speech defects
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2021 ◽  
pp. 185-206
Sylwia Suchocka

Speech plays an extremely important role in interpersonal communication. Often times, speech does not develop according to the norm. The time of the pandemic is a very difficult time for specialists. Not an easy moment for a quick, reliable diagnosis. The article clarifies the issues of diagnosis and speech therapy. It talks about a reliable diagnosis, which is determined by many factors, opinions, and specialist research. The article focuses on specific conceptual terminology in the field of speech therapy diagnostics. It allows for the emergence of a consistent diagnostic procedure. He brings us closer to the difficult time of therapeutic work during remote learning. It shows us the difficult access to medical specialists such as a neurologist, ENT specialist, phoniatrist and others. Speech therapy care is designed to preventive and diagnostic measures. The work of a speech therapist is taking preventive measures to prevent speech defects and disorders. Supporting preventive activities, including in the field of teachers. Speech therapist Conducts screening tests to determine the speech of students. Organizing speech therapy assistance. These are activities in the field of living word culture. First of all, it shows us how many students use speech therapy in educational institutions. The aim of this article is to show the difficult work of a speech therapist in times of a pandemic. With what obstacles on the way to beautiful Polish pronunciation a modern specialist. Under what conditions do therapists work, wanting to further fulfill themselves as therapists who want to help.

Shevchuk V.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of a study of the impact of children with complex developmental disorders on the marital relationship of their parents.Methods. To achieve this goal and solve problems, the following psychodiagnostic tools were used: the scale “Marital Relations” according to the method “Incomplete sentences” and the scale of perception of self, marriage partner and other men and women according to the Semantic Differential of C.Osgood. The Mann-Whitney test was used to verify the reliability of the obtained data.Results. The study of marital relationships was conducted with 288 parents with children with complex developmental disorders (among them 152 raising children with complex speech and mental retardation and 136 parents of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia), who formed the main group, and 184 parents of children without disabilities, who acted as a control group. According to the analysis of the research results, the following general characteristics can be distinguished:− marital relations in families with children with complex developmental disorders are less harmonious, less favorable, with a complicated intimate life and more tense compared to families raising children without developmental disabilities. Mothers of children with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia show a particularly negative attitude towards marital relations, although their husbands consider them to be strong and active individuals;− self-esteem of mothers of children with complex developmental disorders is not homogeneous: underestimated - in those who raise a child with musculoskeletal disorders and oligophrenia and adequate - in women who have a child with complex speech defects and mental retardation;− men who raise children with complex developmental disorders also have low self-esteem, are not purposeful and less active than parents of children with normative development;− mothers and fathers explain their unrealized plans by failed marital and family relationships and their child’s shortcomings.Conclusions. The appearance in the family of a child with complex developmental disorders mainly has a negative effect on the marital relationship of parents, changing the perceptions of the couple about the environment, about themselves, each other and affects the relationship between them.Key words: child with complex developmental disorders, complex speech defects, oligophrenia, marital relations. Метою статті є висвітлення результатів дослідження особливостей впливу дітей із комплексними порушеннями розвитку на шлюбні стосунки їх батьків.Методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети та вирішення завдань використано такий психодіагностичний інструментарій: шкала «Подружні стосунки» за методикою «Незакінчені речення» і шкали сприймання себе, шлюбного партнера та інших чоловіків і жінок за семантичним диференціалом Ч. Осгуда. Для перевірки достовірності отриманих даних застосовувався критерій Манна-Уїтні.Результати. Дослідження шлюбних взаємин було проведене з 288 батьками, які мають дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку (серед них – 152 виховують дітей зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю і 136 – із порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією), які склали основну групу, а також з 184 батьками дітей без вад розвитку, які виконували роль контрольної групи. За аналізом результатів дослідження можна виокремити такі загальні характеристики: – шлюбні стосунки у сім’ях, де є діти з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, менш гармонійні, менш сприятливі, з ускладненим інтимним життям та більш напружені порівняно із сім’ями, які виховують дітей без вад розвитку. Особливо виражене негативне ставлення до шлюбних стосунків демонструють матері дітей з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, хоча чоловіки вважа-ють їх сильними та активними особистостями;– самооцінка матерів дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку є неоднорідною: занижена – у тих, які виховують дитину з порушеннями опорно-рухового апарату та олігофренією, адекватна – у жінок, які мають дитину зі складними мовленнєвими вадами та розумовою відсталістю;– чоловіки, які виховують дітей з комплексними порушеннями розвитку, мають також занижену самооцінку, нецілеспрямовані та менш активні, ніж батьки дітей з нормативним розвитком;– матері та батьки пояснюють свої нереалізовані плани невдалими шлюбно-сімейними стосунками та вадами своєї дитини.Висновки. Поява в сім’ї дитини з комплексними порушеннями розвитку переважно негативно позначається на шлюбних стосунках батьків, змінюючи уявлення подружжя про оточення, себе, один одного, та впливає на взаємини між ними.Ключові слова: complex developmental disorders, complex speech disorders, oligophrenia, musculoskeletal disorders, marital relations.

