pig feed
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Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1420
Ryo Inoue ◽  
Hikari Otabi ◽  
Taiga Yamashita ◽  
Naoya Takizawa ◽  
Toshinobu Kido ◽  

Probiotics and prebiotics have become viable alternatives of growth-promoting antimicrobials in animal production. Here, we tested partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) as a possible prebiotic for piglets in the commercial farm. Five hundred and ninety-four piglets were used for the experiments, with 293 given a normal pig feed (control), while the rest the feed plus 0.06% (w/w) of PHGG (PHGG). One and three months post-PHGG supplementation, fecal samples were collected from randomly selected 20 piglets in each group and analyzed for microbiota and organic acid concentrations. Notably, the abundance of Streptococcus, and unclassified Ruminococcaceae were lower (p < 0.05) in PHGG than in control, one-month post-supplementation. Lactobacillus and Prevotella were higher (p < 0.05), while Streptococcus was lower (p < 0.05), in PHGG than in control, three months post-supplementation. The concentrations of acetate, propionate, and butyrate were greater in PHGG than in control, three months post-supplementation. Finally, PHGG grew faster and had fewer deaths until slaughter time (p < 0.05), than control. We concluded that PHGG not only was an effective prebiotic to alter gut microbiota of weanling piglets but also can possibly promote body weight accretion and health.

2021 ◽  
Meijuan Zeng ◽  
Hao Li

Feed formula design is the core technology of accurate feeding management of livestock and poultry. High quality feed formula can not only improve the comprehensive and effective utilization of feed, give full play to the growth performance of animals, but also reduce production costs, so as to improve the economic benefits of farmers. Due to the characteristics of fast convergence speed and strong optimization ability of particle swarm optimization algorithm, this paper adopts particle swarm optimization algorithm to solve the pig feed formula, and builds the simulation model of the pig feed formula through Matlab to find the optimal solution for the feed formula. At the same time, compared with the traditional linear programming method, the simulation results show that, compared with the traditional linear programming method, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has better optimization results in solving the feed formulation problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (21) ◽  
pp. 11623
Klara Van Mierlo ◽  
Louise Baert ◽  
Ellen Bracquené ◽  
Johan De Tavernier ◽  
Annemie Geeraerd

The growing pig production sector is a large contributor of negative impacts to the environment and feed production is responsible for a large part of these impacts. Pig production systems, including feed compositions, are variable, resulting in variable potential environmental impacts. This study investigated the influence of different farm characteristics and feed compositions on the environmental impact of pig production in Flanders. A Life Cycle Assessment approach was followed, including data from 39 farms and monthly feed compositions in the year 2018. Even though feed production contributes significantly to the overall environmental impact of pig production, the results show that environmental impacts are more affected by variabilities in farm characteristics than by fluctuating feed compositions. A higher productivity, in terms of feed conversion efficiency and the number of pigs produced per sow, is generally related to lower environmental impacts. Another influencing factor is the type and amount of energy used. For feed consumption, high variabilities are observed for water use, mainly caused by varying levels of sugar cane molasses. Climate change impacts and variabilities are mainly caused by soy ingredients and their origin. Finally, amino acids show large contributions to the environmental impact of pig feed consumption. Our research highlights that future developments for reducing the environmental impact of pig production should target animal productivity, the type and amount of energy used and selection of protein sources in pig feed.

