2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-10

This article describes the development of forms and methods of art disciplines’ teaching under the conditions of distance learning. The main aim of the research is to develop recommendations for the artistic disciplines' teaching by educational institutions under the conditions of distance learning. To achieve this goal during the research, the following tasks will be carried out: - substantiation of the relevance of the study under the conditions of quarantine restrictions; - critical analysis of the literature on the development of the form and methods of teaching art disciplines; - the features of online work, and the features of work under the conditions of distance learning in higher education institutions. To conduct empirical research aimed at confirming the effectiveness of the developed teaching forms, we surveyed a group of students. It allowed proving the hypothesis that distance learning can be effective. The article contains recommendations for lecture classes, the organization of independent and group work, and other types of distance learning. The main direction of the development of teaching artistic disciplines is the development of educational technologies within the virtual environment. The developed forms and methods of distance learning are expedient to use both in the work with full-time students and the work with extramural students, attracting the possibilities of web-conferencing and communication using Skype, which forms the practical significance of the research.

Raushanya Zinurova ◽  
Tatiana Nikitina

The article introduces a comprehensive study of distance learning in higher education during the pandemic. The authors analyzed the readiness of universities to implementing e-learning platforms. They focused on the legal and organizational aspects of digital environment. The authors studied relevant interviews given by heads of higher educational institutions in various media sources. The research objective was to develop and perform a formalized interview with full-time students of Russian universities. The study made it possible to identify a wide range of issues that affect the passage to distance learning, as well as to define the prospective directions and problem areas of the digital environment at universities as part of domestic digital economy. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of tasks for a successful transfer of universities to distance or blended learning.

Natal'ya Kuz'menko ◽  
Ol'ga Krapchetova ◽  
Vyacheslav Petrov

The criteria for choosing the means of organizing training in educational institutions of higher education with the use of distance learning technologies are considered

Светлана Олеговна Фоминых ◽  
Галина Александровна Александрова ◽  
Ирина Владимировна Филиппова

В условиях распространения Covid-19 в нашей стране практически все образовательные учреждения перешли на дистанционные образовательные технологии. У преподавателей и студентов вуза не было возможности плавного перехода к дистанционной форме обучения, а сроки были максимально сжаты. Предметом исследования является отношение студентов ЧГПУ им. И. Я. Яковлева к дистанционному обучению.Исследование проводилось на основе анкетирования студентов очной формы обучения, вынужденных в условиях распространения Covid-19 перейти на новый для них формат обучения. По результатам опроса можно сделать вывод, что основная доля респондентов на сегодняшний день не готова полностью отказаться от традиционных методов обучения в пользу дистанционных образовательных технологий.Проведенное исследование показало увеличение учебной нагрузки на студентов во время дистанционного обучения, а также позволило выявить его положительные стороны (занятия в комфортной и привычной обстановке; гибкость учебного процесса; возможность совмещать работу с учебой и т. д.) и трудности, с которыми пришлось столкнуться студентам в процессе дистанционного обучения (сложность выполнения практических заданий без объяснений преподавателя, большой объем заданий, учебной информации и т. д. In the context of the spread of Covid-19 in our country, almost all educational institutions have switched to distance educational technologies. University lecturers and students did not have a chance to go to distance learning gradually, and the terms were rather short. The subject of the research is the attitude of Yakovlev University students to distance learning.The study was carried out on the basis of the results of the questionnaire on the transition to a new form of education in the context of Covid-19. This questionnaire was held among full-time students who had experienced that transition. According to the results of the survey, it can be concluded that the majority of the respondents today are not ready to completely abandon the traditional form of learning in favor of distance learning technologies.The study showed an increase in the study load on students during distance learning, and also made it possible to identify its positive aspects (learning in a comfortable and familiar environment; flexibility of the educational process; the ability to combine work with study, etc.) and the difficulties that students were to face in the process of distance learning (the difficulty of completing practical tasks without explanations from the lecturer, a large amount of information asked, etc.).

Tetiana Labutkina

The experience and perspective of application of "on-line" technologies in the process of providing educational services by higher educational institutions are considered. The possibility of their progressive combination with the "offline" format of work is noted. It is discussed using modern information technologies in "on-line" and "off-line" lecture formats. A number of aspects of the presentation of lecture material in "on-line" and "off-line" forms are highlighted. Attention is paid to the use of presentations and interactive forms of work with the audience in both forms of lectures. The rationality of the application of the main form of lecture in the "off-line" format for full-time education is substantiated. The possibilities of its combination with lectures in the "on-line" format are noted. Attention is paid to great opportunities of "on-line" education in higher education (including "on-line" lectures) in distance learning and in the provision of second higher education.

