scholarly journals Pengaruh Aktivasi Regulasi Emosi Terhadap Prestasi Olahraga Atlet Disabilitas NPC Kota Surakarta

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Kliwon Kliwon ◽  
Ari Sarwanto

Background: Many studies have shown how important psychological roles are when enhancing an athlete's ability to deal with match situations. Psychological changes when comparing namely the increase in the ability of athletes to accept stress (pressure), keep concentrating, have a mental toughness (mental toughness) so as to overcome heavier opposition (Hastria Effendi, 2016: 23). Disability sports problems are closely related to psychological problems and symptoms of their athletes. Maximum achievement can be achieved by an athlete who is truly ready to compete with all his abilities. The readiness in question is the physical and psychological aspects of the athlete concerned.The research purpose was determined the effect of emotional regulation activation on the disability athletes’ performance in NPC of Surakarta City. Methods: The research type is quantitative research with analytic observational design through a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted at NPC of Surakarta City. The research population was the Athletes of NPC of Surakarta City. The number of NPC athletes in the Surakarta city which became the researech population amounted to 160 athletes. The sampling technique was used random sampling. Collecting data techniques were used questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Result:  The hypothesis testing was used Product Moment Correlation techniques. Conclusion: The research result was showed that there was a close influence between the emotions regulation on the performance of the NPC Surakarta athletes ( tcount > ttable ( (8.685> 1.571 ) )

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Oktarianita Oktarianita ◽  
Andry Sartika ◽  
Nopia Wati ◽  
Bintang Agustina Pratiwi

Background: Puskesmas as First Level Health Facilities (FKTP) plays a vital role during the Covid-19 pandemic in preventing and controlling the number of Covid-19 cases by anticipating, detecting, responding to events. However, at this time, the puskesmas are still underutilized by the community. The highest confirmed positive cases in Bengkulu City were in the Gading Cempaka District, with 990 cases. This study aimed to determine the variables related to the utilization of puskesmas in Bengkulu City. Methods: This research was quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents using an accidental sampling technique executed in March-August 2021. The research population was the entire community of Bengkulu City, with a sample of 110 respondents from the Gading Cempaka District, Bengkulu City. Data were analyzed by univariate to multivariate logistic regression. Results: The results show that 88 respondents (78.2%) have utilized the puskesmas, as many as 86 (78.2%) were female, 86 respondents (60.9%) belonged to the young age group, respondents with higher education were 73 respondents ( 66.4%), 73 respondents (66.4%) worked and as many as 79 respondents (71.8%) have income <UMP. The bivariate analysis results showed that the factors related to the utilization of the puskesmas (p<0.05) were variables of age, education, occupation, and income despite no relationship between gender, distance, knowledge, and family support (p>α). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that education was the dominant factor influencing the utilization of the puskesmas with (p-value = 0.010; B = 2.707; 95% CI = 1.892-118.569). Conclusion: The community has taken advantage of the puskesmas in terms of preventing Covid-19. The utilization of puskesmas is affected by age and education level.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-92
Didi Slamet Riyadi ◽  
Resista Vikaliana

The main problem in this study was suboptimal employee performance in PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia, so that it was suspected that selection and placement affected employee performance in the Jakarta Headquarter of PT Suzuki Finance Indonesia. The research type was quantitative research. The research population was 252 employees and the sample was 72 respondents sampled by simple random sampling technique and the data collection method used questionnaire. The data analysis was multiple regression analysis, t test and F test using SPSS 24. Based on the analysis result on the effect of selection on employee performance in the Jakarta Headquarter of Suzuki Finance Indonesia, there was no positive and significant effect. Therefore, h1 was rejected and h0 accepted. As for the effect of placement on employee performance in the Jakarta Headquarter of Suzuki Finance Indonesia, there was positive and significant effect. Therefore, h2 was accepted and h0 was rejected. Meanwhile, the effect of selection and placement on employee performance in the Jakarta Headquarter of Suzuki Finance Indonesia was positive and significant. Therefore, the hypothesis was proven.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Awaluddin Awaluddin

