yield surface
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Mariya Ihorivna Shapovalova ◽  
Oleksii Oleksandrovich Vodka

Modern trends in the development of mechanical engineering and other industries related to the production of materials and structures with a given set of physical, mechanical, and technological properties are aimed at reducing material consumption, energy consumption, increasing accuracy, reliability, and competitiveness of the manufactured product. Therefore, the creation of mathematical methods for assessing the stress state of structural elements based on the analysis of the elastic characteristics of a material, taking into account the peculiarities of its internal microstructure, is an actual task. The considered algorithm includes the following stages: identification of strength parameters using data obtained from images of the material microstructure; study of the stress-strain state of the model based on the variational-difference finite element method; formation of a system of linear algebraic equations for solving the problem of analyzing the elastic properties of a material using the plane problem of the theory of elasticity; construction of the material yield surface for a series of tests based on the strength criteria of composite materials, taking into account the different resistance of the material under tensile and compressive loads. Based on the developed mathematical model, the SSS and the yield surface of the plate with a hole are estimated. Structural analysis is performed at the macro and micro levels. The occurrence of plastic deformations at the micro-level can lead to the development of cracks and structural damage at the macro level. As a result of the study, the probability of plastic deformation in the plate is determined, and the critical zones of the model are established. The practical significance of the results obtained is to create an approach to assessing the mechanical properties of a material, such as elastic modulus, shear modulus, Poisson's ratio, and their probabilistic characteristics following the internal material structure. The proposed approach contributes to the expansion of knowledge about the material and allows to increase the valuable information obtained by modeling. To assess the probability of plastic deformations, the generated method uses the entire set of probabilistic characteristics of the yield surface.

Rodrigo Carreira Weber ◽  
Enrique E. Romero Morales ◽  
Antonio Lloret

This paper studies the hydromechanical behavior of a slightly compacted mixture of sand and clayey silt (30%/70%) under a generalized stress state. The experimental study focused on analyzing the yielding response and shear strength behavior at different stress states (characterized by the intermediate principal stress parameter b, or Lode angle) and at different initial total suctions (as-compacted state). For the investigation, a hollow cylinder apparatus was used. The shear strength results allowed defining the variation of the critical state line with the Lode angle and the suction. Different models were proposed for isotropic and anisotropic yield surfaces, and their shape and rotation were calibrated with experimental results. The modeled yield surfaces fitted reasonably well the experimental results, considering their inclination and dependence on the suction, mean and deviatoric stresses and Lode angle. In addition, some relationships between the stresses and the model parameters were proposed to normalize the yield surface equation.

JOM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Kaitlynn M. Conway ◽  
Zachary Romanick ◽  
Lea M. Cook ◽  
Luis A. Morales ◽  
Jonathan D. Despeaux ◽  

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 2142
Vicente Navarro ◽  
Virginia Cabrera ◽  
Gema De la Morena ◽  
Daniel González ◽  
Laura Asensio ◽  

In this paper, a simple precomputing procedure is proposed to improve the numerical performance of the technological application of critical state soil models. In these models, if associated plasticity is assumed, the normalization of the stress space allows both the yield surface and the plastic components of the elastoplastic matrix to be defined as a function of a single variable. This approach facilitates their parameterization and precomputation, preventing the repetition of calculations when the boundary value problems appear at the yield surface with the calculation of plastic strain. To illustrate the scope of the procedure, its application on a modified Cam Clay model is analysed, which shows that the method allows a significant reduction of about 50% (as compared with the conventional explicit integration algorithm) in the computational time without reducing the precision. Although it is intended for critical state models in soils, the approach can be applied to other materials and types of constitutive models provided that parameterization is possible. It is therefore a methodology of practical interest, especially when a large volume of calculations is required, for example when studying large-scale engineering systems, performing sensitivity analysis, or solving optimization problems.

