memory state
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Sungchul Jung ◽  
Jinyoung Park ◽  
Junhyung Kim ◽  
Wonho Song ◽  
Jaehyeong Jo ◽  

AbstractA new concept of read-out method for ferroelectric random-access memory (FeRAM) using a graphene layer as the channel material of bottom-gated field effect transistor structure is demonstrated experimentally. The transconductance of the graphene channel is found to change its sign depending on the direction of spontaneous polarization (SP) in the underlying ferroelectric layer. This indicates that the memory state of FeRAM, specified by the SP direction of the ferroelectric layer, can be sensed unambiguously with transconductance measurements. With the proposed read-out method, it is possible to construct an array of ferroelectric memory cells in the form of a cross-point structure where the transconductance of a crossing cell can be measured selectively without any additional selector. This type of FeRAM can be a plausible solution for fabricating high speed, ultra-low power, long lifetime, and high density 3D stackable non-volatile memory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2103 (1) ◽  
pp. 012087
S A Fefelov ◽  
L P Kazakova ◽  
N A Bogoslovskiy ◽  
A O Yakubov ◽  
A B Bylev

Abstract The current-voltage characteristics of Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films were measured by a sequence of triangular current pulses with an increasing maximum current. Each current pulse forms in the sample a conducting filament with an area proportional to the maximum current in the recording pulse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (OOPSLA) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Karl Cronburg ◽  
Samuel Z. Guyer

Dynamic memory managers are a crucial component of almost every modern software system. In addition to implementing efficient allocation and reclamation, memory managers provide the essential abstraction of memory as distinct objects, which underpins the properties of memory safety and type safety. Bugs in memory managers, while not common, are extremely hard to diagnose and fix. One reason is that their implementations often involve tricky pointer calculations, raw memory manipulation, and complex memory state invariants. While these properties are often documented, they are not specified in any precise, machine-checkable form. A second reason is that memory manager bugs can break the client application in bizarre ways that do not immediately implicate the memory manager at all. A third reason is that existing tools for debugging memory errors, such as Memcheck, cannot help because they rely on correct allocation and deallocation information to work. In this paper we present Permchecker, a tool designed specifically to detect and diagnose bugs in memory managers. The key idea in Permchecker is to make the expected structure of the heap explicit by associating typestates with each piece of memory. Typestate captures elements of both type (e.g., page, block, or cell) and state (e.g., allocated, free, or forwarded). Memory manager developers annotate their implementation with information about the expected typestates of memory and how heap operations change those typestates. At runtime, our system tracks the typestates and ensures that each memory access is consistent with the expected typestates. This technique detects errors quickly, before they corrupt the application or the memory manager itself, and it often provides accurate information about the reason for the error. The implementation of Permchecker uses a combination of compile-time annotation and instrumentation, and dynamic binary instrumentation (DBI). Because the overhead of DBI is fairly high, Permchecker is suitable for a testing and debugging setting and not for deployment. It works on a wide variety of existing systems, including explicit malloc/free memory managers and garbage collectors, such as those found in JikesRVM and OpenJDK. Since bugs in these systems are not numerous, we developed a testing methodology in which we automatically inject bugs into the code using bug patterns derived from real bugs. This technique allows us to test Permchecker on hundreds or thousands of buggy variants of the code. We find that Permchecker effectively detects and localizes errors in the vast majority of cases; without it, these bugs result in strange, incorrect behaviors usually long after the actual error occurs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Chloe Bracis ◽  
Aaron J. Wirsing

Predator reintroductions are often used as a means of restoring the ecosystem services that these species can provide. The ecosystem consequences of predator reintroduction depend on how prey species respond. Yet, to date, we lack a general framework for predicting these responses. To address this knowledge gap, we modeled the impacts of predator reintroduction on foragers as a function of predator characteristics (habitat domain; i.e., area threatened) and prey characteristics (knowledge of alternative habitat and exploratory tendency). Foraging prey had the capacity to both remember and return to good habitat and to remember and avoid predators. In general, we found that forager search time increased and consumption decreased after predator introduction. However, predator habitat domain played a key role in determining how much prey habitat use changed following reintroduction, and the forager's knowledge of alternative habitats and exploratory inclinations affected what types of habitat shifts occurred. Namely, habitat shifts and consumption sacrifices by prey were extreme in some cases, particularly when they were pushed far from their starting locations by broad-domain predators, whereas informed foragers spent less time searching and displayed smaller reductions to consumption than their naïve counterparts following predator exposure. More exploratory foragers exhibited larger habitat shifts, thereby sacrificing consumption but reducing encounters by relocating to refugia, whereas less exploratory foragers managed risk in place and consequently suffered increased encounters while consuming more resources. By implication, reintroductions of predators with broad habitat domains are especially likely to impose foraging and movements costs on prey, but forager spatial memory state can mitigate these effects, as informed foragers can better access alternate habitat and avoid predators with smaller reductions in consumption.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 2427
Fernando L. Aguirre ◽  
Sebastián M. Pazos ◽  
Félix Palumbo ◽  
Antoni Morell ◽  
Jordi Suñé ◽  

