scholarly journals Universidades públicas como agentes de desenvolvimento urbano e regional de cidades médias e pequenas: uma discussão teórica, metodológica e empírica

GeoTextos ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wendel Henrique Baumgartner

As universidades apresentam um importante papel social na promoção do desenvolvimento social, cultural e econômico. Em diversos países sua instalação está ligada também ao desenvolvimento urbano e regional, especialmente de cidades médias e pequenas, promovendo, com relativo sucesso, a modernização da estrutura urbana e econômica dessas cidades. A base empírica desse estudo são as cidades sede dos campi da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (instalados em 2006) e Passau (Baviera/Alemanha), sede da Universidade de Passau, desde 1978. Nosso objetivo é propor uma abordagem metodológica que dê suporte para pesquisas focadas na integração, na fragmentação e nos conflitos entre a cidade da população local e aquela das universidades. Nossas conclusões principais indicam uma grande dinamização do mercado imobiliário, diversificação das atividades comerciais e de serviços, ampliação do papel regional, mas também, do ponto de vista social, conexões fracas e pontuais com a cidade, gerando conflitos entre estudantes/professores e a população local. Abstract PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES AS AGENTS IN URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF MEDIUM AND SMALL-SIZED CITIES: A THEORETICAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND EMPIRICAL APPROACH The universities have an important role in our society to promote social, cultural and economical development. In many countries universities has been installed in small and medium-sized cities since the 70’s to promote the development and ‘modernization’. Some of them are very successful and the economical development is visible and unquestionable. Our empirical study focuses the cities of the Federal University of Reconcavo da Bahia (installed in 2006) and Passau/Bavaria/Germany (University of Passau, installed in 1978). Our goal is to propose methodological approach to support a research based on the integration, fragmentation and conflicts between the city of the local population and city of the Universities. Our major conclusions are connected with the increase of the real estate market, diversification of commercial and service activities, intensification of regional role. From the social point of view, however, there are weak and punctual connections with the cities, promoting spatial and cultural conflicts between the students/professor and the local population.

Marzia Morena ◽  
Gian Battista Bischetti ◽  
Maria Luisa Del Gatto ◽  
Anna Gornati

Purpose This study forms part of a larger project funded by Cariplo Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to focus on the scope to exploit the full potential and upgrade the functions of abandoned or under-utilized typical highland Alpine pasture systems (made by a complex of grazing fields, buildings for temporal animal and human recovery and dairy production, identified as Malga system or Alpeggio), by adopting the property investor’s point of view. Design/methodology/approach This study has adapted the traditional property development processes to rural buildings, thus generating an analysis model that proves able to define a new destination of use whenever the project considers the reuse of existing facilities. Findings The proposed model analyzes the technological, functional and territory features of the building to be upgraded, to assess the technical feasibility of the changeover project and identify the highest and best use of Malga-systems. The model has been applied to all the Malga-systems in the Orobie Bergamasche Park; it performed a comprehensive assessment of the development potential of the Malga-systems in the same Park. Research limitations/implications The design of the model took into consideration the specificities of the Orobie Bergamasche Park; nevertheless, the method can be taken as an example to be applied to any grazing land in the Alps. Originality/value This research provides the real estate market with a new analysis tool that is specific for the rural buildings, and suitable to streamline the procedures designed to upgrade these properties and to infuse new life into the territories that are experiencing a period of hardship and/or decay.

