inquisitive semantics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 446
William Carl Thomas

This paper proposes that the additive and disjunctive uses of English either share a semantic core. Formulated in Inquisitive Semantics, this core involves a requirement that either apply to an inquisitive proposition, which accounts for either’s co-occurrence with disjunction. It also includes an additive presupposition that is more flexible than has previously been assumed in the literature, which allows the analysis to account for novel data in which additive either conveys that a proposition is unexpected or undesirable. The inability of either to appear in alternative questions is also pointed out and accounted for.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Nur Ezatull Fadtehah Hedel ◽  
Mary Fatimah Subet

Oral and written traditions already existed a long time ago which are highlighted through various high value work. These works are processed as a medium to convey a words of advice, reprimand, satire and philosophy as a guide for the readers. The purpose of this study is to study the inquisitive semantics in strange conversational genre folklore. The objectives of this study are to identify utterances that display behaviors that were opposite to the norms of life and analyse the influence of culture and intelligence in folklore. This study is a qualitative study and an exploratory design by using a corpus data which is the Buku Antologi Enam Hikayat by choosing Hikayat Nakhoda Muda. The data were collected based on primary and secondary data and all the data were analysed based on three stages which is script semantics, resonans semantics and inquisitive semantics. Relevance Theory was used in this study. This study also includes the philosophy and intelligence of the previous society and the knowledge from other fields in order to get the concrete answer for every lexical that are used in the folklore. The results found that each lexical used in folklore has its own meaning and need to analyse by using inquisitive semantics analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-131
Siti Elmira Jonteng ◽  
Yazid Yahya ◽  
Siti Farida Salleh ◽  
Nurul Aida Abdullah ◽  
Mary Fatimah Subet

Malay idioms can express the wisdom of philosophy and common sense in the Malay community to convey a specific message. However, Malay Idioms underestimated by the society, particularly in education system nowadays. This study aimed to analyse the Malay idioms that has ‘hand’ symbol using inquisitive semantics. The importance of this study is to develop more inquisitive semantics’s study in addition to explore the power of Malay community thought in the past by choosing certain lexical to associate with people or other things. Based on purposive sampling, there are 24 Malay idioms using ‘hand’ symbol in Kamus Peribahasa Melayu Edisi Kelima. The findings of the study found that, there were 11 idioms themed temperament, attitude and deed, five idioms themed profit, fate and futility, one idiom themed knowledge and lessons, 5 idioms themed matters of life, 1 idiom themed situation and comparison and one idiom themed government matters and customs are still in use today. To explain the true meaning of this Malay idiom, inquisitive semantic approach and Bridging Cross Reference (BCR) was applied based on the corpus data at Pangkalan Korpus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (PKDBP). The results of the study found that he concept of the hand is a part of body from elbow to the fingertips and indirectly the hand is one of the limbs that are widely used in daily activities. Therefore, this study not only describes the true meaning of Malay idioms, but can prove the wisdom of the Malay community in the past in using "hand" symbol and reflects human nature or behaviour figuratively.  Keywords: Malay idiom, body, hand symbol, inquisitive semantics   Abstrak: Simpulan bahasa Melayu dapat menunjukkan kebijaksanaan falsafah dan akal budi masyarakat Melayu terdahulu dalam menyampaikan sesuatu mesej tertentu. Namun begitu, simpulan bahasa semakin dipandang remeh oleh masyarakat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis simpulan bahasa Melayu yang menggunakan imej perlambangan ‘tangan’ dengan mengaplikasikan kajian semantik inkuisitif. Kepentingan kajian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan lagi kajian semantik inkuisitif, di samping untuk meneroka kehebatan pemikiran masyarakat Melayu pada zaman dahulu dalam memilih leksikal tertentu dalam penciptaan simpulan bahasa. Terdapat sebanyak 24 simpulan bahasa mempunyai imej perlambangan ‘tangan’ telah dapat dikesan dalam Kamus Peribahasa Melayu Edisi Kelima susunan  Mohd. Tajuddin Hj Abd. Rahman (2017) berdasarkan pensampelan bertujuan. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa sebanyak sebelas (11) simpulan bahasa yang bertemakan perangai, sikap dan perbuatan, lima (5) simpulan bahasa bertemakan untung, nasib dan sia-sia, satu (1) bertemakan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelajaran, 5 bertemakan hal-hal kehidupan, satu (1) bertemakan keadaan dan perbandingan dan satu (1) simpulan bahasa bertemakan hal pemerintahan dan adat negeri masih diguna pakai sehingga kini. Bagi menghuraikan makna sebenar peribahasa tersebut, pendekatan semantik inkuisitif dan Rangka Rujuk Silang (RRS) telah diaplikasikan dengan berpandukan data korpus dalam Pangkalan Korpus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).  Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa konsep tangan merupakan bahagian yang terdapat pada anggota badan iaitu dari siku sehingga ke hujung jari dan secara tidak langsung tangan merupakan salah satu daripada anggota badan yang banyak digunakan dalam aktiviti seharian. Pengkaji juga telah mendapati bahawa kajian semantik inkuisitif dapat memberi gambaran keseluruhan yang mendalam terhadap penggunaan lambang ‘tangan’ selain mengetahui makna secara harfiah. Oleh itu, kajian semantik inkusitif dapat menghuraikan makna sebenar simpulan bahasa tersebut  yang memperlihatkan kebijaksanaan masyarakat Melayu pada zaman dahulu dalam menggunakan imej perlambangan “tangan” bagi mencerminkan menyampaikan sesuatu mesej secara tersirat. Kata kunci: Simpulan bahasa, anggota badan, tangan, semantik inkuisitif

