Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Physical-Technical Series
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Published By Publishing House Belorusskaya Nauka

2524-244x, 1561-8358

O. G. Devoino ◽  
A. V. Gorbunov ◽  
V. A. Gorbunova ◽  
A. S. Volod’ko ◽  
V. A. Koval ◽  

One of the main trends in the field of improving the modern technologies of thermal spraying, including plasma one, for functional ceramic coatings formation is the reducing the energy consumption of the process. In this regard, one of the important directions for improving these technologies is the development of their new versions, using the principle of adding inexpensive fuel-oxidizer mixtures based on hydrocarbons with air. This type of plasma-fuel type of spraying will be promising for application at the present time, first of all, in order to obtain refractory functional coatings. For this purpose, we investigated the opportunity for upgrading an industrial unit/system for plasma spraying of ceramic powder materials with arc plasma torch of 25–40 kW power by the use of experimental variant of a fuel gas-vortex intensifier. The thermodynamic assessment of possible parameters of the generated mixed flow after the torch with this fuel intensifier was carried out to estimate the applicability of this system to optimize the spraying of oxide and carbide coatings (based on the examples of Al2O3, Cr3C2 and other powders). The analysis of possible parameters of the produced flow after the torch with intensifier was performed for the cases of main C–H–O–N–Ar–Me (Me = Al, Cr) systems and additional C–H–O–Al-system to assess the potential of this system to modify the technology of oxide and carbide ceramic coatings formation. New regimes, which were analyzed in our research as the simulants of Al2O3 spraying, surpass on calculated energy efficiency characteristics (by 10–20 %) one of the new prospective spraying methods with (СO2+СH4)-plasma, as well as the conventional method of powder heating during the spraying with N2-plasma. The case of our proposed fuel assisted process (FA-APS) with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) fuel for the heating of ceramic powders (especially, Al2O3) demonstrates the advantage of the process (in particular, on the energy efficiencies and energy consumption) in a comparison with the conventional regimes of APS of the powders (in N2 plasma of the standard torch). For the variants of the FA-APS with Al2O3 and Cr3C2 feedstock powders it was established to be potentially possible to obtain (at the moderate values of total electric energy consumption for the torch and auxiliary equipment, – near 1.8 and 1.0 kWh/(kg of product)) such high level of the process productivity on the final product as approximately 17 and 28 kg/h, respectively; at the values of required power of the torch:  28.2 and  22.3 kW.

S. V. Vasilevich ◽  
M. V. Malko ◽  
D. V. Degterov ◽  
A. N. Asadchyi

The paper discusses results of an experimental study of the thermal decomposition of pyrolysis tar in a homogeneous process and in the presence of a catalyst. Experiments on thermal decomposition of pyrolysis tar were carried out under isothermal conditions in a laboratory setup at temperatures of 300, 400, 450 and 500 °C. The rate of the homogeneous process of thermal decomposition of tar and maximal degrees of decomposition were determined. According to the data of this work, the activation energy of the homogeneous process was 320 kJ/mol. It was found that the rate of thermal decomposition of the tar increases in the case of introducing samples of natural dolomites into the reaction zone, as well as a composite material based on them. This increase is due to the occurrence of a heterogeneous catalytic decomposition reaction of the pyrolysis tar. The apparent activation energy of this process was 210 kJ/mol (when using dolomites) and 202 kJ/mol (when using composites). It was noted that the composite material has significantly more favorable mechanical properties than dolomite. Based on the established data, it was concluded that the creation of composite catalysts for the thermal decomposition of heavy hydrocarbons formed in the processes of thermochemical conversion of biomass is promising.

S. I. Rudikov ◽  
V. Yu. Tsviatkou ◽  
A. P. Shkadarevich

The problem of reducing the dynamic range and improving the quality of infrared (IR) images with a wide dynamic range for their display on a liquid crystal matrix with 8-bit pixels is considered. To solve this problem in optoelectronic devices in real time, block algorithms based on local equalization of the histogram are widely used, taking into account their relatively low computational complexity and the possibility of taking into account local features of the brightness distribution. The basic adaptive histogram equalization algorithm provides reasonably high image quality after conversion, but may result in excessive contrast for some types of images. In a modified algorithm of adaptive histogram equalization, the contrast is limited by a threshold by truncating local maxima at the edges of the histogram. This leads, however, to a deterioration in other indicators of image quality. This disadvantage is inherent in many algorithms of local histogram equalization, along with limited control over the characteristics of image reproduction quality. To improve the quality and expand the control interval for the characteristics of the reproduction of infrared images, the article proposes an algorithm for double reduction of the dynamic range of the image with intermediate control of the shape of its histogram. This algorithm performs: preliminary reduction of the dynamic range of the image based on adaptive equalization of the histogram, control of the shape of the histogram based on its linear or nonlinear compression, linear stretching of its central part and linear stretching (compression) of its lateral parts, final reduction of the dynamic range based on linear compression of the entire histograms. The characteristics of the proposed algorithm are compared with the characteristics of known algorithms for reducing the dynamic range and improving the image quality. The dependences of the characteristics of the quality of image reproduction after a decrease in their dynamic range on the control parameters of the proposed algorithm and recommendations for their choice taking into account the computational complexity are given.

