scholarly journals Pendapatan Usahatani Tanaman Kakao (Teobroma kakao) Di Kelurahan Hinekombe, Distrik Waibu, Kabupaten Jayapura

Agrologia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Metius Wonda ◽  
Evawani Tomayahu

Kakao is one of important estate commodity for the national economy, since kakao plantation provide a significant number of employment which is support national income and foreign exchange. This study aims to determine  farm  incomes of kakao farmers in  Hinekombein Village,  Waibu Subistrict of Jayapura District. Primary data was collected by used of interview and observation guided by a questionnaire. The primary data obtained through interviews with farmers using a questionnaire. Secondary data has been obtained from secondary data sources associated with the research. Sampling was done by simple random sampling for cocoa farmers in Hinekombe Village, number of respondents was 30 farmers cocoa farmers This study showed that annual revenue of cocoa of farmers which has 0.5 of cultivated area  was Rp 1,150,556. The revenue of farmer which has 1 ha of cultivated area was Rp. 2.662.500.

Shanty Bahar Ising ◽  
Mujiono Mujiono

This study aims to find out, describe and analyze the democratic leadership of the Principal in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Madrasah (MAN). The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The researcher wanted to describe the Principal's democratic leadership in improving achievement at the Palangka Raya Model State Islamic Senior High School (MAN). Primary data sources (person) are the Principal, Teachers (Teachers) and Students of MAN Model Palangka Raya. Whereas secondary data sources are the data in the Palangka Raya Model MAN and supporting literature. The results of the study show that the Principal's leadership in improving achievement in the Palangka Raya Model MAN is very democratic, this condition can be seen from: (1) Principals are happy to receive suggestions, opinions and even criticism from subordinates both delivered by students and teachers through suggestion boxes and in the teacher council meeting, (2) the Principal always strives to prioritize teamwork cooperation in an effort to achieve the goal by appointing the instructor teacher, trainer teacher and mentor teacher and conducting deliberation in planning, implementing and evaluating activities, (3) the Principal always tries to make subordinates more success than him, which is realized by including teachers in seminars, workshops, training and competitions so that they get achievements both locally and nationally, and (4) Principals always try to develop their personal capacity as good leaders in conceptual skills, human skill and technical skill.

2020 ◽  

The research is proposed to test the influence of Leadership and Motivation Work on Public Service Quality. The population in this study was the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh who had received the last 1 year service at the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh, amounting to 260 people. Furthermore, by using the Slovin formula, a sample size of 158 people was chosen with a sampling technique based on Simple Random Sampling. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis and hypothesis testing using t test with data analysis using SPSS version 20. The results of the study based on showing that partially the Leadership and motivation work have a positive and significant effect on Public Service Quality. The results also show that motivation work variables act as intervening variables between Leadership and Public Service Quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-190
Zuhri Fahruddin

Abstract: The learning carried out by the teacher in the classroom must develop the quality of learning, one of which is learning motivation, students who are not passionate about learning are not optimal and of high quality, from this goal the reality is still far from expectations, many students are not aware of the importance of studying seriously, there is no passion study, there is no fun in the study room. The sampling technique used is Census Sample (Sample Saturated), while criterion-based selection is used when conducting qualitative research, 30 students as primary data sources, two teachers as secondary data sources. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and questionnaires, while data analysis by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and verification by means of research stages I and II students and teachers with a Da'wah educational background, stage III and IV student informants and teachers with PAI educational background.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Effy Wardati Maryam ◽  
Ririn Dewanti Dian Samudera Indriani

Women are the group most severely affected by poverty, especially in case of food insecurity. As a result of these conditions, pregnant mothers could malnutrition that can potentially give birth in poor mental or health condition. Poverty reduction is not merely the issue of capital and technical skills, but also how to evoke the feeling of being able to overcome problems of their lives in a dignified manner. Empowerment of poor women do in order to find the effort that poor women can actively participate in any activities for poverty alleviation. This study aims to assess community participation, particularly of women to poverty alleviation efforts based on empowerment. This research was descriptive-exploratory using primary data sources from interviews and secondary data sources of written documents on the implementation of the Programme P3EL in Sidoarjo. Subjects were members P3EL program in 2012 and the BPMPKB (particularly the PUE) as the implementing program. The results showed that the model of participation of members to poverty alleviation efforts based on the empowerment of women through P3EL program were in the form of energy, thoughts, and cooperation. While the participation factors underlying were egoism motivation and collectivism. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-286
I Made Aswin Ksamawantara ◽  
Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih ◽  
I Made Minggu Widyantara

The phenomenon of Foreign Exchange (Forex) that runs in the investment sector and can help the development of Indonesia. Currently forex is a trend that is endemic and attracts the attention of many parties, both investors and the public in general. Foreign exchange or forex is a type of trade or transaction that trades the currency of a country against the currencies of other countries involving the main money markets in the world for 24 hours continuously, so in this case a legal protection is needed. The purpose of this research is to analyze legal protection in Forex transactions and legal sanctions imposed by the government on illegal Forex broker activities. This research uses a normative method that with a statutory approach. Sources of data used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. After primary legal data and secondary legal data are collected, the data will then be processed and analyzed using systematic legal data processing methods. The results showed that the alleged fraudulent investment fraud case under the guise of forex trading involved illegal brokers from the Guardian Capital Group (GCG) Asia, which harmed consumers. In line with that, the government issued a legal rule, namely Law No.8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The Consumer Protection Law that has been set by the government is the legal basis that is accurate and full of optimism in protecting consumer rights.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81
Muhammad Erwin Munthe