2017 ◽  
pp. 41
Arturo Nicolai Martínez

ResumenEn el año 2001, la política Estatal de vivienda en México se enfocó en colocar en el mercado inmobiliario miles de viviendas de interés social a muy bajo costo. El objetivo del programa fue incentivar la industria de la construcción del país mediante la promoción intensiva de vivienda social, cubriendo así el rezago habitacional existente y acelerando el desarrollo económico del país. El presente artículo tiene como objeto analizar y describir el fenómeno del abandono en la vivienda social en México y la relación entre la ubicación de las viviendas abandonadas, la dimensión edificada de la vivienda y el perfil socioeconómico de los propietarios. El artículo se centra en un estudio de caso que, en la primera parte, describe el contexto y problemática general que enfrenta la vivienda social en México y posteriormente, analiza la interrelación de las variables tomando los datos de los municipios de Tizayuca, Zumpango y Huehuetoca al norte de la zona metropolitana de la Ciudad de México. El trabajo concluye que las viviendas abandonadas no están relacionadas con su ubicación dentro de la ciudad, sin embargo, existe una relación trascendental entre el tamaño de la vivienda ofrecida y el porcentaje de abandono. Palabras clave  Vivienda social; Periferia; Política pública; Dispersión urbana; Vivienda adosada AbstractIn the year 2001, the National Housing Policy in Mexico was focused in placed in the Real Estate market, thousands of low cost social row houses. The main objective of this program was to incentive the national construction industry with an intensive promotion of social housing, covering the actual lack of demand and accelerating the economic development of the country. This paper has the objective to analyze and describe the social housing abandon phenomenon in México and search the relation between the location of this houses, the dimension of the houses and the social economic profile of the owners. The paper is focused in a case of study that, in the first part, will describes the context of the Mexico’s housing policy main faced problem, and then, analyzed the data variable correlation in the municipalities of Tizayuca, Zumpango and Huehuetoca in the north arch of the Mexico City’s Metropolitan Area. This paper concludes that the abandon houses are not completely related with their location inside the urban contention buffers, however, it exists a transcendental relation between the offered house dimension and their abandon percentage. KeywordsSocial house; Suburbs; Public Policy; Urban Sprawl; Row Houses

Rodolfo Alfonso Torregrosa Jiménez ◽  
Norhys Torregrosa Jiménez

ABSTRACTaccess problems and dysfunctions of the judiciary, in all societies there are communal forms of conflict resolution. Community and institutional mechanisms for conflict resolution can provide the ability to handle conflict from the values, habits and customs of the communities and not from the mere formality of state justice inaccessible to the masses. Thus, the Settlement in Equity is one of the alternatives through which the popular sectors can get for themselves and through community leaders, a righteousness that is in accordance with the needs and responsibilities of the direct stakeholders of the community. Thus, the purpose of the research is to investigate the social representations (RS) of the concepts of fairness, justice and coexistence Community Ratings equity conciliation of a town in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. In addition, as we are interested in identifying the point of view of these users, ie, their opinions, attitudes and information, is that the theoretical and methodological approach used RS. So, be described by methods and with the support of the theoretical framework, the cognitive dimension of the RS user. Such representations are interpreted through formalization that conform segmenting in graphic forms (codes), the corpus of semi-structured interviews applied to users, considered as a continuation of separate occurrences among themselves, delimited by several characters. These occurrences are analyzed, both quantitatively and qualitatively.RESUMENPor problemas de acceso y disfunciones del aparato judicial, en todas las sociedades existen formas comunitarias de resolución de conflictos. Los mecanismos comunitarios e institucionales de solución de conflictos pueden brindar la posibilidad de tramitar los conflictos a partir de los valores, los usos y las costumbres de las comunidades y no desde la mera formalidad de la justicia estatal inaccesible para los sectores populares. Así, la Conciliación en Equidad es una de las alternativas a través de la cual los sectores populares pueden obtener por ellos mismos y a través de líderes comunitarios, una justicia que esté de acuerdo con las necesidades y responsabilidades de los actores directos de la comunidad. De este modo, el propósito de la investigación es indagar sobre las representaciones sociales (RS) de los conceptos de equidad, justicia comunitaria y convivencia de los usuarios de la conciliación en equidad de una Localidad en la ciudad de Bogotá-Colombia. Y como lo que interesa es identificar el punto de vista de estos usuarios, es decir, sus opiniones, actitudes e información, es que se usa el enfoque teórico-metodológico de las RS. Así, se describirá, a través de métodos y con el apoyo de los referentes teóricos, la dimensión cognitiva de las RS de los usuarios. Dichas representaciones son interpretadas a través de formalizaciones que se conforman segmentando en formas gráficas (códigos), el corpus de entrevistas semi-dirigidas aplicadas a los usuarios, considerado como una continuación de ocurrencias separadas, entre sí, mediante varios caracteres delimitados. Estas ocurrencias son analizadas, tanto desde el punto de vista cuantitativo como cualitativo.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0251383
Lyudmila Maksanova ◽  
Taisiya Bardakhanova ◽  
Natalia Lubsanova ◽  
Darima Budaeva ◽  
Arnold Tulokhonov

