physical complaints
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2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 144
Eva Meizarra Puspita Dewi ◽  
Eka Damayanti ◽  
Andi Halimah ◽  
Novita Maulidya Jalal

Abstract:This study aims to investigate the psychological conditions of parents in assisting children in learning during the implementation of Study from Home (SFH) in Makassar City and Gowa Regency. This study used quantitative survey research. The samples were 159 parents who were selected by random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire containing closed, semi-closed, and open-ended questions distributed using Google forms. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that parents considered SFH as a moment to accompany and be closer with their children. The parents' perception of online learning was less effective (36.8%) for their children because of limited internet access (57.9%), many distractions from home (34%), and the parents did not understand the matter (17.6). The children’s complaints during SFH were: not being able to play and do homework in groups (37.1%), lot of tasks (homework) (32.1%), preferred taught by teachers directly (29.6%) and felt bored (29.6%). The parents perceived SFH as follows; feeling comfortable with family (62.9%), bored with routine (31.4%), increased workload (18.9%). However, the physical complaints were less because the parents’ role was powerful in accompanying the children during SFH. Moreover, the family harmony increased with this moment. This study recommends that parents continue the habits to assist children in learning.Abstrak:Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran kondisi psikologis orang tua saat mendampingi anak belajar selama Study from Home (SFH) di Kota Makassar dan Kabupaten Gowa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif jenis survey. Jumlah sampel yakni 159 orang tua yang terpilih secara random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kusioner yang berisi pertanyaan tertutup, semi tertutup dan pertanyaan terbuka yang disebarkan menggunakan google formulir. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa SFH dimaknai oleh orang tua sebagai moment untuk mendampingi dan lebih dekat dengan anak. Orang tua merasakan metode daring kurang efektif (36,8%) bagi anaknya, sebab: akses internet yang terbatas (57,9%), banyak gangguan dirumah (34%), dan orangtua tidak memahami materi pelajaran anak (17,6). Keluhan yang dirasakan oleh anak selama SFH adalah: tidak bisa bermain dan kerja kelompok (37,1%), banyak tugas (32,1%), lebih suka guru yang ajar (29,6%), dan bosan (29,6%). Adapun orangtua memaknai SFHberupa; perasaan nyaman dengan keluarga (62,9%), bosan dengan rutinitas (31,4%), beban kerja bertambah (18,9%). Namun demikian, keluhan fisik tidak terlalu dirasakannya karena peran orangtua sangat kuat dalam mendampingi keluarga selama SFH, bahkan merasa bahwa dengan moment ini keharmonisan keluarga menjadi meningkat. Oleh karena itu direkomendasikan bagi orangtua untuk meneruskan kebiasaan yang sudah terbentuk yakni mendampingi anak belajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol In Press (In Press) ◽  
Razieh Salehian ◽  
Mehdi Nasr Esfahani

Introduction: Early diagnosis of 2019-nCoV infection is of great importance and can be challenging in psychiatric patients, especially when a mental illness such as somatoform disorder causes one or more bodily symptoms because the clinical features of this group of patients may be more confusing compared with non-psychiatric patients. On the other hand, treating this infection in psychiatric patients faces some challenges. Case Presentation: A case of the 2019-nCoV infection is reported in a patient who was admitted to the psychosomatic ward with a diagnosis of somatic symptom disorder. The patient had a history of numerous unexplained physical complaints, usually complained of some new physical symptoms when informed of the time of his discharge. Although the possibility of misdiagnosis was high, based on examinations and some paraclinical evaluations, the patient underwent a simultaneous diagnosis of COVID-19. Unlike usual, he did not complain of any new physical complaints after informing of the 2019-nCoV infection and was willing to be discharged. Some diagnostic and therapeutic challenges regarding 2019-nCoV infection in the patient were examined. Conclusions: There are three clinically relevant learning points to be noted from this case report. Firstly, the importance of paying attention to the patient's complaints in any mental patient, even disorders related to unexplained physical complaints. Secondly, the introduction highlights the differences in the care of patients with COVID-19 between psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients and the need for a multidisciplinary approach. Third, this introduction identifies a crucial diagnostic role for CT thorax in symptomatic patients with suspected COVID-19 because the false-negative rate with RT-PCR COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swabs is high.

