keyword analysis
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Yuh-Shan Ho ◽  
A. F. M. Fahad Halim ◽  
Mohammad Tajul Islam

To gain insight into the trend of bacterial nanocellulose research, a bibliometric analysis was performed using the Science Citation Index Expanded database from 2005 to 2020. The study concentrated on the publication’s performance in terms of annual outputs and citations, mainstream journals, categories of the Web of Sciences, leading countries, prominent institutions, and trends in research. Current research priorities and future trends were analyzed after summarizing the most commonly used keywords extracted from words in the paper title analysis, authors’ keyword analysis, and KeyWords Plus. The findings revealed that the annual output in the form of scholarly articles on bacterial nanocellulose research steadily increased during the first quartile of the study period, followed by a very rapid increase in the last five-years of the study. Increasing mechanical strength would remain the main future focus of bacterial nanocellulose research to create its scope in different field of applications.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-142
Leen Al-Khalafat ◽  
Ahmad S. Haider

Translation is defined as transferring meaning and style from one language to another, taking the text producer's intended purpose and the audience culture into account. This paper uses a 256,000-word Arabic-English parallel corpus of the speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan from 1999 to 2015 to examine how some culture-bound expressions were translated from Arabic into English. To do so, two software packages were used, namely Wordsmith 6 and SketchEngine. Comparing the size of the Arabic corpus with its English counterpart using the wordlist tool of WS6, the researchers found that the number of words (tokens) in the English translation is more than the Arabic source text. However, the results showed that the Arabic language has more unique words, which means that it has more lexical density than its English counterpart. The researchers carried out a keyword analysis and compared the Arabic corpus with the ArTenTen corpus to identify the words that King Abdullah II saliently used in his speeches. Most of the keywords were culture-bound and related to the Jordanian context, which might be challenging to render. Using the parallel concordance tool and comparing the Arabic text with its English translation showed that the translator/s mainly resorted to the strategies of deletion, addition, substitution, and transliteration. The researchers recommend that further studies be conducted using the same approach but on larger corpora of other genres, such as legal, religious, press, and scientific texts.

The application of Information Technology (IT) in education has opened new scenarios for this ancient process. With rapidly changing field of IT, the adoption of IT in education has been changed drastically. It is quite difficult for researchers to keep pace with changing research trends. An analysis based on the keywords could provide a synopsis on the use of IT in education. The keywords can be extracted and clustered to draw a sketch of trend changes over time. In this paper, we propose two empirical methods based on classic TF/IDF, i.e., overall rating (OR) and dynamic character (DC) of a keyword for in-depth keyword analysis to examine changing trends in research. The method help in disclosing time based changes in research focuses by comparing TF/IDF weights of keywords in different years. A total of 8131 scholarly articles from 12 well recognized journals were used in this analysis. The analysis shows that proposed methods provide sufficient insight into the research trends of application of IT in education in 11 years, i.e., 2007-2017.

Haidee Kotze ◽  
Berit Janssen ◽  
Corina Koolen ◽  
Luka van der Plas ◽  
Gys-Walt van Egdom

Abstract This article uses the Digital Opinions on Translated Literature (dioptra-l) corpus to study readers’ perceptions of and responses to translation in a naturalistic setting, focusing on the normative constructs or cognitive-evaluative templates they use to conceptualise, evaluate and respond to translations. We answer two main questions: (1) How visible, or salient, is the fact of translation to readers reading a translated literary text, and are there differences in the degree and nature of this visibility for different languages and translation directions? (2) What are the main concepts, and emotional and evaluative parameters that readers use to describe translated literary texts, and are there differences in these concepts and parameters when considered by different translation directionalities and genres? We make use of computational methods, including collocational network analysis, keyword analysis, and sentiment analysis to extract information about the salience of translation, and the networks of emotive and evaluative language that are used around the concept of translation. This forms the basis of our proposals for particular cognitive-evaluative templates.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2759
María Trinidad Toro ◽  
Jaime Ortiz ◽  
José Becerra ◽  
Nelson Zapata ◽  
Paulo Fierro ◽  

Vegetable sprouts are a food source that presents high content of bioactive compounds which can also be enhanced through elicitation mechanisms. To better understand the scientific production and research trends on this topic, a bibliometric analysis by means of the Web of Science database was carried out. The results showed significant growth in research on the elicitation of edible plants sprouts. The three most productive journals were the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, followed by Food Chemistry and LWT-Food Science and Technology. The co-occurrence of keyword analysis of the different authors showed that the main research topics in this domain were ‘germination’, ‘antioxidant activity’, ‘sprouts’, ‘glucosinolates’ and ‘phenolics‘. The countries with the highest number of scientific publications were China, followed by India and USA. The productivity patterns of the authors conformed to Lotka’s law. This study provides an overview of research on elicitation to enrich bioactive compounds in sprouts, and the need to review and update the trends on this subject.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 69-86
Teja Furlan ◽  
Monika Kavalir