A. P. Kren

The problems of measuring the plastic characteristics of metals are considered. It is shown that the characteristics of materials used to compare their plasticity are not comparable and depend in the different degrees on the values of strain, strain rate, and modulus of elasticity. At the same time, the value of plasticity is more physically substantiated, which is determined by the ratio of plastic strain to total strain. It is shown that one of the optimal methods for measuring plasticity (plasticity index) is indentation. The possibility of using impact microindentation for this purpose is studied and expressions are proposed that allow calculating the plasticity based on the results of a single indentation of a spherical indenter. The specialties of the calculation of strain for this type of testing are shown. It was found that the values of plasticity obtained from the ratios of the depths of the plastic and elastic penetration of the indenter are equivalent to the values calculated from the energy ratios upon impact. Experimental studies have been carried out on metals with different hardness and type of crystal lattice. For the first time, the effect of strain rate, deformation, and impact energy (initial impact velocity) on the calculated value of plasticity when a sphere is impressed with strain rates of ~ 103 s–1 is shown. It is shown that when the strain corresponding to the onset of full plasticity during indentation is reached, the maximum sensitivity of the measured plasticity parameter for various metals is achieved.

A. S. Kozeruk ◽  
A. A. Sukhotsky ◽  
R. O. Diaz González ◽  
M. I. Filonova ◽  
V. O. Kuznechik ◽  

The scheme of processing conical surfaces by grinding them to a flat tool is considered and a technical solution for the implementation of such processing is proposed. Using the created device allows implementing the group method of forming conical parts with a deviation of the generatrix of the cone from straightness of not more than ± 0.00012 mm. A mathematical model of the patterns of removal of stock from a conical part with a flat tool is developed. A formula is obtained for calculating the modulus of the sliding velocity at any point on the processed conical surface, which implements engineering methods for controlling the shaping of conical parts without conducting preliminary labor-intensive experimental studies. An optimization technique for the adjustment parameters of technological equipment was proposed. The most effective axicon processing modes were revealed at the stages of preliminary, medium and fine grinding, as well as at the polishing stage, depending on the technological heredity of the workpiece from the point of view of distribution of the stock to be removed over its surface. It has been established that changes in the eccentricity between the axes of rotation of the tool and the faceplate as well as the amplitudes of the reciprocating rotational movements of the latter practically do not affect both accuracy and processing productivity, therefore, in practice, these parameters can not be optimized, but their average values can be assigned. The operating modes of the basic lever grinding and polishing machine are established, at which the required accuracy of the working surface of the tool is provided, which directly affects the straightness of the generatrix of the cone. Studies of the regularities of the shaping of the side surface of a conical lens in the conditions of free grinding are carried out and the adjustment parameters of technological equipment that affect the quality and productivity of the processing process are determined.

S. A. Zolotarev ◽  
V. L. Vengrinovich ◽  
S. I. Smagin

The pipe wall thickness was estimated based on three-dimensional images of the pipe recovered from several X-ray projections, which were made in a limited angle of view. Since the effects of scattered radiation and beam hardening are up to 50 % of the main radiation, ignoring them leads to blur of the image and inaccuracy in determining dimensions. To restore pipe images from projections, a volume and/or shell representation of the pipe is used, as well as iterative Bayesian methods. Using these methods, the error in estimating the pipe wall thickness from the projection data can be equal to or less than 300 μm. It has been shown that standard X-ray projections on the film or imaging plates used to obtain data can be used to restore pipe wall thickness profiles in factory conditions.

