text presentation
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Вера Аркадьевна Частикова ◽  
Константин Валерьевич Козачёк

Представлен анализ основных проблем фильтрации почтового спама, современных методов фильтрации нежелательных писем и способов обхода систем защиты. Вводится понятие « легитимного спама » - новой проблемы, с которой сталкиваются пользователи электронной почты. Рассмотрены методы представления текста: bag-of-words и Embedding-пространство, а также методы классификации: искусственные нейронные сети, метод опорных векторов, наивный байесовский классификатор. В работе определены эффективные методы, построенные на анализе текста, для решения задач обнаружения различных видов спама: типичного ( известного системе ) , составленного при помощи методов обхода систем детекции спама, и легитимного. An analysis of the main problems of filtering mail spam, modern methods of filtering unwanted letters and methods of bypassing security systems is presented. The concept of “legitimate spam” is being introduced - a new problem that email users face. Methods of text presentation are considered: bag-of-words and Embedding-space, as well as classification methods: artificial neural networks, the method of reference vectors, naive Bayesian classifier. The work identifies effective methods based on text analysis, for solving the problems of detecting various types of spam: a typical (known to system), compiled using methods of bypassing spam detection systems, and legitimate.

Target ◽  
2021 ◽  
Samuel Läubli ◽  
Patrick Simianer ◽  
Joern Wuebker ◽  
Geza Kovacs ◽  
Rico Sennrich ◽  

Abstract Widely used computer-aided translation (CAT) tools divide documents into segments, such as sentences, and arrange them side-by-side in a spreadsheet-like view. We present the first controlled evaluation of these design choices on translator performance, measuring speed and accuracy in three experimental text-processing tasks. We find significant evidence that sentence-by-sentence presentation enables faster text reproduction and within-sentence error identification compared to unsegmented text, and that a top-and-bottom arrangement of source and target sentences enables faster text reproduction compared to a side-by-side arrangement. For revision, on the other hand, we find that presenting unsegmented text results in the highest accuracy and time efficiency. Our findings have direct implications for best practices in designing CAT tools.

E. E. Protopopova

The author discussed the technology of building the library’s website devoted to local heritage based on practical experience. The essential features and relevant presentation formats (longread, storytelling) are described. The detailed set of structural elements and key services to be introduced to the webmaster as a requirements specification are formulated. Specific Internetmarketing instruments promote the web content. Based on the proposed technology, libraries will be able to draw up relevant requirements specifications for any type of cultural institution (e. g. library, museum, etc.), to include every service or element of external and internal system design essential for the institution’s mission. The requirements to website coding and content (information relevance and verification, multimediality, new forms of text presentation) are included. The tabulated services and structural elements of thematic websites will enable to formulate requirements to webmaster intelligently.

Rufat Rzayev ◽  
Polina Ugnivenko ◽  
Sarah Graf ◽  
Valentin Schwind ◽  
Niels Henze

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Maria Jose Alvarez-Alonso ◽  
Cristina de-la-Peña ◽  
Zaira Ortega ◽  
Ricardo Scott

Quality of language comprehension determines performance in all kinds of activities including academics. Processing of words initially develops as auditory, and gradually extends to visual as children learn to read. School failure is highly related to listening and reading comprehension problems. In this study we analyzed sex-differences in comprehension of texts in Spanish (standardized reading test PROLEC-R) in three modalities (visual, auditory, and both simultaneously: dual-modality) presented to 12–14-years old students, native in Spanish. We controlled relevant cognitive variables such as attention (d2), phonological and semantic fluency (FAS) and speed of processing (WISC subtest Coding). Girls’ comprehension was similar in the three modalities of presentation, however boys were importantly benefited by dual-modality as compared to boys exposed only to visual or auditory text presentation. With respect to the relation of text comprehension and school performance, students with low grades in Spanish showed low auditory comprehension. Interestingly, visual and dual modalities preserved comprehension levels in these low skilled students. Our results suggest that the use of visual-text support during auditory language presentation could be beneficial for low school performance students, especially boys, and encourage future research to evaluate the implementation in classes of the rapidly developing technology of simultaneous speech transcription, that could be, in addition, beneficial to non-native students, especially those recently incorporated into school or newly arrived in a country from abroad.

Wienke Wannagat ◽  
Gesine Waizenegger ◽  
Gerhild Nieding

AbstractIn an experiment with 114 children aged 9–12 years, we compared the ability to establish local and global coherence of narrative texts between auditory and audiovisual (auditory text and pictures) presentation. The participants listened to a series of short narrative texts, in each of which a protagonist pursued a goal. Following each text, we collected the response time to a query word that was either associated with a near or a distant causal antecedent of the final sentence. Analysis of these response times indicated that audiovisual presentation has advantages over auditory presentation for accessing information relevant for establishing both local and global coherence, but there are indications that this effect may be slightly more pronounced for global coherence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 145-157
Yulia A. Dreyzis

The paper presents a description of the contemporary practice of poetry declamation in one of the literary communities of Guangzhou, among the poets who associate themselves with the tradition of the informal Fenchunguan group. The members of the group are authors and performers of classical poetry. They take an active part in the movement for the revival of traditional declamatory practices which were widely popular until the first decades of the 20th century. Their example allows us to trace some features of the declamation (oral presentation) used to promote poetry in classical formats (written texts) and thereby expand our knowledge of the written-oral dichotomy functioning within the Chinese tradition. The paper details the genealogy of the Southern School of text presentation, related to Fenchunguan, and analyzes how authors and performers appeal to the traditional practice of verbalizing poetry to construct and maintain a distinct “southern” (Cantonese) identity. This practice is utilized to create a distinct subspace within the system of national and local literature: quite a significant contribution is made by the original performing techniques of the Southern School (truncation of duration at the beginning of beats; repetition of rhyming words at the ends of phrases that coincide with the end of a poetic line, with a transition to a different pitch; merging adjacent lines into one phonetic-melodic unit) and the deliberate use of a local lect (Cantonese). In the process of (re)discovering the declamatory phenomenon, it becomes loaded with new aesthetic, social, practical and personal meanings. Those who participate in its functioning, thus, contribute to the great come-back of the classical type poetry and the spontaneous nature of declamatory practice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 42-47
G. Khamitova ◽  
B. Yermanova ◽  

Main problem: The article examines the issues concerning teaching reading skills to the middle school students according to the updated program. Purpose: The article analyses the course book “Excel” for 7th grade students on teaching reading skills. Methods: The criteria of analyzing the course book contain the forms of text presentation, types and situations modeled by the text, compliance with the level of English proficiency, age of students, information content, and accessibility. It also includes assessment of course book texts for the development of reading for general understanding of information (skimming), for identifying details (scanning) and reading with full comprehension, as well as for the different types of tasks for reading. Results and their significance: The texts in the course book correspond to the age characteristics of adolescents, the level of English language proficiency (A2) and are developed according to the standard curriculum.The most popular forms of text presentation are popular science texts and information about public events. The situations in the texts are dominated by educational, most of all the mixed type of text prevailed. There is a balance for the types of tasks developing reading for general understanding and reading for identifying details which leads to the development of functional reading literacy. The types of reading tasks used are quite diverse and contribute the development of communicative skills (pair work, group work, etc.). The misbalance of tasks on developing low order and high order thinking skills can be solved through adding some tasks developing HOTS.

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