classical study
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Aliyah Aliyah

The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes at SDN 02 Krompeng Talun through the application of Discovery Learning. The type of research that will be conducted is classroom action research. The subjects of this study were the fourth grade students of SDN 02 Krompeng, Talun, Pekalongan Regency , totaling 25 students . The results of the study showed an increase in learning outcomes and student activeness in learning. In sikus I value - average grade of 69.5 p er sentase classical learning completeness 68% and p er sentase overall activity of 71.4%. In the second cycle the average value of the class is 83.4 with a per sentase completeness of classical study 88 % and persentase overall activity of 77.3%. Thus it can be concluded that discovery learning with worksheets can improve student learning outcomes . Therefore, it is suggested that as teachers should be able to apply discovery learning as an alternative to improve learning outcomes in the form of cognitive abilities and increase student activity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 769 ◽  
pp. 138404
Carles Martí ◽  
Antonio Laganà ◽  
Leonardo Pacifici ◽  
Fernando Pirani ◽  
Cecilia Coletti

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Din Hadi Shofyan ◽  
Siti Zubaidah ◽  
Amy Tenzer

Observations in MAN Malang II Batu and giving questionnaires to a number of students shows that students still have difficulty understanding abstract concepts on the material of the respiratory system. It can also be seen from the thoroughness of classical study that has not been achieved. The use of instructional media is still minimal and less attractive to students, believed to be a major factor to the achievement of mastery learning klasial. To that end, the development of multimedia learning based on flash needs to be done on the grounds can create a variety of interesting and illustrative media. With the learning multimedia is expected to facilitate students in understanding the abstract concepts of matter respiratory system and learning becomes fun. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis flash untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa materi sistem respirasi manusia serta menguji kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifannya. Model pengembangan menggunakan Four-D model yang dibatasi sampai tahap III (pengembangan). Hasil uji kelayakan, kepraktisan dan keefektifan menunjukkan bahwa multimedia yang dikembangkan memiliki kriteria sangat layak, sangat praktis, serta efektif. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa multimedia pembelajaran berbasis flash memiliki kriteria sangat layak, sangat praktis dan efektif sehingga mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa.

Asep Awaludin

<p><em>The low results of mathematics learning achieved by grade VI students of SD N Pamedaran 01. This is due to the low ability of students in multiplication mastery. Therefore, the purpose of the problem raised in this study is "Is it with the application of cooferative learning model type STAD with Jari Sakti technique, the results of mathematics learning in grade VI SD N Pamedaran 01 can be improved?" The research was conducted in two cycles, consisting of four stages, namely planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. the learning outcomes achieved in cycle I scored an average of 69.26 and classically completed 62.96%, students who scored ≥70 were 17 students. In cycle II student learning outcomes increased with an average score of 75.19 and a classical study completion of 81.48, students who scored ≥70 were 22 students.  It was concluded that with the application of cooperative model type STAD with Jari Sakti, the results of learning mathematics in grade VI SD N Pamedaran 01 can be upgraded.</em></p>

Anshelika Korolkova

The article deals with the interconnection and interdependence of phraseological semantic fields of Russian study of aphorisms in synchronic and in diachronic approaches. The correlation of phraseological semantic fields of Russian study of aphorisms is considered as their interdependence due to various factors (linguistic and extra-linguistic ones). The correlation of the phraseological semantic fields of Russian study of aphorisms is manifested in the existence of many antinomies. The natural linguistic antinomies of life / death / immortality or war / peace, or good / evil, or friend / enemy, or villainy / nobility are reflected in Russian aphorisms and have entered the corresponding phraseological semantic fields. The corpus of Russian study of aphorisms containsnot only antinomic aphorisms, but also antinomic relations that extend to the level of language and speech. Therefore, in Russian study of aphorisms there are phraseological semantic fields that implement these antinomies. In addition to the antinomic phraseological semantic fields in the corpus of classical Russian study of aphorisms there are other types of correlations. The keywords (concepts) of many phraseological semantic fields are closely thematically connected. When the number of units from one field is changed, the number of units in another phraseological semantic field also changes. Most phraseological semantic fields of Russian study of aphorisms do not show a zero correlation in either synchronic or diachronic approaches. This is due to, first of all, the universality of the aphoristic theme, with all the ideological and thematic uniqueness of the sayings used by Russian writers. However, a few phraseological and semantic fields of aphorisms by Russian writers may show a negative correlation, which is due to the diversity of the thematic groups that comprise them. A positive correlation of phraseological semantic fields, the most significant in the number of their constituent components, shows deep internal linguistic systemic connections in Russian classical study of aphorisms.

2020 ◽  
Vol 153 (8) ◽  
pp. 081102
Duncan Bossion ◽  
Steve Ndengué ◽  
Hans-Dieter Meyer ◽  
Fabien Gatti ◽  
Yohann Scribano

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 103108
A.M.M. Elsayed ◽  
M.E Medhat ◽  
S. Amanzholova

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Achmad Yafik Mursyid

The transition from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey left a long debate between Ulama (Islamic scholars) and the proponents of this system. This transition also affected Turkish religious life patterns with the emergence of "Turkification" efforts. Religious aspects were changed in Turkish. In the context of this debate, Hak Dini Kur'an Dili, the work of Elmalili Hamdi Yazir, appeared. Hamdi Yazir's tendency, as the author of this book, towards the process of the Ottoman transition to the Republic of Turkey, with all its consequences, becomes interesting to research further. To decipher interests that are probably inserted in the color of his interpretation, this study uses the philosophical hermeneutics method of Hans-Georg Gadamer. This research concludes that Hamdi Yazir's activeness in the parliament of the Republic of Turkey did not necessarily make his interpretation according to the objectives to be achieved by the Turkish government when initiating the making of this work. Hamdi Yazir preferred to restrengthen people's understanding of basic Islamic knowledge through interpretation. More than that, through this interpretation, Hamdi Yazir also responded to the achievements of modernization in interpreting related verses. Hamdi Yazir's tendency towards the classical study approach, in the process of interpretation, was influenced by his prejudices. Yazir wanted the interpretation that resulted, can provide understanding for Turkish society that he viewed having experienced degradation in religious understanding. This was committed by Yazir as a form of resistance to the Turkification efforts carried out by the Turkish secular government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-248
Damhuri Dj. Noor ◽  
Ratni Bt. H. Bahri

The paper discusses the al-Iltifât language style in the Arabic tradition of science. Al-Iltifât is the transition of communication patterns in the conversation. Ontologically, al-Iltifât as a style of the language regarded as the crucial part of balaghah study, because there is no unity of definition and scope of study among scholars, even the names are quite varied. In the tradition of classical study, ulama provide various names. The scope of this al-Iltifât is limited to transition on the use of pronouns, the use of verbs, and the transition of themes in the conversation context. In contrast to modern balaghah scholars who are expanding the scope of the al-Iltifât, they are not bound by the definition and scope of the study proposed by classical scholars. They depart from the general terminology that all forms of communication pattern transition are included in the al-Iltifât category. Therefore, they develop various types that have an impressive communication pattern transition.

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