existence of equilibrium
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2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Arnis Vilks

Abstract In their seminal 1954 paper on the existence of competitive equilibrium, Arrow and Debreu state what they call an “important principle”, namely that it is necessary for the existence of equilibrium that every consumer has some asset or can supply some labour service which has a positive price at equilibrium. It does not seem to have been noticed that this claim is incorrect. We provide a very simple model of a private ownership economy with three goods where a competitive equilibrium exists, but consumers who have nothing to sell but their labour end up with zero wealth in equilibrium. As zero wealth must be taken to mean non-survival, and the Arrow–Debreu model is frequently interpreted as assuming that all consumers can survive without trade, we also briefly discuss the issue of non-survival in equilibrium. We finally point out that our example illustrates the possibility that technological progress may result in a situation where the value of work becomes negligible.

The primary goal of the paper is to deliver a simple proof of equivalence between Brouwer’s fixed point theorem and the existence of equilibrium in a simple exchange model with monotonic consumers. To achieve this end, we discuss some equivalent formulations of Brouwer’s theorem and prove additional ones, that are ’approximating’ in character or seem to be better suited for economic applications than the standard results.

Gino Cattani ◽  
Mariano Mastrogiorgio

One of the central tenets of evolutionary thinking in economics, strategy, and innovation is that economic systems are continually evolving, out of equilibrium, owing to endogenous factors, such as technology, which is also intrinsically evolutionary. This view contrasts with that of neoclassical economics, which assumes the existence of equilibrium. In this chapter, we review some recent debates that show how the neoclassical notion of equilibrium traces its historical roots to classical physics, such as the first law of thermodynamics in a closed system. In reality, as indicated by these debates, economic systems are open, continually exposed to a growing diversity of technologies and artefacts and are inherently evolving out of equilibrium. A concept that acquires particular importance is that of exaptation because it implies a multitude of functions and uses that are latent in technologies and artefacts and cannot be simply pre-stated, and this is a possible source of disequilibrium.

2021 ◽  
David K. Levine ◽  
Andrea Mattozzi

AbstractModels of two contestants exerting effort to win a prize are very common and widely used in political economy. The contest success function plays as fundamental a role in the theory of contests as does the production function in the theory of the firm, yet beyond the existence of equilibrium few general results are known. This paper seeks to remedy that gap.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 639-646
Anarul Islam ◽  
Haider Ali Biswas

The paper deals with a deterministic model for the declination of groundwater level due to deforestation and evaporation that is caused of global warming. The model is governed by three compartments by considering different level of water. The model is analyzed by finding the existence of equilibrium points and also derived the conditions of stability at the equilibrium points by using Jacobian matrix and Routh-Hurwitz criterion for the system of non-linear differential equation. We also observe the qualitative behavior by using phase portrait diagram. Finally, the numerical simulations have been performed to illustrate the effect of deforestation, poor storage of water and evaporation on the groundwater level in support of analytical findings briefly. Our study shows that, groundwater level decreases drastically due to deforestation and global warming.

2021 ◽  
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Agusyarif Rezka Nuha ◽  
Lailany Yahya

This paper discusses the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission by involving quarantine interventions. The model was constructed by involving three classes of infectious causes, namely the exposed human class, asymptotically infected human class, and symptomatic infected human class. Variables were representing quarantine interventions to suppress infection growth were also considered in the model. Furthermore, model analysis is focused on the existence of equilibrium points and numerical simulations to visually showed population dynamics. The constructed model forms the SEAQIR model which has two equilibrium points, namely a disease-free equilibrium point and an endemic equilibrium point. The stability analysis showed that the disease-free equilibrium point was locally asymptotically stable at R0<1 and unstable at R0>1. Numerical simulations showed that increasing interventions in the form of quarantine could contribute to slowing the transmission of COVID-19 so that it is hoped that it can prevent outbreaks in the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-79
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Agusyarif Rezka Nuha ◽  
Lailany Yahya

