hydraulic jacking
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Suihan Zhang ◽  
Fredrik Johansson ◽  
Håkan Stille

AbstractGrout curtains are commonly constructed under dams to reduce the seepage through the rock foundation. In the design of grout curtains, empirical methods have mainly been used since the introduction of dam foundation grouting. Although empirical methods have been used with success in several projects, they have their limitations, such as poor control of the grout spread, only an indirect consideration of the threat of internal erosion of fracture infillings in the grouted zones, and the risk of hydraulic jacking. This paper presents a theory-based design methodology for grout curtains under dams founded on rock. In the design methodology, the grout curtain is designed as a structural component of the dam. The risk of erosion of fracture infilling material is explicitly accounted for along with the reduction of the hydraulic conductivity of the rock mass, and an optimization of the total uplift force. By applying the proposed design methodology, engineers can create a design better adapted to the prevailing geological and hydrogeological conditions in the rock mass, resulting in more durable grout curtains. The proposed methodology also enables cost and time estimates to be calculated for the grout curtain’s construction. Applying the principles of the observational method during the grouting execution also allows the design to be modified via predefined measures if the initial design is found to be unsuitable.

GFF ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Maarten Krabbendam ◽  
Romesh Palamakumbura ◽  
Christian Arnhardt ◽  
Adrian Hall

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 232
Adrian M. Hall ◽  
Hannah Mathers ◽  
Maarten Krabbendam

Glacial ripping is a newly recognized process sequence in which subglacial erosion is triggered by groundwater overpressure. Investigations in gneiss terrain in lowland Sweden indicate that ripping involves three stages of (i) hydraulic jacking, (ii) rock disruption under subglacial traction, and (iii) glacial transport of rock blocks. Evidence for each stage includes, respectively, dilated fractures with sediment fills, disintegrated roches moutonnées, and boulder spreads. Here, we ask: can glacial ripping also occur in sedimentary rocks, and, if so, what are its effects? The case study area is in hard, thinly bedded, gently dipping Cambrian quartz-arenites at Loch Eriboll, NW Scotland. Field surveys reveal dilated, sediment filled, bedding-parallel fractures, open joints, and brecciated zones, interpreted as markers for pervasive, shallow penetration of the quartz-arenite by water at overpressure. Other features, including disintegrated rock surfaces, boulder spreads, and monomict rubble tills, indicate glacial disruption and short distance subglacial transport. The field results together with cosmogenic isotope ages indicate that glacial ripping operated with high impact close to the former ice margin at Loch Eriboll at 17.6–16.5 ka. Glacial ripping thus can operate effectively in bedded, hard sedimentary rocks, and the accompanying brecciation is significant—if not dominant—in till formation. Candidate markers for glacial ripping are identified in other sedimentary terrains in former glaciated areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Yonghong Wang ◽  
Yongfeng Huang ◽  
Mingyi Zhang ◽  
Jiaxiao Ma

The piezoresistive silicon pressure transducers based on the piezoresistive effect have demonstrated their potential in the accurate monitoring of pressure. However, their usage in the pore and earth pressure monitoring at the pile surface under hydraulic jacking has not yet been explored. In this study, two self-made model piles (one is a closed-ended pile and the other is an open-ended pile) were instrumented with piezoresistive silicon earth transducers and pore pressure transducers and then driven into the soil using a hydraulic jack. A comprehensive investigation was first carried out for the structure of the model piles, the installation procedure of the transducers, and the composition of the test system. The pore and earth pressure measurements of the transducers were used for the evaluation of the distribution of the pore pressure, excess pore pressure, radial earth pressure, and radial effective earth pressure. The model test results indicate that the piezoresistive silicon pressure transducers are suitable for monitoring the pore and earth pressure at the pile surface during jacking. In addition, the pore pressure, excess pore pressure, radial earth pressure, and effective radial earth pressure along the test piles were affected by the penetration depth and the pile end form.

Adrian Malcolm Hall ◽  
Hannah Mathers ◽  
Maarten Krabbendam

Glacial ripping is a newly recognized process sequence in which subglacial erosion is triggered by groundwater overpressure. Investigations in gneiss terrain in lowland Sweden indicate that ripping involves three stages of (i) hydraulic jacking, (ii) rock disruption under subglacial traction and (iii) glacial transport of rock blocks. Evidence for each stage includes, respectively, dilated fractures with sediment fills, disintegrated roches moutonnées and boulder spreads. Here we ask: can glacial ripping also occur in sedimentary rocks, and, if so, what are its effects? The case study area is in hard, thinly bedded, gently dipping Cambrian quartz-arenites at Loch Eriboll, NW Scotland. Field surveys reveal dilated, sediment filled, bedding-parallel fractures, open joints and brecciated zones, interpreted as markers for pervasive, shallow penetration of the quartz-arenite by water at over-pressure. Other features, including disintegrated rock surfaces, boulder spreads and monomict rubble tills, indicate glacial disruption and short distance subglacial transport. The field results, together with published cosmogenic isotope ages, indicate that glacial ripping operated with high impact close to the former ice margin at Loch Eriboll at 17.6-16.5 ka. Glacial ripping thus can operate effectively in bedded, hard sedimentary rocks and the accompanying brecciation is significant – if not dominant - in till formation. Candidate markers for glacial ripping are identified in other sedimentary terrains in former glaciated areas of the Northern Hemisphere.