Abstract Constitution mandates that the national economy should be run by promoting people's welfare. This study intends to analyze the mechanisms and criteria for state intervention in order to provide legal protection to consumers and other businesseman in creating healthy business competition. This study uses doctrinal method research in the form of evaluative research. The approach which is used is the approach of legislation with secondary data sources in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. From the discussion and showed that the mechanism of state intervention is likethe delimitation of the price tolerance 10 % for rice, granting subsidies (BLT), market operations, tariff Arrangement of Impor Tax, Price Determination of Government Purchase (HPP), Restrictions of food exports. While the criteria for state intervention is the production branches which are important for the country and dominate the life of many people, the production branches are arranged legislation, organized by the state or body or institution established or designated by the government.AbstrakUndang-Undang Dasar 1945 mengamanatkan bahwa perekonomian nasional harus dijalankan dengan mengedepankan kesejahteraan rakyat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis mekanisme dan kriteria intervensi negaradalam rangka memberikan perlindungan hukum kepada konsumen dan pelaku usaha lainnya dalam mewujudkan persaingan usaha sehat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal dalam bentuk penelitian evaluatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan dengan sumber data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Dari hasil pembahasan dan penelitian diperoleh bahwa mekanisme inrevensi harga adalahseperti penetapan batas toleransi harga 10% untuk beras, Pemberian Subsidi (Harga/BLT), Operasi Pasar, Pengaturan Tarif Bea Masuk Impor, Penetapan Harga Pembelian Pemerintah (HPP), Pembatasan Ekspor Pangan. Sedangkan kriteria intervensi negara yaitu pada cabang-cabang produksi yang penting bagi negara dan menguasai hajat hidup orang banyak, cabang-cabang produksi tersebut diatur undang-undang, diselenggarakan oleh BUMN atau badan atau lembaga yang dibentuk atau ditunjuk oleh pemerintah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-143
Ade Indra Permana ◽  
Mulky Fauzan ◽  
Sugeng Lubar Prastowo

This study aims to analyze the influence of brand image, service quality, and perceived price and its implication towards student satisfaction in Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT). This research is quantitative in nature. Both primary and secondary data were obtained from various source such as journals. Primary data were gathered using questionnaire which were distributed to the target respondent. The population consists of active students from Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economy actively studying in 2017 using a purposive sampling. Total sample of 100 students were obtained. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 23. The research found that the brand image, service quality and perceived price are affecting students satisfaction of Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang. Researcher suggests UMT to improve their brand image, also to improve administration services and lecturer quality. In addition UMT shall adjust their tuition costing structure to win the competition in pricingPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Citra Merek, Kualitas Layanan dan Persepsi Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa di Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang (UMT). Penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dan bersifat explanatory, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data berdasarkan kuesioner dan dokumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa dari fakultas teknik dan fakultas ekonomi yang aktif berkuliah pada tahun 2017. Metode pengambilan sample menggunakan metode probability sampling dan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Penentuan ukuran sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan tingkat kesalahan 10% berjumlah 100 mahasiswa yang diambil sebagai responden. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa menggunakan SPSS versi 23. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa Citra Merek, Kualitas Layanan dan Persepsi Harga secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap Kepuasan Mahasiswa di UMT. Peneliti menyarankan UMT perlu meningkatkan citra merek, dan juga melakukan peningkatan di kualitas staf administrasi dan pengajar. Selain itu UMT perlu meninjau kembali biaya perkuliahan yang dikenakan ke mahasiswa agar dapat meningkatkan daya saing

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 140
Dio Pratama ◽  
Saptono Nugroho

This research was conducted to find out the motivation of female tourist to visit Gay club, the perception of the tourist and local community towards the Gay Club. The methods used in this research id descriptive qualitative. The technique of determination of informants used is purposive sampling technique. Data sources used are primary and secondary data sources. Primary data in this research is sourced from direct observation to the research location by means of observation and interviews. While secondary data in this research are the data obtained from the documentation or studies library to complement the primary data. The result of the research shows that most tourist say curious to see Gay club as a motivation for a visit; most tourist plead happy after seeing the atrractions there; most neutral against Gay tourist; most local community already know about Gay club; most local community are not disturbed; most local people are not benefitting from the presence of the Gay club. Keywords : Tourist Motivation, Community Local Perception, Gay Club

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 18 ◽  
Ömer Çoban

Tourism and happiness are highly related concepts. Research streams in happiness and tourism fall into two main categories: (1) tourists’ happiness and (2) residents’ happiness. In this paper, we followed the second research stream by focusing on the relationship between residents’ happiness and tourism. The purpose of this paper is to discover whether tourism development in a destination contributes to the happiness of residents by analyzing secondary data sources, which differs from other studies that have examined this research question using primary data sources. The data used in this research comes from the records of public bodies. Our findings indicate that residents in marine-based mass tourism regions are less happy than residents in cultural heritage tourism destinations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Anatasya Angelina Lelet ◽  
Yolanda Pinky Ivanna Rori ◽  
Joachim Noch Karel Dumais

The objective of this research is to analyze the income of rice farming based on the revenue sharing system in Wolaang Village, East Langowan sub-district, Minahasa Regency. This research was conducted for 3 month, starting from January to March 2019. The Samples of farmers is using simple random sampling method (simple random). Data collected in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained from direct interviews with 30 farmer. While secondary data obtained from BP3K East Langowan sub-district and BPS Minahasa Regency, books available at local bookstores and the internet such as google searching to access articles from various scientific journals and thesis from other universities related to the topic of this research, especially income analyze. The results showed that the income received by landowners was Rp.13,462,500 while the income received by smallholders was smaller than that of landowners, namely Rp.9,940,865.*jnkd+eprm*

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