test interval
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-309
Rocky Alexander Ramadhan ◽  
Muh Isna Nurdin Wibisana ◽  
Pandu Kresnapati

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interval training and circuit training on the anaerobic endurance of soccer players on the SSB Putra Mororejo U-16 team. The method in this research is an experimental research design with a Quasi Experiment Design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The instrument used to measure anaerobic endurance is the Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). The sample of this study was 20 players of SSB Putra Mororejo who were divided into two groups, namely the interval training group and the circuit training group. The results of the paired sample t-test concluded that there was an effect of treatment interval training and circuit training on anaerobic endurance. In the independent sample t test, interval training was more effective in increasing anaerobic endurance than circuit training. This is evidenced by the data obtained that the increase in interval training has a percentage increase of 40.96% and circuit training has an increased percentage of 24.96%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that interval training is more effective than circuit training in an effort to increase anaerobic endurance. Keywords: interval training, circuit training, anaerobic endurance. Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh interval training dan circuit training terhadap daya tahan anaerobik pemain sepak bola pada tim SSB Putra Mororejo U-16. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Quasi Eksperimen Design dengan pretest-posttest control group design. Instrument yang digunakan untuk mengukur daya tahan anaerobik adalah Running-based Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST). Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 20 pemain SSB Putra Mororejo yang dibagi dalam dua kelompok yaitu kelompok interval training dan circuit training. Hasil uji paired sample t-test disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh treatment interval training dan circuit training terhadap daya tahan anaerobik. Pada uji independent sample t test, interval training lebih efektif dalam upaya peningkatan daya tahan anaerobik daripada circuit training. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan diperolehnya data peningkatan interval training memiliki presentase peningkatan sebesar 40,96% dan circuit training memiliki peningkatan presentase sebesar 24,96%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa interval training lebih efektif dibandingkan circuit training dalam upaya peningkatan daya tahan anaerobik.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 414-425
KRT Nur Suhascaryo ◽  
Endah Wahyurini ◽  
Yuan Cahyo Guntoro

Shale is one of the rocks that often causes drilling problems because shale tends to swell or swell when in contact with mud filtrate, mainly water-based or Water-base Mud (WBM). This study aims to determine how the performance of Oil-base Mud (OBM) based on Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) in overcoming the swelling problem. The methodology used consists of drilling simulation and cutting analysis in the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) laboratory. The series of activities in the study began with the preparation of rock layers, followed by testing the penetration rate using Water-base Mud as a comparison. After cutting analysis was carried out in the XRD laboratory of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta with the Rigaku tool, then replaced the type of drilling fluid Oil-base Mud with basic materials alternative to Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) and followed by a penetration test. Rate of Penetration (ROP) test results from WBM with Rheology 1 at interval depth of 1.64 ft-3.28 ft is 442.8 ft/h, Rheology 2 at interval depth of 4.92-6.5 ft is 118.5 ft/hr on the first day. Swelling occurred and results in pipe sticking at depth of 3.28 and 6.5 ft. Based on the Bulk Mineral analysis, clay mineral content is 23.84%. Based on the Clay Oriented, smectite dominates the clay by 29.09%. Based on MBT, shale belongs to class B (illite and mixed-layer montmorillonite illite), where this mineral can expand. Based on a Geonor As test, 5.18% of the cutting can develop when exposed to water. The drilling fluid was replaced with Oil-base Mud based on alternative Crude Coconut Oil (CCO), and obtained ROP Rheology 1 at Interval depth of 3.28 ft-4.92 ft is 492 ft/h and Rheology 2 at Interval depth of 6.5 ft-10.5 ft is 480 ft/h. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval A on the first, third, and fifth days were 31,699 psi, 42,265 psi, and 52,831 psi. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval B on the first, second, and third days were 31,496 psi, 41,517 psi, and 52,971 psi. Based on clay mineral analysis and magnitude of ROP value, is known that Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) based Oil-base Mud is effective because during the simulation, there are no drilling problems, and the resulting ROP value is greater than the first day Water-base Mud.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Ge Fang ◽  
Yaxin Wang ◽  
Zhenqian Yan ◽  
Xiaowen Zhou ◽  
Xingyu Fan ◽  

Background. Damp phlegm and blood stasis pattern (DPBSP) is the main pattern in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients. To quantify and standardize the diagnosis of DPBSP, questionnaires are usually administered. The CHD Damp Phlegm and Blood Stasis Pattern Questionnaire (CHD-DPBSPQ) is the standard metric for measuring CHD-DPBSP signs and symptoms in practice and clinical research. The CHD-DPBSPQ has moderate diagnostic efficiency, as evidenced by its receiver operating characteristic curves. Furthermore, and high reliability and validity have been shown in some studies but not in a multicenter clinical trial. Our purpose was to evaluate the test-retest reliability of a proprietary CHD-DPBSPQ. Methods. The CHD-DPBSPQ uses a standard procedure for measuring symptoms. The (interrater) reliability and validity of this questionnaire have been previously studied. Here, we evaluated the test interval and weighted kappa value of items of test-retest (intrarater) reliability of the CHD-DPBSPQ. The test-retest reliability was evaluated by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for the total CHD-DPBSPQ score and the phlegm domain and blood stasis domain scores. Weighted kappa statistics were calculated for the individual CHD-DPBSPQ items. Results. Using the CHD-DPBSPQ, 79 patients with late-stage CHD who were participating in a multicenter clinical trial were assessed twice. The ICCs for the CHD-DPBSPQ score were as follows: 0.827 for the total CHD-DPBSPQ, 0.778 for the phlegm domain score, and 0.828 for the blood stasis domain score. The reliability was slightly better in patients whose test interval was ≤14 days. The weighted kappa values of individual items showed moderate consistency. Conclusions. The CHD-DPBSPQ was found to have excellent test-retest reliability in this sample of patients.

