speech styles
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2021 ◽  
Vol LXXVII (77) ◽  
pp. 267-278

Celem niniejszego artykułu jest odniesienie polskiej klasyfikacji stylizacji językowej przeprowadzonej przez Dubisza (1996: 17-20) do pewnych ustaleń z zakresu badań nad stylistyką języka japońskiego. Wspomniany wyżej polski podział stylizacji językowych zastosowano w celu opisu stylistyki języka mówionego, który został utrwalony w tekście jako zapis rozmów oraz dialogów postaci literackich i komiksowych. Dwie spośród pięciu klas stylizacji wydzielonych przez Dubisza zostały wykorzystane w celu rozpatrzenia wyników badań nad stylistyką japońskich gatunków multimodalnych (Kinsui, Yamakido 2015). Japońskie stylizacje językowe rozważono pod kątem wpływu cech indywidualnych postaci na style językowe oraz multimodalnego charakteru komiksu i powieści ilustrowanej. Podjęcie tej próby umożliwiło wydzielenie pewnych innowacji w obrębie istniejącej polskiej klasyfikacji stylizacji językowej. Polish classification of the varieties and types of speech stylization as a tool for addressing selected areas of Japanese stylistics Summary: The aim of this study is to apply the classification of speech stylization proposed by Dubisz (1996: 17-20) to some findings reported on in studies on Japanese stylistics. The classification was utilized to describe the stylistics of spoken language, transcribed into text as a record of the utterances of fictional characters in Japanese literature and comic books. Two out of five classes of stylizations defined by Dubisz were used as reference points for reviewing the results of studies on the stylistics of Japanese multimodal genres (Kinsui, Yamakido 2015). Japanese speech stylizations were evaluated with regard to the impact of individual traits of characters on their speech styles and to the multimodal nature of genres such as comic book and illustrated book. This attempt has led to the proposal of some innovations in the Polish classification of speech stylizations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 69-86
Teja Furlan ◽  
Monika Kavalir

The paper uses keyword analysis as the empirical basis for the characterization of Shakespeare’s character Iago from Othello, the Moor of Venice. The aim of the paper is to determine how Iago’s manner of speech reflects his deceitful and manipulative nature and how it differs from the speech-styles of non-deceitful prominent characters: Othello, Cassio, Roderigo, Desdemona and Emilia. Keywords for the chosen characters are based on the corpora of character speech and the Sketch Engine tool is used to process the data. The results are then interpreted and discussed on the basis of six interconnected points of discussion: focus, adjectives, use of the expression Moor, references to the handkerchief, poisoning-the-ears technique, and pronouns, all of which confirm that Iago’s manipulative nature is indeed evident in his speech and that there is a clear difference between his speech-style and the speech-styles of other, non-deceitful, prominent characters.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-57
Alexandra Y. Aikhenvald ◽  
R. M. W. Dixon ◽  
Nerida Jarkey

Language and society are closely integrated and mutually supportive (rather than one being dependant on the other). An unusual (non-universal) facet of a language can relate to a specific trait of social organisation, or life-style, etc., evidenced among the society of language users. On the basis of detailed individual studies, we put forward inductive generalisations concerning recurrent correlations underlying the congruence, or mutual integration, of language and society, and outline dependencies between the established correlations. We identify the following linguistic parameters demonstrably sensitive to societal traits: reference classification: the composition and use of genders and classifiers, types of possession, directing and addressing, information source, transmission of information, interaction patterns, and special speech styles. The focal clusters of the following non-linguistic traits can be shown to be integrated with these linguistic features: A. Relations within a community, social hierarchies, and kinship categorisation; B. Social constraints (taboo and avoidance); C. Principles of interaction and attitudes to information and its sources; D. Beliefs, religion, spirits, and dreams; E. Means of subsistence and physical environment; and F. Language awareness, language engineering, and sensitivity to societal changes. Grammatical categories which show a degree of integration with the society constitute integration points. These may change if social conditions change. A combination of synchronic and diachronic approaches to the integration of language and society brings us a step further towards answering the crucial question: why language are the way they are.