Henki Ødegaard ◽  
Bjørn Nilsen

AbstractTo avoid hydraulic failure of unlined pressure tunnels, knowledge of minimum principal stress is needed. Such knowledge is only obtainable from in situ measurements, which are often time-consuming and relatively costly, effectively limiting the number of measurements typically performed. In an effort to enable more stress measurements, the authors propose a simplified and cost-effective stress measuring method; the Rapid Step-Rate Test (RSRT), which is based on existing hydraulic testing methods. To investigate the ability of this test to measure fracture normal stresses in field-like conditions, a true triaxial laboratory test rig has been developed. Hydraulic jacking experiments performed on four granite specimens, each containing a fracture, have been performed. Interpretation of pressure-, flow- and acoustic emission (AE) data has been used to interpret fracture behaviour and to assess fracture normal stresses. Our experimental data suggest that the proposed test method, to a satisfactory degree of reliability, can measure the magnitude of fracture normal stress. In addition, a clear correlation has been found between fracture closure and sudden increase in AE rate, suggesting that AE monitoring during testing can serve as a useful addition to the test. The rapid step-rate test is also considered relevant for field-scale measurements, with only minor adaptions. Our findings suggest that the RSRT can represent a way to get closer to the ideal of performing more testing along the entire length of pressure tunnel, and not only at key locations, which requires interpolation of stress data with varying degree of validity.

Krishna Kanta Panthi ◽  
Chhatra Bahadur Basnet

AbstractThe use of unlined/shotcrete lined pressure tunnels and shafts are cost-effective solutions for a hydropower project and are being implemented worldwide. To implement this concept, the ground conditions at the area of concern should be favorable regarding minimum principal stress magnitude, which should be higher than hydrostatic water head acting on the tunnel periphery. In addition, the rock mass should be relatively unjointed or joints in the rock mass should be relatively tight. Among the most important issues in the design of unlined/shotcrete lined pressure tunnels is the extent of hydraulic jacking and water leakage out of the tunnel during operation. This manuscript first presents fluid flow and potential hydraulic jacking assessment of two selected locations of the headrace tunnel of Upper Tamakoshi Hydroelectric Project (UTHP) in Nepal using the UDEC. It is noted here that the 7960 m long headrace tunnel will experience a hydrostatic water head that will vary from 2.9 to 11.5 bars (0.29–1.15 MPa). The headrace tunnel is supported by sprayed concrete (shotcrete) in combination with systematic rock bolts in the tunnel walls and crown. The invert of the tunnel and few hundred meters downstream end (at surge shaft area) of the headrace tunnel is being concrete lined after the completion of all other works. The qualitative fluid flow assessment carried out using UDEC indicated considerable pressure built-up in the joint systems suggesting potential hydraulic jacking. This was especially the case at the downstream segment (downstream from chainage 7100 m) of the headrace tunnel. The manuscript further presents the quantitative results of water leakage estimation from the headrace tunnel carried out using Panthi (Panthi KK (2006) Analysis of engineering geological uncertainties related to tunnelling in Himalayan rock mass conditions. PhD Thesis, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway;Panthi, Note on estimating specific leakage using Panthi’s approach, NTNU, Trondheim, 2010;) approach. The leakage assessment carried out indicated an average specific leakage of about 2.5 l/min/m tunnel, which may result in over 210 l/s leakage from the headrace tunnel. The evaluation also indicated that the outer reach (860 m downstream segment) of the headrace tunnel after chainage 7100 m seems extremely vulnerable and over 80 l/s water leakage may occur only from this headrace tunnel segment during operation of the hydropower plant.

Choirus Soleh Rozeli

The foundation is a structure under the building that serves as a distributor of the load on it to the supporting ground layer. The pile capacity is obtained from the soil investigation results which is a sondir test. Sondir test is a technique of soil layer estimator to determine the type of foundation that will be used such as pile foundation. Hydraulic Jacking System is a equipment to pressure the pile. Pile Driving Analyzer Test is a system used for test the pile dynamically after erection. The purpose of this research is to know the method of bearing capacity of pile foundation calculation based on sondir data which approach Hydraulic Jacking System capacity and Pile Driving Analyzer Test capacity. This research method is quantitative. Data were collected using survey techniques. The survey technique is used to obtain generat data from the field. The data is processed using Schmertmann’s method, Philipponant’s method, and Andina’s method, and the results is compared with the Hydraulic Jacking System capacity and Pile Driving Analyzer Test capacity.

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