galactic disk
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2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 240
Kazushi Sakamoto ◽  
Sergio Martín ◽  
David J. Wilner ◽  
Susanne Aalto ◽  
Aaron S. Evans ◽  

Abstract We present the line observations in our Atacama Millimeter-Submillimeter Array imaging spectral scan toward three deeply buried nuclei in NGC 4418 and Arp 220. We cover 67 GHz in f rest = 215–697 GHz at about 0.″2 (30, 80 pc) resolution. All the nuclei show dense line forests; we report our initial line identification using 55 species. The line velocities generally indicate gas rotation around each nucleus, tracing nuclear disks of ∼100 pc in size. We confirmed the counter-rotation of the nuclear disks in Arp 220 and that of the nuclear disk and the galactic disk in NGC 4418. While the brightest lines exceed 100 K, most of the major lines and many 13C isotopologues show absorption against even brighter continuum cores of the nuclei. The lines with higher upper-level energies, including those from vibrationally excited molecules, tend to arise from smaller areas, indicating radially varying conditions in these nuclei. The outflows from the two Arp 220 nuclei cause blueshifted line absorption below the continuum level. The absorption mostly has small spatial offsets from the continuum peaks to indicate the outflow orientations. The bipolar outflow from the western nucleus is also imaged in multiple emission lines, showing the extent of ∼1″ (400 pc). Redshifted line absorption against the nucleus of NGC 4418 indicates either an inward gas motion or a small collimated outflow slanted to the nuclear disk. We also resolved some previous confusions due to line blending and misidentification.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 253
S. Mereghetti ◽  
M. Rigoselli ◽  
R. Taverna ◽  
L. Baldeschi ◽  
S. Crestan ◽  

Abstract Calvera (1RXS J141256.0+792204) is an isolated neutron star detected only through its thermal X-ray emission. Its location at high Galactic latitude (b = +37°) is unusual if Calvera is a relatively young pulsar, as suggested by its spin period (59 ms) and period derivative (3.2 × 10−15 s s−1). Using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, we obtained a phase-connected timing solution spanning four years, which allowed us to measure the second derivative of the frequency ν ̈ = − 2.5 × 10 − 23 Hz s−2 and to reveal timing noise consistent with that of normal radio pulsars. A magnetized hydrogen atmosphere model, covering the entire star surface, provides a good description of the phase-resolved spectra and energy-dependent pulsed fraction. However, we found that a temperature map more anisotropic than that produced by a dipole field is required, with a hotter zone concentrated toward the poles. By adding two small polar caps, we found that the surface effective temperature and that of the caps are ∼0.1 and ∼0.36 keV, respectively. The inferred distance is ∼3.3 kpc. We confirmed the presence of an absorption line at 0.7 keV associated with the emission from the whole star surface, difficult to interpret as a cyclotron feature and more likely originating from atomic transitions. We searched for pulsed γ-ray emission by folding seven years of Fermi-LAT data using the X-ray ephemeris, but no evidence for pulsations was found. Our results favor the hypothesis that Calvera is a normal rotation-powered pulsar, with the only peculiarity of being born at a large height above the Galactic disk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2145 (1) ◽  
pp. 012011
D Sakai ◽  
T Oyama ◽  
T Nagayama ◽  
H Kobayashi ◽  
M Honma

Abstract The Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) in the Galactic Center region shows outstanding non-circular motion unlike the Galactic disk. Although several models describing this non-circular motion are proposed, an uniform kinematic model of the CMZ orbit is not appeared. Three dimensional velocity information including proper motions will be critical to constrain the orbital models of the CMZ because most of models proposed are devised to reproduce the line-of-sight velocity pro les of the molecular clouds in this region. To reveal the dynamics of the Galactic center region, we conducted VLBI astrometric observations of 22 GHz water maser sources toward the Galactic center with VERA. By measuring parallaxes and proper motions, we can identify whether each source is actually located in the CMZ or not, and identify the three dimensional positions and velocities in the non-circular orbit if the source is located in the CMZ. We show the results of astrometric study for several maser sources associated with molecular clouds toward the Galactic center including Sgr B2 complex and Sgr D HII region. The parallax measurement toward Sgr B2 obtained the parallax of 0.133 0:038 mas, and its proper motions indicated that Sgr B2 complex is moving toward the positive Galactic longitude with V = 100 km s−1 relative to Sgr A*.

