2021 ◽  
pp. 106-120
Е.В. Папилова

В статье излагаются правила образования формы императива русского глагола. Теорию предлагается закрепить практическими упражнениями на материале русских народных пословиц и поговорок, изобилующих формами императива. Этот выбор не случаен: пословицы и поговорки, являясь концентратом народной мудрости, отражая быт, традиции, национальный характер русского народа, являются прекрасным источником пополнения культурологических, страноведческих знаний иностранных учащихся, изучающих РКИ на продвинутом этапе. The article explains the rules of formation of Imperative Verbs in the Russian language. The theory is followed by some exercises which make use of Russian proverbs and sayings, which are replete with imperative forms. This choice is no accident: these proverbs and sayings, being the “concentrate” of folk wisdom, both reflecting and depicting everyday life, traditions and the national character of the Russian people, are an excellent source of culturological and regional knowledge for foreign students who are learning the Russian language at advanced level.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 30-32
Антропова ◽  
M. Antropova

The article represents the author’s experience in creating a PR-glossary in the course of lessons of the Russian language with foreign students who study in Russian higher education institutions at the programme “Advertising and Public Relations”. The author considers work on creating a glossary not only as a traditional method of enlarging a student’s vocabulary but also as an innovative method of teaching students to understand and use vocabulary of the publicistic style on the basis of such modern sources as online magazines, online newspapers, websites, the corpus of the Russian language and online dictionaries, thus developing students’ lexicographic skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 225 ◽  
pp. 53-60
A.E. Avdeeva ◽  
N.M. Dmitrieva ◽  

The fairy tales contain plot and language elements that illustrate the ethical concepts of the Russian language picture of the world. Linguistic and cultural unit, which is rich in Russian fairy tale, known to every native speaker, on the one hand, complicate the understanding of them foreigners, and on the other help to understand the “Russian spirit” and traditions of Russian involved in Russian culture and allow formation of linguocultural competence for learners of Russian language. When referring to fairy tales, it is effective to use a linguocultural comment. Linguistic and cultural commentary refers to additional culturally significant information contained in texts and disclosed in their interpretation. This comment can be used at the elementary and basic levels. At an advanced level, you can analyze concepts that reveal the features of the Russian worldview. Ethical concepts reflect the value picture of the human world. These concepts include love and loyalty, humility and submission, joy and suffering, wisdom and patience, charity, and others. Russian fairy tales, describing the way of life, customs and traditions, spiritual and ethical values of the Russian people, are a reflection of the Russian mentality. For successful communication with native speakers and comfortable stay in a foreign language space, foreigners need to understand the values and mentality of the Russian people. Studying ethical concepts in fairy tales in the RFR classes forms a linguistic and cultural competence for foreign students, whose knowledge leads to rapid and successful adaptation in Russia, and the elimination of cultural and communicative barriers when communicating with native speakers of the Russian language.

Yabing Zhang

This article is devoted to the problem of using Russian time-prepositions by foreigners, especially by the Chinese. An analysis of modern literature allows the author to identify the main areas of the work aimed at foreign students’ development of the skills and abilities to correctly build the prepositional combinations and continuously improve the communication skills by means of the Russian language. In this paper, the time-prepositions in the Russian language have been analyzed in detail; some examples of polysemantic use of prepositions, their semantic and stylistic shades alongside with possible errors made by foreign students are presented. The results of the study are to help in developing a system of teaching Russian time-prepositions to a foreign language audience, taking into account their native language, on the basis of the systemic and functional, communicative and activity-centred basis. The role of Russian time-prepositions in constructing word combinations has been identified; the need for foreign students’ close attention to this secondary part of speech has been specified. It has been stated that prepositions are the most dynamic and open type of secondary language units within the quantitative and qualitative composition of which regular changes take place. The research substantiates the need that students should be aware of the function of time-preposition in speech; they are to get acquainted with the main time-prepositions and their meanings, to distinguish prepositions and other homonymous parts of speech as well as to learn stylistic shades of time-prepositions. Some recommendations related to the means of mastering time-prepositions have been given: to target speakers to assimilate modern literary norms and, therefore, to teach them how to choose and use them correctly by means of linguistic keys that are intended to fill the word with true meaning, to give it an organic structure, an inherent form and an easy combinability in the texts and oral speech.