2021 ◽  
Dorothee Therrien ◽  
Aurore Dodelet-Devilliers

Abstract In the field of laboratory animals, there have been considerable improvements in environmental enrichment for mammalian species, but little remains available for aquatic species, in particular fish. Recent publications have shown benefits in providing laboratory Zebrafish (Danio rerio) certain types of enrichments, such as substrate and plants. This research article proposes a novel tank enrichment called the Aqualabyrinth, and the benefit of its use in laboratory Zebrafish. While the enrichment won 3rd place at the 2020 Janet Wood Innovation Award (JWIA) competition, the Aqualabyrinth is not yet available on the market. This novel enrichment proposes similar if not more qualities than current aquatic enrichments commercially available. More specifically, its ease of usage, maintenance, and modular configuration options make it an ideal choice for Laboratory fish tanks. Results showed interaction on average up to 10.5 per 3 fish within a 30 second test interval versus 6.25 per 3 fish within 30 seconds interval for a mouse igloo. With the additional benefits highlighted in this study, the Aqualabyrinth proves to be an efficient and practical environmental enrichment option, pending collaboration with interested manufacturers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-139
KRT Nur Suhascaryo ◽  
Endah Wahyurini ◽  
Yuan Cahyo Guntoro

Shale is one of the rocks that often causes drilling problems because shale tends to swell or swell when in contact with mud filtrate, mainly Water-base Mud (WBM). This study aims to determine how the performance of Oil-base Mud (OBM) based on Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) in overcoming the swelling problem. The methodology used consists of drilling simulation and cutting analysis in the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) laboratory. The series of activities in the study began with the preparation of rock layers, followed by testing the penetration rate using Water-base Mud as a comparison. After cutting analysis was carried out in the XRD laboratory of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta with the Rigaku tool, then replaced the type of drilling fluid Oil-base Mud with basic materials alternative to Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) and followed by a penetration test. Rate of Penetration (ROP) test results from WBM with Rheology 1 at interval A or a depth of 1.96 ft-4.92 ft is 442.8 ft/h, Rheology 2 at interval B or a depth of 4.92-10.5 ft is 118.5 ft/hr on the first day. Swelling occurred and results in pipe sticking at depth of 6.5 ft. Based on the Bulk Mineral analysis, clay mineral content is 23.84%. Based on the Clay Oriented, smectite dominates the clay by 29.09%. Based on MBT, shale belongs to class B (illite and mixed-layer montmorillonite illite), where this mineral can expand. Based on a Geonor As test, 5.18% of the cutting can develop when exposed to water. The drilling fluid was replaced with Oil-base Mud based on alternative Crude Coconut Oil (CCO), and obtained ROP Rheology 1 at Interval A of 492 ft/h and Rheology 2 at Interval B of 480 ft/h. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval A on the first, third, and fifth days were 31,699 psi, 42,265 psi, and 52,831 psi. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval B on the first, second, and third days were 31,496 psi, 41,517 psi, and 52,971 psi. Based on clay mineral analysis and magnitude of ROP value, is known that Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) based Oil-base Mud is effective because during the simulation, there are no drilling problems, and the resulting ROP value is greater than the first day Water-base Mud.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Sachiko Ohde ◽  
Kensuke Moriwaki ◽  
Osamu Takahashi