ABSTRAKMakalah ini membahas dinamika transmisi COVID-19 dengan melibatkan intervensi karantina. Model dikonstruksi dengan melibatkan tiga kelas penyebab infeksi, yaitu kelas manusia terpapar, kelas manusia terinfeksi tanpa gejala klinis, dan kelas manusia terinfeksi disertai gejala klinis. Variabel yang merepresentasikan intervensi karantina untuk menekan pertumbuhan infeksi juga dipertimbangkan pada model. Selanjutnya, analisis model difokuskan pada eksistensi titik kesetimbangan dan simulasi numerik untuk menunjukkan dinamika populasi secara visual. Model yang dikonstruksi membentuk model SEAQIR yang memiliki dua titik kesetimbangan, yaitu titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan titik kesetimbangan endemik. Analisis kestabilan menunjukkan bahwa titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit bersifat stabil asimtotik lokal pada saat R01 dan tidak stabil pada saat R01. Simulasi numerik menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan intervensi berupa karantina dapat berkontribusi memperlambat transmisi COVID-19 sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya wabah pada populasi.ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission by involving quarantine interventions. The model was constructed by involving three classes of infectious causes, namely the exposed human class, asymptotically infected human class, and symptomatic infected human class. Variables were representing quarantine interventions to suppress infection growth were also considered in the model. Furthermore, model analysis is focused on the existence of equilibrium points and numerical simulations to visually showed population dynamics. The constructed model forms the SEAQIR model which has two equilibrium points, namely a disease-free equilibrium point and an endemic equilibrium point. The stability analysis showed that the disease-free equilibrium point was locally asymptotically stable at R01 and unstable at R01. Numerical simulations showed that increasing interventions in the form of quarantine could contribute to slowing the transmission of COVID-19 so that it is hoped that it can prevent outbreaks in the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-79
Resmawan Resmawan ◽  
Agusyarif Rezka Nuha ◽  
Lailany Yahya

ABSTRAKMakalah ini membahas dinamika transmisi COVID-19 dengan melibatkan intervensi karantina. Model dikonstruksi dengan melibatkan tiga kelas penyebab infeksi, yaitu kelas manusia terpapar, kelas manusia terinfeksi tanpa gejala klinis, dan kelas manusia terinfeksi disertai gejala klinis. Variabel yang merepresentasikan intervensi karantina untuk menekan pertumbuhan infeksi juga dipertimbangkan pada model. Selanjutnya, analisis model difokuskan pada eksistensi titik kesetimbangan dan simulasi numerik untuk menunjukkan dinamika populasi secara visual. Model yang dikonstruksi membentuk model SEAQIR yang memiliki dua titik kesetimbangan, yaitu titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit dan titik kesetimbangan endemik. Analisis kestabilan menunjukkan bahwa titik kesetimbangan bebas penyakit bersifat stabil asimtotik lokal pada saat R01 dan tidak stabil pada saat R01. Simulasi numerik menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan intervensi berupa karantina dapat berkontribusi memperlambat transmisi COVID-19 sehingga diharapkan dapat mencegah terjadinya wabah pada populasi.ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the dynamics of COVID-19 transmission by involving quarantine interventions. The model was constructed by involving three classes of infectious causes, namely the exposed human class, asymptotically infected human class, and symptomatic infected human class. Variables were representing quarantine interventions to suppress infection growth were also considered in the model. Furthermore, model analysis is focused on the existence of equilibrium points and numerical simulations to visually showed population dynamics. The constructed model forms the SEAQIR model which has two equilibrium points, namely a disease-free equilibrium point and an endemic equilibrium point. The stability analysis showed that the disease-free equilibrium point was locally asymptotically stable at R01 and unstable at R01. Numerical simulations showed that increasing interventions in the form of quarantine could contribute to slowing the transmission of COVID-19 so that it is hoped that it can prevent outbreaks in the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Byung-Hoon Hwang ◽  
Ho Lee ◽  
Seok-Bae Yun

<p style='text-indent:20px;'>In this paper, we address the Cauchy problem for the relativistic BGK model proposed by Anderson and Witting for massless particles in the Friedmann-Lemaȋtre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. We first derive the explicit form of the Jüttner distribution in the FLRW spacetime, together with a set of nonlinear relations that leads to the conservation laws of particle number, momentum, and energy for both Maxwell-Boltzmann particles and Bose-Einstein particles. Then, we find sufficient conditions that guarantee the existence of equilibrium coefficients satisfying the nonlinear relations and we show that the condition is satisfied through all the induction steps once it is verified for the initial step. Using this observation, we construct explicit solutions of the relativistic BGK model of Anderson-Witting type for massless particles in the FLRW spacetime.</p>

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