Naily Rahma

Keywords: Islamic Values, Morals guidance, Internalization The formulation of the problem in this research are, firstly, how is the implementation of internalization of Islamic values in guiding students morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ikhsan Jombang? Second, what are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the internalization of Islamic values in guiding students’ morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq at Madrasah Aliyah Al Ikhsan Jombang? Third, how is the efforts made by teachers in Madrasah Aliyah Al Ikhsan Jombang in overcoming the obstacles of the internalization of Islamic values in guiding students morality through the subject of Aqeeda Akhlaq?Qualitative approach is used in this research. Data are collected through observation, interview and documentation. The data is analyzed using descriptive analysis which described "what is" about a variable, symptom or state.Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that, first, the implementation of the internalization of Islamic values in guiding students morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq in the madrasah was shown by the existence of religious activities that must be implemented/ obeyed by all the students in the madrasah, whether it is in the form of Mahdhoh and Ghoiru Mahdhoh. Second, the supporting factors in the implementation of internalization of Islamic values in guiding students morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq in this madrasah consists of internal and external factors that exist in the child himself. Meanwhile, the factors that hinder the implementation of the internalization of Islamic religious values in guiding students morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq in this madrasah is generally a constraint that come from students who had many problems which is difficult to set up, lazy to perform the task and so on. Other factor is families relying solely on education and guidance provided by the school, and problems BP teachers who had not been able to handle the problems that were done by students. Third, in overcoming the obstacles of internalization of Islamic religious values in guiding students morality through the subjects Aqeeda Akhlaq, efforts made by principals and teachers are: (1) giving more attention to troubled children, (2) giving understanding gradually, (3) providing a fair affection among students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Hera Bintani ◽  
Lulu Alawiyah ◽  
Septia Yuhandira ◽  
Asep Supena

Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan cara guru dalam melakukan pembinaan minat dan bakat siswa berkebutuhan khusus yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu mengidentifikasi, mengasesmen, mengelompokkan, melatih, dan mengikuti perlombaan, juga bertujuan untuk menguraikan faktor penghambat yang dialami serta faktor pendukung yang dilakukan sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan metode penelitian naratif inkuiri. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi sebagai salah satu SD inklusi yang ada di Jakarta Timur. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah Guru Pembimbing Khusus (GPK). Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara dengan GPK sebagai instrument utama dalam penelitian. Analisis data yang dilakukan adalah penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan dengan mengumpulkan berbagai informasi dari informan yang kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk rangkaian susunan cerita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pembinaan minat dan bakat di SDN Susukan 01 Pagi dilakukan melalui tahapan identifikasi, asesmen, klasifikasi, pelatihan dan perlombaan. Dalam prakteknya dukungan sosial dan GPK memiliki peranan yang penting dalam membina minat dan bakat anak berkebutuhan khusus. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan memiliki kendala yang berasal dari siswa itu sendiri seperti mood siswa yang mudah berubah. : The purpose of this research is to explain the way teachers in fostering the interests and talents of students with special needs consisting of several stages, namely identifying, assessing, grouping, training, and participating in competitions, also aims to describe the inhibiting factors experienced and supporting factors that are carried out by schools. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach using the inquiry narrative research method. This research was conducted at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi as one of the inclusive elementary schools in East Jakarta. The subject in this study was the Special Teacher/Guru Pendamping Khusus (GPK). Data collection techniques used were interviews with GPK as the main instrument in research. Data analysis was performed by presenting data and drawing conclusions by gathering various information from informants who were then presented in the form of a series of story arrangements. The results showed that the interest and talent training program at SDN Susukan 01 Pagi was carried out through the stages of identification, assessment, classification, training and competitions. In practice social support and GPK have an important role in fostering the interests and talents of children with special needs. In carrying out activities there are obstacles that come from the students themselves such as student’s moods that are easy to change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-187
Yulianti Yulianti ◽  
Stephani Raihana Hamdan ◽  
Dian Widya Putri

Globalization and technological development has impact on competition for the excellence in all aspects of life, including in the field of education. Education is the main basis of a nation’s strategy to rise from adversity. Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) is one option for parents who not only consider about quality, but also prioritize the application of good religious values. Indeed, the axiom of good student output in the future is closely related to good values, good skills and a good attitude. The ultimate goal of Islamic Education is the emergence of moral guidance, so that it is appropriate to strengthen religious values in Fikom Unisba. This research is related to the efforts to strengthen the religious values carried out by the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Unisba which is use a qualitative approach. The subject of this study was Dr. O. Hasbiansyah as the Dean of the Faculty of Communication, Unisba. Management of religious values instilled in the Faculty of Communication in every aspects. Starting from the curriculum, human resources (lecturer, education staff, and students), as well as the work environment (setting). This is makes Islamic values inseparable from work and service. All of them are integrated in one system, in order to create strenghtening of value as the common goal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-63
Peter O. O. Ottuh ◽  

