paper and pencil
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Yanet Quijada ◽  
Sandra Saldivia ◽  
Claudio Bustos ◽  
Antonio Preti ◽  
Susana Ochoa ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sanna Villarreal ◽  
Matti Linnavuo ◽  
Raimo Sepponen ◽  
Outi Vuori ◽  
Mario Bonato ◽  

Objective: Traditionally, asymmetric spatial processing (i.e., hemispatial neglect) has been assessed with paper-and-pencil tasks, but growing evidence indicates that computer-based methods are a more sensitive assessment modality. It is not known, however, whether simply converting well-established paper-and-pencil methods into a digital format is the best option. The aim of the present study was to compare sensitivity in detecting contralesional omissions of two different computer-based methods: a “digitally converted” cancellation task was compared with a computer-based Visual and Auditory dual-tasking approach, which has already proved to be very sensitive.Methods: Participants included 40 patients with chronic unilateral stroke in either the right hemisphere (RH patients, N = 20) or the left hemisphere (LH patients, N = 20) and 20 age-matched healthy controls. The cancellation task was implemented on a very large format (173 cm × 277 cm) or in a smaller (A4) paper-and-pencil version. The computer-based dual-tasks were implemented on a 15′′ monitor and required the detection of unilateral and bilateral briefly presented lateralized targets.Results: Neither version of the cancellation task was able to show spatial bias in RH patients. In contrast, in the Visual dual-task RH patients missed significantly more left-sided targets than controls in both unilateral and bilateral trials. They also missed significantly more left-sided than right-sided targets only in the bilateral trials of the Auditory dual-task.Conclusion: The dual-task setting outperforms the cancellation task approach even when the latter is implemented on a (large) screen. Attentionally demanding methods are useful for revealing mild forms of contralesional visuospatial deficits.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Elsa Arrua-Duarte ◽  
Marta Migoya-Borja ◽  
Igor Barahona ◽  
Lena C. Quilty ◽  
Sakina J. Rizvi ◽  

Abstract Objective: The Dimensional Anhedonia Rating Scale (DARS) is a novel questionnaire to assess anhedonia of recent validation. In this work we aim to study the equivalence between the traditional paper-and-pencil and the digital format of DARS. Methods: 69 patients filled the DARS in a paper-based and digital versions. We assessed differences between formats (Wilcoxon test), validity of the scales (Kappa and Intraclass Correlation Coefficients), and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha and Guttman’s coefficient). We calculated the Comparative Fit Index and the Root Mean Squared Error associated with the proposed one-factor structure. Results: Total scores were higher for paper-based format. Significant differences between both formats were found for three items. The weighted Kappa coefficient was approximately 0.40 for most of the items. Internal consistency was greater than 0.94, and the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient for the digital version was 0.95 and 0.94 for the paper-and-pencil version (F= 16.7, p < 0.001). Comparative Adjustment Index was 0.97 for the digital DARS and 0.97 for the paper-and-pencil DARS, and Root Mean Squared Error was 0.11 for the digital DARS and 0.10 for the paper-and-pencil DARS. Conclusion: The digital DARS is consistent in many respects to the paper-and-pencil questionnaire, but equivalence with this format cannot be assumed without caution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 336-349

