AbstractLiquid by product of palm oil pruduct Mills as an organic fertilizer to meet crop nutrient needs of corn and increase fertilizer efficiency. Utilization of zeolite can improve the quality of organic fertilizers, soil conditioners and water backup controller. The study aims to determine the effect of fertilizer of liquid product of palm oil mill plus zeolite on the growth of corn and determines that the liquid product of palm oil mill as a ferlizer plus zeolite can better influence the growth of corn plants that without zeolite. The study lasted for three months. Research using a completely randomized design, with 3 levels of treatment is treatment Side Liquid Product Mills useness. The treatments were without Side Liquid Product Mills plus zeolite (P0), Side Liquid Product Mills without zeolite 1000 ml (P1), Side Liquid Product Mills 1000 ml plus zeolite 10% (P2). Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that there are 3 x 3 = 9 experimental units. The results showed that the liquid manure of by products of palm oil mill plus zeolite may affect plant growth significantly, especially in the corn plant height, weight of wet canopy, root wet weight, levels of leaf N and P content of leaves. Liquid byproduct of palm oil mills plus 10% zeolite 1000 ml dose of plant can better influence the growth of corn plants. Keywords : Side Liquid Product Mills, Zeolit, Corn AbstrakProduk Samping Cair Pabrik Kelapa Sawit (PSCPKS) sebagai pupuk organik dapat memenuhi kebutuhan unsur hara tanaman jagung dan meningkatkan efisiensi pemupukan. Pemanfaatan zeolit dapat meningkatkan kualitas pupuk organik, soil conditioner dan pengontrol cadangan air. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk produk samping cair pabrik kelapa sawit plus zeolit terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dan menentukan bahwa pupuk produk samping cair pabrik kelapa sawit plus zeolit dapat lebih baik mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman jagung dari pada pupuk produk samping cair pabrik kelapa sawit tanpa zeolit. Pelaksanaan penelitian berlangsung selama 3 bulan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan 3 taraf perlakuan merupakan perlakuan pemberian PSCPKS. Perlakuan yang diteliti adalah : tanpa PSCPKS plus zeolit (P0), PSCPKS tanpa zeolit 1000 ml (P1), PSCPKS 1000 ml plus zeolit 10% (P2). Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali sehingga terdapat 3 x 3 = 9 unit percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pupuk produk samping cair pabrik kelapa sawit plus zeolit dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman jagung secara signifikan terutama pada tinggi tanaman, bobot basah tajuk, bobot basah akar, kadar N daun dan kadar P daun. Produk samping cair pabrik kelapa sawit plus zeolit 10% dosis 1000 ml tanaman-1 dapat lebih baik mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Kata kunci : PSCPKS, Zeolit, Jagung