of bacterial contamination. The aim of this work was to determine the bacterial load of surfaces of selected ATMs in Kano metropolis. Swab samples were collected from four (4) selected areas and ten (10) different study sites. The samples were collected using swabbing technique and standard plate count was employed for the enumeration of bacterial counts. The mean bacterial counts ranged between the lowest count of 1.20 x 102cfu/cm2 and the highest count of 1.78 x 102cfu/cm2 and the mean count of individual machine ranged from 1.70 x 101 cfu/cm2 upto 6.00 x 101cfu/cm2. All the ATMs were found to be contaminated. It could thus be concluded that the ATMs studied present a very great risk factor for cross contamination. The general public should therefore be enlightened on the possible health hazards associated with such items like ATMs and thus advised for strict personal hygiene and regular washing of hands before and after contact with ATMs so as to reduce the possible transfer of bacterial diseases and/or infections. Keywords: Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Bacteria, Contamination, Kano metropolis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-36
Putra Agina Widyaswara Suwaryo ◽  
Barkah Waladani

Kabupaten kebumen merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi bencana tanah longsor paling tinggi di Wilayah Jawa Tengah. Kecamatan Sempor, lebih tepatnya Desa Sampang adalah wilayah yang berpotensi paling tinggi mengalami bencana tangah longsor tersebut. Pada pertengahan Juni tahun 2016, terjadi bencana tanah longsor yang mengakibatkan lima rumah warga dan enam korban jiwa. Program mitigasi bencana menjadi penting untuk meminimalisir dan mengurangi risiko korban bencana. Mitigasi bencana dilakukan sebagai pendekatan proaktif yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas individu dan masyarakat, sehingga mampu bertahan dan bangkit dari bencana. Tujuan dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi dan menyadarkan masyarakat akan pentingnya mitigasi bencana, sebagai salah satu langkah awal yang bisa dilakukan dalam pengurangan risiko bencana. Proses pengabdian masyarakat ini terdiri dari edukasi dan praktik dengan materi mitigasi bencana dan partisipatif masyarakat dalam mitigasi bencana. Perubahan kognitif sebelum dan sesudah edukasi dievaluasi menggunakan pertanyaan, dengan nilai rata-rata 40 menjadi 85. Peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti program edukasi mitigasi bencana. Pengabdian masyarakat dengan memberikan edukasi mitigasi bencana menjadi bagian dari pra-bencana dalam pengurangan risiko bencana. Tindak lanjut dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu membuat sistem peringatan dini dan alur evakuasi bencana tanah longsor  Kata kunci: mitigasi bencana; tanah longsor  LANDSOR LAND DISASTER MITIGATION FOR SAMPANG VILLAGE CITIZENS, SEMPOR DISTRICT, KEBUMEN CENTRAL JAVA DISTRICT  ABSTRACT Kebumen Regency is one of the regions that has the highest potential for land disasters in the Central Java Region. Sempor Subdistrict, furthermore in Sampang Village is the most difficult area to be elevated. In mid-June 2016, there was a landslide disaster that occurred in five houses and six fatalities. Disaster mitigation programs are important to minimize and reduce the risk of disaster victims. Disaster mitigation is carried out as a proactive effort aimed at increasing the capacity of individuals and communities, so that they are able to survive and rise from disasters. The purpose of this community service is to provide education and make people aware of the importance of disaster mitigation, as one of the first steps that can be done in an effort to overcome disasters. This community service process consists of education and practice with disaster mitigation materials and community participation in disaster mitigation. Cognitive changes before and after education were evaluated using questions, with an average rating of 40 to 85. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the disaster mitigation education program. Community service through disaster mitigation education is part of the pre-disaster Follow-up of this community service is to create an early monitoring system and an evacuation path for landslides  Keywords: disaster mitigation; landslide

Liena Sofiana ◽  
Suci Musvita Ayu

<p>Indonesia, being a tropical area with high humidity, is a source of proliferation of worms. Soil-Transmitted Helminths infection is widespread in all rural and urban areas. Children who are infected usually experience lethargy, pallor or anemia, weight loss and listlessness, as well as decreasing their learning concentration and productivity. Prevention effort to reduce the incidence of Soil-Transmitted Helminths infection is conducted by providing the information on Soil-Transmitted Helminths infection. Health promotion cannot be separated from media because messages delivered through media can be more interesting and easier to understand. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a pocket book to increase preventive behavior for Soil-Transmitted Helminthes Infections. This type of research was a quasi-experimental study. The samples of this study were all elementary school infected students in grades 3, 4, and 5 with a package of interventions for the provision of a pocket book. The effectiveness of the pocket book is determined by using the t test. There are differences between the mean of knowledge and attitude, but the mean of behavior of Soil -Transmitted Helminths Infection before and after the pocket book is similar.</p>

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