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 376
Jakub Dotlacil ◽  
Floris Roelofsen

We develop a uniform analysis of single-wh and multiple-wh questions couched in dynamic inquisitive semantics. The analysis captures the effects of number marking on which-phrases, and derives both mention-some and mention-all readings as well as an often neglected partial mention-some reading in multiple-wh questions. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-146
Tangaprabu Murthy ◽  
Mary Fatimah Subet

The culture and the intellect of the community can be seen through figurative language, especially proverbs. However, society is less aware of the culture elements that are hidden behind each proverbs. Therefore, This study was conducted to identify the implicit meaning of the Tamil proverbs with the image of an elephant (yanai) and to look at the cultural influence and intellect of the community analyzed using the inquisitive semantic approach introduced by Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin (2014). Fifteen informants were seleted and interviewed via  NORF sampling leading to Non-Mobile, Older, female and NORM which is Non-Mobile, Older, Male. The results show that each proverb is used based on several factors such as history, religion, culture and so on. In fact, the results also indicate that there is a high degree of intellect in the creation of this elephant-inspired proverbs. Keywords: Tamil proverbs; inquisitive semantics; Indian community; animal; elephant (yanai)     Abstrak: Budaya dan akal budi sesebuah masyarakat dapat dilihat melalui bahasa kiasan contohnya peribahasa. Walau bagaimanpun, masyarakat kurang mengetahui unsur budaya yang tersembunyi di sebalik setiap penciptaan sesebuah peribahasa. Sehubungan dengan itu, kajian ini dilaksanakan untuk mengenal pasti makna implisit di sebalik peribahasa Tamil yang mempunyai imej gajah (yanai) dan melihat pengaruh budaya serta akal budi masyarakat India. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan semantik inkuisitif yang diperkenalkan oleh Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin (2014) bagi menganalisis datanya. Lima belas orang informan yang dipilih dan ditemu bual secata mendalam melalui persampelan bertujuan.  Pemilihan informan adalah secara NORF iaitu merujuk kepada  Non Mobile, Old, Remote dan Female dan NORM merujuk kepada Non-mobile (tinggal tetap), Older (tua), Rural (luar bandar), Male (lelaki). Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa setiap peribahasa digunakan  berdasarkan beberapa sebab seperti sejarah, agama, budaya dan sebagainya. Malah, hasil turut menunjukkan bahawa terdapat unsur akal budi yang tinggi dalam penciptaan peribahasa yang berunsur gajah ini. Kata kunci: Peribahasa Tamil; semantik inkuisitif; masyarakat India; haiwan; gajah (yanai)

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-160
Nur Ezatull Fadtehah Hedel ◽  
Mary Fatimah Subet