Maria Butenko ◽  
Iraida Belikova ◽  
Svetlana Khokhlova ◽  
Nikolay Kuzmin ◽  
Gennadiy Ivanchenko ◽  

The results of numerical simulations of a gaseous galactic disk rotating in an external nonaxisymmetric potential of a dark halo are presented in the article. Analysis of two models of a nonaxisymmetric dark halo, in which a gaseous galactic disk rotates, has been carried out. In the first case, the halo is nonaxisymmetric within the optical radius of the disk, where the bulk of the visible matter of the galaxy is located, including the stellar disk. The model is ineffective for the external long-lived spiral structure formation in the disk periphery due to the nonaxisymmetry of dark halo. In the second series of calculations, we have employed the model with a symmetric halo inside the optical radius and a non-axisymmetric one outside of it. The results of the simulations confirm that nonaxisymmetry in the halo matter distribution is effectively generating the global spiral pattern at the periphery of the galaxy. One may observe such spiral structures in some galaxies, mainly in the ultraviolet range. Analysis of various model parameters has showed that the value of parameter " is the primary characteristic affecting the morphology of the forming spiral pattern. This value determines the degree of nonaxisymmetry of the halo. The Le parameter introduced in this work and responsible for the formation of small-scale structures in the transition region does not significantly affect the disk periphery. Moreover, the larger the value of Le, the smoother spirals are formed. As it has shown in this work the size of the computational grid does not significantly influence on the simulation results, revealing only small-scale structures which are not the subject of current work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
David M. French ◽  
Andrew J. Fox ◽  
Bart P. Wakker ◽  
Nicolas Lehner ◽  
J. Christopher Howk ◽  

Abstract We present a census of neutral gas in the Milky Way disk and halo down to limiting column densities of N(H i) ∼ 1014 cm−2 using measurements of H i Lyman series absorption from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. Our results are drawn from an analysis of 25 AGN sight lines spread evenly across the sky with Galactic latitude ∣b∣ ≳ 20°. By simultaneously fitting multi-component Voigt profiles to 11 Lyman series absorption transitions covered by FUSE (Lyβ–Lyμ) plus HST measurements of Lyα, we derive the kinematics and column densities of a sample of 152 H i absorption components. While saturation prevents accurate measurements of many components with column densities 17 ≲ log N(H i) ≲ 19, we derive robust measurements at log N(H i) ≲ 17 and log N(H i) ≳ 19. We derive the first ultraviolet H i column density distribution function (CDDF) of the Milky Way, both globally and for low-velocity (ISM), intermediate-velocity clouds (IVCs), and high-velocity clouds (HVCs). We find that IVCs and HVCs show statistically indistinguishable CDDF slopes, with β IVC = − 1.01 − 0.14 + 0.15 and β HVC = − 1.05 − 0.06 + 0.07 . Overall, the CDDF of the Galactic disk and halo appears shallower than that found by comparable extragalactic surveys, suggesting a relative abundance of high column density gas in the Galactic halo. We derive the sky-covering fractions as a function of H i column density, finding an enhancement of IVC gas in the northern hemisphere compared to the south. We also find evidence for an excess of inflowing H i over outflowing H i, with −0.88 ± 0.40 M ⊙ yr−1 of HVC inflow versus ≈0.20 ± 0.10 M ⊙ yr−1 of HVC outflow, confirming an excess of inflowing HVCs seen in UV metal lines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Denilso Camargo

Abstract This work communicates the discovery of a binary open cluster within the Galaxy. NGC 1605 presents an unusual morphology with a sparse stellar distribution and a double core in close angular proximity. The 2MASS and Gaia-EDR3 field-star decontaminated color–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) show two distinct stellar populations located at the same heliocentric distance of ∼2.6 kpc, suggesting that there are two clusters in the region, NGC 1605a and NGC 1605b, with ages of 2 Gyr and 600 Myr, respectively. Both Gaia parallax and PM distributions are compact and very similar indicating that they are open clusters (OCs) and share the same kinematics. The large age difference, 1.4 Gyr, point to a formation by tidal capture during a close encounter and the close spatial proximity and similar kinematics suggest an ongoing merger event. There is some prominent tidal debris that appears to trace the cluster's orbits during the close encounter and, unexpectedly, some of them appear to be bound structures; this may suggest that in addition to the evaporation, the merging clusters are being broken apart into smaller structures by the combination of the Galactic disk, the Perseus arm, and mutual tidal interactions. In this sense, the newly found binary cluster may be a key object in the observational validation of theoretical studies on binary cluster pairs formation by tidal capture as well as in the formation of massive clusters by merging, and tidal disruption of stellar systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (1) ◽  
pp. L11
Frances H. Cashman ◽  
Andrew J. Fox ◽  
Blair D. Savage ◽  
Bart P. Wakker ◽  
Dhanesh Krishnarao ◽  

