scholarly journals Penerapan ‘Urf Sebagai Metode dan Sumber Hukum Ekonomi Islam

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-176
Fitra Rizal

The development of an increasingly advanced industry has an impact on the development of transactions in an increasingly complex economy so that many transaction activities that require ijtihad to find solutions to problems that may arise. The hope is that the transaction can run smoothly and in accordance with Islamic law. This study aims to discuss matters relating to how ‘urf becomes the methods and sources of Islamic law in economic activities using a qualitative research methodology with a library research approach. The results showed that 'urf' is a thing that is known and has become a habit of the community, both in the form of words or deeds. So ‘urf can be used as a method and legal basis for economic transaction activities. Some examples of the application of ‘urf in Islamic economic transactions are buying and selling transactions in modern shopping centers and some online-based economic transactions without saying shighat (I sell-I buy). Although the practice of buying and selling is not like the shighat described in classical literature, but because it contains a meaning that indicates the willingness of both parties it can be concluded that the transaction law may be based on ‘urf. Perkembangan industri yang semakin maju berdampak pada perkembangan transaksi dalam ekonomi yang semakin komplek sehingga banyak kegiatan transaksi yang membutuhkan ijtihad untuk mencari solusi dari permasalan yang mungkin muncul. Harapanya agar transaksi tersebut dapat berjalan lancar dan sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan bagaimana ‘urf menjadi metode dan sumber hukum Islam dalam kegiatan perekonomian dengan menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ‘urf ’merupakan suatu hal yang dikenal dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan masyarkat, baik berupa ucapan ataupun perbuatan. Sehingga ‘urf dapat dijadikan metode dan landasan hukum dalam kegiatan transaksi ekonomi. Beberapa contoh penerapan ‘urf dalam transaksi ekonomi Islam dalah transaksi jual beli di pusat perbelanjaan modern dan beberapa transaksi ekonomi yang berbasis online tanpa mengucapkan shighat (saya jual-saya beli). Walaupun praktik jual beli yang dilakukan tidak seperti shighat yang dijelaskan di literature klasik, namun karena mengandung arti yang menunjukkan kerelaan dari kedua belah pihak maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hukum transaksi tersebut boleh berdasarkan ‘urf.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-90
Khikmatun Amalia

This article aims to discuss matters related to 'urf as a method of determining Islamic economic law in economic activity. The research methodology in this article uses a qualitative method with a library research approach. The results showed that urf is something that is known and has become a community habit, either in the form of words or deeds. So that 'urf can be used as a method of determining Islamic economic law, including in economic transaction activities. Some examples of the application of 'urf in economic transactions today are buying and selling in modern shopping centers and online-based transactions without saying shighat (my words sell-I buy).

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Fitra Rizal

Copyright infringement is the use or adverse action done by another party to the creator or copyright holder. This study aims to discuss critically how Islam views infringement in copyright. This research uses a qualitative research methodology using a descriptive-interpretative library research approach. The results showed that in the concept of religion and the State all forms of use of property rights of others without the permission of the official owner is a crime and sin. Such is the case in the case of copyright infringement. Copyright infringement in Islam is strictly prohibited because of the element of deception, is another form of theft, kills the creativity and the spirit of thinking of the inventors of the work, and violates the goal of Islamic law which is to damage the mind. Pelanggaran hak cipta merupakan pemanfaatan atau dan tindakan merugikan yang dilakukan pihak lain terhadap pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas secara kritis bagaimana Islam memandang pelanggaran dalam hak cipta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research) deskriptif-interpretatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam konsep agama dan Negara segala bentuk penggunaan hak milik orang lain tanpa seizin pemilik resmi merupakan sebuah kejahatan dan dosa. Hal tersebut seperti yang terjadi dalam kasus pelanggaran hak cipta. Pelanggaran hak cipta dalam Islam sangat dilarang karena  adanya unsur pembohongan, merupakan bentuk lain dari tindakan pencurian, membunuh kreatifitas dan semangat berfikir para penemu karya, dan melanggar tujuan syariat Islam yaitu merusak akal (hasil karya).