The impact of protected areas on local communities is the subject of intense discussions as part of the implementation of the global ecosystem protection agenda. Conflicts between the interests of environmental protection and the needs of socio-economic development become particularly acute when large areas of land are taken out of economic circulation as a result of organizing protected areas. In this case, there is an urgent need for detailed and reliable information about the social impacts of such land withdrawal on the well-being of the local population. An analysis of the methodological approaches widely presented in the literature, used to assess the social impact of protected areas, testifies to the insufficiency of completed and practically applicable methodological guidelines for the areas with significant restrictions for people who form part of the protected landscape. In this study, we understand the cost estimate of the social impact of national parks on the local population as a quantitative calculation of the losses due to restrictions on their ownership rights to land and property assets. The methodological approach consists in considering the category of losses as a sum total of the actual damage and lost profits. The assessment algorithm includes three stages: systematization of social impacts on citizens, development of indicators and data collection, and calculation of actual damage to the population and lost profits. The assessment is performed using the example of the Tunkinsky National Park located in the Tunkinsky municipal district of the Republic of Buryatia, a region of the Russian Federation, where there are 14 rural settlements with a population of more than 20,000 people. The results of the calculations show that the losses of the rural population due to legal restrictions on the registration of land dealings amount to 170.4 million USD. Taking into account the potential amount of administrative fines and the value of property subject to demolition, the losses amount to 239.2 million USD. It is more than an order of magnitude greater than the amount of own revenues of the Tunkinsky municipal district in 2011–2019. The results obtained demonstrate the real picture of the impact of restrictions on the rights of local people to land within the boundaries of national parks and are useful for developing measures to account for their interests and include protected areas in the socio-economic development of regions. The methodological approach developed by the authors can be used in other national parks, where it is necessary to optimize the policy of improving land use for local residents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 292-303
Paweł Dec ◽  
Gabriel Główka ◽  
Piotr Masiukiewicz

The article concerns the issue of price bubbles on the markets, with particular emphasis on the specificity of the real estate market. Up till now, more than a decade after the subprime crisis, there is no accurate enough method to predict price movements, their culmination and, eventually, the burst of price and speculative bubbles on the markets. Hence, the main goal of the article is to present the possibility of early detection of price bubbles and their consequences from the point of view of the surveyed managers. The following research hypothesis was verified: price bubbles on the real estate market cannot be excluded, therefore constant monitoring and predictive analytics of this market are needed. In addition to standard research methods (desk research or statistical analysis), the authors conducted their own survey on a group of randomly selected managers from Portugal and Poland in the context of their attitude to crises and price bubbles. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that managers in both analysed countries are different relating the effects of price bubbles to the activities of their own companies but are similar (about 40% of respondents) expecting quick detection and deactivation of emerging bubbles by the government or by central bank. Nearly 40% of Polish and Portuguese managers claimed that the consequences of crises must include an increased responsibility of managers for their decisions, especially those leading to failures.

2004 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Laura Zapata

El presente articulo analiza las prácticas de caridad que desarrollan un conjunto de agentes sociales definidos como “voluntarias de Caritas” y analiza la asistencia social del estado, que se materializa en programas de “ayuda social” que ejecutan esas voluntarias, en una parroquia católica de una ciudad media de la Argentina. A diferencia de lo que proponen los enfoques estatalistas sobre el fenómeno de asistencia social, aquí propongo que la caridad y la asistencia social son hechos estructuralmente asociados y que se han desarrollado como los polos opuestos alrededor del fenómeno de la circulación gratuita de objetos. A través de la descripción etnográfica de la vida cotidiana de la organización caritativa por excelencia de la Argentina, Caritas, la de sus agentes, las voluntarias, y de los programas sociales que allí se desarrollan, pretendo mostrar, desde el punto de vista de las voluntarias, la conflictividad cultural que provocan los fenómenos ligados a la gratuidad, lo cual demanda una antropología especialmente referida a estos fenomenos. An Anthropology of Gratuitousness: charity practices and social assistance policies in Argentine Abstract This papers analyzes charity practices developed by a group of social agents that define themselves as “Charity volunteers” as well as social assistance practices of the state, that materialize themselves in programs of “social help” lead by these volunteers in a Catholic parish of a medium city in Argentine. In contrast with “state oriented” (“estatalistas”) approaches on the problem of social assistance, it is proposed here that charity and social assistance are structurally related facts and that they have developed themselves as opposite poles in relation to the phenomenon of free flow of things. In other words, charity and social assistance shape one type of social fact that rely on the principle that labels specific objects as free and as a consequence request an attitude towards them: the elimination of individual interest. The ambiguities of meaning attached to the phenomena framed within the logic of the gratuitousness often become “misunderstandings” and “double truths”, which suppose permanent conflicts attached to charity and social assistance. Through ethnographic description of everyday routine of the mayor charity organization of Argentine, Caritas, of their agents, volunteers, and of the social programs it develops, I aim to show, from the point of view of the volunteers, the cultural conflicts that spur from phenomena attached to gratuitousness, which demand an anthropology that specifically refers to these social facts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (13) ◽  
pp. 5409 ◽  
Maria Rosa Trovato ◽  
Claudia Clienti ◽  
Salvatore Giuffrida