2021 ◽  
Виктория Олеговна Чуксина ◽  
Наталья Владимировна Майстренко

В данной работе рассматриваются проблемы нарушения речи в современном мире. Для решения задачи обнаружения дефектов речи на этапе предварительной диагностики в статье предлагается использовать интеллектуальный анализ для определения есть ли у человека нарушение речи или нет. This paper examines the problems of speech impairment in the modern world. To solve the problem of detecting speech defects at the stage of preliminary diagnostics, the article proposes to use intelligent analysis to determine whether a person has a speech impairment or not.

Oksana Kuznietsova

The article analyzes the regulatory and legal documents that regulate the main components of the professional compliance of teachers and the applicants of professional preliminary education. The works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, which disclose general issues of the teacher’s professional competence development and factors of future teachers’ competencies developing in the system of higher education. Scientists’ detailed views on the teachers’ communicative competence developing in higher education. The scientists’ views on the future educators’ communicative competence developing of preschool education institutions in higher education are investigated. Particular attention is focused on the communicative competence of future educators of speech therapists – one of the specialities, which requires communicative skills and high professionalism. The issue of preschool teachers’ communicative competence has been covered by scientists in various aspects. At the same time, it should be noted that the issue of developing of communicative competence of future educators of speech therapy groups in pedagogical colleges has been insufficiently studied and requires thorough research.  After all, at the present stage, the learning of children with speech defects requires not only the use of special techniques in correctional and developmental work with them but also teachers’ high communicative competence, including educators of speech therapy groups. The essence and characteristics of the concepts of communicative competence of educators of speech therapy groups need further study.

2021 ◽  
Galina Obuhova ◽  
Galina Klimova

The textbook discusses the methodological foundations of the preparation and presentation of public speeches in various fields of activity, including business. The factors influencing the skill of the speaker are considered. Recommendations are given on the technique of conducting various types of public speeches and practical techniques of audience ownership are shown. Special attention is paid to the methods of establishing contact between the speaker and the audience and the psychological influence of the speaker on the audience. Practical recommendations and exercises for improving the speaker's speech technique are presented. Special attention is paid to the ways of correcting speech defects. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for teachers, lecturers of the educational system, students and postgraduates, managers, lawyers, as well as for managers of various levels who are aware of the importance of verbal communication in their professional field. It can also be useful for a wide range of readers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (12) ◽  
pp. 165-167
Akhmedova Zuhra Mirzabekovna ◽  
Tadjidinova Gulzira Tadjidinovna

This article provides information about children with mental retardation, their developmental characteristics, as well as the speech development of children with mental retardation, individual and differential approach in overcoming speech defects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (9) ◽  
pp. 237-239
Maxkamova Umida Abdusattarovna

The article identifies the process of speech therapy for stuttering children's speech: the causes of stuttering, collection of anamnesis of children with stuttering speech defects, comprehensive examination of various aspects of speech, identification of the mechanism of developmental disorders and levels of stuttering using speech therapy-corrective technologies. Through this examination, the problems of speech defects in children in a timely manner were considered, and the purpose of the article was to reveal the concepts of stuttering, their comprehensive examination and methods of overcoming stuttering.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (8) ◽  
pp. 218-221
Makhamova Umida Abdusattarovna

The article identifies the process of speech therapy for stuttering children's speech: the causes of stuttering, collection of anamnesis of children with stuttering speech defects, comprehensive examination of various aspects of speech, identification of the mechanism of developmental disorders and levels of stuttering using speech therapy-corrective technologies. Through this examination, the problems of speech defects in children in a timely manner were considered, and the purpose of the article was to reveal the concepts of stuttering, their comprehensive examination and methods of overcoming stuttering.

L.A. Fomina ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the socio-psychological aspects of the socialization of children with speech disorders. Speech defects in children are considered as a social problem that hinders their social development, complicating adaptation in society. This phenomenon is due to the fact that a violation in the speech sphere contributes to the emergence of other abnormalities, such as motor, emotional-volitional, personal, disorders in the cognitive and motivational spheres, underdevelopment of the formation of differentiation of processes, as well as limitations of verbal-logical thinking. It is shown that the insufficient number of social service institutions for the adaptation of children with speech disorders in the system of social work is a negative institutional factor.

M. A. Danilova ◽  
E. A. Zalazaeva

Relevance. An important modern medical and social problem is child disability, as it is one of the most important characteristics of public health and social well-being of the country, and also serves as an indicator of the health of the child population and the quality of medical care for children and their mothers. The specificity of children's disability is that the limitations of life arise in the period of active formation of higher mental functions, assimilation of knowledge and skills, in the period of formation of personality. Purpose. To improve the quality of comprehensive rehabilitation of children with motor disorders, having dental and speech disorders, based on the introduction of improved standards of medical and social rehabilitation and habilitation services. Materials and methods. The cohort of patients included in the study was represented by 120 disabled children with motor disorders in the form of spastic forms of cerebral paralysis, having dental anomalies and speech defects, the average age was 8.7 years ± 1.2 years. In the course of an open controlled prospective clinical study, neurological and dental status, psycho-speech development in the dynamics before and after treatment and rehabilitation measures were evaluated. Results. Data on the frequency and structure of dental anomalies and speech disorders in children with different clinical variants of spastic forms of cerebral paralysis were obtained. Conclusions. It is shown that contemporary approaches to correction of dental and speech disorders in children with motor disorders give a positive result and should be carried out continuously from an early age until the maximum possible correction of lost functions is achieved. 

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