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Heru Purwono

The State of Indonesia is a State of Law, so in the case of the policy being made it must be based on the law. Fulfillment of the State’s treasury not using the concept of Islamic State such as zakat, but using taxes, whose legal basis is not derived from the Quran or Sunnah but based on the ijtihad scholars related tax law is based on the Qur’an and Sunnah. This journal study aims to find out how the policy of tax amnesty in indeneia is contrary to the constitution or not, and this writing will also describe how the Islamic view of tax forgiveness. This type of research is normative juridical and research approach is approach concept and approach of law. The results of this study indicate that tax forgiveness in Indonesia is not only for tax runners, but also for tax officials who are negligent in carrying out duties in taxes, tax amnesty is very useful to improve the tax system in Indonesia, tax administration and when viewed from the concept of Mashlahah (Islamic law), the forgiveness of taxes including Mashlahah Dharuriyah which can be useful for Hifzh al-Nafs (keeping soul), and Hifzh al-Mal (guarding the treasures) of all Indonesian people.<br />Negara Indonesia adalah Negara Hukum, maka dalam hal kebijakan yang dibuat harus berdasar pada hukum. Pemenuhan uang kas Negara bukan menggunakan konsep Negara Islam seperti zakat, tetapi menggunakan pajak, yang dasar hukumnya bukan berasal dari Quran atau Sunnah akan tetapi berdasarkan ijtihad para ulama terkait hukum pajak tersebut yang didasarkan pada Qur’an dan Sunnah. Penelitian jurnal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kebijakan pengampunan pajak di indonesia apakah bertentangan dengan konstitusi atau tidak, dan penulisan ini juga akan mengurai bagaimana pandangan Islam terhadap pengampunan pajak. Jenis penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan pendekatan penelitiannya adalah pendekatan konsep (satute approach) dan pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengampunan pajak di Indonesia bukan hanya untuk para pelari pajak saja, akan tetapi juga untuk petugas pajak yang lalai dalam menjalankan tugas dalam menarik pajak, amnesty pajak sangat bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki system perpajakan di Indonesia, administrasi perpajakan dan jika dilihat dari konsep Mashlahah (hukum Islam), pengampunan pajak termasuk Mashlahah Dharuriyah yang dapat berguna untuk Hifzh al-Nafs (menjaga jiwa), dan Hifzh al-Mal (menjaga harta) seluruh rakyat Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-50
Nur Afni

The management of zakat in relation to economic empowerment means that zakat as an asset of an Islamic economic institution, zakat is a source of strategic potential funds for efforts to build the welfare of the people. Because of that, the Koran gives a sign that the zakat collected is managed appropriately and effectively. The purpose of this research is to describe how the management and distribution of zakat to improve the social welfare of society. The type of research used in this research is library research or library research conducted by collecting data or scientific papers aimed at the research object. The results of the discussion in the article are; 1) in the process of managing zakat, it can be realized seriously, of course, this needs to be supported by good management, as was done in the early days of Islam. Managing zakat effectively and efficiently needs to be managed properly. Therefore, the management of zakat provides the application of modern management functions. 2) Zakat must be distributed to mustahik under Islamic law. 3) the distribution of zakat is carried out based on a priority scale, with due observance of the principles of equity, justice, and territoriality, and 4) Zakat is distributed through two distribution models directly or consumptive zakat, and indirect distribution, namely productive zakat.             

Havis Aravik ◽  
Achmad Irwan Hamzani ◽  
Nur Khasanah

Islamic economic thought became increasingly prevalent with the birth of various schools of thought in Islamic economics. One of them is the critical alternative school that was pioneered by Timur Kuran. This research will discuss from Islamic economics to the urgency of prohibiting usury; an offer of the East Kuran Islamic economy. With the aim of knowing and analyzing the extent to which Eastern Kuran's economic thought made significant contributions to the development of contemporary Islamic economics. This research is a qualitative research with a library research approach and all data obtained were analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results of this study indicate that Timur Kuran is one of the pioneers of the Critical alternative school which critically studies various concepts of Islamic economics and banking. Various forms of economic thought such as from the concept of Islamic economics are none other than modern doctrines that offer alternatives to the economic systems of Capitalism and Socialism. The emergence of an Islamic economy was none other than political-cultural, with the largest contribution coming from Pakistanis, zakat is a more effective safety net than a secular redistribution system and the waqf system does not yet have the flexibility needed for efficient resource use, and the Qur'an prohibits the practice of usury which involves compounding the debt of a loan that is unable to make payments according to a predetermined schedule.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Moch Khoirul Anwar ◽  
Nur Fitroh Febrianto