Oleg Pustovalov

The territory of Trekhrechiye is the Region of Three Rivers (Sanhe, the District of Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia, the People's Republic of China). This territory is subject to scientific study by historians and philologists. The research objects of this article are language aspects of modern Trekhrechiye. The aim of the study is to describe language competence of the Russian settlers’ descendants, who live now in the Region of Three Rivers, that place became mass residential centre of the Russian people in the XX century. Moreover, it is important to show dynamics of the people’s competences of the Russian language throughout the entire period of the Russian presence there. The description of the language competence of the Russian settlers’ descendants of different generations is based on the results of scientific expedition to the Region of Three Rivers. The expedition took place in 2017–2018 and was undertaken by the author. It allowed the author to monitor the extent of the Russian language preservation in different generations.

Alla A. Zhukovska

The article deals with the issue of the language adaptation of foreign students who have left the preparatory faculty and begun their studies in Russian in the first year of the main faculty of the Russian University. The main problem is the lack of knowledge of Russian by foreign students to understand and take notes at lectures, to actively participate in seminars. The article identifies and discusses the main difficulties faced by foreigners while studying in Russia and the reasons of their appearance, analyzes the conditions of training of foreign students at the preparatory faculty and the real results of this training, the main of which is the discrepancy between what foreign students know and are capable of and what they need to know and be able to, becoming the first-year students of a Russian University. Most first-year foreign students find it difficult to study at the same level with Russian students, so they need the support and understanding of not only teachers of Russian as a foreign language, but also teachers of other subjects. It is noted that teachers who don’t specialize in teaching Russian as a foreign language can’t and don’t want to adequately assess the level of knowledge of a foreign student and help them if needed. The article proposes a possible solution to this problem.

О.Н. Маслова ◽  
О.В. Алексеева

Скорость и качество овладения русским языком иностранными студентами, обучающимися в медицинских вузах России, во многом зависят от того, имеется ли у этих студентов возможность пройти предварительную языковую подготовку на подготовительном факультете. В условиях ее отсутствия студенты получают образование на языке-посреднике, а русский язык становится факультативной дисциплиной, в результате чего погружение в русскую культуру, понимание правил невербальной коммуникации в русскоязычной среде, равно как и просто уверенное владение русским языком становятся уделом избранных лиц. Вместе с тем каждый иностранный студент должен проходить практику в русских медицинских учреждениях. В связи с этим перед преподавателем русского языка как иностранного встает несколько задач, к числу которых относится не только общеязыковая подготовка иностранных обучающихся к прохождению медицинской практики, но и речевая, культурологическая и психологическая. Успешной реализации поставленных задач может способствовать создание и использование на занятиях специального словаря-разговорника, который позволит студентам заблаговременно познакомиться с правилами поведения в больнице, освоить необходимый для практики лексический минимум, ввести в активный речевой оборот ряд фраз, актуальных в повседневном общении медперсонала с больными. В статье раскрывается и объясняется структура словаря, обозначены его задачи и целевая аудитория. The speed and the quality of mastering the Russian language by foreign students studying at medical universities in Russia largely depend on whether these students have the opportunity to take a preliminary year-long Russian language course at the preparatory division. If the students receive education in the English language, the Russian language program is reduced to an optional course, not sufficient to ensure understanding of Russian culture and rules of non-verbal communication in a Russian-speaking environment. However, every foreign student must undergo practical training in Russian medical institutions. In this case the Russian language teacher faces an almost insurmountable task of equipping students with the skills of communicating with Russian patients and colleagues and with sufficient cultural and psychological awareness for adequate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a hospital environment. The successful implementation of these tasks can be facilitated by developing and using a special vocabulary-phrase book at the lessons of the Russian language. This manual will allow students to get acquainted with the rules of behavior in the hospital in advance, master the lexical minimum necessary for practice and introduce a number of phrases that are relevant in everyday communication of medical staff with patients. The article reveals and explains the structure of the manual, identifies its objectives and target audience.

Liudmila Valova

Verbal aspect is one of the grammar “risk zones” of the Russian language. The purpose of this paper is to familiarize the reader with the author’s teaching method which makes it easier for foreign students to grasp the concept of Russian verbal aspect. The techniques and recommendations described in this paper can be applied while teaching students of different levels (A1 – C2).

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