<p><em>Forest fires have always occurred in Riau Province since the last 18 years. Forest fires have an impact on humans.</em><em> </em><em>This study aimed to describe the </em><em>symptoms</em><em> of citizens</em><em> of Pekanbaru city </em><em>due to the </em><em>haze </em><em>in 2015. This study is a quantitative research using descriptive method with cross sectional approach. This research was conducted in the Pekanbaru </em><em>city </em><em>starting on 10 </em><em>-</em><em> 31 October 2015. The study population was haze affected residents </em><em>in </em><em>Pekanbaru. The sampling technique </em><em>was </em><em>accidental sampling method. The number of samples </em><em>was</em><em> 343 people. Measuring instrument used </em><em>was</em><em> the observation sheet by asking to citizens </em><em>who </em><em>perceived </em><em>symptoms </em><em>since the </em><em>haze</em><em> in the Pekanbaru</em><em> </em><em>city. Data were analyzed descriptively. The research result is known that the age group of respondents who have </em><em>symptoms</em><em> due to haze </em><em>majority </em><em>was 18-60 years </em><em>with </em><em>140 respondents (40.8%), sex were women as many as 250 respondents (72.9% ) and </em><em>symptoms</em><em> of citizens is most coughs and colds as many as 111 respondents (32.4%). Expected to residents </em><em>who </em><em>affected by smo</em><em>g</em><em> haze to reduce activities outside the home and if the need to leave home in order to use a mask, improve nutritional status and drink lots of water</em><em>.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Sudarman Sudarman ◽  
Roy Romey Daulas M ◽  
Muryanti Muryanti

Abstract: Parenting Parenting Patterns, Ability Mean Length Of Utterance (MLU), Pre School Children. Parents are the main teachers who can help their children to learn science in everyday life. Scientific in everyday life except influenced by education in school and parenting pattern at home and environment. The pattern of foster habits is a representation of attitudes and behaviors in and speaking, communicating during parenting activities. In the early stages the child uses a one-word sentence, two-word sentence, three-word sentence, and so on until the complete sentence of the structure. The number of elements that contain meaning in the sentence can be expressed with Mean Length of Tough (MLU). MLU is a concept used to measure linguistic products produced by a child. The general objective of this research is to know the relationship between parents' parenting patterns with the ability of Mean Length Recognition (MLU)in preschool children in Kindergarten ABA Toyibah Surakarta and TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta. The type of this research is quantitative research with analytic observational design with cross sectional approach, in this research there is no intervention/ respondent to the respondent, and only one time and do not follow up. This research will be done at TKABA Toyibah and TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta by using purposive sampling technique. From result of statistical analysis using "Kendall's_tau"analysis on parenting parenting variable with MLU ability in both kindergarten that is TK ABA Thoyibah and TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta obtained p value 0,000, which means p value 0.000 ≤ 0,05, This shows that there is a significant parenting pattern between parents with the ability of MLU in TK ABA Thoyibah and kindergarten Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta. The direction can be seen from the value of 0.364 rhitung which means there is a positive parenting with parents with the ability of MLU in kindergarten Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta. While the references of the results rhitung 0.364, which shows the retreat power including "weak" because it is included in between 0.20-0.399.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 186-194
Deby Zulkarnain Rahadian Syah ◽  
Muhamat Nofiyanto

Background: Nurses in charge of the Emergency Room are required to have more ability than nurses serving patients in other units. Emergency Room is an initial service in a hospital. One's leadership style will greatly affect the effectiveness of a leader. The selection of the right leadership style can lead to the achievement of individual or organizational goals. Objective: To know the various leadership style used by the head of room in improving the performance of nurses of Emergency Room RSUD in in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Method: This research includes quantitative research type, using cross sectional approach. The population of this study was the head of the treatment room. Secondary data of nurse's performance is taken from nursing care which is written in medical record file of Emergency Room of RSUD in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Results: The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD A in the good category was 100%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD B in the enough category was 45%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room C in good category was 80%. The performance of nurses at Emergency Room RSUD D in good category was 55%. The performance of nurses at RSUD E in the good category was 95%. The result of cross tabulation between leadership style and nurse performance of RSUD in the whole DIY with good performance is leader who use democratic leadership style equal to 35%. Conclusion: Most of the nurse's good performance in Emergency Room is followed by democratic leadership style of head of space.  Keyword: leadership style, head of space, performance of nurses