The popular edible fruit called kola nut that is found all over the Earth is native to the people of West Africa. In Idjerhe (Jesse) culture, the kola nut is part of the people’s traditional religious activities and spirituality. The presentation, breaking, and eating of the kola nut signifies hospitality, friendship, love, mutual trust, manliness, peace, acceptance, happiness, fellowship, and communion with the gods and spirits. These socio-religious values of the kola nut among the Idjerhe people are not well documented,however, and this paper aims to fill the lacuna. It employs participatory observation and oral interviews, supported by a critical review of scholarly literature on the subject. The research posits that churches can use the kola nut as a Eucharistic element that would be meaningful and indigenous to the Idjerhe people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-184
Ahmad Ichsan ◽  
Choirunnisak Choirunnisak ◽  
Meriyati Meriyati

This research was motivated when the policy of eliminating hajj bailouts was lowered, it made researchers want to know the factors of eliminating hajj bailouts at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya), as well as how the solutions for customers provided by Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya) related to the elimination of hajj bailouts. This study aims to analyze the abolition of hajj bailouts at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BNI Syariah Indralaya). This research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. This research data uses primary data. To explore relevant data, the writer uses the interview method, after the data has been collected, it is analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the elimination of hajj bailouts was due to hajj bailouts that were not the main product, hajj bailout products were not profitable, and the high waiting list for prospective hajj pilgrims. The solution provided by the bank is the introduction of the iB Hasanah Savings product.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-182
Nova Erlina Yaumas ◽  
Syafrimen Syafril

Students in the Department of Guidance and counseling are prospective education counselors who need to be given information about the use of internet technology that is good and right. The attitude of student responsibility needs to be known by educators so that educators can provide services to instill the attitude of student responsibility in the use of internet technology. This study aims to see the responsible attitude of prospective counselors in the use of internet technology in students of Guidance and Counseling. Research conducted through a qualitative approach, which refers to the case study research design. Potential Guidance and Counseling teachers who are also prospective counselors at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and teacher training at UIN Raden Intan Lampung became the subject of research. The research data were analyzed in a descriptive thematic way using Nvivo software. The results showed that there were still students who were not responsible for utilizing internet technology properly. Educators must provide motivation and direct students to have a more responsible attitude to use the Internet as a student's responsibility

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Arisni Kholifatu ◽  
Tengsoe Tjahjono

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori postkolonialisme Gayatri Spivak. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini  mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data novel Arok Dedes  yang berkisah tentang kudeta di Tanah Jawa. Data penelitian ini adalah kata, kalimat, paragraf, yang terdapat dalam novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori poskolonial Ggayatri Spivak. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi atau pustaka. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisia deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian adalah pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer.Kata kunci: Subaltern, poskolonial, pengaruh tahta, perlawananABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer by using the postcolonialism theory of Gayatri Spivak. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The approach in this study using a qualitative approach because in this study used Arok Dedes story novel as data sources  which is about a coup in Java. This research data is words, sentences, paragraphs, contained in Arok Dedes novel by Pramoedya Anan ta Toer by using postcolonial Ggayatri Spivak theory. Data collection techniques in this study used the method of documentation or literature . The data analysis technique of this study used descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study are the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Keywords: Subaltern, postcolonial, influence of throne, resistance

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-138
Fatmawati Fatmawati

Abstract: Every adult male who works with various types of background work is a form of responsibility to provide for his family members . Observing one's work activities , this study analyzed the work activities on college institutes followers of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN) in Pontianak city. The research analyzes using perspective of Sociology of Religion , how functions can Sufism moral formation (ethics ) working his followers . Furthermore, this study used a qualitative approach comes with a descriptive method. Networking research data using the snowball technique in college institutes informant followers of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah As-Salam and An-Nuur in Pontianak city QN flow assuming a more dominant in Pontianak. The next stage of data were analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of the research—stageportrait of detainees practice Sufism by iḥsān; students were guided by mursyid (teacher like procession allegiance) and remembrance procession done consistently implications for morality (ethics) work has a spiritual dimension and Islamic values. Morality (ethics) refers to the working properties such as the nature of the Prophet Muhammad,ṣiddiq (right ), amanah (trust), faṭanah (intelligence) and tablīgh (sermons/promotion) which is still relevant today. When performing work activities of Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN)followersfeel have the power within themselves so that they always feel to be watched. They are careful in their work and always maintain appropriate behavior Islamic morality . Abstrak: Setiap laki-laki dewasa yang bekerja dengan berbagai latar belakang jenis pekerjaan adalah sebagai bentuk tanggung jawabnya untuk memberi nafkah anggota keluarga¬nya. Mencermati aktivitas kerja seseorang, kajian ini meng¬analisis aktivitas kerja pada pengikut perguruan tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (QN) di kota Pontianak. Adapun pisau analisis penelitian menggunakan persfektif Sosiologi Agama, bagimana fungsi tasawuf dapat pembentukan akhlak (etika) kerja para pengikutnya. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dilengkapi dengan metode deskriptif. Penjaringan data penelitian ini meng¬gunakan teknik snow ball yakni pada informan pengikut perguruan tarekat Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah As-Salam dan An-Nuur di kota Pontianak dengan asumsi aliran QN lebih dominan di Pontianak. Tahapan selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian mengambarkan tahapan-tahahan pengamalan tasawuf oleh ikhsan/murid yang dibimbing oleh mursyid/guru seperti prosesi bai’at (ikrar) dan prosesi zikir yang dilakukan secara konsisten berimplikasi pada akhlak (etika) kerja yang mempunyai dimensi spiritual dan nilai-nilai Islami. Akhlak (etika) kerja merujuk sifat-sifat Nabi Muhammad Saw seperti sifat ṣiddiq(benar), amanah (tangungjawab), faṭanah (kecerdasan) dan tablīgh (promosi) yang masih relevan hingga kini. Ketika melakukan aktivitas kerja para pengikut QN merasa mempunyai kekuatan spiritualdi dalam dirinya, yakni merasa selalu ada yang mengawasi. Mereka berhati-hati dalam bekerja dan selalu menjaga perilakunya sesuai akhlak Islami. Keywords: tasawuf, tarekat, akhlak, etika.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Nabila Rahma Silmi ◽  
Tuah Nur ◽  
Dian Purwanti

