optical channel
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2022 ◽  
Diego Argüello Ron ◽  
Pedro Jorge Freire De Carvalho Sourza ◽  
Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky ◽  
Morteza Kamalian-Kopae ◽  
Antonio Napoli ◽  

Abstract The deployment of artificial neural networks-based optical channel equalizers on edge-computing devices is critically important for the next generation of optical communication systems. However, this is a highly challenging problem, mainly due to the computational complexity of the artificial neural networks (NNs) required for the efficient equalization of nonlinear optical channels with large memory. To implement the NN-based optical channel equalizer in hardware, a substantial complexity reduction is needed, while keeping an acceptable performance level. In this work, we address this problem by applying pruning and quantization techniques to an NN-based optical channel equalizer. We use an exemplary NN architecture, the multi-layer perceptron (MLP), and address its complexity reduction for the 30 GBd 1000 km transmission over a standard single-mode fiber. We demonstrate that it is feasible to reduce the equalizer’s memory by up to 87.12%, and its complexity by up to 91.5%, without noticeable performance degradation. In addition to this, we accurately define the computational complexity of a compressed NN-based equalizer in the digital signal processing (DSP) sense and examine the impact of using different CPU and GPU settings on power consumption and latency for the compressed equalizer. We also verify the developed technique experimentally, using two standard edge-computing hardware units: Raspberry Pi 4 and Nvidia Jetson Nano.

2021 ◽  
Guillaume Mario Dotreppe ◽  
Jan Coosemans ◽  
Valéry Ann Jacobs

Visible Light Communication (VLC) requires better optical channel modelling if it is to be used in vehicular applications. Therefore, the radiation transfer between the transmitter and emitter shall be well defined in all circumstances. An important aspect herein is the determination of the Limiting Photometric Distance (LPD), which characterises the transition between near-field and far-field description of the light source. The LPD allows to determine whether simplified equations can be used in the V-VLC channel model. A first step towards this goal is the analysis of a simple, narrow beam, disk-source with uniform luminance. On-axis, analytical solutions exist. Off-axis, however, no closed loop solutions exist. Therefore, a numerical approach is used, which is validated against on-axis measurements and then expanded to off-axis scenarios. This allows to compute the on- and off-axis LPD of the light source, an important step towards a more accurate description of complex systems for VLC.

2021 ◽  
pp. 160-164
A.S. Mazmanishvili ◽  
N.V. Moskalets ◽  
A.A. Shcherbakov

The paper deals with the efficiency of the capture of a photon flux of the synchrotron radiation (SR) σ- and π-components by the optical window in the SR quantum extraction channel of the NESTOR generator. It also anal-yses the dependence between the capture quality and different radiation wavelengths. Consideration has been giv-en to the beam size effect on the shape and dimensions of the angular distribution of the photon flux. A model has been constructed to describe the optical imaging in the registration plane. Expressions are given for estimating the efficiency of the capture of SR quanta into the optical window of the extraction channel. The factors that exert influence on the efficiency of capturing through the window are analyzed. Examples of numerical calculations are provided for formation of the final SR spectral density of the 225 MeV relativistic electrons at the output of the optical channel. The dimensions of the optical window have been determined, which ensure the reliable registration of the total flux of SR quanta for the chosen spectral range of SR quanta wavelengths.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1554
Zbigniew Zakrzewski

The paper presents a method of selecting an optical channel for transporting the double-sideband radio-frequency-over-fiber (DSB-RFoF) radio signal over the optical fronthaul path, avoiding the dispersion-induced power penalty (DIPP) phenomenon. The presented method complements the possibilities of a short-range optical network working in the flexible dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) format, where chromatic dispersion compensation is not applied. As part of the study, calculations were made that indicate the limitations of the proposed method and allow for the development of an algorithm for effective optical channel selection in the presence of the DIPP phenomenon experienced in the optical link working in the intensity modulation–direct detection (IM-DD) technique. Calculations were made for three types of single-mode optical fibers and for selected microwave radio carriers that are used in current systems or will be used in next-generation wireless communication systems. In order to verify the calculations and theoretical considerations, a computer simulation was performed for two types of optical fibers and for two selected radio carriers. In the modulated radio signal, the cyclic-prefix orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CP-OFDM) format and the 5G numerology were used.

Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Maria Solyanik-Gorgone ◽  
Jiachi Ye ◽  
Mario Miscuglio ◽  
Andrei Afanasev ◽  
Alan E. Willner ◽  

While information is ubiquitously generated, shared, and analyzed in a modern-day life, there is still some controversy around the ways to assess the amount and quality of information inside a noisy optical channel. A number of theoretical approaches based on, e.g., conditional Shannon entropy and Fisher information have been developed, along with some experimental validations. Some of these approaches are limited to a certain alphabet, while others tend to fall short when considering optical beams with a nontrivial structure, such as Hermite-Gauss, Laguerre-Gauss, and other modes with a nontrivial structure. Here, we propose a new definition of the classical Shannon information via the Wigner distribution function, while respecting the Heisenberg inequality. Following this definition, we calculate the amount of information in Gaussian, Hermite-Gaussian, and Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes in juxtaposition and experimentally validate it by reconstruction of the Wigner distribution function from the intensity distribution of structured laser beams. We experimentally demonstrate the technique that allows to infer field structure of the laser beams in singular optics to assess the amount of contained information. Given the generality, this approach of defining information via analyzing the beam complexity is applicable to laser modes of any topology that can be described by well-behaved functions. Classical Shannon information, defined in this way, is detached from a particular alphabet, i.e., communication scheme, and scales with the structural complexity of the system. Such a synergy between the Wigner distribution function encompassing the information in both real and reciprocal space and information being a measure of disorder can contribute into future coherent detection algorithms and remote sensing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 217 (8) ◽  
Gregory M. Holsclaw ◽  
Justin Deighan ◽  
Hessa Almatroushi ◽  
Mike Chaffin ◽  
John Correira ◽  

AbstractThe Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) Hope probe was launched on 20 July 2020 at 01:58 GST (Gulf Standard Time) and entered orbit around Mars on 9 Feb 2021 at 19:42 GST. The high-altitude orbit (19,970 km periapse, 42,650 km apoapse altitude, 25° inclination) with a 54.5 hour period enables a unique, synoptic, and nearly-continuous monitor of the Mars global climate. The Emirates Mars Ultraviolet Spectrometer (EMUS), one of three remote sensing instruments carried by Hope, is an imaging ultraviolet spectrograph, designed to investigate how conditions throughout the Mars atmosphere affect rates of atmospheric escape, and how key constituents in the exosphere behave temporally and spatially. EMUS will target two broad regions of the Mars upper atmosphere: 1) the thermosphere (100–200 km altitude), observing UV dayglow emissions from hydrogen (102.6, 121.6 nm), oxygen (130.4, 135.6 nm), and carbon monoxide (140–170 nm) and 2) the exosphere (above 200 km altitude), observing bound and escaping hydrogen (121.6 nm) and oxygen (130.4 nm).EMUS achieves high sensitivity across a wavelength range of 100–170 nm in a single optical channel by employing “area-division” or “split” coatings of silicon carbide (SiC) and aluminum magnesium fluoride (Al+MgF2) on each of its two optical elements. The EMUS detector consists of an open-face (windowless) microchannel plate (MCP) stack with a cesium iodide (CsI) photocathode and a photon-counting, cross-delay line (XDL) anode that enables spectral-spatial imaging. A single spherical telescope mirror with a 150 mm focal length provides a 10.75° field of view along two science entrance slits, selectable with a rotational mechanism. The high and low resolution (HR, LR) slits have angular widths of 0.18° and 0.25° and spectral widths of 1.3 nm and 1.8 nm, respectively. The spectrograph uses a Rowland circle design, with a toroidally-figured diffraction grating with a laminar groove profile and a ruling density of 936 gr mm−1 providing a reciprocal linear dispersion of 2.65 nm mm−1. The total instrument mass is 22.3 kg, and the orbit-average power is less than 15 W.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-27
Norbert ZDRAVECKÝ ◽  
Ľuboš OVSENÍK ◽  
Jakub ORAVEC ◽  

Wavelength Division Multiplexing is a technology that has enabled the transmission of huge amounts of data at high transfer rates over a single optical fiber. The capacity of an optical channel is usually affected by the shape of signal, nonlinear characteristics and dispersion. In this article, we focus on the DWDM system, optical amplifiers, and optical modulations in 32-channel DWDM system, which was designed in the OptiSystem program. We evaluate the parameters BER (Bit Error Rate) and Q factor for 40 Gb/s systems with changing amplifiers.

Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 368
Zixian Wei ◽  
Yibin Li ◽  
Zhaoming Wang ◽  
Junbin Fang ◽  
Hongyan Fu

In this paper, dual-branch pre-distorted enhanced asymmetrically clipped direct current (DC) biased optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (PEADO-OFDM) for underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) is firstly proposed and simulated. The performances of PEADO-OFDM on the underwater optical channel model (UOCM) are analyzed and further compared with the typical ADO-OFDM. Using the Monte Carlo method for the modeling of UOCM, we adopt a double-gamma function to represent three different water qualities including clear, coastal and harbor waters. The full-duplex architecture enables the removal of Hermitian symmetry (HS) from conventional optical OFDM and can increase the spectral efficiency at the cost of hardware complexity. A new PEADO-OFDM transmitter is also proposed to reduce the complexity of the transmitter. The simulation results exhibit that our proposed dual-branch PEADO-OFDM scheme outperforms the typical ADO-OFDM scheme in spectral efficiency, bit error rate (BER) and stability over the underwater channels of three different water qualities.

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