The paper uses keyword analysis as the empirical basis for the characterization of Shakespeare’s character Iago from Othello, the Moor of Venice. The aim of the paper is to determine how Iago’s manner of speech reflects his deceitful and manipulative nature and how it differs from the speech-styles of non-deceitful prominent characters: Othello, Cassio, Roderigo, Desdemona and Emilia. Keywords for the chosen characters are based on the corpora of character speech and the Sketch Engine tool is used to process the data. The results are then interpreted and discussed on the basis of six interconnected points of discussion: focus, adjectives, use of the expression Moor, references to the handkerchief, poisoning-the-ears technique, and pronouns, all of which confirm that Iago’s manipulative nature is indeed evident in his speech and that there is a clear difference between his speech-style and the speech-styles of other, non-deceitful, prominent characters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 2094-2116
Mehmet Seyhan ◽  
Şemsettin Çiğdem ◽  
Bülent Yildiz ◽  
Ieva Meidute-Kavaliauskiene

Nowadays, one of the factors that enable businesses to adapt to markets that are constantly renewed and changing due to the ever-increasing flow of information, and perhaps the most important, is innovation. Innovation is a topic that is frequently studied by both markets and academics. However, the increase in the quantity of studies conducted is far from meeting the need in this field. As a result of the shortening of product life cycles in current market conditions, companies are obliged to continuously innovate in order to sustain their existence. Increasing raw material and resource diversification requirement due to the increasing need for innovation made it necessary to examine and understand the supply chain in the context of innovation. The importance of innovation, especially in the case of participation by suppliers in innovation for a competitive advantage, has resulted in many in-depth studies published in research papers in the field. In this study, articles published in the Web of Science database between 1996-2020 and covering the topics of  supply chain and innovation were analyzed in order to reveal the patterns of supply chain management and innovation research, identify relative deficiencies and provide some guidelines. For this purpose, a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis related has been made. It has been possible to determine the effective actors in the field by including the distribution of the concepts in question according to time, countries, universities and journals. In addition, as a result of the keyword analysis, the evolution and open points of the field over time are among the findings of the study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 17-36
Jarmo Harri Jantunen ◽  
Tuula Juvonen

Artikkelissamme identifioimme tilastollisella avainsana-analyysillä Suomi24-keskustelufoorumilla tuotettuja lesboerityisiä diskursseja, joissa – toisin kuin homodiskursseissa – keskitytään seksuaaliseen suuntautumiseen, sukupuoleen ja ulkonäköön. Lesbodiskursseja tarkastelemme edelleen teoriavetoisen kriittisen lähiluvun avulla. Analyysi nostaa esiin keskusteluja, joissa heteronormatiivisuuden kautta määrittyvä lesbous voidaan kokea hyvinkin ristiriitaiseksi ja ahdistavaksi. Käyttämällä hyväksi lesbomatriisin ja lesbonormatiivisuuden käsitteitä osoitamme, kuinka sekä nais- että miesfeminiinistä lesboutta ja lesboparisuhteita koskevissa keskusteluissa nojataan yhtäältä normatiiviseen ajattelutapaan ja toisaalta haastetaan sitä.Avainsanat: lesbous, lesbonormatiivisuus, keskustelufoorumit, korpusavusteinen diskurssintutkimusCross pressured by lesbonormativity: Quantitative and qualitative analysis of online conversations on the Suomi24 discussion forumIn our article, we use statistical keyword analysis to identify typical lesbian discourses at the Suomi24 discussion forum. Contrary to gay discourses, they focus on sexual orientation, gender and looks. These lesbian discourses are further analyzed by critical close reading. The analysis highlights conversations in which lesbianism can feel extremely conflicting and distressing when defined in heteronormative terms. Moreover, by using the concepts of lesbian matrix and lesbonormativity, we show how discussions concerning both feminine and masculine appearing lesbians as well as lesbian relationships rely on normative thinking, while also challenging it.Keywords: lesbianism, lesbonormativity, discussion forums, corpus-assisted discourse studies

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (S1) ◽  
pp. 205-221

Abstract COVID-19 has been the “hottest” topic in many fields of research during 2020–2021. Our analysis focuses on the publications related to the pandemic in the business and economics area. Using the Web of Science database, the main international research patterns in this field have been analysed. Our research covers less than two years (2020 and part of 2021), but the number of publications is large (more than 1,000) in this limited time span. The publication patterns of the CEE countries have also been examined. Bibliometric and social network analysis was used to assess which countries and institutions published the most during this period. For analysing the main trends in the given field, keyword analysis was performed.

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