The development of Islam in Indonesia is inseparable from the economy because Islam initially came to Indonesia through trade. The teachings of Islam are embedded through economic activities such as in commerce and agriculture, although not uses Islamic terms specifically. As a result, many people are not aware that their economic activity becomes part of the implementation of the Islamic economics concept. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the implementation of Islamic economics in this country, both in terms of conceptual and formal legal practice implemented by the community. This study based on library research that focused on studying a variety of works of literature about the Islamic economic system and its implementation in Indonesia. Interviews and observation also collect the data to farmers and cattle ranchers that have taken as the sample. Furthermore, the data analysis employs a content analysis method to identify the specific characteristics of the information when data had been collected. The results of this study indicate that some of the Islamic economics concepts has been applied in the Indonesian daily economy activities. This reflects the manifestation of the 33rd Article of the Indonesian Constitution 1945 that emphasizes economic built by the cooperations and kinship principle. In the society who do farming and animal husbandry, for example, people implements "Paron" and "Gaduh" that use the same principles with musyarakah in the Islamic financing system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-109
Muhammad Fathullah Al Haq Muhamad Asni ◽  
Jasni Sulong

Fatwa is usually associated with a formal decision in respect of any Islamic law issued by a committee of religious-based regions or countries that have legal jurisdiction. Therefore, a fatwa gazetted in particular has the power legally enforceable against civilians in the territory. However the difference territory and jurisdiction of religion causing inconsistencies especially pronounced in response to the question of who gets disputes by fuqaha’ (khilafiyyah). This situation is clearly in Malaysia, where there are 14 State Mufti Department varying representing their respective states. Some fatwas issued by these states are found to be unparalleled to each other and this situation poses a conflict, especially in the administration of law. Although each state has a State Administration of Islamic Affairs which is almost uniform, have a provision referring to Islamic law (qawl final) and monitoring by the National Fatwa Committee on an issue of national fatwa, but some of the fatwa still in dispute resolution. The situation is the existence of a situation of unjust laws, there is no consistency in doing ijtihad, which denies the meaning of equality in the decision of Islamic law in the country. Thus, based on this, the study was conducted to identify the cause of the inconsistency of this fatwa, the factors influencing and measures and proposals to overcome. This is a qualitative research methodology in which data were collected through library research and field studies. Field studies conducted interviews with the mufti method, istinbat officials and senior academics. The study found that the Federal Government through  Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) has undertaken several initiatives to overcome this but the attitude of some members of the committee of states fatwa on the matter, which holds tight (rigid) to the Shafi'i and mastering knowledge in accepting differences of opinion (mura'ah al-khilaf ) restrain to reach this goal. This is because the Majlis Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan (MJFK) was agreed as the medium of fatwa union between the states in the country and should be given priority at this stage of legal decisions ruling that the state can participate fully. Keywords: Fatwa, the difference (khilaf), Mufti, istinbat methods, Shafi'i madhhab Abstrak Fatwa adalah biasanya dikaitkan dengan keputusan rasmi berkenaan sesuatu hukum syarak yang dikeluarkan oleh sesuatu jawatankuasa agama yang berasaskan wilayah atau negara yang mempunyai bidangkuasa undang-undang. Oleh kerana itu, sesuatu fatwa khususnya yang diwartakan mempunyai kuasa perundangan yang boleh dikuatkuasakan ke atas orang awam di wilayah terbabit. Bagaimanapun perbezaan wilayah dan bidangkuasa agama menyebabkan berlakunya ketidakseragaman fatwa khususnya dalam menanggapi persoalan yang mendapat perselisihan fuqaha’ (khilafiyyah). Keadaan ini amat terserlah di Malaysia di mana terdapat 14 Jabatan Mufti Negeri yang berbeza-beza yang mewakili negeri masing-masing. Sebahagian fatwa yang dikeluarkan oleh negeri-negeri ini didapati tidak selari antara satu sama lain dan keadaan ini menimbulkan konflik terutamanya dalam pentadbiran undang-undang. Walaupun setiap negeri mempunyai Enakmen Hal Ehwal Pentadbiran Agama Islam yang hampir seragam, mempunyai peruntukan rujukan hukum syarak (qawl muktamad) yang sama dan pemantauan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan dalam sesuatu isu fatwa nasional, namun sebahagian fatwa tersebut masih lagi mendapat perselisihan keputusan. Keadaan ini mewujudan situasi hukum yang tidak adil, tiada keselarasan dalam melakukan ijtihad, yang menafikan maksud kesaksamaan dalam keputusan hukum syarak dalam negara ini. Justeru berdasarkan hal ini, kajian dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti punca ketidakselarasan fatwa ini, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan langkah serta cadangan untuk mengatasinya. Metodologi kajian ini bersifat kualitatif di mana data-data dikumpulkan melalui kajian kepustakaan dan kajian lapangan. Kajian lapangan dilakukan secara metod temubual dengan para mufti, pegawai istinbat dan ahli akademik. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Kerajaan Persekutuan melalui Jabatan Kemajuan Agama Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) telah melakukan beberapa inisiatif untuk mengatasi hal ini namun sikap sesetengah ahli jawatankuasa fatwa negeri yang ketat (rigid) kepada Mazhab Syafi'i dan penguasaan ilmu dalam menerima perbezaan pandangan (mura'ah al-khilaf) mengekang kepada capaian matlamat ini. Ini kerana Majlis Jawatankuasa Fatwa Kebangsaan (MJFK) telah dipersetujui sebagai medium penyatuan fatwa antara negeri-negeri di negara ini dan sepatutnya diutamakan keputusan hukum di peringkat ini supaya fatwa negeri dapat mengikuti dengan sepenuhnya. Kata kunci: Fatwa, perbezaan (khilaf), Mufti, kaedah istinbat, Mazhab Syafi'i.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-138
Moh. Musfiq Arifqi