Urban/social fragility is the main focus of most studies on civil economy involving the commitment of politics in the prospect of integrating and somehow guiding an ordered development of and ordered communities. The contemporary city is strongly influenced by the incommunicability between the social system and environment, the latter more and more, including urban and societal components. This study tries to outline a comparative social-urban profile of Picanello, a popular central neighborhood of Catania, in Sicily, Italy, characterized by the combination of different urban and social life-quality levels, thus expressing a heterogeneous vulnerability/resilience profile. The analysis is placed in the urban planning context and aims to: (1) Denotative a pattern that considers the different fragility/resilience descriptive indices; and (2) connotative a pattern of the human and urban dimensions of the social capital asset. This analysis was performed by implementing a multidimensional pattern allowing us to place the neighborhood in a ranking of the neighborhoods of Catania, thus highlighting strength and weakness under different respects. Furthermore, the monetary measurements of this vulnerability/resilience profile, was carried by means of the structured observation of the real estate market. Fuzzy k-medoids cluster analyses have been comparatively performed—showing and mapping the relationships between urban value density and real estate market prices tensions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 502-520
Ricardo Gonçalves Santana ◽  
Quésia Duarte Silva ◽  
Danyella Vale Barros França

O crescimento urbano tem gerado diversos problemas socioambientais, os quais tem origem na atividade humana, que por sua vez, causam danos para o ser humano e para o ambiente. As inundações urbanas são considerados problemas socioambientais urbanos uma vez que as populações são atingidas pelas mesas devido a construção de residências em APP´s. Partindo destes pressupostos, o presente trabalho objetiva realizar a análise espacial da sub-bacia hidrográfica do riacho do Angelim a partir do mapeamento das áreas inundáveis e da espacialização social da renda mensal dos chefes de família na área de estudo. Para isto foram realizados alguns procedimentos metodológicos, tais como: levantamento bibliográfico e cartográfico, organização do ambiente de trabalho, realização de trabalhos de campo, mapeamento das áreas inundáveis, renda e análise espacial das áreas inundáveis. A partir dos dados obtidos foram mapeadas 5 áreas inundáveis na área em estudo as quais são APP’s. As mesmas estão inseridas em compartimentos geomorfológicos mais frágeis e inadequados para a ocupação humana. Concluiu-se que a ineficiência das leis brasileiras associada ao processo de ocupação determinado pelo mercado imobiliário têm contribuído para a segregação espacial dos indivíduos.Palavras-chave: Análise espacial, riacho do Angelim, renda, nascentes e inundações. RESUMENEl crecimiento urbano ha generado varios problemas socioambientales, que se originan en la actividad humana, que a su vez causan daños a los seres humanos y al medio ambiente. Las inundaciones urbanas se consideran problemas socioambientales urbanos ya que las poblaciones se ven afectadas por las tablas debido a la construcción de residencias en APP S. Basado en estos supuestos, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar el análisis Espacial de la subcuenca hidrográfica del arroyo Angelim a partir del mapeo de las áreas inundadas y la espacialización social de los ingresos mensuales de los jefes de familia en el áreade estudio. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo algunos procedimientos metodológicos, tales como:encuesta bibliográfica y cartográfica, organización del entorno de trabajo, trabajo de campo, mapeo de áreas inundadas, ingresos y análisis espacial De las zonas inundadas. A partir de los datos obtenidos, se mapearon 5 áreas inundadas en el área en estudio, que son APP' Se insertan en compartimentos geomorfológicos más frágiles e inadecuados para la ocupación humana. Se concluyó que la ineficiencia de las leyes brasileñas asociadas con el proceso de ocupación determinado por el mercado inmobiliario han contribuido a la segregación espacial de los individuos.Palabras-clave: Análisis espacial, corriente Angelim, ingresos, manantiales e inundaciones. ABSTRACTUrban growth has generated several socio-environmental problems, which originate in human activity, which in turn cause damage to humans and the environment. Urban floods are considered urban socio-environmental problems since the populations are affected by the tables due to the construction of residences in APP ´ S. Based on these assumptions, the present work aims to perform the analysis Spatial of the hydrographic sub-basin of the Angelim Creek from the mapping of the flooded areas and the social spatialization of the monthly income of the heads of family in the study area. For this, some methodological procedures were carried out, such as: bibliographic and Cartographic survey, organization of the work Environment, fieldwork, mapping of flooded areas, income and spatial analysis Of the flooded areas. From the data obtained, 5 flooded areas were mapped in the area under study, which are APP's. They are inserted in more fragile and inadequate geomorphological compartments for human occupation. It was concluded that the inefficiency of Brazilian laws associated with the occupation process determined by the real estate market have contributed to the spatial segregation of individuals.Keywords: Spatial analysis, Angelim Creek, income, springs and floods.

