productivity prediction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 12064
Tianyu Wang ◽  
Qisheng Wang ◽  
Jing Shi ◽  
Wenhong Zhang ◽  
Wenxi Ren ◽  

Predicting shale gas production under different geological and fracturing conditions in the fractured shale gas reservoirs is the foundation of optimizing the fracturing parameters, which is crucial to effectively exploit shale gas. We present a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network and a long short-term memory (LSTM) network to predict shale gas production, both of which can quickly and accurately forecast gas production. The prediction performances of the networks are comprehensively evaluated and compared. The results show that the MLP network can predict shale gas production by geological and fracturing reservoir parameters. The average relative error of the MLP neural network is 2.85%, and the maximum relative error is 12.9%, which can meet the demand of engineering shale gas productivity prediction. The LSTM network can predict shale gas production through historical production under the constraints of geological and fracturing reservoir parameters. The average relative error of the LSTM neural network is 0.68%, and the maximum relative error is 3.08%, which can reliably predict shale gas production. There is a slight deviation between the predicted results of the MLP model and the true values in the first 10 days. This is because the daily production decreases rapidly during the early production stage, and the production data change greatly. The largest relative errors of LSTM in this work on the 10th, 100th, and 1000th day are 0.95%, 0.73%, and 1.85%, respectively, which are far lower than the relative errors of the MLP predictions. The research results can provide a fast and effective mean for shale gas productivity prediction.

2021 ◽  
Liang Tao ◽  
Jianchun Guo ◽  
Zhijun Li ◽  
Xuanyi Wang ◽  
Shubo Yang ◽  

Abstract Single well productivity is an important index to evaluate the effect of volume fracturing. However, there are many factors affecting the productivity of Multi-fractured horizontal wells (MFHWs) in unconventional reservoirs and the relationship is complex, which makes productivity prediction very difficult. In this paper, taking the tight oil reservoir in Songliao Basin as the research object, a new mixed model of initial cumulative oil production of MFHWs was established, which can consider the geological factors and volume fracturing factors at the same time. Firstly, based on the big data, the multi-level evaluation system was established by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then, the weight factor was calculated to uncover key factors that dominate productivity of MFHWs. Finally, the fuzzy logic method was used to calculate the Euclidean distance and quantitatively predict the production of any horizontal wells. The simulation results shown that: the order of the main factors affecting production in the study area was horizontal section sandstone length, number of stages, formation pressure, proppant amount, net pay thickness, permeability, porosity, oil saturation, fracturing fluid volume. The hybrid model has been applied to the productivity prediction of 185 MFHWs in tight oil reservoirs in China, the prediction error was less than 5%. The new model can be used to predict production for MFHWs quickly and economically.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 8159
Ke Yang ◽  
Jun-Lang Yuan ◽  
Ting Xiong ◽  
Bin Wang ◽  
Shi-Dong Fan

Dredging is a basic construction for waterway improvement, harbor basin maintenance, land reclamation, environmental protection dredging, and deep-sea mining. The dredging process of cutter suction dredgers is so complex that the operational data show strong characteristics of dynamic, nonlinearity, and time delay, which make it difficult to predict the productivity accurately via basic principles models. In this paper, we propose a novel integrating PCA-LSTM model to improve the productivity prediction of cutter suction dredger. Firstly, multiple variables are reduced in dimension and selected by PCA method based on the working mechanism of cutter suction dredger. Then the productivity is predicted via mud concentration in long short-term memory network with relevant operational time-series data. Finally, the proposed method is successfully applied to an actual case study in China. Also, it performs well in the cross-validation and comparative study for several important characteristics: (i) it involves the operational parameters based on the mechanism analysis; and (ii) it is a deep-learning-based approach that can deal with operation series data with a special memory mechanism. This study provides a heuristic idea for integrating the data-driven method and supervision of human knowledge for application in practical engineering.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (18) ◽  
pp. 14658-14670
Shangui Luo ◽  
Yulong Zhao ◽  
Liehui Zhang ◽  
Zhangxin Chen ◽  
Xuyang Zhang

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2147-2156
Pavel Livotov

AbstractThe internal crowdsourcing-based ideation within a company can be defined as an involvement of its staff, specialists, managers, and other employees, to propose solution ideas for a pre-defined problem. This paper addresses a question, how many participants of the company-internal ideation process are required to nearly reach the ideation limit for the problems with a finite number of workable solutions. To answer the research question, the author proposes a set of metrics and a non-linear ideation performance function with a positive decreasing slope and ideation limit for the closed-ended problems. Three series of experiments helped to explore relationships between the metric attributes and resulted in a mathematical model which allows companies to predict the productivity metrics of their crowdsourcing ideation activities such as quantity of different ideas and ideation limit as a function of the number of contributors, their average personal creativity and ideation efficiency of a contributors’ group.

Algorithms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (7) ◽  
pp. 214
Sara Ebrahimi ◽  
Aminah Robinson Fayek ◽  
Vuppuluri Sumati

This paper presents a novel approach, using hybrid feature selection (HFS), machine learning (ML), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to predict and optimize construction labor productivity (CLP). HFS selects factors that are most predictive of CLP to reduce the complexity of CLP data. Selected factors are used as inputs for four ML models for CLP prediction. The study results showed that random forest (RF) obtains better performance in mapping the relationship between CLP and selected factors affecting CLP, compared with the other three models. Finally, the integration of RF and PSO is developed to identify the maximum CLP value and the optimum value of each selected factor. This paper introduces a new hybrid model named HFS-RF-PSO that addresses the main limitation of existing CLP prediction studies, which is the lack of capacity to optimize CLP and its most predictive factors with respect to a construction company’s preferences, such as a targeted CLP. The major contribution of this paper is the development of the hybrid HFS-RF-PSO model as a novel approach for optimizing factors that influence CLP and identifying the maximum CLP value.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (14) ◽  
pp. 4134
Shuozhen Wang ◽  
Shuoliang Wang ◽  
Chunlei Yu ◽  
Haifeng Liu

Single well productivity is an important index of oilfield production planning and economic evaluation. Due to fracture-vuggy reservoirs being characteristically strongly heterogeneous and having complex fluid distribution, the commonly used single well productivity prediction methods for fracture-vuggy reservoirs have many problems, such as difficulty in obtaining reservoir parameters and producing large errors in the forecast values of single well productivity. In this paper, based on the triple medium model, the Laplace transform and Duhamel principle are used to obtain the productivity equation of a single well in a fracture-vuggy reservoir. Secondly, the seismic attributes affecting the productivity of a single well are selected using the Spearman and Pearson correlation index calculation method. Finally, the selected seismic attributes are introduced into the productivity equation of the triple medium model through the interporosity flow coefficient and the elastic storativity ratio, and the undetermined coefficients under different karst backgrounds are determined using multiple nonlinear regression. From these, a new method for predicting single well productivity of fracture-vuggy reservoir is established. In order to verify the feasibility of the new method, based on the actual production data of a fracture-vuggy reservoir in Xinjiang, the new single well productivity prediction method is used to predict the productivity of 134 oil wells. The results show that the new productivity prediction method not only reduces calculation workload, but also improves the accuracy of productivity prediction, which contributes to a good foundation for future oilfield development.

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