In this work, the effect of randomly distributed stuck-at faults (SAFs) in memristive cross-point array (CPA)-based single and multi-layer perceptrons (SLPs and MLPs, respectively) intended for pattern recognition tasks is investigated by means of realistic SPICE simulations. The quasi-static memdiode model (QMM) is considered here for the modelling of the synaptic weights implemented with memristors. Following the standard memristive approach, the QMM comprises two coupled equations, one for the electron transport based on the double-diode equation with a single series resistance and a second equation for the internal memory state of the device based on the so-called logistic hysteron. By modifying the state parameter in the current-voltage characteristic, SAFs of different severeness are simulated and the final outcome is analysed. Supervised ex-situ training and two well-known image datasets involving hand-written digits and human faces are employed to assess the inference accuracy of the SLP as a function of the faulty device ratio. The roles played by the memristor’s electrical parameters, line resistance, mapping strategy, image pixelation, and fault type (stuck-at-ON or stuck-at-OFF) on the CPA performance are statistically analysed following a Monte-Carlo approach. Three different re-mapping schemes to help mitigate the effect of the SAFs in the SLP inference phase are thoroughly investigated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Fernando L. Aguirre ◽  
Sebastián M. Pazos ◽  
Félix Palumbo ◽  
Jordi Suñé ◽  
Enrique Miranda

We thoroughly investigate the performance of the Dynamic Memdiode Model (DMM) when used for simulating the synaptic weights in large RRAM-based cross-point arrays (CPA) intended for neuromorphic computing. The DMM is in line with Prof. Chua’s memristive devices theory, in which the hysteresis phenomenon in electroformed metal-insulator-metal structures is represented by means of two coupled equations: one equation for the current-voltage characteristic of the device based on an extension of the quantum point-contact (QPC) model for dielectric breakdown and a second equation for the memory state, responsible for keeping track of the previous history of the device. By considering ex-situ training of the CPA aimed at classifying the handwritten characters of the MNIST database, we evaluate the performance of a Write-Verify iterative scheme for setting the crosspoint conductances to their target values. The total programming time, the programming error, and the inference accuracy obtained with such writing scheme are investigated in depth. The role played by parasitic components such as the line resistance as well as some CPA’s particular features like the dynamical range of the memdiodes are discussed. The interrelationship between the frequency and amplitude values of the write pulses is explored in detail. In addition, the effect of the resistance shift for the case of a CPA programmed with no errors is studied for a variety of input signals, providing a design guideline for selecting the appropriate pulse’s amplitude and frequency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 7876
Kai Hu ◽  
Fei Zheng ◽  
Liguo Weng ◽  
Yiwu Ding ◽  
Junlan Jin

The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network is a classic action recognition method because of its ability to extract time information. Researchers proposed many hybrid algorithms based on LSTM for human action recognition. In this paper, an improved Spatio–Temporal Differential Long Short-Term Memory (ST-D LSTM) network is proposed, an enhanced input differential feature module and a spatial memory state differential module are added to the network. Furthermore, a transmission mode of ST-D LSTM is proposed; this mode enables ST-D LSTM units to transmit the spatial memory state horizontally. Finally, these improvements are added into classical Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) to test the new network’s performance. Experimental results show that ST-D LSTM can effectively improve the accuracy of LRCN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 234-240
Sang-Hoon Kim ◽  
Il-Gyu Ko ◽  
Jun-Jang Jin ◽  
Lakkyong Hwang ◽  
Seung-Soo Baek

Memory state of rat pups born to old and obese mother rats and the effect of a treadmill running of mother rats on the memory of rat pups were studied. The radial 8-arm maze test was performed to detect spatial learning memory, and the level of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6 in the hippocampus was measured by enzymelinked immunoassay. Western blotting was performed for the expression of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer (NF-κB), nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha (IκB-α), B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2), Bcl-2-associated X protein (Bax), matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9, and immunohistochemistry for caspase-3 was conducted. The newborn rats were classified into following groups: pups born to old mother rats, pups born to old mother rats with exercise, pups born to old and obese mother rats, and pups born to old and obese mother rats with exercise. Exercise of mother ameliorated spatial learning memory impairment, inhibited proinflammatory cytokines production, NF-κB expression, and IκB-α phosphorylation of the pups born to old and obese mother rats. Maternal exercise suppressed Bax expression, the number of caspase-3, the level of MMP-9, and enhanced Bcl-2 expression of the pups born to old and obese mother rats. When the maternal exercise was performed, the impairment of spatial learning memory in pups was ameliorated. Therefore, it can be seen that exercise during pregnancy of older and obese mothers is an important factor in fetal health management.

2021 ◽  
Mila Halgren ◽  
Raphi Kang ◽  
Bradley Voytek ◽  
Istvan Ulbert ◽  
Daniel Fabo ◽  

Cortical dynamics obey a 1/f power law, exhibiting an exponential decay of spectral power with increasing frequency. The slope and offset of this 1/f decay reflect the timescale and magnitude of aperiodic neural activity, respectively. These properties are tightly linked to cellular and circuit mechanisms (e.g. excitation:inhibition balance, firing rates) as well as cognitive processes (perception, memory, state). However, the physiology underlying the 1/f power law in cortical dynamics is not well understood. Here, we compared laminar recordings from human, macaque and mouse cortex to evaluate how 1/f aperiodic dynamics vary across cortical layers and species. We report that 1/f slope is steepest in superficial layers and flattest in deep layers in each species. Additionally, the magnitude of this 1/f decay is greatest in superficial cortex and decreases with depth. Both of these findings can be accounted for by a simple model in which transmembrane currents have longer time constants and greater densities in superficial cortical layers. Together, our results provide novel mechanistic insight into aperiodic dynamics in cortex and suggest that the timescale and magnitude of aperiodic cortical currents decrease with cortical depth.

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