scholarly journals Perbandingan Formulasi Dan Uji Stabilitas Fisik Sediaan Gel Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe Vera) Dengan Perbedaan Konsentrasi

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Nur Hasanah ◽  
Fenita Purnama Sari Indah ◽  
Dede Anggraeni ◽  
Nurwulan Adi Ismaya ◽  
Lela Kania Rahsa Puji

Aloe vera plant has considerable potential as a raw material for natural medicine. In this aloe vera contains various active substances that can cure various diseases. Aloe vera gel is formulated by mixing the results of aloe vera extract with a suiTabel base. A good gel preparation can be obtained by formulating several types of gelling agents, but the most important thing to note is the selection of Gelling agents. Physical stability tests need to be carried out to ensure the quality, safety and benefits of the gel meet the expected specifications and are sTabel during storage. The purpose of this study is to describe and compare the formulations and physical satellites of aloe vera extract gel preparations with different concentrations of bases on each formulation from various literature. This research uses the literature study research method by collecting various sources of literature from 10 research journals. The results of this review explain that all bases used in each formulation with a predetermined concentration value and with a mixture of other ingredients that have been determined produce good physical stability of each formulation.Keywords:Aloe vera formulation Physical stability tests  ABSTRAKTanaman lidah buaya mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar sebagai bahan baku obat alami. Dalam lidah buaya ini mengandung berbagai zat aktif yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Gel lidah buaya diformulasikan dengan mencampur hasil ekstrak lidah buaya dengan basis yang sesuai. Sediaan gel yang baik dapat diperoleh dengan cara memformulasikan beberapa jenis bahan pembentuk gel, namun yang paling penting untuk diperhatikan adalah pemilihan gelling agent. Uji stabilitas fisik perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan kualitas,keamanan dan manfaat gel memenuhi spesifikasi yang diharapkan serta stabil selama penyimpanan. Tujuan penelitian ini memaparkan dan membandingkan formulasi dan uji satbilitas fisik sediaan gel ekstrak lidah buaya dengan perbedaan konsentrasi basis pada setiap formulasi dari berbagai literatur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian studi literatur dengan mengumpulkan berbagi sumber pustaka dari 10 jurnal penelitian. Hasil review ini menjelaskan bahwa semua basis yang digunakan pada setiap formulasi dengan nilai konsentrasi yang sudah ditetapkan dan dengan campuran bahan lainnya yang sudah ditentukan menghasilkan stabilitas fisik masing-masing formulasi dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Lidah buayaFormulasiUji stabilitas fisik

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Zainal Abidin ◽  
Fahruddin Kurdi ◽  
Indriana Noor Istiqomah

ABSTRAKPendahuluan : Luka bakar merupakan salah satu trauma yang sering terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu terapi luka bakar saat ini adalah dengan mengoleskan hidrogel sebagai obat topikal. Namun, hal ini membuat perawatan luka bakar mengeluarkan biaya yang mahal sehingga dibutuhkan aloe vera (lidah buaya) sebagai terapi obat tradisional yang efektif dan biaya yang di keluarkan lebih terjangkau. Tanaman lidah buaya merupakan tanaman obat tergolong keluarga Liliaceae, mempunyai potensi yang cukup besar sebagai bahan baku obat alami. Pemanfaatan tanaman obat sejak dulu telah dilakukan oleh masyarakat khususnya warga desa yang diperoleh dari warisan leluhurnya. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas pemberian lidah buaya pada pasien luka bakar di Desa Yosowilangun. Metode : Penelitian dilakukan melalui metode penelitian kuantitatif melalui pendekatan studi deskriptif. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Yosowilangun yang mengalami luka bakar dengan menggunakan lidah buaya sebagai obat tradisional. Hasil dan Simpulan : Penelitian ini didapatkan gambaran efektivitas pemberian lidah buaya pada pasien luka bakar. Aloe vera diberikan untuk mengobati pasien luka bakar derajat pertama dan derajat kedua, bila dibandingkan dengan perawatan luka konvensional maka Aloe vera lebih efektif untuk mempercepat proses penyembuhan dan epitelisasi jaringan kulit.Kata Kunci: Luka Bakar, Aloe vera, Obat Tradisional. ABSTRACTBackground : Burns is a trauma that often occurs in daily life. One of the current burn therapies is to apply hydrogel as a topical medication. However, this makes the treatment of burns an expensive cost so that Aloe vera is needed as an effective traditional medicine therapy and the cost is more affordable. Aloe vera plant is a medicinal plant belonging to the family Liliaceae, has considerable potential as a raw material for natural medicine. The utilization of medicinal plants has long been carried out by the community, especially villagers obtained from their ancestral heritage. Objective : This study aims to identify the effectiveness of giving aloe vera to burn patients in Yosowilangun Village. Methode : The research was conducted through quantitative research methods through a descriptive study approach. The informants in this study were Yosowilangun Village people who suffered burns using aloe vera as traditional medicine. Result : This research is be able to illustrate the effectiveness of aloe vera administration in burn injury patients. Aloe vera is given to treat first-degree and second-degree burn patients, compared to conventional wound care, Aloe vera is more effective in accelerating the healing process and epithelialization of skin tissue.Keywords: Burns, Aloe vera, Traditional Medicine.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-146
Helen Kusuma Wardani