S. A. Chizhik ◽  
M. A. Zhuravkov ◽  
A. B. Petrovskiy ◽  
V. Ya. Prushak ◽  
D. A. Puzanov

Methodological approaches to the selection of ultimate state criteria and strength characteristics of the repeatedly undermined rock massifs were developed. These approaches were designed to provide parametric support to the geomechanical modelling of the massif stress-strain state and the mining systems of the Starobin potash deposit mine fields planned for the additional mining of the mineral reserves left. It was established that a complex criterion must be used to study the massif ultimate state. Determination of such criterion can be carried out using the developed approaches. The first approach is to select several criteria that evaluate the massif ultimate state by certain types of the massif stress-strain state. These criteria are the following: the criterion of the maximum normal stresses, criterion of the maximum linear strains, the criterion of the maximum shear stresses and the Coulomb–Mohr failure criterion. The second approach is to construct an integrated failure state criterion for materials whose ultimate tensile and compressive stresses differ significantly. In this case, parameters characterizing the type of stress state and properties of the material are introduced. These parameters together determine the destruction character – tear or shear. To describe the rocks behavior in the extreme strength stage of deformation, it is proposed to apply deformation theory of strength using the developed strain failure criterion. When calculating the strength characteristics of the repeatedly undermined rock massif, it is recommended to use a structural attenuation coefficient as the product of several factors, taking into account various types of disturbances in the primary undermined massif and the time factor. The Coulomb–Mohr strength condition is recommended to be used taking into account the composite structural attenuation coefficient. Dependencies have been developed to describe the change in the strength characteristics of rocks in the undermined massif, considering the attenuation coefficient.

G. V. Markov ◽  
A. T. Volochko ◽  
V. G. Zaleski ◽  
N. Yu. Melnik

The simple relation to estimate the cathode spot radius of a vacuum arc of pure metals is obtained. On its basis, is established between the cathode spot radius and the size of droplets generated by the cathode spot a correlation. This enables to find ways to reduce droplets in the plasma flow, which forms coatings by the vacuum electric arc method. The paper presents the results of experimental study of the droplet sizes depending on the vacuum arc current iд. The size and amount of the droplets on an area of 1 mm2 of the coating surface are determined using the ImageSP program. As the initial data, the microstructures of the coatings are used with an increase of: ç100, ç200, ç500, ç1000, ç1500. The droplets have been generated by a cathode spot of a vacuum arc for the alloy of the composition, at.%: 68Al–8Cr–4Nb–20Si. It is established that the number of droplets with a diameter of < 2 μm is generated most of all, and the number of droplets with a diameter > 10 μm is generated least of all. The number of generated droplets with a diameter from 2 to 10 μm slightly depends on the arc current iд. It is noted that the diameter of the alloy droplet is smaller than the diameter of the droplets generated by the cathode spot on its components due to the fact that the radius of the cathode spot on the alloy is smaller than the radius of the cathode spot on its pure components.

K. Yu. Bykov ◽  
I. V. Kachanov ◽  
I. M. Shatalov

The article presents a simplified three-stage model of the transition from a flat to axisymmetric deformation during high-speed, combined extrusion of bimetallic road milling picks. The transition is based on the principle of equality of areas, according to which the area of a figure during a flat deformation is replaced by an equal area of a circle. In this case, it is assumed that the kinematically possible field of the slip lines remains unchanged. This approach makes it possible to reduce the number of necessary calculations and at the same time maintain a high degree of correctness of the obtained equations. The first stage shows the transition to a special case of a flat problem, in which a stepped rectangular part is extruded from the original square blank, in which one of the sides is equal to the square side of the original blank. At the second stage of the transition, a flat-step part having square sections along its entire length is extruded from the original square-section blank. Directly at the third stage, the final transition to the axisymmetric deformation of the cutter is formed, in which the area of the square is replaced by the equal area of the circle. The dependences obtained because of solving the axisymmetric problem can be recommended for calculations in the industrial implementation of the technology of high-speed combined extrusion of bimetallic milling picks.

A. B. Menzhinski ◽  
A. N. Malashin ◽  
A. E. Kaleda

A method for the parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets has been developed, which allows revealing the values of the parameters of the magnetic circuit (cross-sectional area) and the working winding (number of turns) at a given value of the efficiency, providing a minimum specific gravity of the generator. The method of parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets consists of three stages. The first and second stages are the electromagnetic calculation of the generator: at the first stage, the main geometric dimensions of the magnetic system and the parameters of the working winding of the generator are determined; at the second stage, the verification of the electromagnetic calculation of the generator, calculation of the nominal mode, calculation of the efficiency and assessment of the thermal state of the generator are fulfilled. At the third stage, a parametric analysis of electric generators of reciprocating motion with permanent magnets with specified constraints is carried out, as well as the refinement of the geometric dimensions and configuration of the magnetic system of the generator using a two-dimensional finite element model of the magnetic field. As a result, to ensure better use of the electrical steel of the magnetic circuit of the generator and thereby reduce its mass, the most saturated areas and areas, which are characterized by low values of the magnetic field strength, are determined. Distinctive features of the proposed technique are: the use of a minimum specific gravity of electric generators of reciprocating motion with longitudinal, transverse or combined changes in the magnetic flux passing through the working winding as an objective function; combined approach to electromagnetic calculation; taking into account the influence of the operating temperature on the parameters of the permanent magnet, as well as overheating of individual parts of the generator.

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