classical transition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Gabriel R. Bengochea ◽  
María Pía Piccirilli ◽  
Gabriel León

AbstractIn this work we analyze how the spectrum of primordial scalar perturbations is modified, within the emergent universe scenario, when a particular version of the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) model is incorporated as the generating mechanism of initial perturbations, providing also an explanation to the quantum-to-classical transition of such perturbations. On the other hand, a phase of super-inflation, prior to slow-roll inflation, is a characteristic feature of the emergent universe hypothesis. In recent works, it was shown that the super-inflation phase could generically induce a suppression of the temperature anisotropies of the CMB at large angular scales. We study here under what conditions the CSL maintains or modifies these characteristics of the emergent universe and their compatibility with the CMB observations.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1594
Shuangshuang Fu ◽  
Shunlong Luo

As a direct consequence of the interplay between the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the dynamics of open systems, decoherence is a recurring theme in both foundational and experimental exploration of the quantum realm. Decoherence is intimately related to information leakage of open systems and is usually formulated in the setup of “system + environment” as information acquisition of the environment (observer) from the system. As such, it has been mainly characterized via correlations (e.g., quantum mutual information, discord, and entanglement). Decoherence combined with redundant proliferation of the system information to multiple fragments of environment yields the scenario of quantum Darwinism, which is now a widely recognized framework for addressing the quantum-to-classical transition: the emergence of the apparent classical reality from the enigmatic quantum substrate. Despite the half-century development of the notion of decoherence, there are still many aspects awaiting investigations. In this work, we introduce two quantifiers of classicality via the Jordan product and uncertainty, respectively, and then employ them to quantify decoherence from an information-theoretic perspective. As a comparison, we also study the influence of the system on the environment.

Michael te Vrugt ◽  
Gyula I. Tóth ◽  
Raphael Wittkowski

AbstractWigner functions, allowing for a reformulation of quantum mechanics in phase space, are of central importance for the study of the quantum-classical transition. A full understanding of the quantum-classical transition, however, also requires an explanation for the absence of macroscopic superpositions to solve the quantum measurement problem. Stochastic reformulations of quantum mechanics based on spontaneous collapses of the wavefunction are a popular approach to this issue. In this article, we derive the dynamic equations for the four most important spontaneous collapse models—Ghirardi–Rimini–Weber (GRW) theory, continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model, Diósi-Penrose model, and dissipative GRW model—in the Wigner framework. The resulting master equations are approximated by Fokker–Planck equations. Moreover, we use the phase-space form of GRW theory to test, via molecular dynamics simulations, David Albert’s suggestion that the stochasticity induced by spontaneous collapses is responsible for the emergence of thermodynamic irreversibility. The simulations show that, for initial conditions leading to anti-thermodynamic behavior in the classical case, GRW-type perturbations do not lead to thermodynamic behavior. Consequently, the GRW-based equilibration mechanism proposed by Albert is not observed.

Quantum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 571
J. K. Korbicz

The problem of objectivity, i.e. how to explain on quantum grounds the objective character of the macroscopic world, is one of the aspects of the celebrated quantum-to-classical transition. Initiated by W. H. Zurek and collaborators, this problem gained some attention recently with several approaches being developed. The aim of this work is to compare three of them: quantum Darwinism, Spectrum Broadcast Structures, and strong quantum Darwinism. The paper is concentrated on foundations, providing a synthetic analysis of how the three approaches realize the idea of objectivity and how they are related to each other. As a byproduct of this analysis, a proof of a generalized Spectrum Broadcast Structure theorem is presented. Recent quantum Darwinism experiments are also briefly discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
W. Tarnowski ◽  
I. Yusipov ◽  
T. Laptyeva ◽  
S. Denisov ◽  
D. Chruściński ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Sabrina Pasterski ◽  
Herman Verlinde

Abstract We build on the observation by Hawking, Perry and Strominger that a global black hole space-time supports a large number of soft hair degrees of freedom to shed new light on the firewall argument by Almheiri, Marolf, Polchinski, and Sully. We propose that the soft hair Goldstone mode is encoded in a classical transition function that connects the asymptotic and near horizon region. The entropy carried by the soft hair is part of the black hole entropy and encoded in the outside geometry. We argue that the infalling observer automatically measures the classical value of the soft mode before reaching the horizon and that this measurement implements a code subspace projection that enables the reconstruction of interior operators. We use the soft hair dynamics to introduce an observer dependent notion of the firewall and show that for an infalling observer it recedes inwards into the black hole interior: the observer never encounters a firewall before reaching the singularity. Our results indicate that the HPS black hole soft hair plays an essential role in dissolving the AMPS firewall.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Luciano Petruzziello ◽  
Fabrizio Illuminati

AbstractSchemes of gravitationally induced decoherence are being actively investigated as possible mechanisms for the quantum-to-classical transition. Here, we introduce a decoherence process due to quantum gravity effects. We assume a foamy quantum spacetime with a fluctuating minimal length coinciding on average with the Planck scale. Considering deformed canonical commutation relations with a fluctuating deformation parameter, we derive a Lindblad master equation that yields localization in energy space and decoherence times consistent with the currently available observational evidence. Compared to other schemes of gravitational decoherence, we find that the decoherence rate predicted by our model is extremal, being minimal in the deep quantum regime below the Planck scale and maximal in the mesoscopic regime beyond it. We discuss possible experimental tests of our model based on cavity optomechanics setups with ultracold massive molecular oscillators and we provide preliminary estimates on the values of the physical parameters needed for actual laboratory implementations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Giulio Gasbarri ◽  
Alessio Belenchia ◽  
Matteo Carlesso ◽  
Sandro Donadi ◽  
Angelo Bassi ◽  

AbstractQuantum technologies are opening novel avenues for applied and fundamental science at an impressive pace. In this perspective article, we focus on the promises coming from the combination of quantum technologies and space science to test the very foundations of quantum physics and, possibly, new physics. In particular, we survey the field of mesoscopic superpositions of nanoparticles and the potential of interferometric and non-interferometric experiments in space for the investigation of the superposition principle of quantum mechanics and the quantum-to-classical transition. We delve into the possibilities offered by the state-of-the-art of nanoparticle physics projected in the space environment and discuss the numerous challenges, and the corresponding potential advancements, that the space environment presents. In doing this, we also offer an ab-initio estimate of the potential of space-based interferometry with some of the largest systems ever considered and show that there is room for tests of quantum mechanics at an unprecedented level of detail.

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