2010 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 269-285 ◽  
Françoise Bourdarias

Abstract In this contribution, I shall consider the social perceptions of politics and economy related to the interdependences between Chinese migrants and local population in Mali. Such representations give a particular shape to a large number of identity constructions. In each specific context, the spaces and groups to which Malian and Chinese residents refer, highlight social representations of the two nation-states and societies, of their present relationships. Individual and collective strategies should then be analysed from a point of view stressing the links between economic rationalities and political constructions.

2019 ◽  
pp. 622-633

The article deals with the issues of conducting forensic appraisal-building and appraisal-land expertise and expert research of valuation of immovable property in an unstable market. It should be noted that: 1. Using a comparative methodological approach in the present extremely adverse market conditions prevailing in Ukraine, including, and on the background of the rapid devaluation of the national currency against the U.S. dollar, needs assessment (court expert or appraiser) a clear awareness of the fact that almost all the participants of the real estate market at the moment have taken a wait that led to the actual absence of the market itself. 2. The real estate market, which has always been characterized by a certain inertia, in virtue of their nature, react to any changes in the economy only after a certain period of time, that is, a so-called «temporary delay». The process of reaching the market to its equilibrium state is delayed in time because the market participants still can not adapt to new economic realities as the situation in the country as a whole continues to change literally every day and talk about any signs of stabilization earlier. 3. Analysis of General dynamics (trend) behavior of the real estate market shows that the hryvnia and the dollar prices in practice «diverge», that is, prices denominated in us dollars decrease, and the Ukrainian currency is going up. 4. Under these conditions, within the comparative methodological approach by conducting a court expert or appraiser procedures, the so-called «actualization» of the value proposition analogues on the valuation date of a particular object in an environment of rapid devaluation of the Ukrainian hryvnia is not just permissible but essential as it allows the contractor estimates to neutralize the factor «retrospectives»announcements are about objects-analogues in conditions of high volatility of the currency market. This procedure is advantageously carried out in the final part of the stage of collecting and analysing information about the sale or supply of such real property and identifying objects of comparison, and directly after that go to the comparison of object of evaluation with the objects of comparison and then correcting the already «updated» the sales price or offer price of the objects of comparison. 5. The procedure «updating» of the value proposition analogues on the valuation date is advantageously carried out using the above empirical relationships. 6. The performers of the assessment can also use a mathematical expression to calculate the magnitude of typical discounts for the bargain, the absolute value of which depends on the three market variables: the forecast term exposure, discount rate and annual rate of market value change in time of the specific property. 7. For active and developed markets in which the typical time frames of exposure are relatively small, particularly in periods of rapidly rising prices, discounts to the trade are significantly reduced or disappear altogether. 8. In periods of stagnation in the markets, for which the typical time of exposure significantly increased, especially in periods of lower prices, discounts on bargaining, on the contrary, have been increasing substantially, and have in fact, as of today. Keywords: real estate, assessment, unstable market, updating the value proposition, the adjustment for the bargain.

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