K ta Kita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-194
Nathania Edlyn Sosrohartono

This study aims to find the speech styles used by Bagas as the main character in Pakai Hati The Series when he talked to his colleagues, clients, and supervisors.  In conducting this study, I used the theory of speech styles by Chaer and Agustina (2010), standard Indonesian characteristics by Prihantini (2015) and Kridalaksana (2007), social dimension by Holmes (2017), and status by Brown and Attardo (2005) as the theoretical framework. This study employed a qualitative approach. From the analysis, I found that Bagas used the consultative style, casual style, and intimate style when talking to his colleagues, clients, and bosses. He also used the formal style towards his clients, but he did not use the frozen style when talking to his interlocutors. This study showed that Bagas did not differentiate his speech style merely based on status since there were some other factors that might affect his choice of speech style, namely: habit or personality, type or context of the conversation, and social distance.Keywords: speech styles, status, web series

K ta Kita ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Angelia Anggraini

I conducted this study to investigate speech styles used by Najwa as the host in Mata Najwa Part 8 - Republik Digital: Bisnis Digital dan Peluangnya, Mata Najwa Part 9 - Republik Digital: Tips Membangun Bisnis Digital, and Catatan Najwa Part 2 - Ide-Ide Brilian Bos Sido Muncul to the younger and older guests. The underlying theory used is Speech Style from Chaer and Agustina (2010) and Indonesian: Standard Indonesian (Bahasa Baku) and Non-standard Indonesian (Bahasa Tidak Baku) from Prihantini (2015). This study was done using a qualitative approach. The data analysis revealed that Najwa as the host of Mata Najwa and Catatan Najwa, used formal style, consultative style, casual style, and intimate style when talking to her younger and older guests. Najwa did not use the frozen style when talking to her guests. Keywords: speech styles, age, host, talk show

2021 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Alena Kalechyts

The article discusses the features of the functioning of phraseological units and other stable combinations in the headings of the media texts of Belarusian and Russian online newspapers. We analyze the pragmatic function of intertexts and present them as pointers to certain types of speech acts. The intent of the addressee is the most important factor in creating a text. It is usually reflected, directly or indirectly, in every communication product. The main purpose of media texts (or a hint of it) is contained in headings, especially when they are intertextemes, various renewable speech units that we classify according to the types of speech acts: representatives, rogatives,directives, commissives, contactives, declarations and expressives. Such headings are best used to perform a pragmatic function because they retain an emotional and evaluation component that stimulates communication with the mass recipient. These stable units (phraseological locutions, winged expressions and aphorisms, paroemias and compound terms) comprise the background knowledge of the participants in communication and are therefore productive language tools used by journalists in their practice. And very often the intertextemes are transformed or updated. Employees of “BelGazeta” and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” use both the general phraseological fund of Belarusians and Russians and the national language means in web media texts. The headlines of “BelGazeta” havea distinctive feature, as they mix graphic and lexical systems of different languages (Russian, Belarusian,English and, less frequently, Ukrainian). This fact can be explained, firstly, by the tendency to widely spread the features of the conversational speech of Belarusians, trasyanka, in book speech styles. And, secondly, by the address policy of the publication of the named newspaper, which is aimed at the mass Belarusian reader. Following the use of occasionalisms, updated stable expressions, we also call the above feature a specific method of influencing the addressee.