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Ni Wayan Noviani ◽  
Ni Komang Sari Suindani

<p><strong><em>Abstract: Knowledge of Pregnant Women About Sexual Relations Position During Pregnancy</em></strong><em>. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge of pregnant women about the position of sexual relations during pregnancy in BPM Wahidah, S.ST Year 2017. This research type is descriptive research with cross sectional approach by using accidental sampling technique. The population of this study were pregnant women who did the examination in BPM Wahidah, S.ST. The number of samples is 50 respondents who meet the inclusion criteria. This research started from 6-21 february 2017. The result showed that pregnant woman's knowledge about the position of sexual relationship during pregnancy was mostly (54%) knowledgeable enough. A small percentage of respondents aged 20-35 years ie 11 people (22%) have enough knowledge, from the work showed that almost half of respondents ie 23 people (46%) who do not work have enough knowledge, from education showed that almost half of respondents or 16 people (32%) who have medium education have enough knowledge, and from parity shows that almost half of respondents are 14 people (28%) who are multiparous have enough knowledge.</em></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Abstrak : Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Tentang Posisi Hubungan Seksual Pada Masa Kehamilan. </strong>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang posisi hubungan seksual pada masa kehamilan di BPM Wahidah, S.ST Tahun 2017. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan <em>cross sectional </em>dengan menggunakan teknik <em>accidental sampling. </em>Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil yang melakukan pemeriksaan di BPM Wahidah, S.ST.Jumlah sampel sebanyak 50 responden yang memenuhi criteria inklusi.Penelitian ini dimulai dari tanggal 6-21 februari 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan ibu hamil tentang posisi hubungan seksual pada masa kehamilan sebagian besar (54%) berpengetahuan cukup. sebagian kecil responden umur 20-35 tahun yaitu 11 orang (22%) memiliki pengetahuan cukup, dari pekerjaan menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden yaitu 23 orang (46%) yang tidak bekerja memiliki pengetahuan cukup, dari pendidikan menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden atau 16 orang (32%) yang berpendidikan menengah mempunyai pengetahuan cukup, dan dari paritas menunjukkan bahwa hampir setengahnya responden yaitu 14 orang (28%) yang multipara memiliki pengetahuan cukup.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 293
Herdianti Herdianti ◽  
Tatik Maryana

<p><em><em>Background: In Batik Mawar, almost all work is done manually using the hands and upper arms on a continuous basis combined with the rigor of work and the use of traditional tools. The work has a heavy workload because all the work process is done by the same craftsman causing fatigue besides that the worker also have double role. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between workload and dual role with feelings of fatigue on craftsmen batik roses.Method: This research is Quantitative research with Cross Sectional research design. The population in this study are all artisans in Batik Mawar. Sampling in this study using total sampling technique with the number of research samples as many as 40 respondents. Data analysis used by Univariat and Bivariat.Result: Result of data analysis using Chi-Square test for work load got value p-Value = 0,001. The result of data analysis using Chi-square test for double role got p-value = 0,031. Thus it is concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between workload and dual role with feeling tired. We recommend that craftsmen wash clothes 2 times a day, cook ready meals, other than together in completing the work at home</em></em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p><em>Di Batik Mawar, hampir semua pekerjaan dikerjakan secara manual menggunakan tangan dan lengan atas secara berkesinambungan yang dikombinasi dengan ketelitian kerja dan penggunaan alat-alat tradisional. Pekerjaan mempunyai beban kerja yang berat dikarenakan semua proses kerja dilakukan oleh pengrajin yang sama sehingga menimbulkan kelelahan</em><em> disamping itu pekerjanya juga memiliki peran ganda</em><em>.</em><em> Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan beban kerja dan peran ganda dengan perasaan lelah pada pengrajin batik mawar.Metode: </em><em>Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua pengrajin di Batik Mawar. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 40 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan Univariat dan Bivariat.</em><em>Hasil: </em><em>Hasil analisis data yang menggunakan uji Chi-Square untuk beban kerja didapatkan nilai p-Value = 0,001. Hasil analisis data yang menggunakan uji Chi-square untuk peran ganda didapatkan nilai p-value= 0,031. Dengan demikian  disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang bermakna antara beban kerja dan peran ganda dengan perasaan lelah.Sebaiknya pengrajin mencuci pakaian 2 kali sehari, memasak makanan siap saji, selain itu dengan cara bersama-sama dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan dirumah.</em><em></em></p><strong><em></em></strong>