Abstract We report the first direct detection of molecular hydrogen associated with the Galactic nuclear wind. The Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectrum of LS 4825, a B1 Ib–II star at l, b = 1.67°,−6.63° lying d = 9.9 − 0.8 + 1.4 kpc from the Sun, ∼1 kpc below the Galactic plane near the Galactic center, shows two high-velocity H2 components at v LSR = −79 and −108 km s−1. In contrast, the FUSE spectrum of the nearby (∼0.6° away) foreground star HD 167402 at d = 4.9 − 0.7 + 0.8 kpc reveals no H2 absorption at these velocities. Over 60 lines of H2 from rotational levels J = 0 to 5 are identified in the high-velocity clouds. For the v LSR = −79 km s−1 cloud we measure total log N(H2) ≥ 16.75 cm−2, molecular fraction f H 2 ≥ 0.8%, and T 01 ≥ 97 and T 25 ≤ 439 K for the ground- and excited-state rotational excitation temperatures. At v LSR = −108 km s−1, we measure log N(H2) = 16.13 ± 0.10 cm−2, f H 2 ≥ 0.5%, and T 01 = 77 − 18 + 34 and T 25 = 1092 − 117 + 149 K, for which the excited-state ortho- to para-H2 is 1.0 − 0.1 + 0.3 , much less than the equilibrium value of 3 expected for gas at this temperature. This nonequilibrium ratio suggests that the −108 km s−1 cloud has been recently excited and has not yet had time to equilibrate. As the LS 4825 sight line passes close by a tilted section of the Galactic disk, we propose that we are probing a boundary region where the nuclear wind is removing gas from the disk.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Meng Zhang ◽  
Maosheng Xiang ◽  
Hua-Wei Zhang ◽  
Yuan-Sen Ting ◽  
Hans-Walter Rix ◽  

Abstract Recent observations have revealed a population of α-element abundances, enhanced giant stars with unexpected high masses (≳1 M ⊙) from asteroseismic analysis and spectroscopy. Assuming single-star evolution, their masses imply young ages (τ < 6 Gyr) incompatible with the canonical Galactic chemical evolution scenario. Here we study the chemistry and kinematics of a large sample of such α-rich, high-mass red giant branch (RGB) stars drawn from the LAMOST spectroscopic surveys. Using LAMOST and Gaia, we found these stars share the same kinematics as the canonical high-α old stellar population in the Galactic thick disk. The stellar abundances show that these high-α massive stars have α- and iron-peak element abundances similar to those of the high-α old thick-disk stars. However, a portion of them exhibit higher [(N+C)/Fe] and [Ba/Fe] ratios, which implies they have gained C- and Ba-rich materials from extra sources, presumably asymptotic giant branch (AGB) companions. The results support the previous suggestion that these RGB stars are products of binary evolution. Their high masses thus mimic “young” single stars, yet in fact they belong to an intrinsic old stellar population. To fully explain the stellar abundance patterns of our sample stars, a variety of binary evolution channels, such as main-sequence (MS) + RGB, MS + AGB, RGB + RGB, and RGB + AGB, are required, pointing to diverse formation mechanisms of these seemly rejuvenated cannibals. With this larger sample, our results confirm earlier findings that most, if not all, α-rich stars in the Galactic disk seem to be old.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Yi Zhang (张艺) ◽  
Ruo-Yu Liu ◽  
S. Z. Chen ◽  
Xiang-Yu Wang

Abstract Recently, gamma-ray halos of a few degree extension have been detected around two middle-aged pulsars, namely, Geminga and PSR B0656+14, by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory (HAWC). The gamma-ray radiation arises from relativistic electrons that escape the pulsar wind nebula and diffuse in the surrounding medium. The diffusion coefficient is found to be significantly lower than the average value in the Galactic disk. If so, given a typical transverse velocity of 300–500 km s−1 for a pulsar, its displacement could be important in shaping the morphology of its gamma-ray halos. Motivated by this, we study the morphology of pulsar halos considering the proper motion of pulsar. We define three evolutionary phases of the pulsar halo to categorize its morphological features. The morphology of pulsar halos below 10 TeV is double peaked or single peaked with an extended tail, which depends on the electron injection history. Above 10 TeV, the morphology of pulsar halos is nearly spherical, due to the short cooling timescale (<50 kyr) for tens of teraelectronvolt electrons. We also quantitatively evaluate the separation between the pulsar and the center of the gamma-ray halo, as well as the influence of different assumptions on the pulsar characteristics and the injected electrons. Our results suggest that the separation between the center of the gamma-ray halo above 10 TeV and the associated pulsar is usually too small to be observable by HAWC or the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory. Hence, our results provide a useful approach to constrain the origin of extended sources at very high energies.

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