shape derivatives
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Sean Hardesty ◽  
Harbir Antil ◽  
Drew P. Kouri ◽  
Denis Ridzal

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0
Anton Schiela ◽  
Julian Ortiz

Bastien Chaudet-Dumas ◽  
Jean Deteix

This work deals with shape optimization of an elastic body in sliding contact (Signorini) with a rigid foundation. The mechanical problem is written under its augmented Lagrangian formulation, then solved using a classical iterative approach. For practical reasons we are interested in applying the optimization process with respect to an intermediate solution produced by the iterative method. Due to the projection operator involved at each iteration, the iterate solution is not classically shape differentiable. However, using an approach based on directional derivatives, we are able to prove that it is conically differentiable with respect to the shape, and express sufficient conditions for shape differentiability. Finally, from the analysis of the sequence of conical shape derivatives of the iterative process, conditions are established for the convergence to the conical derivative of the original contact problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-228 ◽  
Florian Feppon ◽  
Grégoire Allaire ◽  
Charles Dapogny

In the formulation of shape optimization problems, multiple geometric constraint functionals involve the signed distance function to the optimized shape Ω. The numerical evaluation of their shape derivatives requires to integrate some quantities along the normal rays to Ω, a challenging operation to implement, which is usually achieved thanks to the method of characteristics. The goal of the present paper is to propose an alternative, variational approach for this purpose. Our method amounts, in full generality, to compute integral quantities along the characteristic curves of a given velocity field without requiring the explicit knowledge of these curves on the spatial discretization; it rather relies on a variational problem which can be solved conveniently by the finite element method. The well-posedness of this problem is established thanks to a detailed analysis of weighted graph spaces of the advection operator β ⋅ ∇ associated to a C1 velocity field β. One novelty of our approach is the ability to handle velocity fields with possibly unbounded divergence: we do not assume div(β) ∈ L∞. Our working assumptions are fulfilled in the context of shape optimization of C2 domains Ω, where the velocity field β = ∇dΩ is an extension of the unit outward normal vector to the optimized shape. The efficiency of our variational method with respect to the direct integration of numerical quantities along rays is evaluated on several numerical examples. Classical albeit important implementation issues such as the calculation of a shape’s curvature and the detection of its skeleton are discussed. Finally, we demonstrate the convenience and potential of our method when it comes to enforcing maximum and minimum thickness constraints in structural shape optimization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (10) ◽  
pp. 105001 ◽  
Ralf Hiptmair ◽  
Jingzhi Li

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