mutual dependence
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 122
Miroslav Oborník

Eukaryotic organelles supposedly evolved from their bacterial ancestors because of their benefits to host cells. However, organelles are quite often retained, even when the beneficial metabolic pathway is lost, due to something other than the original beneficial function. The organellar function essential for cell survival is, in the end, the result of organellar evolution, particularly losses of redundant metabolic pathways present in both the host and endosymbiont, followed by a gradual distribution of metabolic functions between the organelle and host. Such biological division of metabolic labor leads to mutual dependence of the endosymbiont and host. Changing environmental conditions, such as the gradual shift of an organism from aerobic to anaerobic conditions or light to dark, can make the original benefit useless. Therefore, it can be challenging to deduce the original beneficial function, if there is any, underlying organellar acquisition. However, it is also possible that the organelle is retained because it simply resists being eliminated or digested untill it becomes indispensable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 288-297
Wladimir M. Majorow

The academic and humanitarian conception of harmonious union (hehe) has been proposed by Professor Zhang Liwen in the 1990s. It claims to explain the specifics of Chinese civilization and proposes solution of some global problems by its means. Despite the lack of direct references to the conception, it remains in demand both in the political and ideological discourse of the People's Republic of China. This presentations deals with the historical and philosophical facts available in Chinese written monuments and works of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, which are put forward as a justification for the primordial idea of harmonious union in Chinese culture. An attempt is done to show that this concept does not offer any new set of philosophical categories, but appeals to the well-known concepts of two-, three- and five-item classifications. At the same time, the emphasis is laid on the form, the method of combining opposite or dissimilar elements. In general, on the basis of the limited historical and philosophical material, it can be concluded that the concept of harmonious unification is aimed not so much at revising the composition of the philosophical system of Confucianism, but at rethinking its value criteria for interaction and mutual dependence of objects and phenomena.

JeongHun Han

This chapter examines the characteristics of presidentialism in South Korea, equipped with several parliamentary institutional elements in the Constitution. Although the performance of these parliamentary elements have been actively disused, it has not been analysed in a systematic way. In redressing this weakness, this chapter aims to illustrate the conditions under and extent to which these elements distinguish South Korean presidentialism from other presidential systems. In so doing, it first reviews the historical development of these institutions and then explores their long-term performance, focusing both on the National Assembly’s involvement in the president’s appointment of personnel and on executive legislation. The analysis shows that constitutionally the South Korean political regime can be clearly identified as a presidential system. In addition, the parliamentary elements are unlikely to serve as a check on South Korean presidents to orient the political system into one which relies on a mutual dependence between the executive and the legislature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. e1010120
Xi-Yu Bao ◽  
Jin-Yang Yan ◽  
Ya-Lin Yao ◽  
Yan-Bin Wang ◽  
Paul Visendi ◽  

Horizontal gene transfer is widespread in insects bearing intracellular symbionts. Horizontally transferred genes (HTGs) are presumably involved in amino acid synthesis in sternorrhynchan insects. However, their role in insect-symbiont interactions remains largely unknown. We found symbionts Portiera, Hamiltonella and Rickettsia possess most genes involved in lysine synthesis in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci MEAM1 although their genomes are reduced. Hamiltonella maintains a nearly complete lysine synthesis pathway. In contrast, Portiera and Rickettsia require the complementation of whitefly HTGs for lysine synthesis and have lysE, encoding a lysine exporter. Furthermore, each horizontally transferred lysine gene of ten B. tabaci cryptic species shares an evolutionary origin. We demonstrated that Hamiltonella did not alter the titers of Portiera and Rickettsia or lysine gene expression of Portiera, Rickettsia and whiteflies. Hamiltonella also did not impact on lysine levels or protein localization in bacteriocytes harboring Portiera and ovaries infected with Rickettsia. Complementation with whitefly lysine synthesis HTGs rescued E. coli lysine gene knockout mutants. Silencing whitefly lysA in whiteflies harboring Hamiltonella reduced lysine levels, adult fecundity and titers of Portiera and Rickettsia without influencing the expression of Hamiltonella lysA. Furthermore, silencing whitefly lysA in whiteflies lacking Hamiltonella reduced lysine levels, adult fecundity and titers of Portiera and Rickettsia in ovarioles. Therefore, we, for the first time, demonstrated an essential amino acid lysine synthesized through HTGs is important for whitefly reproduction and fitness of both obligate and facultative symbionts, and it illustrates the mutual dependence between whitefly and its two symbionts. Collectively, this study reveals that acquisition of horizontally transferred lysine genes contributes to coadaptation and coevolution between B. tabaci and its symbionts.

