commutation relations
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A. N. Lavrenov ◽  
I. A. Lavrenov

In this paper, the q-generalization of the Higgs algebra is considered. The realization of this algebra is shown in an explicit form using a nonlinear transformation of the creation-annihilation operators of the q-harmonic oscillator. This transformation is the performance of two operations, namely, a “correction” using a function of the original Hamiltonian, and raising to the fourth power the creation and annihilation operators of a q-harmonic oscillator. The choice of the “correcting” function is justified by the standard form of commutation relations for the operators of the metaplectic realization Uq(SU(1,1)). Further possible directions of research are briefly discussed to summarize the results obtained. The first direction is quite obvious. It is the consideration of the problem when the dimension of the operator space increases or for any value N. The second direction can be associated with the analysis of the relationship between q-generalizations of the Higgs and Hahn algebras.

Alessandro Carotenuto ◽  
Fedele Lizzi ◽  
Flavio Mercati ◽  
Mattia Manfredonia

In this paper, we present a quantization of the functions of spacetime, i.e. a map, analog to Weyl map, which reproduces the [Formula: see text]-Minkowski commutation relations, and it has the desirable properties of mapping square integrable functions into Hilbert–Schmidt operators, as well as real functions into symmetric operators. The map is based on Mellin transform on radial and time coordinates. The map also defines a deformed ∗ product which we discuss with examples.

2021 ◽  
pp. 220-236
J. Iliopoulos ◽  
T.N. Tomaras

We apply the canonical and the path integral quantisation methods to scalar, spinor and vector fields. The scalar field is a generalisation to an infinite number of degrees of freedom of the single harmonic oscillator we studied in Chapter 9. For the spinor fields we show the need for anti-commutation relations and introduce the corresponding Grassmann algebra. The rules of Fermi statistics follow from these anti-commutation relations. The canonical quantisation method applied to the Maxwell field in a Lorentz covariant gauge requires the introduction of negative metric states in the Hilbert space. The power of the path integral quantisation is already manifest. In each case we expand the fields in creation and annihilation operators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Yordan S. Yordanov ◽  
V. Armaos ◽  
Crispin H. W. Barnes ◽  
David R. M. Arvidsson-Shukur

AbstractMolecular simulations with the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) are a promising application for emerging noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Constructing accurate molecular ansätze that are easy to optimize and implemented by shallow quantum circuits is crucial for the successful implementation of such simulations. Ansätze are, generally, constructed as series of fermionic-excitation evolutions. Instead, we demonstrate the usefulness of constructing ansätze with "qubit-excitation evolutions”, which, contrary to fermionic excitation evolutions, obey "qubit commutation relations”. We show that qubit excitation evolutions, despite the lack of some of the physical features of fermionic excitation evolutions, accurately construct ansätze, while requiring asymptotically fewer gates. Utilizing qubit excitation evolutions, we introduce the qubit-excitation-based adaptive (QEB-ADAPT)-VQE protocol. The QEB-ADAPT-VQE is a modification of the ADAPT-VQE that performs molecular simulations using a problem-tailored ansatz, grown iteratively by appending evolutions of qubit excitation operators. By performing classical numerical simulations for small molecules, we benchmark the QEB-ADAPT-VQE, and compare it against the original fermionic-ADAPT-VQE and the qubit-ADAPT-VQE. In terms of circuit efficiency and convergence speed, we demonstrate that the QEB-ADAPT-VQE outperforms the qubit-ADAPT-VQE, which to our knowledge was the previous most circuit-efficient scalable VQE protocol for molecular simulations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Nuno Barros e Sá ◽  
Cláudio Gomes

AbstractThe purpose of this article is to construct an explicit relation between the field operators in Quantum Field Theory and the relevant operators in Quantum Mechanics for a system of N identical particles, which are the symmetrised functions of the canonical operators of position and momentum, thus providing a clear relation between Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Mechanics. This is achieved in the context of the non-interacting Klein–Gordon field. Though this procedure may not be extendible to interacting field theories, since it relies crucially on particle number conservation, we find it nevertheless important that such an explicit relation can be found at least for free fields. It also comes out that whatever statistics the field operators obey (either commuting or anticommuting), the position and momentum operators obey commutation relations. The construction of position operators raises the issue of localizability of particles in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, as the position operator for a single particle turns out to be the Newton–Wigner position operator. We make some clarifications on the interpretation of Newton–Wigner localized states and we consider the transformation properties of position operators under Lorentz transformations, showing that they do not transform as tensors, rather in a manner that preserves the canonical commutation relations. From a complex Klein–Gordon field, position and momentum operators can be constructed for both particles and antiparticles.

Ilijas Farah ◽  
Najla Manhal

Extending a result of the first author and Katsura, we prove that for every UHF algebra [Formula: see text] of infinite type, in every uncountable cardinality [Formula: see text] there are [Formula: see text] nonisomorphic approximately matricial C*-algebras with the same [Formula: see text] group as [Formula: see text]. These algebras are group C*-algebras “twisted” by prescribed canonical commutation relations (CCR), and they can also be considered as nonseparable generalizations of noncommutative tori.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
H. Capellmann

AbstractQuantum Theory, similar to Relativity Theory, requires a new concept of space-time, imposed by a universal constant. While velocity of light c not being infinite calls for a redefinition of space-time on large and cosmological scales, quantization of action in terms of a finite, i.e. non vanishing, universal constant h requires a redefinition of space-time on very small scales. Most importantly, the classical notion of “time”, as one common continuous time variable and nature evolving continuously “in time”, has to be replaced by an infinite manifold of transition rates for discontinuous quantum transitions. The fundamental laws of quantum physics, commutation relations and quantum equations of motion, resulted from Max Born’s recognition of the basic principle of quantum physics: To each change in nature corresponds an integer number of quanta of action. Action variables may only change by integer values of h, requiring all other physical quantities to change by discrete steps, “quantum jumps”. The mathematical implementation of this principle led to commutation relations and quantum equations of motion. The notion of “point” in space-time looses its physical significance; quantum uncertainties of time, position, just as any other physical quantity, are necessary consequences of quantization of action.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Jihwan Oh ◽  
Yehao Zhou

We derive the simplest commutation relations of operator algebras associated to M2 branes and an M5 brane in the \OmegaΩ-deformed M-theory, which is a natural set-up for Twisted holography. Feynman diagram 1-loop computations in the twisted-holographic dual side reproduce the same algebraic relations.

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