wigner functions
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Michael te Vrugt ◽  
Gyula I. Tóth ◽  
Raphael Wittkowski

AbstractWigner functions, allowing for a reformulation of quantum mechanics in phase space, are of central importance for the study of the quantum-classical transition. A full understanding of the quantum-classical transition, however, also requires an explanation for the absence of macroscopic superpositions to solve the quantum measurement problem. Stochastic reformulations of quantum mechanics based on spontaneous collapses of the wavefunction are a popular approach to this issue. In this article, we derive the dynamic equations for the four most important spontaneous collapse models—Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) theory, continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model, Diósi-Penrose model, and dissipative GRW model—in the Wigner framework. The resulting master equations are approximated by Fokker–Planck equations. Moreover, we use the phase-space form of GRW theory to test, via molecular dynamics simulations, David Albert’s suggestion that the stochasticity induced by spontaneous collapses is responsible for the emergence of thermodynamic irreversibility. The simulations show that, for initial conditions leading to anti-thermodynamic behavior in the classical case, GRW-type perturbations do not lead to thermodynamic behavior. Consequently, the GRW-based equilibration mechanism proposed by Albert is not observed.

2021 ◽  
Filippus Stefanus Roux

Abstract Computational challenges associated with the use of Wigner functions to identify non-classical properties of states are addressed with the aid of generating functions. It allows the computation of the Wigner functions of photon-subtracted states for an arbitrary number of subtracted photons. Both the formal definition of photon-subtracted states in terms of ladder operators and the experimental implementation with heralded photon detections are analyzed. These techniques are demonstrated by considering photon subtraction from squeezed thermal states as well as squeezed Fock states. Generating functions are also used for the photon statistics of these states. These techniques reveal various aspects of the parameter dependences of these states.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Neveen Sayed-Ahmed ◽  
M. M. Amein ◽  
Taghreed M. Jawa ◽  
Tahani A. Aloafi ◽  
F. S. Bayones ◽  

A statistical method is applied to predict the behaviour of a quantum model consisting of a qubit interacting with a single-mode cavity field. The qubit is prepared in excited state while the field starts from the binomial distribution state. The wave function of the proposed model is obtained. A von Neumann entropy is used to investigate the behaviour of the entanglement between the field and the qubits. Moreover, the atomic Q and Wigner functions are used to identify the behaviour of the distribution in a phase space. The simulation method is used to estimate the parameters of the proposed model to reach the best results. A numerical study is performed to estimate the specific dependency of the binomial distribution state. The results of entanglement were compared with the atomic Q and Wigner functions. The results showed that there are many maximum values of entanglement periodically. The results also confirmed a correlation between von Neumann entropy, the atomic Q , and Wigner functions.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 494
Lucas Kocia ◽  
Peter Love

One of the lowest-order corrections to Gaussian quantum mechanics in infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces are Airy functions: a uniformization of the stationary phase method applied in the path integral perspective. We introduce a "periodized stationary phase method" to discrete Wigner functions of systems with odd prime dimension and show that the π8 gate is the discrete analog of the Airy function. We then establish a relationship between the stabilizer rank of states and the number of quadratic Gauss sums necessary in the periodized stationary phase method. This allows us to develop a classical strong simulation of a single qutrit marginal on t qutrit π8 gates that are followed by Clifford evolution, and show that this only requires 3t2+1 quadratic Gauss sums. This outperforms the best alternative qutrit algorithm (based on Wigner negativity and scaling as ∼30.8t for 10−2 precision) for any number of π8 gates to full precision.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 1013
Vahagn Abgaryan ◽  
Arsen Khvedelidze

A method for constructing all admissible unitary non-equivalent Wigner quasiprobability distributions providing the Stratonovic-h-Weyl correspondence for an arbitrary N-level quantum system is proposed. The method is based on the reformulation of the Stratonovich–Weyl correspondence in the form of algebraic “master equations” for the spectrum of the Stratonovich–Weyl kernel. The later implements a map between the operators in the Hilbert space and the functions in the phase space identified by the complex flag manifold. The non-uniqueness of the solutions to the master equations leads to diversity among the Wigner quasiprobability distributions. It is shown that among all possible Stratonovich–Weyl kernels for a N=(2j+1)-level system, one can always identify the representative that realizes the so-called SU(2)-symmetric spin-j symbol correspondence. The method is exemplified by considering the Wigner functions of a single qubit and a single qutrit.

Sibel Başkal ◽  
Young S Kim ◽  
Marilyn E Noz

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
Koichi Hattori ◽  
Yoshimasa Hidaka ◽  
Naoki Yamamoto ◽  
Di-Lun Yang

Abstract We derive the Wigner functions of polarized photons in the Coulomb gauge with the ħ expansion applied to quantum field theory, and identify side-jump effects for massless photons. We also discuss the photonic chiral vortical effect for the Chern-Simons current and zilch vortical effect for the zilch current in local thermal equilibrium as a consistency check for our formalism. The results are found to be in agreement with those obtained from different approaches. Moreover, using the real-time formalism, we construct the quantum kinetic theory (QKT) for polarized photons. By further adopting a specific power counting scheme for the distribution functions, we provide a more succinct form of an effective QKT. This photonic QKT involves quantum corrections associated with self-energy gradients in the collision term, which are analogous to the side-jump corrections pertinent to spin-orbit interactions in the chiral kinetic theory for massless fermions. The same theoretical framework can also be directly applied to weakly coupled gluons in the absence of background color fields.

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