Topoi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Robert P. Jackson

AbstractConsidering recent re-assessments of Pareto and Mosca, I discuss whether these thinkers’ socio-political orientations contribute to the ‘disfiguration’ of democracy (in: Urbinati, Democracy disfigured: opinion, truth, and the people, Harvard, Cambridge, MA, 2014) or provide a resource for the renewal of democratic institutions. Femia (Pareto and political theory, Routledge, Abingdon, 2006) presents Pareto as being in the “Machiavellian tradition of sceptical liberalism,” revealing the liberal potential of Pareto’s realist political theory. Finocchiaro (Beyond right and left, Yale, New Haven, London, 1999) ameliorates the conservative consequences of Mosca’s thought by reinterpreting him as a ‘democratic elitist,’ who holds a conception of political liberty “as a relationship such that authority flows from the masses to the elites.” Highlighting the significance of internal tensions within each thinker’s work foregrounded by these readings, between the causal primacy of psychic states and the ‘mutual dependence’ of social factors (Pareto), and between the elite principle and ‘balanced pluralism’ (Mosca), I ask whether the ‘sceptical liberal’ Pareto or the ‘democratic elitist’ Mosca elude Urbinati’s unpolitical, populist and plebiscitarian ‘disfigurations’ of democracy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 135 ◽  
pp. 800-815
Yang Liu ◽  
Ping Deng ◽  
Jiang Wei ◽  
Ying Ying ◽  
Bing Wu

A. J. C. Reuten ◽  
S. A. E. Nooij ◽  
J. E. Bos ◽  
J. B. J. Smeets

AbstractTo mitigate motion sickness in self-driving cars and virtual reality, one should be able to quantify its progression unambiguously. Self-report rating scales either focus on general feelings of unpleasantness or specific symptomatology. Although one generally feels worse as symptoms progress, there is anecdotal evidence suggesting a non-monotonic relationship between unpleasantness and symptomatology. This implies that individuals could (temporarily) feel better as symptoms progress, which could trouble an unambiguous measurement of motion sickness progression. Here we explicitly investigated the temporal development of both unpleasantness and symptomatology using subjective reports, as well as their mutual dependence using psychophysical scaling techniques. We found symptoms to manifest in a fixed order, while unpleasantness increased non-monotonically. Later manifesting symptoms were generally judged as more unpleasant, except for a reduction at the onset of nausea, which corresponded to feeling better. Although we cannot explicate the origin of this reduction, its existence is of importance to the quantification of motion sickness. Specifically, the reduction at nausea onset implies that rating how bad someone feels does not give you an answer to the question of how close someone is to the point of vomiting. We conclude that unpleasantness can unambiguously be inferred from symptomatology, but an ambiguity exists when inferring symptomatology from unpleasantness. These results speak in favor of rating symptomatology when prioritizing an unambiguous quantification of motion sickness progression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 110 ◽  
pp. 3-8
Daniela Alice Manolescu ◽  
Adrian Ioana ◽  
Daniela Tufeanu ◽  
Claudiu Nicolicescu ◽  
Bogdan Florea ◽  

The notion of quality is defined as the totality of the attributes and essential aspects by virtue of which one is what it is, distinguishing itself from the other things. The article has as its starting point the definition of quality according to SR EN ISO 9001:2015. This standard defines the quality like „the set of properties and features of a product or service that gives it the ability to meet the expressed and implied needs of the customers”. Our article treats three categories of expressed and implicit necessities: the expressed and implied needs of clients, as beneficiaries of Products/Work/Services (P/W/S); the expressed and implied necessities of an efficient production management; the expressed and implicit necessities of society as a whole. In the article we present and analyze the components of quality (decalogue of quality) and the correlations between them. The quality term involves two main aspects (components), namely: utility, expressed by degree of utility (this component quantifies the extent to which the P/W/S meets the customer's needs and consequently sells). Technical component (intrinsic), which refers strictly to the technical characteristics of P/W/S. It is obvious that there is mutual dependence between the two components of the concept of quality (biunivoc).

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