tall grass
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-93
Karin R. Gastreich ◽  
Amy E. Milakovic

Complex global challenges and declining scientific literacy demand novel approaches to engaging students with science and the natural world. While evidence supports integrating creative and scientific modes of inquiry, these approaches are often separated in undergraduate education. We designed Ecology Through the Writer’s Lens (ETWL) to allow students to explore an ecosystem of critical importance, the tall grass prairie, through an interdisciplinary field experience. Co-taught by Biology and English professors and open to students of all majors, ETWL leverages classroom activities to prepare for and process the immersive field experience over the course of one semester. Field-based exercises include natural history observations, hypothesis building, experimental design, analysis of the literature, and creative/reflective writing. Learning was assessed through multiple assignments, including a final creative project that spanned diverse writing genres. Students met and exceeded expectations with respect to course objectives. Non-science majors learned how scientific knowledge is generated; science majors learned how creative approaches can open new pathways for exploration. Many students overcame fear of natural spaces. Several students independently engaged with tall grass prairie in post-course activities. We conclude that interdisciplinary approaches to field-based inquiry can generate transformative experiences, even when the immersive component is short-term and close to home. ETWL provides one model by which different modes of inquiry can be blended to enhance student appreciation of science, literature, and the environment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Daniela María Depalma ◽  
Mariela Verónica Lacoretz ◽  
Cecilia Zilli ◽  
Emilio Martín Charnelli ◽  
Myriam Emilia Mermoz

Summary Unexploited public areas such as roadsides could provide habitat to help preserve biodiversity in South America, as in other regions. Our objective was to determine the importance of the roadsides of the Argentine Pampas for native birds and to suggest management strategies. We surveyed birds inhabiting roadsides in all seasons and determined whether roadsides were used as habitat. We recorded a total of 95 species on roadsides, which represents 55% of those species described from the area. Species included specialists of grassland, wetland and woodland, 4 vulnerable species and 19 declining species. Bird richness decreased in winter, as well as grassland specialists’ abundances. Most individuals used roadsides for foraging and performing reproduction-related behaviours, mainly on native trees; these and tall grass were the main substrates. We conclude that many species of birds use the habitat provided by roadsides, and we recommend management strategies such as favouring seed availability in winter, restoring trees and tall grass and increasing vegetation diversity to maximize roadside conservation value.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2567
Mino Sportelli ◽  
Marco Fontanelli ◽  
Michel Pirchio ◽  
Christian Frasconi ◽  
Michele Raffaelli ◽  

Tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort.) is often managed with a cutting height ranging from 70 to 100 mm in ornamental lawns. Some autonomous mowers have been specifically designed to maintain mowing height in the same range. Generally, autonomous mowers operate by following random trajectories, and substantial overlapping is needed to obtain full coverage of the working area. In the case of tall grass, this may cause lodging of grass plants, which in turn may reduce turf quality. The introduction of a navigation system based on systematic trajectories has the potential to improve the performances of autonomous mowers with respect to machine efficiency and turf quality. With the aim of determining the effects of reduced mowing frequency and systematic navigation systems on turf quality and mower performances in terms of working time, energy consumption and overlapping, the performances of two autonomous mowers working with random and systematic trajectories were tested on a mature tall fescue lawn at 90 mm cutting height. The working efficiency was approximately 80% for the systematic trajectories and approximately 35% for the random trajectories; this was mainly due to the lower overlapping associated with systematic trajectories. Turf quality was slightly higher for the mower working systematically (a score of 8 using a 1–9 score with 1 = poor, 6 = acceptable and 9 = best) compared to the one working randomly (quality of 7 and 6 on a 1–9 scale with 1 = poor and 9 = best). No appreciable lodging was observed in either case. For tall, managed lawns, systematic trajectories may improve autonomous mowers’ overall performances.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0260344
Marlis R. Douglas ◽  
Steven M. Mussmann ◽  
Tyler K. Chafin ◽  
Whitney J. B. Anthonysamy ◽  
Mark A. Davis ◽  