The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of regional disaster management policies in Sukabumi City and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors of the successful implementation of regional disaster management policies. This research method uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of regional disaster management policies was not optimal. The conclusion is that the socialization activities are still lacking and equitable, human resources and infrastructure have not been added yet. The inhibiting factors are in terms of institutional, apparatus discipline, budget, resources, facilities and environment that are less conducive. Supporting factors are the existence of regulations or regulations on disaster management. for communication carried out by BPBD Sukabumi City in carrying out socialization activities or training on disaster management to the public is still lacking and uneven. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Disaster Management.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Aset Sugiana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses dalam QS. Luqman (31):12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18):60-82. Metode penelitian ini adalah menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yang akan dianalisis atau disimpulkan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pencatatan nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditemukan dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82. Langkah-langkah pengadaan data meliputi: (1) penentuan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses yang terdapat dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82; (2) pencatatan; dan (3) penentuan satuan unit. Keabsahan data didiskusikan dan dikonsultasikan penemuan-penemuan data kepada para ahli dan teman sebaya.  Teknik analisis yang peneliti gunakan yaitu mengklasifikasikan, menggabungkan, menafsirkan, dan menyimpulkan. Hasil penelitian dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat standar pendidikan, yaitu: (1) pendidikan ketauhidan; (2) pendidikan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua; (3) pendidikan disiplin dan taat terhadap hukum; (4) pendidikan pribadi mandiri dan bertanggung jawab; dan (5) pendidikan akhlaqul karimah. Dan standar proses dalam QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82, yaitu: (1)  nilai kesabaran dan tekat; (2) nilai urgenitas menyiapkan bekal; (3) sikap tawadhu’; dan (4) nilai urgensi menjelaskan materi pelajaran.Kata kunci: standar pendidikan Islam, standar proses, QS. Luqman (31): 12-19, QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82.ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZED PROCESSES IN CHILDREN QS. LUQMAN (31): 12-19 AND QS. AL-CAVE (18): 60-82AbstractThis research aims to describe the standards of Islamic education and the standards process in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. This research method used library research to be analyzed or concluded.  Research data obtained from the results of the recording of Islamic values that are found in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. The steps of procurement data include: (1) the determination of the standard of Islamic education and standards process contained in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82; (2) record-keeping; and (3) the determination of the unit. The validity of the data is discussed and consulted on data findings to experts and peers.  Technique of data analysis used ie classifies, combine, interpret, and conclude. Research results in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and indicates that there are educational standards, namely: (1) whence are education; (2) education dedicated to both parents; (3) education of discipline and obedience of the law; (4) private education independent and responsible; and (5) education akhlaqul karimah. And the standards process in respect of QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82, namely: (1) the value of patience and determined; (2) the value of the urgenitas prepare; (3) tawadhu' attitude; and (4) the value of the urgency to explain the subject matter.

As-Sibyan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Isti Nganah ◽  
Siti Anisatun Nafi'ah

The Online Learning During Pancemic Covid-19 At MI Ma’arif NU Ngadirejo Kaligesing Purworejo Central of Java, the research of study is (1) to describe the online learning during pandemic covid-19 at MI Ma’arif NU Ngadirejo Kaligesing Purworejo (2) the supporting and inhibiting factors of online learning during pandemic covid-19 at MI Ma’arif NU Ngadirejo Kaligesing Purworejo. This reseach employs qualitative approach, the data get by the observation, documentation, and interview. The subject of research is theachers, parents and students of MI Ma’arif NU Ngadirejo Kaligesing. The analyze of data is triangulation of data with qualitative approach. The result of reseach is implementation online learning during pandemic at MI Ma’arif NU Ngadirejo Kaligesing Purworejo less effective because of several inhibiting factors, and not all of students have smartphones and the internet network is less stable.

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