library construction
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Taisuke Wakamatsu ◽  
Saki Mizobuchi ◽  
Fumiaki Mori ◽  
Taiki Futagami ◽  
Takeshi Terada ◽  

Substrate-induced gene expression (SIGEX) is a high-throughput promoter-trap method. It is a function-based metagenomic screening tool that relies on transcriptional activation of a reporter gene green fluorescence protein (gfp) by a metagenomic DNA library upon induction with a substrate. However, its use is limited because of the relatively small size of metagenomic DNA libraries and incompatibility with screening metagenomes from anaerobic environments. In this study, these limitations of SIGEX were addressed by fine-tuning metagenome DNA library construction protocol and by using Evoglow, a green fluorescent protein that forms a chromophore even under anaerobic conditions. Two metagenomic libraries were constructed for subseafloor sediments offshore Shimokita Peninsula (Pacific Ocean) and offshore Joetsu (Japan Sea). The library construction protocol was improved by (a) eliminating short DNA fragments, (b) applying topoisomerase-based high-efficiency ligation, (c) optimizing insert DNA concentration, and (d) column-based DNA enrichment. This led to a successful construction of metagenome DNA libraries of approximately 6 Gbp for both samples. SIGEX screening using five aromatic compounds (benzoate, 3-chlorobenzoate, 3-hydroxybenzoate, phenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions revealed significant differences in the inducible clone ratios under these conditions. 3-Chlorobenzoate and 2,4-dichlorophenol led to a higher induction ratio than that for the other non-chlorinated aromatic compounds under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. After the further screening of induced clones, a clone induced by 3-chlorobenzoate only under anaerobic conditions was isolated and characterized. The clone harbors a DNA insert that encodes putative open reading frames of unknown function. Previous aerobic SIGEX attempts succeeded in the isolation of gene fragments from anaerobes. This study demonstrated that some gene fragments require a strict in vivo reducing environment to function and may be potentially missed when screened by aerobic induction. The newly developed anaerobic SIGEX scheme will facilitate functional exploration of metagenomes from the anaerobic biosphere.

2022 ◽  
Jianchao Zheng ◽  
Zhilong Li ◽  
Xiuqing Zhang ◽  
Hongyun Zhang ◽  
Shida Zhu ◽  

Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) profiling by deep sequencing (i.e., by next generation sequencing (NGS)) has wide applications in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy response monitoring. One key step of cfDNA deep sequencing workflow is NGS library construction, whose efficiency significantly affects the utilization efficiency of cfDNA molecules, and eventually determines effective sequencing depth and sequencing accuracy. In this study, we compared two different types of cfDNA library construction methods, namely double-stranded library (dsLib, the conventional method which captures dsDNA molecules) and single-stranded library (ssLib) preparation, which captures ssDNA molecules, for the applications of mutation detection and methylation profiling, respectively. Our results suggest that the dsLib method was suitable for mutation detection while the ssLib method proved more efficient for methylation analysis. Our findings could help researchers choose the more appropriate library construction method for corresponding downstream applications of cfDNA sequencing.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Daniela Gaio ◽  
Kay Anantanawat ◽  
Joyce To ◽  
Michael Liu ◽  
Leigh Monahan ◽  

We developed a low-cost method for the production of Illumina-compatible sequencing libraries that allows up to 14 times more libraries for high-throughput Illumina sequencing to be generated for the same cost. We call this new method Hackflex. The quality of library preparation was tested by constructing libraries from Escherichia coli MG1655 genomic DNA using either Hackflex, standard Nextera Flex (recently renamed as Illumina DNA Prep) or a variation of standard Nextera Flex in which the bead-linked transposase is diluted prior to use. In order to test the library quality for genomes with a higher and a lower G+C content, library construction methods were also tested on Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, respectively. We demonstrated that Hackflex can produce high-quality libraries and yields a highly uniform coverage, equivalent to the standard Nextera Flex kit. We show that strongly size-selected libraries produce sufficient yield and complexity to support de novo microbial genome assembly, and that assemblies of the large-insert libraries can be much more contiguous than standard libraries without strong size selection. We introduce a new set of sample barcodes that are distinct from standard Illumina barcodes, enabling Hackflex samples to be multiplexed with samples barcoded using standard Illumina kits. Using Hackflex, we were able to achieve a per-sample reagent cost for library prep of A$7.22 (Australian dollars) (US $5.60; UK £3.87, £1=A$1.87), which is 9.87 times lower than the standard Nextera Flex protocol at advertised retail price. An additional simple modification and further simplification of the protocol by omitting the wash step enables a further price reduction to reach an overall 14-fold cost saving. This method will allow researchers to construct more libraries within a given budget, thereby yielding more data and facilitating research programmes where sequencing large numbers of libraries is beneficial.