This study aims to determine: (1) Differences in physics learning outcomes between students who are given a website-based formative written test and students who are given a paper and pencil-based formative written test; (2) The effect of the interaction between a website-based formative written test and a written formative test based on a website, paper and pencil, and the level of initial knowledge of physics learning outcomes; (3) The difference in physics learning outcomes between students who were given a website-based formative written test and a paper and pencil-based formative written test in a group of students who had a high level of initial knowledge; and (4 ) Differences in physics learning outcomes between students who were given a website-based formative written test and a paper and pencil-based written formative test in a group of students who had a low level of initial knowledge. This research uses experimental method with treatment by level fixed model design. The population of the entire class VIII of MTsN Batam for the academic year 2010/2011 is 10 classes. The research sample was determined by multi-stage random sampling consisting of 4 classes. Two experimental classes 1 were given a website-based formative written test and two experimental classes 2 were given a paper and pencil-based written formative test. Each treatment consisted of 40 students. The technique of collecting initial knowledge data and learning outcomes data is done by testing. Test requirements analysis was carried out with normality test and homogeneity test. The research hypothesis was tested using two-way ANOVA and further tests were carried out with the Tukey test. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded: (1) Overall, the learning outcomes of students who are given a written formative test based on a website are higher than students who are given a written formative test based on paper and pencil; (2) There is an interaction effect between written formative tests and the level of initial knowledge. on physics learning outcomes; (3) Overall, in the group of students who have a high level of initial knowledge, the learning outcomes of students who are given a website-based formative written test are higher than students who are given a paper and pencil-based written formative test; and (4) Generally Overall, in the group of students who have a low level of prior knowledge, the learning outcomes of students who are given a paper and pencil-based formative written test are higher than students who are given a website-based formative written test. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website dengan siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil; (2) Pengaruh interaksi antara tes formatif tertulis berbasis website, tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil, dan tingkat pengetahuan awal terhadap hasil belajar fisika; (3) Perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website dan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil  pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan awal tinggi; dan (4) Perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website dan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan awal rendah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain treatment by level fixed model. Populasi seluruh kelas VIII MTsN Batam tahun pelajaran 2010/2011 sebanyak 10 kelas. Sampel penelitian ditentukan secara  multi stage random sampling terdiri 4 kelas. Dua kelas eksperimen 1 diberi perlakuan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website dan dua kelas eksperimen 2 diberikan perlakuan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil. Masing masing perlakuan terdiri dari 40 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data pengetahuan awal dan data hasil belajar dilakukan dengan tes. Uji persyaratan analisis dilakukan dengan uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Uji hipotesis penelitian menggunakan anava dua jalan dan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji Tukey. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data disimpulkan: (1) Secara keseluruhan, hasil belajar siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website lebih tinggi dibanding siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil; (2) Terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara tes formatif tertulis dan tingkat pengetahuan awal terhadap hasil belajar fisika; (3) Secara keseluruhan, pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan awal tinggi, hasil belajar siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website lebih tinggi dari siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil; dan (4) Secara keseluruhan, pada kelompok siswa yang memiliki tingkat pengetahuan awal rendah, hasil belajar siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis paper and pencil lebih tinggi dari siswa yang diberikan tes formatif tertulis berbasis website.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 485-496
Larissa Hartle ◽  
Liana Mendes-Santos ◽  
Eduarda Barbosa ◽  
Giulia Balboni ◽  
Helenice Charchat-Fichman

ABSTRACT Although the availability of the computer-based assessment has increased over the years, neuropsychology has not carried out a significant paradigm shift since the personal computer’s popularization in the 1980s. To keep up with the technological advances of healthcare and neuroscience in general, more efforts must be made in the field of clinical neuropsychology to develop and validate new and more technology-based instruments, especially considering new variables and paradigms when compared to paper and pencil tests. Objective: This study’s objective was to produce concurrent validity evidence of the novel version of the computerized cognitive screening battery CompCog. Methods: Participants performed a traditional paper and pencil neuropsychological testing session and another session where CompCog was administrated. The data of a total of 50 young adult college students were used in the analyses. Results: Results have shown moderate and strong correlations between CompCog’s tasks and their equivalents considering paper and pencil tests. Items clustered in agreement with the subtest division in a principal component analysis. Conclusions: The findings suggest that CompCog is valid for measuring the cognitive processes its tasks intend to evaluate.

Mr. Manjunath H R ◽  
Shreyas Moolya ◽  
Fayiz Ahamed ◽  
Shreya ◽  

Treatment and recovery of the intellectual, mental, and engine sequela of focal sensory system brokenness regularly depends on appraisal instruments to illuminate conclusion and to follow changes in clinical status. Regularly, these evaluations utilize paper-and-pencil psychometrics, involved simple/PC tests, and rating of conduct inside the setting of true useful conditions. The current survey talks about the utilization of virtual reality (VR) innovation in clinical medication, particularly in careful preparing, torment the board and restorative treatment of psychological maladjustment. We present the regular kinds of VR test systems and their operational standards in previously mentioned fields. The clinical impacts are additionally talked about. In pretty much every examination that managed VR test systems, scientists have come to a similar end result that the two specialists and patients could profit by this novel innovation. In addition, favourable circumstances and burdens of the use of VR innovation in each field were talked about, and the future exploration headings were proposed