Strange events always absorbed in the creation of folk stories. This happens as strange events are able to trigger emotions such as excitement, curiosity and peculiarity among readers and listeners.  However, the strange event cannot be translated literally due to the presence of the implicit meaning in the text. Therefore, to explore the implicit meanings that occur in the text, the researcher applied the Inquisitive Semantics (IS) by Jalaluddin (2014) and Bridging Cross Reference (BCR) approach by Kempson (1986).  This is a fully qualitative study as it involves text analysis from a documented book. The source of the data was obtained from a book entitled “Antologi Enam Hikayat” by Nor (2016). The limitation of this study, the researcher only analyze folklore entitle “Hikayat Nakhoda Muda”. Based on the findings of the study,  this folklore have 10 strange event. Therefore, by using IS and BCR, the researcher can answer why strange events occur in this folklore based on data, cognitive, theory and philosophy in order to explore the wisdom of the people in the past that are high in intellect. Keywords: folklore; Hikayat Nakhoda Muda; strange event; inquisitive semantics; intelligence   Abstrak: Peristiwa aneh sering diserapkan dalam penciptaan cerita rakyat. Perkara ini berlaku supaya dapat menimbulkan perasaan teruja, tanda tanya mahupun kepelikan dalam kalangan pembaca dan pendengar. Namun begitu, peristiwa aneh ini tidak dapat diterjemahkan secara harfiah sahaja kerana kejadian tersebut bersifat tersirat. Oleh itu, bagi merungkai sebab kejadian aneh dalam cerita rakyat ini, pengkaji mengaplikasikan pendekatan Semantik Inkuisitif (SI) oleh Jalaluddin (2014) serta dibantu pendekatan Rangka Rujuk Silang (RRS) oleh Kempson (1986). Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kualitatif sepenuhnya dengan mengaplikasikan analisis dokumen yang telah dibukukan. Sumber data diperoleh daripada buku hikayat yang berjudul “Antologi Enam Hikayat” terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka hasil usaha Nor (2016). Namun begitu, sebagai batasan kajian pengkaji akan menganalisis cerita rakyat “Hikayat Nakhoda Muda”. Berdasarkan dapatan kajian, cerita rakyat “Hikayat Nakhoda Muda” mempunyai 10 peristiwa aneh. Oleh itu, berpandukan pendekatan SI dan RRS ini pengkaji dapat menjawab sebab terjadinya kejadian aneh dalam cerita rakyat tersebut berpandukan data, teori kognitif dan falsafah demi mencungkil akal budi penututnya. Kata kunci: Cerita rakyat; Hikayat Nakhoda Muda; peristiwa aneh; Semantik Inkuisitif; akal budi  

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-222
Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin ◽  

Idioms, proverbs, similes and pantun all fall under the category of “metaphor” in Malay. Interestingly, the metaphors are not superficial; instead, they are permeated with philosophy, which in turn convey Malay thought. Clearly, these metaphors are composed using specific objects that have a close connection with meaning. Therefore, it is worthwhile to examine this connection and the meaning that is meant to be conveyed. This study focuses on data concerning idioms about mata[eyes] and kuku [fingernails]. References to ulam-ulaman (herbal plants eaten raw) were chosen for analysis of pantun. All of the data was taken from www.malaycivilization. com. The data analysis was performed using inquisitive semantics in an effort to uncover cognitive philosophical and cultural roles to explain why a particular object is selected for a particular metaphor. The actual meaning is revealed through three steps: literal, cognitive and inquisitive. The findings of this study show that the objects mata and kuku, as well as herbal plants, are aptly used to suggest the meaning that they are to convey. Mata signals feelings, kuku concerns closeness and herbal plants are associated with love, as proven by the data selected. The discussionthen extends to other fields, medicine and nutrition, in reference to proverbs and pantun. Clearly, this kind of multidisciplinary study is able to discuss Malay metaphors scientifically and convincingly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (Number 2) ◽  
pp. 227-253
Mohd Ridzuan Bin Md Nasir ◽  
Mary Fatimah Subet

Tujuan - Aspek pengajaran peribahasa harus dianggap sama penting dengan aspek-aspek lain dalam proses pembelajaran bahasa di sekolah. Peribahasa yang melambangkan kebijaksanaan masyarakat Melayu ini semakin terpinggir dalam sistem pendidikan dan menyebabkan falsafah dan akal budi penutur jati tidak dapat diekplorasi sepenuhnya. Semantik inkuisitif merupakan pendekatan kajian makna peribahasa yang melibatkan data, teori, kognitif, falsafah dan akal budi yang digunakan untuk memahami makna peribahasa dengan lebih mendalam dan menyeluruh. Kajian ini bertujuan menggabungjalinkan pendekatan semantik inkuisitif dengan kandungan pengajaran peribahasa melalui pendidikan Bahasa Melayu. Metodologi - Kajian berbentuk kualitatif ini menggunakan data-data peribahasa yang diambil daripada sukatan mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu tingkatan satu hingga lima. Data-data peribahasa ini dikelaskan mengikut tema-tema yang diperoleh daripada kamus peribahasa. Seterusnya, Rangka Rujuk Silang (RRS) diaplikasikan mengikut kesesuaian konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu. Penganalisisan ini berpandukan data korpus di Pangkalan Korpus Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP) dan buku-buku teks Bahasa Melayu sekolah menengah, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM). Dapatan - Hasil kajian ini mendapati dengan penggabung jalinan semantik inkuisitif ke dalam pengajaran peribahasa, pengkaji dapat mencungkil falsafah dan akal budi penutur jati di sebalik makna harfiah peribahasa tersebut dan menjadikan pengajaran dan pembelajaran peribahasa lebih bermakna. Kepentingan - Semantik inkuisitif dilihat dapat digunakan untuk mendalami makna peribahasa sehingga ke akar umbi di samping membantu guru Bahasa Melayu untuk mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran peribahasa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 7711-7723
Li-Li Xie ◽  
Xiu-Yun Wu

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