pellet feed
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2022 ◽  
Alexander A. Shevtsov ◽  
Alexey V. Drannikov ◽  
Alexander V. Vostroilov ◽  
Elena E. Kurchaeva ◽  
Anna A. Derkanosova ◽  

This research presented the pellet feed production line. Three pellet feed formulasfor young stock rabbits (28-135 days old) were developed with the addition of experimental dietary supplements grouped into the following protein green complexes (PGC):PGC-92-1including thе following supplements- dried herbal pulp from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporotherminprobiotic; PGC-92-2 including the following supplements - protein feed concentrate from wheat stillage filtrate (syrup), herbal alfalfa meal, and Sporothermin probiotic; PGC-92-3 including the following supplements – PGC from red clover, herbal alfalfa meal,andSporothermin probiotic. These were compared with feed formulated without dietary supplements (PGC-92 (Control)). The nutritional value of the concentrate feeds met the requirements assigned for this group of animals. The storage of the formulatedconcentrate feeds took place in industrial conditions (the floor store) in paper bags of 30 kg per group at the temperature of 18-20 ∘C and the relative humidity of 65-70%. Due to itsmoisture content exceeding the standard requirements, the check concentrate feed (Control) revealed a higher content of fungal and bacterial microflora. The fat acidityvalue and the total acidity increased, which indicated the instability of this batch of concentrate feed during storage. The experimental batches of concentrate feed had a stablequality and retained good quality throughout the testing period. The testing of the effects of the studied complexes in fattening young stock rabbits was carried out on the premises of the Lipetsk Rabbit LLC industrial complex with 2000 rabbits. The use ofall-in-onepellet feedsformulated with the addition ofdietary supplements made it possible to increase the slaughter yield by 3.62%, 4.45% and 3.96%, while reducing feed intake per 1 kg of slaughter mass by 0.72 ECU, 0.38 ECU and 0.88 ECU. There was an increase in profit of 17725.25rubles, 16114.38 rubles and 14168.55 rubles, and an increase in the level of profitability by 45.93%, 41.26% and 31.24%, which resulted from a highersafety andgrowth performance of the raised rabbits. Keywords: concentrate feeds, pellet feeds, dietary supplements, protein green complex, feed for rabbits, growth performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 173 ◽  
pp. 107195
Ruberlan Gomes Silva ◽  
José Maria Silva ◽  
Thiago Cesar Souza ◽  
Matheus Bianchetti ◽  
Lorena Guimarães ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-68
MH Mithun ◽  
I Rashid ◽  
MA Salam ◽  
MJ Alam

Influence of three cage shapes viz (i) rectangular ii) square, and (iii) circular on growth and production of Mystus cavasius (local name: gulsha) was studied in earthen pond conditions for a period of 120 days. Each of nine cages, which were made of polyethylene nets, had same internal area (1.80 m3) and stocked with M. cavasius fry at the rate of 300 m-3, following a completely randomized design. Fishes were fed with a commercial floating pellet feed (Mega 002) initially at the rate of 25% of average body weight, with a gradual reduction to 8%. Significantly higher (P<0.05) average weight gain (AWG) of 13.49 ± 0.14 g, with specific growth rate (SGR) of 1.87% day-1, and the survival rate of 89.41% were recorded for gulsha reared in the circular cage compared to the other shapes. Rectangular and square cages resulted in a similar (P>0.05) AWG of 10.29 ± 0.10 and 10.43 ± 0.25 g with survival rate of 80 and 83.61%, respectively. A significantly higher (P<0.05) average total production of 4.05 ± 0.21 kg/m3 was obtained with circular cage compared to a similar production of 2.72 ± 0.28 and 3.08 ±0.29 kg/m3 (P>0.05) in rectangular and square cages, respectively. In case of lengthweight relationship (LWR), the coefficient of determination values (r2) was 0.86, 0.90, and 0.85 in square, circular and rectangular cages, respectively indicating a good linear regression between length and weight in circular cages than square and rectangular cages. Taken together, these results indicate that circular cage is the best for growth, survival and production of gulsha culture in pond condition. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. (2020) 24(2): 59-68