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-107
Zulfiani Zulfiani ◽  
Iwan Permana Suwarna ◽  
Abdul Muin

AbstractThe development of competency assessments that measure 21st century competencies is critical for improving the quality of education. The purpose of this research is to describe a framework and prototype for assessing Math and Science or Math-Sci competency skills in the twenty-first century. The method of development research employed in this study is based on the Akker framework, which entails preliminary research, prototyping, design, and development in a paper and pencil test format. The equipment of the investigation included observation sheets, questionnaires, and tests. This study results in a conceptual framework for the instrument and a verified prototype of the Math-Sci competence evaluation. The Math-Sci competence evaluation is conceptualized around thematic, interdisciplinary questions that integrate three (three) subjects, namely Science (Biology-Physics) and Mathematics, in an Islamic context. Math-Sci, using the ladder analogy (monodisciplinary, interdisciplinary 1, and interdisciplinary 2) to rank students' competency, relates to the thought process of Bloom's taxonomy, the context, and the complexity of the topic. The instrument created was deemed valid and practicable based on the results of expert validation. The development of the Math-Sci competence assessment instrument was the first step toward strengthening assessment for learning and assisting in the improvement of learning through the presentation of integrated contextual problems. AbstrakPengembangan asesmen kompetensi yang membekalkan kecakapan abad 21 sangat urgent untuk memperbaiki proses pembelajaran di sekolah. Tulisan ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan framework dan prototype asesmen kompetensi Math-Sci untuk mengukur keterampilan abad 21. Metode penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada framework Akker yang meliputi penelitian pendahuluan, prototipe yang meliputi desain, dan pengembangan dalam format paper and pencil test. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar observasi, angket, dan tes. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kerangka konseptual instrumen dan prototipe asesmen kompetensi Math-Sci yang telah divalidasi melalui expert judgment. Kerangka konseptual asesmen kompetensi Math-Sci berupa soal-soal tematik, interdisipliner yang memadukan 3 (tiga) disiplin ilmu yakni IPA (Biologi-Fisika) dan Matematika pada konteks keIslaman. Math-Sci dengan analogi titian anak tangga (monodisiplin, interdisiplin 1, dan  interdisiplin 2) yang mengukur kompetensi peserta didik secara hierarki mengacu pada proses berpikir taksonomi Bloom, konteks dan kompleksitas masalah. Hasil validasi pakar diperoleh instrumen soal yang dikembangkan valid dan layak. Pengembangan instrumen asesmen kompetensi Math-Sci merupakan langkah awal upaya menguatkan asesmen for learning, membantu memperbaiki pembelajaran, bersifat inovatif dengan menghadirkan permasalahan kontekstual integratif.  How to Cite: Zulfiani, Suwarna, I.P., Suwarna, Muin, A. (2021). Framework and Prototype Development of Mathsci Instruments for Measuring 21st Century Skills in Islamic Context. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 8(1), 96-107. doi:10.15408/tjems.v8i1.22120.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004723952110479
Ana-Paula Correia ◽  
Andrea Lynn Halabi

Understanding the instructional role of tablet devices while teaching a group of learners diagnosed with autism was the purpose of this research study. Five children diagnosed with autism participated in activities involving traditional paper and pencil and tablet devices. Observations and interviews with learners and one teacher were conducted. The case study provided an understanding of the motivational impact tablet devices potentially have on learners on the autism spectrum concerning engagement and participation in learning activities. The study also revealed that technology in general and tablet devices, in particular, are used in the classroom as reward mechanisms and entertaining strategies to seize and retain the learners’ attention to achieve instructional goals.

Joyce Y. C. Chan ◽  
Baker K. K. Bat ◽  
Adrian Wong ◽  
Tak Kit Chan ◽  
Zhaohua Huo ◽  