Сергей Александрович Грязнов

Технологии меняют образ жизни и деятельность человека. Глобальная сеть Интернет облегчает быстрый доступ к полезной информации. Социальная, культурная и образовательная конкурентоспособность находятся под влиянием образовательных технологий, которые положительно влияют на стиль, продолжительность и метод обучения в высших учебных заведениях. Дистанционное образование возможно применять и как полноценную самодостаточную форму, и как дополнение к классическому обучению в аудиториях. Автор рассматривает в статье дистанционную форму обучения как альтернативу традиционной форме преподавания в вузах на время периодов самоизоляции (пандемии, сезонные карантины), а также как дополнение к традиционным формам обучения. Анализируются проблемные и положительные аспекты применения данной формы. Указаны возможные форматы обучения в условиях дистанционного образования. Выделены сильные и слабые стороны использования некоторых технологий. Technologies alter the way of living and work of a person. The Internet world network makes it easier to quickly access useful information. Social, cultural and educational competitiveness are influenced by educational technologies that positively influence the style, duration and method of education in higher education institutions. Distance education can be used as a full-fledged self-sufficient form, or as a Supplement to classical training in classrooms. The author considers distance learning as an alternative to the traditional form of teaching in higher education institutions during periods of self-isolation (pandemics, seasonal quarantines), as well as as an addition to traditional forms of education. The problem and positive aspects of using this form are analyzed. Possible formats of training in the conditions of distance education are specified. The strengths and weaknesses of the use of certain technologies are highlighted.

Roger Lewis

Before the creation of the United Kingdom Open University (UKOU) - its Charter was given in 1969 and the first students were admitted in 1971 - the full-time residential model of higher education was pervasive, with part-time and distance modes of study seen as separate and inferior. The UKOU demonstrated the effectiveness of distance learning but also, because of its success, in some ways inhibited change in the mainstream tertiary sector. As social and political pressures on the sector grew, higher education providers were forced to innovate and models of “open learning” offered ways forward. As a result, the distinction between “distance” and “face-to-face” delivery rapidly eroded during the 1990s. However, barriers still remain to a more radical approach to provision as a whole.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (33) ◽  
pp. 404-422

Distance education is essentially the basis for the development of educational institutions that provide innovative services, which cannot be obtained elsewhere. It is believed that distance education is a substitute for the traditional as part of simplifying and cheapening the learning process. At the same time, the leading global trends suggest the need for the development of elements of self-education and the expansion of the geographical nature of educational offers. The relevance of the study is that it is necessary to distinguish between the use of distance education methods in the traditional sphere and the sphere of training professionals. The paper presents the concept of the need to integrate elements of distance education in the process of preparing university teachers. The authors believe that teachers in drawing up courses and applying learning technologies use the same techniques as in distance learning. Therefore, the use of distance learning technologies can be shown as the basis for the development of advanced training programs and additional professional education. The authors proposed a study on the need and sufficiency of the use of distance education technologies and the possibilities for their integration into the process of postgraduate education. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the possibilities of self-development of teachers are fully disclosed, not only as subjects of the educational process but also as subjects of training.

Aleksandr N. Kononov ◽  
Anastasia S. Komissarova

Topicality of the study of the attitude to the distance learning format is due to the need to study the impact of such interaction in the “pedagogue-studentˮ system on the quality, motivation and overall satisfaction of students with the learning process. The study involved 120 people from 6 six higher education institutions in Moscow. The use of content analysis allowed us to identify 8 significant contexts (areas) around which the statements of the study participants are grouped: “Roadˮ, “Teachersˮ, “Returnˮ, “Distance learningˮ, “Full-time, full-time attendingˮ, “Training, training formatˮ, “Provided, changedˮ, “Qualityˮ. The results obtained indicate that the main disadvantages of the distance learning format, according to the respondents, are the lack of live communication with teachers, a decrease in the level of motivation and self-organisation, which ultimately has a negative impact on the psychoemotional state of students and the quality of material assimilation. At the same time, among the obvious advantages, there is a reduction in transport and time costs for the road to the place of study, as well as the opportunity to study the material at a convenient time. The results obtained can be used in the development of distance learning programmes for students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 18102
Elena Muryukina ◽  
Marina Pevneva ◽  
Tatiana Poliakova

New time challenges cause new contradictions that are peculiar for educational environment in Russia and they require instant solutions. We have identified the contradictions which defined our target to determine the techniques and methods of distance education for students of pedagogical specializations based on practice-oriented approach, implementation of media educational technologies into the preparation of university students aimed at the development of knowledge, competencies and skills in distance learning in different types of educational institutions. Media educational technologies are conditioned by general pedagogical and didactic principles and the choice of pedagogical methods directly depends on the content of educational discipline, conditions of its implementation and other factors. Media educational technologies used for the completion of social-pedagogical disciplines for university students consist of creative and game tasks. Using them it is essential to consider special features of various media and the target of the lesson. Practice is another relevant purpose in the process of distance learning. We believe that this problem will be dominating in the nearest future as practice in distance learning is focused on by higher education institutions. In this article some techniques and types of this practical training are presented being shaped by the format of distance learning. During various practices the students of pedagogical specializations will be able not only to prepare for their future work but also to assist subject teachers, social pedagogues in schools and to make considerable contributions in this work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 568-574
Mykhailo Liannoi ◽  
Olesia Dyshko ◽  
Serhii Melnyk ◽  
Mykola Chckailo ◽  
Andrii Hrybinichenko ◽  

The practical significance of the work is to develop and implementation the methodology for the motor qualities development of the cadets of military higher educational institutions by means of military pentathlon; the criteria for assessing the academic achievements of cadets during physical education at military higher educational institutions.

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