2021 ◽  
Douglas F Porter ◽  
Raghav M Garg ◽  
Robin M Meyers ◽  
Weili Miao ◽  
Luca Ducoli ◽  

The easyCLIP protocol describes a method for both normal CLIP library construction and the absolute quantification of RNA cross-linking rates, data which could be usefully combined to analyze RNA-protein interactions. Using these cross-linking metrics, significant interactions could be defined relative to a set of random non-RBPs. The original easyCLIP protocol did not use index reads, required custom sequencing primers, and did not have an easily reproducible analysis workflow. This short paper attempts to amend these deficiencies. It also includes some additional technical experiments and investigates the usage of alternative adapters. The results here are intended to allow more options to easily perform and analyze easyCLIP.

2021 ◽  
Kaiyuan Chen ◽  
Runnan Ke ◽  
Manman Du ◽  
Yuqing Yi ◽  
Yache Chen ◽  

Plant Methods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Amir Mahboubi ◽  
Nicolas Delhomme ◽  
Sara Häggström ◽  
Johannes Hanson

Abstract Background Translation is a tightly regulated process, controlling the rate of protein synthesis in cells. Ribosome sequencing (Ribo-Seq) is a recently developed tool for studying actively translated mRNA and can thus directly address translational regulation. Ribo-Seq libraries need to be sequenced to a great depth due to high contamination by rRNA and other contaminating nucleic acid fragments. Deep sequencing is expensive, and it generates large volumes of data, making data analysis complicated and time consuming. Methods and results Here we developed a platform for Ribo-Seq library construction and data analysis to enable rapid quality assessment of Ribo-Seq libraries with the help of a small-scale sequencer. Our data show that several qualitative features of a Ribo-Seq library, such as read length distribution, P-site distribution, reading frame and triplet periodicity, can be effectively evaluated using only the data generated by a benchtop sequencer with a very limited number of reads. Conclusion Our pipeline enables rapid evaluation of Ribo-Seq libraries, opening up possibilities for optimization of Ribo-Seq library construction from difficult samples, and leading to better decision making prior to more costly deep sequencing.

2021 ◽  
Yanlei Liu ◽  
Chao Xu ◽  
Yuzhe Sun ◽  
Xun Chen ◽  
Wenpan Dong ◽  

2021 ◽  
Graham J Etherington ◽  
Darren Heavens ◽  
David Baker ◽  
Ashleigh Lister ◽  
Rose McNelly ◽  

Amplification Free Paired End Library Construction Protocol.

2021 ◽  
Nan Wu ◽  
Piyush Ranjan ◽  
Changyu Tao ◽  
Chao Liu ◽  
Ence Yang ◽  

Abstract BACKGROUND: Etiology detection is crucial in diagnose and treatment of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP). However, the detection method is in need of improvement. In this study, we used Nanopore sequence to build a quick detection protocol and compared the efficiency of different methods on 7 common VAP pathogens.METHODS: Endotracheal aspirate (ETA) of 83 patients with suspected VAP from Peking University Third Hospital were collected, saponin were used to deplete host genomes, and PCR or non-PCR library construction method were used and compared for sequencing. MinION and local data analysis methods were used for sequencing and data analysis.RESULTS: Saponin depletion effectively removed 11 of 12 human genomes, while most pathogenic bacteria genome results showed no statistical difference except for S.pneumoniae who had a 0.31 times depletion. Meanwhile, the average sequence time reduced from 19.2hrs to 1.73hrs. Compared with PCR library construction method, the non-PCR method has a better average sensitivity (84.17% VS 81.35%) and specificity (97.42% VS 88.52%), while the non-PCR costs less time. The whole method takes 5-6hrs from ETA extraction to pathogen classification. After analyzed the 7 pathogens enrolled, the average sensitivity of metagenomic sequencing were about 2.4 times higher than that of clinical culture (91.79%VS 37.92%), and the average specificity was 98.08%.CONCLUSIONS: Using saponin to remove human genome and non-PCR method to build library can be used for identification of pathogens in ETA of VAP patients within 6 hours by MinION, which provides a new approach for rapid identification of pathogens in clinical departments.

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