AbstractDigital drawing tests have been proposed for cognitive screening over the past decade. However, the diagnostic performance is still to clarify. The objective of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance among different types of digital and paper-and-pencil drawing tests in the screening of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. Diagnostic studies evaluating digital or paper-and-pencil drawing tests for the screening of MCI or dementia were identified from OVID databases, included Embase, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and PsycINFO. Studies evaluated any type of drawing tests for the screening of MCI or dementia and compared with healthy controls. This study was performed according to PRISMA and the guidelines proposed by the Cochrane Diagnostic Test Accuracy Working Group. A bivariate random-effects model was used to compare the diagnostic performance of these drawing tests and presented with a summary receiver-operating characteristic curve. The primary outcome was the diagnostic performance of clock drawing test (CDT). Other types of drawing tests were the secondary outcomes. A total of 90 studies with 22,567 participants were included. In the screening of MCI, the pooled sensitivity and specificity of the digital CDT was 0.86 (95% CI = 0.75 to 0.92) and 0.92 (95% CI = 0.69 to 0.98), respectively. For the paper-and-pencil CDT, the pooled sensitivity and specificity of brief scoring method was 0.63 (95% CI = 0.49 to 0.75) and 0.77 (95% CI = 0.68 to 0.84), and detailed scoring method was 0.63 (95% CI = 0.56 to 0.71) and 0.72 (95% CI = 0.65 to 0.78). In the screening of dementia, the pooled sensitivity and specificity of the digital CDT was 0.83 (95% CI = 0.72 to 0.90) and 0.87 (95% CI = 0.79 to 0.92). The performances of the digital and paper-and-pencil pentagon drawing tests were comparable in the screening of dementia. The digital CDT demonstrated better diagnostic performance than paper-and-pencil CDT for MCI. Other types of digital drawing tests showed comparable performance with paper-and-pencil formats. Therefore, digital drawing tests can be used as an alternative tool for the screening of MCI and dementia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 36-48
Michał Adam Kwiatkowski ◽  
Grzegorz Pawlikowski

Polityka parkingowa należy do ważniejszych wyzwań w rozwoju współczesnych miast w zakresie transportu. Jednym z narzędzi kształtowania tego zjawiska w miastach jest wprowadzanie stref płatnego parkowania, które mają zwiększać rotację pojazdów oraz zachęcać do korzystania z innych środków transportu w codziennych dojazdach. Jest to szczególnie ważne w kontekście centrów miast. Wdrażanie stref płatnego parkowania stanowi często stosowane rozwiązanie w dużych miastach, rzadziej w średnich i małych. Celem tego badania jest analiza sposobu docierania mieszkańców średniego miasta – Tczewa – do centrum (Starego Miasta) oraz ocena możliwości wprowadzenia strefy płatnego parkowania. Badanie przeprowadzono metodą ankiety, posługując się techniką PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview), w którym zebrano 375 odpowiedzi. W przeprowadzonym badaniu ankietowym wykazano, że istnieje duży poziom akceptacji społecznej dla możliwości wprowadzenia strefy płatnego parkowania w analizowanym przypadku. W badaniu wykazano ponadto, że znaczną większość użytkowników centrum stanowią osoby docierające tam pieszo. Potwierdzono także, że mieszkańcy są skłonni nie tylko zapłacić za parkowanie w centrum miasta, ale także przejść pewien dystans pieszo od miejsca postojowego do celu podróży. Niniejsza praca może mieć charakter aplikacyjny i stanowić wskazówkę dla innych miast o podobnej wielkości i strukturze, które zamierzają wprowadzić strefę płatnego parkowania lub innego rodzaju ograniczenia ruchu samochodów. Mobility in the centre of a medium-sized city in the perspective of the prospective introduction of a paid parking zone – a case study of Tczew Parking policy is one of the more important challenges in the development of modern cities in terms of transport. One of the tools for shaping this policy in cities is the introduction of paid parking zones, which are intended to increase vehicle turnover and encourage the use of other means of transport for everyday commuting. This is particularly important in the context of city centres. The introduction of paid parking zones is a common solution in large cities, less so in medium-sized and small ones. The aim of this study is to analyse how residents of a medium-sized city – Tczew – travel to the centre (Old Town) and to assess the possibility of introducing a paid parking zone. The study was carried out through a survey, using the PAPI (Paper and Pencil Interview) technique, with 375 responses collected. It showed that there is a high level of public acceptance for the possible introduction of a paid parking zone in the case under consideration. The study also yielded that the vast majority of users of the centre are people who get there on foot. It was also confirmed that residents are not only willing to pay for parking in the city centre, but also to walk a certain distance from their parking space to their destination. This work can be applied as a guide to other cities of similar size and structure that intend to introduce paid parking zones or other types of car traffic restrictions.

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