cyclic subgroup
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Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Clementa Alonso-González ◽  
Miguel Ángel Navarro-Pérez

Flag codes that are orbits of a cyclic subgroup of the general linear group acting on flags of a vector space over a finite field, are called cyclic orbit flag codes. In this paper, we present a new contribution to the study of such codes, by focusing this time on the generating flag. More precisely, we examine those ones whose generating flag has at least one subfield among its subspaces. In this situation, two important families arise: the already known Galois flag codes, in case we have just fields, or the generalized Galois flag codes in other case. We investigate the parameters and properties of the latter ones and explore the relationship with their underlying Galois flag code.

10.53733/106 ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 52 ◽  
pp. 153-165
Cheryl Praeger ◽  
Prabir Bhattacharya

Association Schemes and coherent configurations (and the related Bose-Mesner algebra and coherent algebras) are well known in combinatorics with many applications. In the 1990s, Mesner and Bhattacharya introduced a three-dimensional generalisation of association schemes which they called an {\em association scheme on triples} (AST) and constructed examples of several families of ASTs. Many of their examples used 2-transitive permutation groups: the non-trivial ternary relations of the ASTs were sets of ordered triples of pairwise distinct points of the underlying set left invariant by the group; and the given permutation group was a subgroup of automorphisms of the AST. In this paper, we consider ASTs that do not necessarily admit 2-transitive groups as automorphism groups but instead a transitive cyclic subgroup of the symmetric group acts as automorphisms. Such ASTs are called {\em circulant} ASTs and the corresponding ternary relations are called {\em circulant relations}. We give a complete characterisation of circulant ASTs in terms of AST-regular partitions of the underlying set. We also show that a special type of circulant, that we call a {\em thin circulant}, plays a key role in describing the structure of circulant ASTs. We outline several open questions.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 273 (1341) ◽  
Mima Stanojkovski

Let G G be a group. An automorphism of G G is called intense if it sends each subgroup of G G to a conjugate; the collection of such automorphisms is denoted by Int ⁡ ( G ) \operatorname {Int}(G) . In the special case in which p p is a prime number and G G is a finite p p -group, one can show that Int ⁡ ( G ) \operatorname {Int}(G) is the semidirect product of a normal p p -Sylow and a cyclic subgroup of order dividing p − 1 p-1 . In this paper we classify the finite p p -groups whose groups of intense automorphisms are not themselves p p -groups. It emerges from our investigation that the structure of such groups is almost completely determined by their nilpotency class: for p > 3 p>3 , they share a quotient, growing with their class, with a uniquely determined infinite 2-generated pro- p p group.

2021 ◽  
Abdelhaliem Babiker

Abstract In this paper, a new key-agreement scheme is proposed and analyzed. In addition to being provably secure in shared secret key indistinguishability model, the scheme has an interesting feature: while using exponentiation over a cyclic subgroup to establish the key-agreement, the generator of that subgroup is hidden to secure the scheme against adversaries that are capable of solving the Discrete Logarithm Problem, which means that the scheme might be candidate as a post-quantum key exchange scheme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 2767-2784
A.J. Saka ◽  
R.A. Adetona ◽  
T.G. Jaiyéolá

This paper presents a Simple Generalized Construction of Resolvable Balanced Incomplete Block Designs whose parameter combination is of the form $v=k^2, ~r=k+1, ~\lambda=k^0=1$, where $k$ is prime. The design construction was achieved by using the cyclic subgroup of the symmetric group $S_k$ whose generator is one of the permutations of the $2$-permutation generating set of the Dihedral group $D_k$ and $2$-permutation generating set of the presentation of $S_k$. The method is efficient, sufficient and also mitigate against the tediousness encountered in other methods of construction when $v$ is large.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (01) ◽  
pp. 119-130
M.S.M. Asri ◽  
K.B. Wong ◽  
P.C. Wong

We give a characterization of the cyclic subgroup separability and weak potency of the fundamental group of a graph of polycyclic-by-finite groups and free-by-finite groups amalgamating edge subgroups of the form [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] has infinite order and [Formula: see text] is finite.

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Brendan Goldsmith ◽  
Ketao Gong

AbstractWe introduce two new notions of transitivity for Abelian 𝑝-groups based on isomorphism of quotients rather than the classical use of equality of height sequences associated with Abelian 𝑝-group theory. Unlike the classical theory where “most” groups are transitive, these new notions lead to much smaller classes, but even these classes are sufficiently large to be interesting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas ◽  
Miguel Levy ◽  
Ye-Ling Zhou

Abstract The idea of modular invariance provides a novel explanation of flavour mixing. Within the context of finite modular symmetries ΓN and for a given element γ ∈ ΓN, we present an algorithm for finding stabilisers (specific values for moduli fields τγ which remain unchanged under the action associated to γ). We then employ this algorithm to find all stabilisers for each element of finite modular groups for N = 2 to 5, namely, Γ2 ≃ S3, Γ3 ≃ A4, Γ4 ≃ S4 and Γ5 ≃ A5. These stabilisers then leave preserved a specific cyclic subgroup of ΓN. This is of interest to build models of fermionic mixing where each fermionic sector preserves a separate residual symmetry.

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