The main problem of economic development such as poverty, unemployment, asymmetry of economic among individuals could not be removed succecfully in Indonesia. One of the reasons is caused with unreadable other variables such as social law, politics, culture and so on. The size of the success Islamic economic growth is not measured only from the material achievement perspective or the results of quantity, but also from the improving religious perspective, social and society life. The motodology of this research is library research. To get more information, the reference is taken from some book that have relation with the topic. The result is that Ibn Khaldun’s thought is referring to the term "umran al-alam" or prospering the world. It is formed from three components, namely; history (tarikh), cooperation among society (al-ijtima 'al-insani) and the universe (al-kawn). Ibnu Khaldun offered the concept of Islamic economic development: First, the contribution of humans (ar-Rijal). Second, the contribution of development (al-Imarah), Third, the contribution of institutions and government. Fourth, the contribution of wealth (al-mal). Umer Chapra believed that the means of quittable development requires "efficiency" and "equalization" of the use of all resources, both "efficiency" and "justice" cannot be applied or actualized without the supporting with moral dimensions in economic activities. Umer Chapra's thoughts are following: First, Efficiency, justice and morality. Second, the contributions of the state. Two thoughts on Islamic economic development below are known that the concept of Islamic economic development does not only measure the level of welfare in the world, but also the more important is how to prosper in the hereafter. The built concept of the two thinkers is directed more to the concept of empowerment or empowering natural resources efficiently and equitably by the role upholding ethical values and social justice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 143-153
Zuwardi MA ◽  
Hardiansyah Padli

This research aims to depict Tan Malaka’s socialist economic thought related to the issues on the production of concept.  This is qualitative research using library research method to gather the data on Tan Malaka’s thought on the concept of production. This study shows that the concept of the balance of production and consumption, the country's economic independence and the concept of labor costs in line with the concept of Islamic economics. While from the arrangement of land as a factor of production, Tan Malaka gradually wants to eliminate individual ownership of the means of production. This is not in line with Islamic economic concept where individual ownership of the means of production and production factors permitted as long as not contrary to Islamic law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Umayah - ◽  
Agus Supriyanto

The purpose of this study was to find out the legal basis for divorce due to husband and wifeconflict and to find out the judge’s consideration in granting a divorce suit in case Number 2612 /Pdt.G / 2017 / PA.Bks). This research is library research with a normative juridical approach, usingthe descriptive analysis method. The results of this study are that due to the dispute, Plaintiff feelsuncomfortable in his household relationship with Defendant. Therefore, judges realize legal protectionfor Indonesian citizens, especially women, namely in Law Number 23 of 2004 Article 1 Paragraph (1),Compilation of Islamic Law Article 132 Paragraph (1) and Government Regulation of the Republic ofIndonesia Number 7 of 1975 Article 20 Paragraph (1) concerning the implementation of Law Number7 of 1974 concerning Marriage. From the findings data, it is analyzed that the judge’s decision ingranting the lawsuit is because the lawsuit submitted has met the formal and material requirements aswell as the facts that were revealed in the trial.

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