Jasna M

The mind and body are closely linked and their relationship can exert influence on health. Due to the scarcity of studies addressing on the psycho-physical issues of IBS patients we focused to explore whether there will be any psychological complaints specific to these patients and if their emotion will have any role to these problems. The purpose of the study is to explore the psychological and physical issues of IBS patients . The participants are doctor diagnosed IBS patients selected from Gastroenterology department ,Calicut Medical college The sample consisted of 20 IBS patients age ranging from 20 to 60 years. The data was collected through semi- structured interview method and it was analysed using thematic analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-390
Tina Hascher ◽  
Gerda Hagenauer

Student well-being is an issue with regard to educational effectiveness. However, little is known about Swiss students’ well-being in school. This study was conducted in the context of the project “Überprüfung des Erreichens der Grundkompetenzen ÜGK 2016” and aimed at contributing to closing this gap by investigating adolescents’ (N = 22,423) well-being in school. An analysis of six well-being in school dimensions revealed the following results: Swiss secondary students report positive attitudes, a good academic self-concept, low physical complaints and low social problems, but also a lack of enjoyment and a prevalence for worries in school. Significant differences across gender, region, migration background, and attended school type as well as associations between well-being in school and school reluctance and truancy were found.

Ingrid G. Boelhouwer ◽  
Willemijn Vermeer ◽  
Tinka van Vuuren

Abstract Objective The aim of this review is to evaluate associations between possible late effects of cancer treatment (i.e. physical complaints, fatigue, or cognitive complaints) and work ability among workers beyond 2 years after cancer diagnosis who returned to work. The role of job resources (social support, autonomy, leadership style, coaching, and organizational culture) is also evaluated. Methods The search for studies was conducted in PsycINFO, Medline, Business Source Premier, ABI/Inform, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Web of Science. A quality assessment was used to clarify the quality across studies. Results The searches included 2303 records. Finally, 36 studies were included. Work ability seemed to decline shortly after cancer treatment and recover in the first 2 years after diagnosis, although it might still be lower than among healthy workers. No data were available on the course of work ability beyond the first 2 years. Late physical complaints, fatigue and cognitive complaints were negatively related with work ability across all relevant studies. Furthermore, social support and autonomy were associated with higher work ability, but no data were available on a possible buffering effect of these job resources on the relationship between late effects and work ability. As far as reported, most research was carried out among salaried workers. Conclusion It is unknown if late effects of cancer treatment diminish work ability beyond two years after being diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, more longitudinal research into the associations between possible late effects of cancer treatment and work ability needs to be carried out. Moreover, research is needed on the buffering effect of job resources, both for salaried and self-employed workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Rainer Schneider

Background: The emerging public concern regarding the quality of drinking water has led to an increased interest in household water treatment systems. Many systems reduce contaminants effectively in laboratory tests at least to some degree, but for the vast majority their effects in actual use are not investigated. Objective: To test the effectiveness of an in-home water filter system (AcalaQuell® Swing) in reducing health problems under real life conditions. Methods: Twenty participants suffering from cardiovascular ailments, gastrointestinal issues or fatigue/exhaustion symptoms were enrolled in the study. In the control condition (three weeks) they consumed 35ml of tap water per kg of body weight daily. After an intermission of one week, they drank the same amount of filtered water in the following three weeks. Results: There was a slarge reduction in physical complaints after consumption of the filtered water (d = 1.4), and an increase in resiliency to physical and mental stress, cognitive performance and affectivity (d = 1.0). Conclusion: The AcalaQuell® Swing water filter effectively mitigates health complaints. The effect is not due to expectation, increase in water consumption, decrease of life stress, or spontaneous symptom remission.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-64 ◽  
Rizka Ausrianti ◽  
Rifka Putri Andayani ◽  
Defrima Oka Surya ◽  
Ulfa Suryani