Abstract Background The best HbA1c test interval strategy for detecting new type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) cases in healthy individuals should be determined with consideration of HbA1c test characteristics, risk stratification towards T2DM and cost effectiveness. Methods State transition models were constructed to investigate the optimal screening interval for new cases of T2DM among each age- and BMI-stratified health individuals. Age was stratified into 30–44-, 45–59-, and 60–74-year-old age groups, and BMI was also stratified into underweight, normal, overweight and obesity. In each model, different HbA1c test intervals were evaluated with respect to the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) and costs per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Annual intervals (Japanese current strategy), every 3 years (recommendations in US and UK) and intervals which are tailored to each risk stratification group were compared. All model parameters, including costs for screening and treatment, rates for complications and mortality and utilities, were taken from published studies. The willingness-to-pay threshold in the cost-effectiveness analysis was set to US $50,000/QALY. Results The HbA1c test interval for detecting T2DM in healthy individuals varies by age and BMI. Three-year intervals were the most cost effective in obesity at all ages—30-44: $15,034/QALY, 45–59: $11,849/QALY, 60–74: $8685/QALY—compared with the other two interval strategies. The three-year interval was also the most cost effective in the 60–74-year-old age groups—underweight: $11,377/QALY, normal: $18,123/QALY, overweight: $12,537/QALY—and in the overweight 45–59-year-old group; $18,918/QALY. In other groups, the screening interval for detecting T2DM was found to be longer than 3 years, as previously reported. Annual screenings were dominated in many groups with low BMI and in younger age groups. Based on the probability distribution of the ICER, results were consistent among any groups. Conclusions The three-year screening interval was optimal among elderly at all ages, the obesity at all ages and the overweight in 45–59-year-old group. For those sin the low-BMI and younger age groups, the optimal HbA1c test interval could be longer than 3 years. Annual screening to detect T2DM was not cost effective and should not be applied in any population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-139
KRT Nur Suhascaryo ◽  
Endah Wahyurini ◽  
Yuan Cahyo Guntoro

Shale is one of the rocks that often causes drilling problems because shale tends to swell or swell when in contact with mud filtrate, mainly Water-base Mud (WBM). This study aims to determine how the performance of Oil-base Mud (OBM) based on Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) in overcoming the swelling problem. The methodology used consists of drilling simulation and cutting analysis in the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) laboratory. The series of activities in the study began with the preparation of rock layers, followed by testing the penetration rate using Water-base Mud as a comparison. After cutting analysis was carried out in the XRD laboratory of UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta with the Rigaku tool, then replaced the type of drilling fluid Oil-base Mud with basic materials alternative to Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) and followed by a penetration test. Rate of Penetration (ROP) test results from WBM with Rheology 1 at interval A or a depth of 1.96 ft-4.92 ft is 442.8 ft/h, Rheology 2 at interval B or a depth of 4.92-10.5 ft is 118.5 ft/hr on the first day. Swelling occurred and results in pipe sticking at depth of 6.5 ft. Based on the Bulk Mineral analysis, clay mineral content is 23.84%. Based on the Clay Oriented, smectite dominates the clay by 29.09%. Based on MBT, shale belongs to class B (illite and mixed-layer montmorillonite illite), where this mineral can expand. Based on a Geonor As test, 5.18% of the cutting can develop when exposed to water. The drilling fluid was replaced with Oil-base Mud based on alternative Crude Coconut Oil (CCO), and obtained ROP Rheology 1 at Interval A of 492 ft/h and Rheology 2 at Interval B of 480 ft/h. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval A on the first, third, and fifth days were 31,699 psi, 42,265 psi, and 52,831 psi. The results of the Compressive Strength test interval B on the first, second, and third days were 31,496 psi, 41,517 psi, and 52,971 psi. Based on clay mineral analysis and magnitude of ROP value, is known that Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) based Oil-base Mud is effective because during the simulation, there are no drilling problems, and the resulting ROP value is greater than the first day Water-base Mud.

2021 ◽  
Sachiko Ohde ◽  
Kensuke Moriwaki ◽  
Osamu Takahashi

Abstract Background: To determine the best HbA1c test interval strategy for detecting new type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) cases in a healthy population, HbA1c test characteristics, risk stratification towards T2DM and cost effectiveness were considered.Methods: State transition models were built to study the optimal screening interval for new cases of T2DM among each age- and BMI-stratified health population. Age was stratified into 30-44-, 45-59-, and 60-74-year-old age groups, and BMI was also stratified into underweight (<18.5 kg/m2), normal (18.5-25 kg/m2), overweight (25-30 kg/m2) and obesity (≥30 kg/m2). In each model, different HbA1c test intervals were compared to evaluate costs per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER). We compared intervals annually (current Japanese strategy), every three years (US and UK recommendations) and tailored to each risk stratification group, based on our previous work. All model parameters, including screening and treatment costs, complications and mortality rates and utilities, were applied from published studies. The willingness-to-pay threshold in the cost-effectiveness analysis was set to US $50,000/QALY.Results: The HbA1c test interval for detecting T2DM in a healthy population varies by age and BMI. Three-year intervals were the most cost effective in obesity at all ages—30-44: $15,034/QALY, 45-59: $11,849/QALY, 60-74: $8,685/QALY—compared with the other two interval strategies. The three-year interval was also the most cost effective in the 60-74-year-old age groups—underweight: $11,377/QALY, normal: $18,123/QALY, overweight: $12,537/QALY—and in the overweight 45-59-year-old group; $18,918/QALY. In other groups, the screening interval for detecting T2DM was found to be longer than three years, as previously reported. Annual screenings were dominated in many groups with low BMI and in younger age groups. Based on the probability distribution of the ICER, QALY does not show much difference among any groups.Conclusions: Annual screening to detect T2DM was not cost effective and should not apply to any population. The three-year screening interval was optimal among all elderly populations, the obesity at all ages and the overweight 45-59-year-old group. For the low BMI and younger age groups, the optimal HbA1c test interval can be longer than three years.

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