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 770-793
Rafael da Silva Fernandes ◽  
Lucas Rafael Castro de Sousa ◽  
Thaynara Lopes dos Santos

É de grande relevância a cautela com as informações de estoques, num processo de produção do minério de ferro, para que os saldos apontados em sistemas informatizados apresentem acurácia com os saldos físicos armazenados. Tem-se assim, que a acurácia determina a capacidade da empresa em fornecer informações confiáveis aos stakeholders ao permitir a identificação de divergências, sendo que a sua falta, pode acarretar em efeitos indesejáveis nos diversos processos organizacionais. Neste âmbito, o objetivo deste trabalho é duplo: num primeiro momento, visa responder a seguinte pergunta: Como minimizar os desvios entre estoque físico e contábil, do produto Pellet feed Especial, nas etapas de produção e expedição de um mineradora localizada no sudeste do estado do Pará, por meio da aplicação da metodologia PDCA e ferramentas para a melhoria da qualidade? E, num segundo momento, visa fornecer à empresa, em particular ao setor envolvido, ferramentas da qualidade para que, estas, sejam aplicadas continuamente como melhoria do processo estudado. No entanto, após observar uma melhora inicial da Qualidade, posteriormente o processo apresentou medidas fora dos limites de especificação. Por fim, uma nova análise e investigação quantitativa de variáveis ainda não consideradas foi realizada, propondo a continuação do estudo para alcançar resultados mais satisfatórios, em particular, quanto a redução das divergências no processo produtivo abordado.

Naznin Nahar ◽  
Md. Istiaque Hossain ◽  
Md. Mizanur Rahman ◽  
Probin Kumar Dey ◽  
M. Shahanul Islam

The striped dwarf catfish Mystus cavasius being a least concern small indigenous fish it is necessary to protect the species from extinction in the near future. An experiment on production and economic feasibility of Mystus cavasius in cage was conducted for a period of six months from March to August 2020 in beel hilla at Naogaon district of Bangladesh. The study was carried out in nine cages (rectangular 8x5x2 feet size) under three treatments namely T1, T2 and T3 performed with the stocking densities of 46 fry m-2, 92 fry m-2 and 137 fry m-2 and designed each with three replications. The fish was fed with commercial pellet feed (containing 30% crude protein) twice daily at the rate of 5-7% of fish body weight. The total production was found to be significantly (p<0.05) highest in T3 among the three treatments. The net profit was better in T3 than T1 and T2 in terms of better production and money. So, stocking density of Mystus cavasius at the rate of 137 fry m-2 in cage could be an economically feasible aquaculture technique for fish farmers.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 894
Juliana Segura-Salazar ◽  
Natasha de S. L. Santos ◽  
Luís Marcelo Tavares

Comminution is an essential step in processing itabirite ores, given the need to liberate silica and other contaminants from the iron minerals for downstream concentration and then pellet feed production. In general, these ores in Brazil are not particularly hard to crush and grind, but both capital (CAPEx) and operating (OPEx) expenditures in this stage of preparation can be critical for the project, in particular due to uncertainties in iron ore prices. Several circuits have been designed and are in operation for this type of ore in Brazil; however, it is not yet clear which technologies are more cost-effective and in which configuration they should be applied. This work critically analyzes four comminution circuits for an undisclosed case study. For these circuits, CAPEx, OPEx, and some environmental sustainability indices, as well as qualitative technical criteria, were used in the comparisons. This work concludes that two of these process routes, especially those based on more energy-efficient technologies (and one of these still rarely explored even at bench-scale), have demonstrated to be very attractive from multiple standpoints.

