thermodynamic irreversibility
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Entropy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Paul W. Fontana

Maxwell’s demon is an entity in a 150-year-old thought experiment that paradoxically appears to violate the second law of thermodynamics by reducing entropy without doing work. It has increasingly practical implications as advances in nanomachinery produce devices that push the thermodynamic limits imposed by the second law. A well-known explanation claiming that information erasure restores second law compliance fails to resolve the paradox because it assumes the second law a priori, and does not predict irreversibility. Instead, a purely mechanical resolution that does not require information theory is presented. The transport fluxes of mass, momentum, and energy involved in the demon’s operation are analyzed and show that they imply “hidden” external work and dissipation. Computing the dissipation leads to a new lower bound on entropy production by the demon. It is strictly positive in all nontrivial cases, providing a more stringent limit than the second law and implying intrinsic thermodynamic irreversibility. The thermodynamic irreversibility is linked with mechanical irreversibility resulting from the spatial asymmetry of the demon’s speed selection criteria, indicating one mechanism by which macroscopic irreversibility may emerge from microscopic dynamics.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1705
Harrison Crecraft

The thermocontextual interpretation (TCI) is an alternative to the existing interpretations of physical states and time. The prevailing interpretations are based on assumptions rooted in classical mechanics, the logical implications of which include determinism, time symmetry, and a paradox: determinism implies that effects follow causes and an arrow of causality, and this conflicts with time symmetry. The prevailing interpretations also fail to explain the empirical irreversibility of wavefunction collapse without invoking untestable and untenable metaphysical implications. They fail to reconcile nonlocality and relativistic causality without invoking superdeterminism or unexplained superluminal correlations. The TCI defines a system’s state with respect to its actual surroundings at a positive ambient temperature. It recognizes the existing physical interpretations as special cases which either define a state with respect to an absolute zero reference (classical and relativistic states) or with respect to an equilibrium reference (quantum states). Between these special case extremes is where thermodynamic irreversibility and randomness exist. The TCI distinguishes between a system’s internal time and the reference time of relativity and causality as measured by an external observer’s clock. It defines system time as a complex property of state spanning both reversible mechanical time and irreversible thermodynamic time. Additionally, it provides a physical explanation for nonlocality that is consistent with relativistic causality without hidden variables, superdeterminism, or “spooky action”.

Michael te Vrugt ◽  
Gyula I. Tóth ◽  
Raphael Wittkowski

AbstractWigner functions, allowing for a reformulation of quantum mechanics in phase space, are of central importance for the study of the quantum-classical transition. A full understanding of the quantum-classical transition, however, also requires an explanation for the absence of macroscopic superpositions to solve the quantum measurement problem. Stochastic reformulations of quantum mechanics based on spontaneous collapses of the wavefunction are a popular approach to this issue. In this article, we derive the dynamic equations for the four most important spontaneous collapse models—Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) theory, continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model, Diósi-Penrose model, and dissipative GRW model—in the Wigner framework. The resulting master equations are approximated by Fokker–Planck equations. Moreover, we use the phase-space form of GRW theory to test, via molecular dynamics simulations, David Albert’s suggestion that the stochasticity induced by spontaneous collapses is responsible for the emergence of thermodynamic irreversibility. The simulations show that, for initial conditions leading to anti-thermodynamic behavior in the classical case, GRW-type perturbations do not lead to thermodynamic behavior. Consequently, the GRW-based equilibration mechanism proposed by Albert is not observed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Alessio Belenchia ◽  
Luca Mancino ◽  
Gabriel T. Landi ◽  
Mauro Paternostro

AbstractThe entropy production rate is a key quantity in nonequilibrium thermodynamics of both classical and quantum processes. No universal theory of entropy production is available to date, which hinders progress toward its full grasping. By using a phase space-based approach, here we take the current framework for the assessment of thermodynamic irreversibility all the way to quantum regimes by characterizing entropy production—and its rate—resulting from the continuous monitoring of a Gaussian system. This allows us to formulate a sharpened second law of thermodynamics that accounts for the measurement back action and information gain from a continuously monitored system. We illustrate our framework in a series of physically relevant examples.

2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3 Part A) ◽  
pp. 1449-1455
Haochun Zhang ◽  
Zhiyuan Feng ◽  
Xiuting Liu ◽  
Dezhuang Yin

The current work aims at a fundamental understanding of the concept of head loss coefficient, K, of nanofluids flowing in sudden expansionpipe. While so far several articles have applied this concept to the laminar flow regime of water, it is extended here to the mechanics of nanofluids. To describe the flow dissipation, a thermodynamic model is built based on the Second law analysis approach to calculate the overall entropy generation with the assistance of appropriate single-phase models used to get viscosity values of nanofluids. Then, specific values of K can be determined by the integration of entropy generation field. In addition, considering the thermodynamic irreversibility caused by temperature gradients due to heat transfer processes, a new concept of thermodynamic loss coefficient, KE, has been applied to calculate total dissipation. The correlations between K and Reynolds number of sudden expansion flows are also derived. It is interesting to note that the results reveal some striking similarities among nanofluids of various volume concentrations. This unexpected phenomenon shows that the K value is independent of the volume concentration (within the scope of the study). Furthermore, the results show that with an increase in both nanofluid concentration and temperature rise in the heated section, the KE and Nusselt number increases accordingly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1 Part B) ◽  
pp. 577-589 ◽  
José Ramírez-Minguela ◽  
Juan Mendoza-Miranda ◽  
José Rodríguez-Muñoz ◽  
Vicente Pérez-García ◽  
Jorge Alfaro-Ayala ◽  

The aim of this paper is to evaluate numerically the effect of varying the electrochemical model and its parameters on the performance and entropy generation of a mono-block-layer build (MOLB) type geometry of a solid oxide fuel cell. Particularly, the influence of the exchange of current density, the electrical conductivity of the electrodes and the electrolyte has been studied and the prediction of the thermodynamic irreversibility by means of an entropy generation analysis is considered. The numerical analysis consider a 3-D CFD model that takes into account the mass transfer, heat transfer, species transport, and electrochemical reactions. Several numerical simulations were performed and each contribution to the local entropy generation rate was computed. The results show different trends of the current density, temperature, species, activation loss, ohmic loss, and concentration loss along the fuel cell. Also, the results show strong variations of the local and global entropy generation rates between the cases analyzed. It is possible to conclude that the fuel cell performance and the prediction of thermodynamic irreversibility can be significantly affected by the choice of the electrochemical models and its parameters, which must be carefully selected.

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