Udovichenko H.M. ◽  
Horobei A.M. ◽  
Holovata V.V.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use, functions and differences in the use of reduplicates in different areas of speech. In accordance with the goal, the following tasks are set: to consider reduplication as a subject of study in linguistics; explore the classifications of reduplicates proposed by different linguists; identify the relationship between the method of formation of reduplicates and their stylistic color.Methods. The main scientific results are obtained using a set of general and special research methods, namely: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific and educational literature on literary studies, psychology and linguistics; theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, as well as comparison, descriptive and analytical, as well as the method of random sampling for the selection of language material. Results. In linguistics there is no single approach to reduplication as a linguistic phenomenon. Terminology needs to be refined, a clearer approach to the criteria by which the scope of use of a term with its clear definition will be determined. Despite the differences in views on unambiguous definitions and the lack of a universal classification, reduplication is widely studied in the linguistic literature. All the studied sources note such functional features of reduplication as a means of artistic expression (aesthetic and expressive function), a means of communication that carries an emotional color (communicative and emotional function). The range of reduplication is very wide.Conclusions. Reduplication as word formation is inherent in the speech of children and adults. It is inherent in many styles of speech: conversational, artistic, journalistic, epistolary. Less distribution of reduplicates is characteristic of the scientific style. In this area, they act as terms devoid of low stylistic color, typical of use in other areas of communication. In the scientific style, such words have a neutral emotional function. We could not find examples of reduplicates in official business and confessional styles. We can assume that this fact is evidence of a specific stylistic coloring of reduplicates (contempt, sometimes familiarity, humiliation, contempt, irony and ridicule), which may not be appropriate in such areas of communication. Most words formed by reduplication refer to colloquial speech and slang. Key words: reduplication, reduplicate, word formation, speech styles, classification. Мета. Мета статті – проаналізувати застосування, функції та різницю використання редуплікатів у різних сферах мовлення. Відповідно до мети поставлено такі завдання: розглянути редуплікацію як предмет вивчення в лінгвістиці; дослідити класифікації редуплікатів, запропоновані різними лінгвістами; виявити зв’язок між способом утворення редуплікатів та їх стилістичним забарвленням.Методи. Основні наукові результати отриманні із використанням комплексу загальних та спеціальних методів дослі-дження, а саме: аналізу, узагальнення та систематизації наукової та навчальної літератури з літературознавства, психології та мовознавства; теоретичного узагальнення, аналізу та синтезу, а також порівняння, описового та аналітичного, а також мето-ду довільної вибірки для відбору мовного матеріалу.Результати. У мовознавстві не існує єдиного підходу до редуплікації як мовного явища. Термінологія потребує доопрацювання, більш чіткого підходу до критеріїв, за якими буде визначено сферу використання того чи іншого терміна з його чітким визначенням. Незважаючи на розрізненість поглядів щодо однозначного визначення та відсутність універсальної класифікації, редуплікація в лінгвістичній літературі широко досліджується. В усіх опрацьованих джерелах відзначаються такі функціональні особливості редуплікації, як засіб художньої виразності (естетична та експресивна функція), засіб спілкування, який несе емоційне забарвлення (комунікативна та емотивна функція). Діапазон використання редуплікації дуже широкий. Висновки. Редуплікація як словотворення властива мовленню дітей та дорослих, притаманна багатьом стилям мовлення: розмовному, художньому, публіцистичному, епістолярному.Менше поширення редуплікатів характерне для наукового стилю. У цій сфері вони виступають в ролі термінів, позбавле-них низького стилістичного забарвлення, характерного для використання в інших сферах спілкування. У науковому стилі такі слова мають нейтральну емоційну функцію.Нам не вдалося знайти приклади редуплікатів в офіційно-діловому та конфесійному стилях. Можемо припустити, що цей факт є свідченням специфічного стилістичного забарвлення редуплікатів (зневажливого ставлення, подекуди фамільярності, приниження, призирства, іронії та висміювання), що не може бути доречним у таких сферах спілкування.Більшість слів, утворених шляхом редуплікації, відносяться до розмовного мовлення і сленгу. Ключові слова: редуплікація, редуплікат, словотвір, стилі мовлення, класифікація.

2021 ◽  
Bettina Braun ◽  
Nicole Dehé ◽  
Marieke Einfeldt ◽  
Daniela Wochner ◽  
Katharina Zahner-Ritter

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Uswatun Khoiriyah

Speech style is a unique characteristic of an individual. Specifically, to accomplish the learning purpose a teacher is needed to use speech style to assist their students. There was different speech style between male and female English teachers while explaining the subject. Moreover, in the pandemic Covid-19 condition there is a requirement to use technology information as learning media such as Whatsapp.  The research objectives are (1) to analyze the type of speech styles that the teacher used in teaching English through WhatsApp during pandemic of Covid-19 at SMP Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung (2) to analyze the students’ perception of speech style  used by the teacher through WhatsApp during pandemic of Covid-19 at SMP Islam Al Azhaar Tulungagung. The method of research is qualitative descriptive by using primary source as voice note, questionnaire to collect the data and data was analysis using Baxter’s speech styles categorization. The result show that (1) the male english teacher often used matter of fact features because he wanted to be more factual and referential when he explained the material to the students. Then, the most dominant of the female teachers speech style was co-operative. The female english teachers often used co operative features because she wanted to have good cooperation with their students in tlearning English. (2) The students said that they more motivated learning English when their teacher appreciate them in addition the most of students hoped that teacher should asked used referential question because it can increase their ability in English.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (11-12/2020) ◽  
pp. 33-41
Marcin Mazurek ◽  
Mateusz Romaniuk

This paper describes the issue of authorship attribution based on the content of conversations originating from instant messaging software applications. The results presented in the paper refer to the corpus of conversations conducted in Polish. On the basis of a standardised model of the corpus of conversations, stylometric features were extracted, which were divided into four groups: word and message length distributions, character frequencies, tf-idf matrix and features extracted on the basis of turns (conversational features). The vectors of users’ stylometric features were compared in pairs by using Euclidean, cosine and Manhattan metrics. CMC curves were used to analyse the significance of the feature groups and the effectiveness of the metrics for identifying similar speech styles. The best results were obtained by the group of features being the tf-idf matrix compared with the use of cosine distance and the group of features extracted on the basis of turns compared with the use of the Manhattan metric.

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