measure algebra
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2020 ◽  
Vol 126 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-366
Heybetkulu Mustafayev

Let $G$ be a locally compact abelian group and let $M(G)$ be the measure algebra of $G$. A measure $\mu \in M(G)$ is said to be power bounded if $\sup _{n\geq 0}\lVert \mu ^{n} \rVert _{1}<\infty $. Let $\mathbf {T} = \{ T_{g}:g\in G\}$ be a bounded and continuous representation of $G$ on a Banach space $X$. For any $\mu \in M(G)$, there is a bounded linear operator on $X$ associated with µ, denoted by $\mathbf {T}_{\mu }$, which integrates $T_{g}$ with respect to µ. In this paper, we study norm and almost everywhere behavior of the sequences $\{ \mathbf {T}_{\mu }^{n}x\}$ $(x\in X)$ in the case when µ is power bounded. Some related problems are also discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (2) ◽  
pp. 273-279
Z. Bahramian ◽  
A. Jabbari

2019 ◽  
Vol 192 (4) ◽  
pp. 935-938
László Székelyhidi

AbstractIn this paper we prove that the measure algebra of a locally compact abelian group is semi-simple. This result extends the corresponding result of S. A. Amitsur in the discrete group case using a completely different approach.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 1177-1184
Mohammad Reza Ghanei ◽  
Mehdi Nemati

Abstract Let 𝓛 be a Lau algebra and X be a topologically invariant subspace of 𝓛* containing UC(𝓛). We prove that if 𝓛 has a bounded approximate identity, then strict inner amenability of 𝓛 is equivalent to the existence of a strictly inner invariant mean on X. We also show that when 𝓛 is inner amenable the cardinality of the set of topologically left invariant means on 𝓛* is equal to the cardinality of the set of topologically left invariant means on RUC(𝓛). Applying this result, we prove that if 𝓛 is inner amenable and 〈𝓛2〉 = 𝓛, then the essential left amenability of 𝓛 is equivalent to the left amenability of 𝓛. Finally, for a locally compact group G, we consider the measure algebra M(G) to study strict inner amenability of M(G) and its relation with inner amenability of G.

2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-275
Przemysław Ohrysko ◽  
Maria Roginskaya

AbstractIn this short note we first extend the validity of the spectral radius formula, obtained by M. Anoussis and G. Gatzouras, for Fourier–Stieltjes algebras. The second part is devoted to showing that, for the measure algebra on any locally compact non-discrete Abelian group, there are no non-trivial constraints among three quantities: the norm, the spectral radius, and the supremum of the Fourier–Stieltjes transform, even if we restrict our attention to measures with all convolution powers singular with respect to the Haar measure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 60 (4) ◽  
pp. 845-854 ◽  
Jan Pachl ◽  
Juris Steprans

AbstractLet the measure algebra of a topological group G be equipped with the topology of uniform convergence on bounded right uniformly equicontinuous sets of functions. Convolution is separately continuous on the measure algebra, and it is jointly continuous if and only if G has the SIN property. On the larger space LUC(G)*, which includes the measure algebra, convolution is also jointly continuous if and only if the group has the SIN property, but not separately continuous for many non-SIN groups.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-64

AbstractWe study the measure semantics for propositional modal logics, in which formulas are interpreted in the Lebesgue measure algebra${\cal M}$, or algebra of Borel subsets of the real interval [0,1] modulo sets of measure zero. It was shown in Lando (2012) and Fernández-Duque (2010) that the propositional modal logic S4 is complete for the Lebesgue measure algebra. The main result of the present paper is that every logic L aboveS4 is complete for some subalgebra of ${\cal M}$. Indeed, there is a single model over a subalgebra of ${\cal M}$ in which all nontheorems of L are refuted. This work builds on recent work by Bezhanishvili, Gabelaia, & Lucero-Bryan (2015) on the topological semantics for logics above S4. In Bezhanishvili et al., (2015), it is shown that there are logics above that are not the logic of any subalgebra of the interior algebra over the real line, ${\cal B}$(ℝ), but that every logic above is the logic of some subalgebra of the interior algebra over the rationals, ${\cal B}$(ℚ), and the interior algebra over Cantor space, ${\cal B}\left( {\cal C} \right)$.

2016 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
pp. 876-886 ◽  

AbstractWe define a simple criterion for a homogeneous, complete metric structure X that implies that the automorphism group Aut(X) satisfies all the main consequences of the existence of ample generics: it has the automatic continuity property, the small index property, and uncountable cofinality for nonopen subgroups. Then we verify it for the Urysohn space $&#xF094;$, the Lebesgue probability measure algebra MALG, and the Hilbert space $\ell _2 $, thus proving that Iso($&#xF094;$), Aut(MALG), $U\left( {\ell _2 } \right)$, and $O\left( {\ell _2 } \right)$ share these properties. We also formulate a condition for X which implies that every homomorphism of Aut(X) into a separable group K with a left-invariant, complete metric, is trivial, and we verify it for $&#xF094;$, and $\ell _2 $.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 768-779
Jason Hong Jae Park

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