Aloe vera is an herbal plant that has been used extensively for centuries as a natural medicine. Aloe vera therapy activities can be used to treat skin lesions, such as burns. The gel has healing, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory activity, besides being a powerful moisturizing and protective skin agent. The speed of healing in the aloe vera group is better than the conventional group. Effects produced by aloe vera gel with reference to wound contraction, wound closure, decrease in wound surface area, tissue regeneration at the wound site. Aloe vera contains important nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E, which act as antioxidants, minerals (calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, and zinc), enzymes, glycoproteins, amino acids, carbohydrate constituents, such as polysaccharides and salicylic acids

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-37
Teguh Imanto ◽  
Roseh Prasetiawan ◽  
Erindyah Retno Wikantyasning

Aloe vera L. contains antiseptic saponins and anthraquinone complexes as antibacterial. This research was conducted to formulate aloe vera powder into nanoemulgel, characterize and test its physical properties, and to know the effect of gelling agent concentration (carbopol and chitosan) on nanoemulgel. Emulsion type used is oil in water (O / W) with surfactant tween 80 and co-surfactant propylene glycol. Nanoemulsion is characterized by percent of transmittance with UV-Vis spectrophotometer, also potential droplet and zeta size distribution with Particle Size Analyzer. Hydrogels consist of 4 combination formulas of carbopol 0.5%; 1%; 1.5%; 2% and 0.3% chitosan. The formula is tested for physical properties including organoleptic, pH, spreadability, adhesion, viscosity and stability with freeze thaw method. The results showed that the nanoemulsion droplet size was 65.05nm ± 13.49 with zeta potential of -0.1mV and the percent of transmittance above 98%. The result of physical properties of the four formulas shows that the different gelling agent concentration gives different physical properties of viscosity and spreadability. Overall, formula 3 has the best physical properties and physical stability compared to formula 1, 2 and 4.

Eman Tharwat Mohamed ◽  
Nawal Ebeid Hanna ◽  
Dalia Salah El-Deen ◽  
Soad Hanna Tadros ◽  
Noha Yehia Ibrahim

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 471-480 ◽  
Lonette Wallis ◽  
Maides Malan ◽  
Chrisna Gouws ◽  
Dewald Steyn ◽  
Suria Ellis ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Elizca Pretorius ◽  
Clarissa Willers ◽  
Josias H. Hamman ◽  
Johan D. Steyn

Background: The oral administration route is still the most preferred by patients for drug treatment, but is unfortunately not suitable for all drug compounds. For example, protein and peptide drugs (e.g. insulin) are typically administered via injection seeing as they are unstable in the gastrointestinal luminal environment and have poor membrane permeation properties. To overcome this problem, functional excipients such as drug absorption enhancers can be co-administered. Although Aloe vera gel has the ability to improve the permeation of drugs across the intestinal epithelium, its drug permeation enhancing effect has not been investigated in the different regions of the gastrointestinal tract yet. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the insulin permeation enhancing effects of A. vera gel material across excised pig intestinal tissues from different regions of the gastrointestinal tract and to identify the gastrointestinal region where the highest insulin permeation enhancement was achieved. : Insulin transport across excised pig intestinal tissues from the duodenum, proximal jejunum, medial jejunum, distal jejunum, ileum and colon was measured in the absence and presence of A. vera gel (0.5% w/v) using both the Sweetana-Grass diffusion chamber and everted sac techniques. Results: The insulin permeation results obtained from both ex vivo techniques showed varied permeation enhancing effects of A. vera gel as a function of the different regions of the gastrointestinal tract. The colon was identified as the gastrointestinal region where A. vera gel was the most effective in terms of insulin permeation enhancement in the Sweetana-Grass diffusion chamber technique with a Papp value of 5.50 x 10-7 cm.s-1, whereas the ileum was the region where the highest permeation enhancement occurred in the everted sac technique with a Papp value of 5.45 x 10-7 cm.s-1. Conclusion: The gastrointestinal permeation enhancing effects of A. vera gel on insulin is region specific with the highest effect observed in the ileum and colon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 100017
M. Vasudha ◽  
Devaraja Gayathri ◽  
Soundarya S Gurum ◽  
MR Kavya ◽  
HP Nagaswarupa ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 108459
S. Pavithra ◽  
A. Priya ◽  
M. Jayachandran ◽  
T. Vijayakumar ◽  
T. Maiyalagan ◽  

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