Ecological restoration can promote biodiversity conservation in anthropogenically fragmented habitats, but effectiveness of these management efforts need to be statistically validated to determine ’success.’ One such approach is to gauge the extent of recolonization as a measure of landscape permeability and, in turn, population connectivity. In this context, we estimated dispersal and population connectivity in prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster; N = 231) and meadow vole (M. pennsylvanicus; N = 83) within five tall-grass prairie restoration sites embedded within the agricultural matrix of midwestern North America. We predicted that vole dispersal would be constrained by the extent of agricultural land surrounding restored habitat patches, spatially isolating vole populations and resulting in significant genetic structure. We first employed genetic assignment tests based on 15 microsatellite DNA loci to validate field-derived species-designations, then tested reclassified samples with multivariate and Bayesian clustering to assay for spatial and temporal genetic structure. Population connectivity was further evaluated by calculating pairwise FST, then potential demographic effects explored by computing migration rates, effective population size (Ne), and average relatedness (r). Genetic species assignments reclassified 25% of initial field identifications (N = 11 M. ochrogaster; N = 67 M. pennsylvanicus). In M. ochrogaster population connectivity was high across the study area, reflected in little to no spatial or temporal genetic structure. In M. pennsylvanicus genetic structure was detected, but relatedness estimates identified it as kin-clustering instead, underscoring social behavior among populations rather than spatial isolation as the cause. Estimates of Ne and r were stable across years, reflecting high dispersal and demographic resilience. Combined, these metrics suggest the agricultural matrix is highly permeable for voles and does not impede dispersal. High connectivity observed confirms that the restored landscape is productive and permeable for specific management targets such as voles and also demonstrates population genetic assays as a tool to statistically evaluate effectiveness of conservation initiatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 108455
Leticia San Emeterio ◽  
María Durán ◽  
Leire Múgica ◽  
Juan J. Jiménez ◽  
Rosa Maria Canals

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1246
María Durán ◽  
Leticia San Emeterio ◽  
Rosa Maria Canals

Fungal endophytes develop inside plants without visible external signs, and they may confer adaptive advantages to their hosts. Culturing methods have been traditionally used to recognize the fungal endophytic assemblage, but novel metabarcoding techniques are being increasingly applied. This study aims to characterize the fungal endophytic assemblage in shoots, rhizomes and roots of the tall grass Brachypodium rupestre growing in a large area of natural grasslands with a continuum of anthropized disturbance regimes. Seven out of 88 taxa identified via metabarcoding accounted for 81.2% of the reads (Helotiaceae, Lachnum sp. A, Albotricha sp. A, Helotiales A, Agaricales A, Mycena sp. and Mollisiaceae C), revealing a small group of abundant endophytes and a large group of rare species. Although both methods detected the same trends in richness and fungal diversity among the tissues (root > rhizome > shoot) and grasslands (low-diversity > high-diversity grasslands), the metabarcoding tool identified 5.8 times more taxa than the traditional culturing method (15 taxa) but, surprisingly, failed to sequence the most isolated endophyte on plates, Omnidemptus graminis. Since both methods are still subject to important constraints, both are required to obtain a complete characterization of the fungal endophytic assemblage of the plant species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-139
R.K. de Mel ◽  
A.P. Sumanapala ◽  
H.D. Jayasinghe ◽  
S.S. Rajapakshe ◽  
R.P. Nanayakkara

The painted bat, Kerivoula picta (Pallas, 1767) is considered one of the most aesthetically appealing bats in Sri Lanka with bright orange fur and black wings. However, very little information is available with regard to the ecology of this species in both local and global contexts. Of its roosting habits, Phillips (1980) reports that in Sri Lanka the bat is usually found roosting among banana leaves while it has been observed utilising tall grass species and even an abandoned nest of a Baya Weaver (Plocius philippinus) for this purpose. Here we report an observation of the species using a man-made artefact for roosting during the day.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7562
Johann Laconte ◽  
Abderrahim Kasmi ◽  
François Pomerleau ◽  
Roland Chapuis ◽  
Laurent Malaterre ◽  

In the context of autonomous robots, one of the most important tasks is to prevent potential damage to the robot during navigation. For this purpose, it is often assumed that one must deal with known probabilistic obstacles, then compute the probability of collision with each obstacle. However, in complex scenarios or unstructured environments, it might be difficult to detect such obstacles. In these cases, a metric map is used, where each position stores the information of occupancy. The most common type of metric map is the Bayesian occupancy map. However, this type of map is not well suited for computing risk assessments for continuous paths due to its discrete nature. Hence, we introduce a novel type of map called the Lambda Field, which is specially designed for risk assessment. We first propose a way to compute such a map and the expectation of a generic risk over a path. Then, we demonstrate the benefits of our generic formulation with a use case defining the risk as the expected collision force over a path. Using this risk definition and the Lambda Field, we show that our framework is capable of doing classical path planning while having a physical-based metric. Furthermore, the Lambda Field gives a natural way to deal with unstructured environments, such as tall grass. Where standard environment representations would always generate trajectories going around such obstacles, our framework allows the robot to go through the grass while being aware of the risk taken.