Md. Shariful ISLAM ◽  
A. F. M. Shofiquzzoha ◽  
Nilufa Begum

Quality diet as food for raising freshwater snails under laboratory conditions has a significant effect on their growth and the number of egg clutches laid as well as on the size of the snail. Now a days, some innovative farmers of Bangladesh started snail culture within their fish farms in the view of producing snail to use as feed for their Prawn (Macrobrachiam rosenbergii), indigenous catfish (Clarius batrachus) farms, domestic duck farms and also as a protein supplement for preparing fish feed. From previous study we know that Bulinus nyassanus growth and survive rate was found well on locally formulated fish diet consisting of 30% crude protein with ingredients comprising fish meal, maize bran, rice bran, soya bean, wheat bran, hemicellulose (binder), vitamin premix and mineral premix.  But no such research has been done in case of apple snail. The present study was aimed to investigate the feed formulation preferred by Pila globosa species and their effects on survival and growth of these snails in laboratory condition. Three type of formulated feed viz., pellet feed, fish meal and 50% fish meal + 50% crusted khudipana were used for the experiment in high and low stocking density of baby snails. The present findings shown that the diets in order of preference based on their effects on growth and survival of snails were formulated pellet feed, fish meal and 50% fish meal+ 50% crushed khudipana. After rearing of 28 days, highest growth found 0.32g with 86.66% survival with formulated diet in 60nos/L stocking density and 0.35g with 90% survival with formulated diet in 30nos/L stocking density. It`s indicate that the snails reared on formulated pellet feed diets and lower stocking density gave better performance in terms of survival and mean growth rate than those reared on other diets.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 801
Victor Alfonso Rodriguez ◽  
Gabriel K. P. Barrios ◽  
Gilvandro Bueno ◽  
Luís Marcelo Tavares

It has been known that the performance of high-pressure grinding rolls (HPGR) varies as a function of the method used to laterally confine the rolls, their diameter/length (aspect) ratio as well as their condition, if new or worn. However, quantifying these effects through direct experimentation in machines with reasonably large dimensions is not straightforward, given the challenge, among others, of guaranteeing that the feed material remains unchanged. The present work couples the discrete element method (DEM) to multibody dynamics (MBD) and a novel particle replacement model (PRM) to simulate the performance of a pilot-scale HPGR grinding pellet feed. It shows that rotating side plates, in particular when fitted with studs, will result in more uniform forces along the bed, which also translates in a more constant product size along the rolls as well as higher throughput. It also shows that the edge effect is not affected by roll length, leading to substantially larger proportional edge regions for high-aspect ratio rolls. On the other hand, the product from the center region of such rolls was found to be finer when pressed at identical specific forces. Finally, rolls were found to have higher throughput, but generate a coarser product when worn following the commonly observed trapezoidal profile. The approach often used in industry to compensate for roller wear is to increase the specific force and roll speed. It has been demonstrated to be effective in maintaining product fineness and throughput, as long as the minimum safety gap is not reached.

RodrigoM. de Carvalho ◽  
Tulio M. Campos ◽  
Patricia M. Faria ◽  
Luís Marcelo Tavares

Variena Intansari ◽  
Agustin Indrawati ◽  
Sri Murtini

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is the most common toxin found in nature. Ochratoxin is a metabolic product by Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. OTA produced by many Aspergillus or Penicicillium species that contaminate animal feeds can cause diseases. This study aims to determine the incidence of ochratoxin contamination in pig feed such as pellets, meat bone meal (MBM), and tofu by products. The sampling method used the disease detection formula to collect 36 samples 36 taken from several regions. North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Bulan Island, Solo, Lampung, Banten, Bogor and Jakarta. Ochratoxin contamination in animal feed was detected based on the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) using Agraquant® ochratoxin assay following the manufacturer’s protocol. The analysis showed that 6 of the 36 samples (16.7%) were tested positive for ochratoxin contamination. Pellets and MBM were the feed and feedstuff which were found to contain ochratoxin. The concentration of ochratoxin in MBM was below the limit set by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia (5 ppb). The high contamination of ochratoxin was found in pellets from Lampung (19 ppb). The fungi found to dominates the culture media and come from pellet feed were Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.

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