Menurut WHO lebih dari 65 negara terinfeksi virus Corona. Data tangal 2 Maret 2020 tercatat 90.308 orang terkena COVID-19 dengan angka kematian 3.087 orang atau 2,3%. Menurut CNN (2020) kasus orang dengan terinfeksi COVID-19 di Indonesia pada tanggal 13 April 2020 sebanyak 4557 kasus dengan angka kematian 399 orang. Meluasnya penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia berdampak terhadap semua bidang terutama sekali bidang usaha yang menawarkan jasa atau bekerja di lapangan yang tidak mungkin menerapkan kerja dari rumah seperti pengemudi ojek online. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah resolusi (perubahan) permasalahan dengan segera, meningkatkan pengetahuan driver ojek online terhadap covid 19 , meningkatkan kemampuan untuk pencegahan terjangkitnya covid 19, meningkatkan kemampuan agar tidak menularkan kepada keluarga atau konsumen atau pengguna dari ojek online, dan dengan kondisi pandemi ini driver ojek online dapat mengatasi masalah psikososial yang dialami karena covid 19 karena dengan terjadinya masalah pada kondisi psikologis dapat menimbulkan keluhan fisik dan dapat menurunkan imunitas sehingga akan mudah terserang covid 19. Kata kunci: covid 19; pengemudi ojek online; penyuluhan kesehatan EDUCATION OF COVID 19 PREVENTION PREVENTION AND SOUL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL HEALTH SUPPORT ON ONLINE OJEK DRIVER ABSTRACT According to WHO more than 65 countries are infected with the Corona virus. Data dated March 2, 2020 recorded 90,308 people affected by COVID-19 with a death rate of 3,087 people or 2.3%. According to CNN (2020) cases of people infected with COVID-19 in Indonesia on April 13, 2020 were 4557 cases with a death rate of 399 people. The widespread spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia has an impact on all fields, especially businesses that offer services or work in the field that is not possible to implement work from home such as online motorcycle taxi drivers. The purpose of this activity is the resolution (change) of the problem immediately, increase the knowledge of online motorcycle taxi drivers for covid 19, increase the ability to prevent the outbreak of covid 19, increase the ability to not transmit to families or consumers or users of online motorcycle taxis, and with the conditions of this pandemic online motorcycle taxi drivers can overcome psychosocial problems experienced by covid 19 because with the occurrence of problems in psychological conditions can cause physical complaints and can reduce immunity so that it will be easily attacked by covid 19. Keywords: covid 19; health counseling; online motorcycle drivers

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
Rebecca V Steenaard ◽  
Marjolein N T Kremers ◽  
Laura A Michon ◽  
Myrte Zijlstra ◽  
Harm R Haak

Abstract Little is known about the impact of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and no disease-specific questionnaire exists. This qualitative study aimed to identify relevant domains of HRQoL for patients with ACC. In 2 focus group interviews, we discussed concerns regarding living with ACC and its treatments. The first group consisted of 6 patients on mitotane therapy and their partners or relatives, the second group of 4 patients after surgery alone and their partners. Inductive qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interviews. We identified 4 domains related to HRQoL in patients with ACC, namely physical complaints, mental consequences, social consequences, and functional limitations. For example, physical complaints included symptoms of the disease and side effects of mitotane therapy; mental consequences included feeling insecure and living from scan to scan; and functional limitations included daily activities and mobility. We further found that patients’ experiences with the health care system and health care professionals and partner perspectives influence HRQoL. In conclusion, ACC has a large impact on HRQoL in 4 domains. These results can be used to improve communication about HRQoL issues. We will use our findings to generate a disease-specific questionnaire to measure HRQoL in patients with ACC.

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