2021 ◽  
Justis Henault ◽  

The Poweshiek skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek) is endemic to the tall grass prairie in North America, and is now critically endangered globally. Existing populations are scattered amongst tall grass prairie remnants. However, the host food plants eaten by Poweshiek skipperling larvae, the vegetative and microclimatic descriptions of immature and adult microhabitats as well as O. poweshiek behaviour in Manitoba are unknown. I observed the foraging behaviour of larval O. poweshiek in natural habitat to determine the plant species that they consume and document their development. I also followed adults in prairie patches to identify locations in which various activities, such as egg laying or nectar feeding, were facilitated by the habitat. I measured vegetative, structural and microclimatic attributes of microhabitats to determine potential characteristics which facilitate various adult activities and larval development. Larvae appeared to navigate microhabitats to locate host food plant species, alternating between shoots of various species throughout their development. Adults flew almost exclusively in the prairie plant community, rarely flew in shrub or ephemeral wetland communities and were never observed flying in wetland or forest communities. Adult activities appeared to be distributed along a soil moisture gradient, with egg laying associated with the mesic section of the moisture gradient, resting and/or basking associated with the drier section and nectar feeding generally associated with sections throughout the moisture gradient. My research contributes knowledge about larval O. poweshiek foraging and adult habitat interactions in prairies in Manitoba, Canada. Discoveries from my research may guide habitat stewardship to ensure that high quality habitat is available for every life stage and inform reintroduction activities to ensure potential release locations contain required habitat features. Novel descriptions of locations which facilitate larval development and various adult activities may inform provincial and federal recovery strategies to increase the chances of O. poweshiek’s survival. My findings may also initiate further research about the Poweshiek skippering and possibly guide the strategies to recover other Lepidopterans-at-risk. Now with a greater understanding of larval foraging and adult interactions, we may hopefully generate potential causes which explain O. poweshiek’s decline and identify possible solutions to facilitate its successful recovery!

Nativa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 344-351
Matheus Antonio Pereira ◽  
Normandes Matos da Silva ◽  
Domingos Sávio Barbosa ◽  
Dhonatan Diego Pessi ◽  
Antonio Pancracio de Souza ◽  

Um drone e seus complementos de voo são denominados Sistema de Aeronave Remotamente Pilotada (RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft System), sendo uma ferramenta com ampla gama de aplicações em diversas áreas. A pesquisa prospectou novas possibilidades de uso de RPAS com enfoque no diagnóstico e monitoramento de locais de reprodução de Aedes aegypti. Para isso, objetos considerados como potenciais criadouros de larvas de mosquito foram distribuídos em ambientes que permitiam maior ou menor detecção visual dos alvos (embalagens/recipientes) em quatro ambientes: solo coberto com gramínea seca, solo exposto, solo coberto com gramínea de porte baixo e solo coberto com gramínea de porte alto. Foi utilizado RPAS, Phantom 4 Pro com dispositivo móvel e o programa nativo da RPA para os voos. Sobrevoamos alvos para registro fotográfico em quatro alturas do solo (20m, 30m, 60m e 80m). A detecção visual dos alvos foi realizada por um grupo de 10 pessoas denominado júri. O Júri aferiu a maior ou menor probabilidade de detecção de alvos, em função de três variáveis: tipo de alvo, tipo de ambiente e altura de tomada da fotografia aérea. Fotografias obtidas a 30 metros de altura representaram o maior número de alvos identificados (30% dos alvos). Os alvos mais identificados foram pneu, garrafa PET, latas de cerveja e latas de tinta. Os menos identificados foram vasilhas plásticas coloridas e garrafas de cerveja. A pesquisa colaborou para o aperfeiçoamento de procedimentos operacionais de controle e combate a endemias e epidemias, que poderão identificar possíveis criadouros do mosquito por meio de RPA, monitorando áreas de difícil acesso que ofereçam risco a integridade física das pessoas. Palavras-chave: drone; geotecnologias; arboviroses; dengue.   Identification of reproduction sites of Aedes aegypti with remote pilot aircraft (ARP)   ABSTRACT: A drone and its flight accessories are called Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft System), being a tool with a wide range of applications in several areas. The research explored new possibilities for the use of RPAS with a focus on the diagnosis and monitoring of breeding sites for Aedes aegypti. For this, objects considered as potential breeding grounds for mosquito larvae were distributed in environments that allowed greater or lesser visual detection of targets (packages / containers) in four environments: soil covered with dry grass, exposed soil, soil covered with low grass. and soil covered with tall grass. Was used RPAS, Phantom 4 Pro with an Ipad Mini 4 mobile device and the DJI GO program for flights. We fly over targets for photographic recording at four heights from the ground (20m, 30m, 60m and 80m). The visual detection of the targets was carried out by a group of 10 people called a jury. The Jury assessed the greater or lesser probability of target detection, depending on three variables: type of target, type of environment and height of aerial photography. Photographs taken at a height of 30 meters represented the largest number of targets identified (30% of the targets). The most identified targets were tires, pet bottles, cans of beer and cans of paint. The least identified were colored plastic canisters and beer bottles. The research helped to improve operational procedures for controlling and combating endemics and epidemics, which may identify possible mosquito breeding sites through RPA, monitoring areas of difficult access that pose a risk to people's physical integrity. Keywords: drone; geotecnologies; arbovírus; dengue.

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