2021 ◽  
Shihuai Zhang ◽  
Pei Guo ◽  
Shunchuan Wu

We investigated the elastoplastic behavior and strain localization of the Zigong sandstone (porosity: 6.5%) during brittle fracturing based on two series of axisymmetric compression experiments. The experiments were conducted under various confining pressures (σ3 = 0 ~ 80 MPa). For each confining pressure, the sandstone specimens were deformed under constant axial and circumferential strain rates, respectively. When σ3 < 60 MPa, the sandstone first undergoes stable deformation in the post-peak stage and then loses its stability. Before the emergence of instability, the mechanical behavior is hardly affected by the controlling method. When the confining is larger, the sandstone manifests a stable failure process during the whole loading stage. The observed elastoplastic behavior was described by a two-yield surface constitutive model established in the framework of generalized plastic mechanics. The proposed constitutive model incorporates two quadratic yield functions, as well as two linearly independent plastic potential functions, to honor the shear yield and volumetric dilatancy, respectively. Via the return mapping algorithm, the proposed constitutive model was verified by comparing the numerical results with experimental results. In addition, the two-yield surface constitutive model, which is equivalent to the model proposed by Rudnicki and Rice,1 was applied to localization analysis. Assuming that the onset of localization occurs at peak stress, frictional coefficient μ and dilatancy factor β were determined from experimental data. The variations of both plastic parameters predict the transition of localization mode from pure dilation bands under uniaxial compression to pure shear bands at high confining pressures, which is consistent with the experimental observations.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258813
Kai Cui ◽  
Bin Hu ◽  
Aneng Cui ◽  
Jing Li ◽  
Erjian Wei ◽  

The strain-softening and dilatancy behavior of soft rock is affected by the loading history and the development of structure. This study regards soft rock as a structured and overconsolidated soil and develops a new elastoplastic model based on the classical super yield surface Cam-clay model. The proposed model is capable of capturing the effect of yield surface shape on the mechanical behavior of soft rock by introducing a new yield function. The proposed model is validated against the triaxial test results on different types of soft rocks under drained condition. The comparison results indicate that the proposed model is suitable for describing the constitutive behavior of soft rock.

O. L. Shved

The problem of constructing a yield surface is described. The magnitude of the stress velocity potential is explained graphically. The parameters of an elastic-plastic process are introduced: a modified R. Schmidt parameter and an analogue of the Lode parameter, the sign of which changes only when the singular point of the plasticity curve passes. The formal work area of the Murnaghan law is calculated, the real area will be much smaller. An effect similar to the Bauschinger effect for the deviator of the stress tensor is assumed to be fair. In the basic experiments of uniaxial and biaxial tension, compression and shear, a piecewise-linear generator with vertices at the corresponding singular points of the plasticity curves is determined. The magnitude of the effect is approximated by a quadratic dependence in the place parameter and piecewise-linear one in the hardening parameter. According to the magnitude of the effect, at the point of the active process there is a singular point of the curve, into which the basic generator moves. The yield surface is constructed by ductility curves drawn through the generator. Determination of the magnitude of the effect under repeated loading after unloading is considered.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-32
Ankit Agarwal ◽  
Marcial Gonzalez

Abstract We present a constitutive model for particle-binder composites that accounts for finite-deformation kinematics, nonlinear elasto-plasticity without apparent yield, cyclic hysteresis, and progressive stress-softening before the attainment of stable cyclic response. The model is based on deformation mechanisms experimentally observed during quasi-static monotonic and cyclic compression of mock Plastic-Bonded Explosives (PBX) at large strain. An additive decomposition of strain energy into elastic and inelastic parts is assumed, where the elastic response is modeled using Ogden hyperelasticity while the inelastic response is described using yield-surface-free endochronic plasticity based on the concepts of internal variables and of evolution or rate equations. Stress-softening is modeled using two approaches; a discontinuous isotropic damage model to appropriately describe the softening in the overall loading-unloading response, and a material scale function to describe the progressive cyclic softening until cyclic stabilization. A nonlinear multivariate optimization procedure is developed to estimate the elasto-plastic model parameters from nominal stress-strain experimental compression data. Finally, a correlation between model parameters and the unique stress-strain response of mock PBX specimens with differing concentrations of aluminum is identified, thus establishing a relationship between model parameters and material composition.

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