Wahyu Mega Kurnianto ◽  
Sylvia Sari Rosalina ◽  
Nurminingsih Nurminingsih

This research aims to analyze the effect of marketing mix on brand image of the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, analyze the effect of product quality on brand image of the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, analyze the effect of brand image on purchase intention to the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, and to analyze the effect of purchase intention on purchase decision to the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball. This research is quantitative research that applies an associative descriptive approach. The research population is the people of Halim Perdanakusuma Village of East Jakarta who once consumed the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball with a total sample of 190 people. The research sampling was carried out using incidental sampling technique. The data collection was performed by distributing questionnaires and conducting interviews. The data were analyzed using SEM-PLS 2 and SPSS. The analysis results showed that marketing mix has a positive and significant effect on brand image of the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, product quality has a positive and significant effect on brand image of the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, the brand image has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention of the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball, and purchase intention has a positive and significant effect on purchase decision the Spesial SB packaging beef meatball.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Dian Rosadi ◽  
Fauzie Rahman ◽  
Sasikarani Sasikarani

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The achievement of Pulmonary TB CDR in the working area of Banjarmasin City Health Office is still 49% in 2015 and increased by 52% in 2016. The low achievement of pulmonary TB CDR in Banjarmasin became a health problem related to the performance of P2TB officers in the Health Service Working Area City of Banjarmasin. This study aims to explain factors related to the performance of Proram Control Officers Tuberculosis in the Work Area of Banjarmasin City Health Office. This research is a quantitative research using cross sectional design. The population is all officers of P2TB in the working area of Banjarmasin City Health Office. The sample taken is a population of 57 people using total sampling technique. The results showed that the availability factor of the facility was related to the performance of the Proram Control Officer Tuberculosis (ρ-value = 0.049). While factors unrelated to officer performance are psychological factor (ρ-value = 1.000) and incentive (ρ-value = 0.260). The Conclusion of this study is the relationship between the availability of facilities with the performance of Proram Control Officers Tuberculosis, but there is no relationship between the psychological and incentives with the Proram Control Officer Tuberculosis in the Work Area of Banjarmasin City Health Office.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Kadek Putra Sanchaya ◽  
Ni Made Dian Sulistiowati ◽  
Ni Putu Emy Darma Yanti

THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FAMILY SUPPORT AND THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISORDERS  ABSTRACTMental disorder is one of the most serious health problems. Families have to spend more time to provide care to People with Mental Disorders at home. People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ) usually have problems with quality of life. The study aimed to determine the relationship between family support and the quality of life of People with Mental Disorders / ODGJ. This research is a quantitative research by using cross-sectional design with correlative analytic method. The sample of the research were 39 people selected by non probability sampling technique of purposive sampling. Data collection of respondent characteristics was conducted by using questionnaire of respondent characteristics. The level of family support was assessed by using family support questionnaires proposed by Friedman and the quality of life of the respondents was measured using the SQLS questionnaires. The findings showed that good and moderate family supports have the same percentage of 35.9%, while the results of the quality of life score showed that the majority of respondents had good quality of life (82.1%). Based on the analysis by using Spearman-Rank test, there is a significant correlation between family support and quality of life of respondents with p = 0,000 (p <0,05) and strong correlation value of 0.618 and positive correlation direction which means if family support increases then the quality of life of respondents will increase and vice versa. The future researchers are expected to exercise control over other factors that may affect the quality of life of People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ).

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