russian company
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2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 97-102
N. P. Naumov ◽  
P. A. Scheplev ◽  
S. К. Martazinova

Chronic prostatitis is one of the most common disorders in men of reproductive age. In 5-10 % of cases, prostatitis is caused by bacterial infection. In 80-90 % of patients, bacterial agent cannot be detected, and chronic abacterial prostatitis is diagnosed per the National Institute of Health classification (NIH, 1995).Even with combination therapy using drugs of different groups, chronic prostatitis is a recurrent disorder and can lead to development of symptoms in the lower urinary tract and chronic pelvic pain syndrome decreasing patients' quality of life.Phytotherapy and beekeeping products with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, immunostimulating effects has a certain place in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.The study objective is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of rectal cream “Hem” (as suppositories) manufactured by Russian company ADONIS CNPG and TM LCC in patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis.

A. V. Popkov ◽  
V. S. Sanguliya

The key issues that arise when determining the signs of establishing control by a foreign investor over strategic companies are considered, as well as the issue of using indirect evidence when establishing the fact of the presence (absence) of such control.The classification of evidence of control is given, the judicial practice on the issue of evaluating the arguments of the antimonopoly authority and other persons when justifying the presence (absence) of control of a foreign investor over a Russian company engaged in a strategic type of activity is considered.It is concluded that it is inappropriate to legislate a closed list of grounds for a foreign investor’s control over a Russian strategic company in Federal Law № 57.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (41) ◽  
pp. 177-187
Natalia V. Komarova ◽  
Sergey I. Slav

The article shows the relevance of work on developing a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of Russian Satellite Communications Company (RSCC) and degree of development of the problem. The logical structure of the research was formed, including such components as the object, subject, initial hypothesis, goal, methodological foundations and practical significance of the research. The mission of the studied RSCC is presented. The essence of the process of strategic planning for increasing competitiveness is investigated and the possibilities of determining the goals and structure of the company are revealed. The reasons for the low economic efficiency of using a standing point in a geostationary orbit for Russian companies are revealed and possible solutions to these problems are identified. There is the system of indicators by which the company loses to its competitors. The market segmentation by frequency resource is presented. The technology of selection of the frequency range by the client is shown. The key factors of the company's success in the global market have been identified and compared using these factors with the main competitors.

Mikhail Vedernikov ◽  

The article discusses the issue of construction of two additional power units of the Dukovany NPP which gained widespread attention in the second half of 2020. The author's attention is focused on the discussion of Czech politicians and entrepreneurs regarding the participation of the Russian company Rosatom in this project. The opposition to Prime Minister A. Babiš takes an irreconcilable position, demanding to exclude it under the pretext of a geopolitical threat from the Russian Federation. As shown in the work, the head of government has to balance between the interests of big business, whose representatives demand to speed up the project development process, and anti-Russian politicians, whose support, as shown by recent polls, is increasing. It is likely that in the fall of 2021, after the next parliament elections, they will form a new government. In such circumstances, one should not count on an improvement in Czech-Russian relations.

Dmitrii Sobolev

This article describes the history of creation and operation of the German-Russian company for air transport, the Deruluft airline. It launched its operation with the first international air line in Soviet Russia, an airlink between Moscow and Königsberg, and new lines were opened subsequently. Deruluft mostly used German aircrafts; Soviet aircrafts were also used although to a lesser extent. The aircrews included both German and RSFR (USSR) citizens. Deruluft operated for 15 years and was dissolved for political reasons. The airline’s activities had promoted the development of the Soviet civil aviation and training of skilled cadre of Soviet professionals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 31-39
A. A. Deltsov ◽  
I. V. Kosova ◽  
O. R. Rodkina ◽  

The paper presents an analysis of the range of veterinary medicines registered in the territory of the Russian Federation and used for the prevention and treatment of arachnoentomoses. The most common active ingredient was determined: Fipronil (contained in 54 TN – 24,11% of the total number of insectoacaricides). It has been established that the Russian company NPF Ecoprom JSC occupies a leading position in the production of insecticidal acaricides (31 TN – 13,84%). The overwhelming majority of the investigated drugs were also developed in the Russian Federation – 143 TN (63,84% of the total insectoacaricide market). It was found that the largest number of insectoacaricidal preparations has a wide spectrum of action and is effective for the treatment of arachnoentomoses – 145 TN (64,73%), and the largest group among the target animals are dogs (127 TN can be used for their treatment – 56,70%). The dynamics of state registration of insectoacaricidal preparations was also studied. Most of them are registered in 2020.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-47
I. M. Pozharitskaya

At the current stage of development of the world economy, the requirement to comply with the company’s sustainable development strategy is unquestionable. One of the elements of such a strategy is the preparation of a sustainable development report as a type of non-financial reporting of economic entities. The article considers the priority goals of sustainable development in the strategy of global and Russian companies. The practical aspects of drawing up a sustainable development report on the example of a Russian company are studied.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 86-94
Maren Krimmer

In February 2020, a Dutch appeals court ruled that the Russian state owed shareholders in the now-defunct Russian company Yukos 50 billion US dollars, one of the largest sums ever awarded. However, no country has yet been able to enforce the Yukos arbitral award issued in 2014 against Russia: while the arbitration tribunal in the Yukos investment case ruled in favour of the company, affirming that provisional application of the Energy Charter Treaty was compatible with Russian domestic law, Russia regards the matter as one of sovereignty and sees its power as being threatened. The article discusses whether non-enforcement of the award on the Russian government’s part would be justified by Article 15 (1) of the Russian Constitution and what impact the currently planned amendments to that foundational law might have with regard to international treaties and decisions of international bodies. The article concludes that the political and theory-oriented debate regarding Yukos will continue and that it will remain hard for the former Yukos shareholders to collect their money under the PCA’s arbitral award.

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