Louis Paternostre ◽  
Johan De Boever ◽  
Sam Millet

N. M. Cusquillo Quispillo ◽  
J. E. Usca Méndez ◽  
I. P. Salgado Tello ◽  
A. M. Castillo Reinoso

The present study was carried out in the Guano Canton, San José de Chocón community. The objective was to evaluate the productive behavior of guinea pigs when totorilla flour (Scirpus rigidus) is used in their daily feeding. A randomized design was used in a two-factor combinatorial arrangement, for Factor A (flour levels) and Factor B (sex), with four treatments and four repetitions of each versus a control treatment. The treatments were: T0 (0%), T1 (5%), T2 (10%), T3 (15%), and T4 (20%). The evaluation period was 75 days, with an initial weight of 0.41 kg (21 days old). No significant difference was found (p < 0.05) for the final weights (PF), weight gain (GP), total food consumption (CTA), or feed conversion (CA). However, significant differences were found in the weight of the carcass (PC) (p ≤ 0.01); the highest weight was observed in T2 (10% of totorilla flour) with 0.80 kg ± 0.02, and in T0; T3 presented lower results. Significant differences were also found for performance of the carcass (RC) (p ≤ 0.01); the higher values were observed in the T4 and T1 treatments with 77.63% and 74.63%, respectively; a lower value was observed in T3 with 63.82%. In terms of the sex factor variable, male animals presented better results than female ones. 20% totorilla flour corresponded to USD 1.32 profitability. Based on the results, we can conclude that adding totorilla flour to guinea pig feed does not affect their productive behavior and increases the quality of the livestock. For cuyicultural production, the implementation of totorilla flour in guinea pig feed provides a new food alternative and lowers costs. Keywords: technology and agricultural sciences, animal science, totorilla, Scirpus rigidus, totorilla flour, feeding in guinea pigs, nutritional block. RESUMEN El presente estudio se realizó en la comunidad de San José de Chocón, cantón Guano. El objetivo fue evaluar el comportamiento productivo de los cuyes cuando en su alimentación diaria se utiliza harina de totorilla (Scirpus rigidus) en la elaboración de bloques nutricionales. Se utilizó un Diseño Completamente al Azar en arreglo combinatorio de dos factores, para el Factor A (niveles de harina), Factor B (sexo), con 4 tratamientos y 4 repeticiones cada uno frente un tratamiento control. Los tratamientos fueron T0 (0%), T1 (5%), T2 (10%), T3 (15%), T4 (20%), en un periodo de evaluación de 75 días, con un peso inicial de 0,41 kg (21 días de edad). Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) en las variables, en pesos finales (PF), ganancia de peso (GP), consumo total de alimento (CTA), conversión alimenticia (CA). Sin embargo, se encontró diferencias altamente significativas en peso a la canal (PC), (p ≤ 0,01), siendo el mayor peso para el T2 (10% de harina de totorilla) con 0,80 kg ± 0,02, y T0; T3 presentaron resultados más bajos. Rendimiento a la canal (RC) se reportan diferencias altamente significativas (p ≤ 0,01), obteniendo los valores más altos para los tratamientos T4; T1; con 77,63; 74,63 (%) y se observó un menor valor en el T3 con 63,82%. Para el factor sexo los animales machos presentan mejor resultado a diferencia de las hembras. Se consiguió con el empleo de 20% de harina de totorilla con 1,32 USD rentabilidad. Concluyendo que al adicionar harina de totorilla en la alimentación de cuyes no afecta el comportamiento productivo y aumenta la calidad del semoviente. Para la producción cuyícolas la implementación de harina de totorilla en la alimentación de cobayos permitirá tener nueva alternativa alimenticia y abaratar costos.  Palabras clave: tecnología y ciencias agropecuarias, zootecnia, Totorilla (Scirpus rigidus), harina de totorilla, alimentación en cuyes, bloque nutricional.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

This study aims to examine Sadd Adz-Dzariah's review of the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed. This research is a field research that uses a normative-qualitative approach. This research was conducted in Telaga Meuku Dua Village, Banda Mulia District, Aceh Tamiang Regency, In this study, data analysis began by collecting all data obtained from the observation and interview process. other sources. Then the data collected is studied and understood whether it is as expected. After the data is studied, make a brief description and relate it using the theories that will be presented in the next chapter. What has been compiled is compared with one another, then a conclusion is made which is the final stage in data analysis regarding the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed at the Meuku Lake tofu factory. The results showed that the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig feed at the tofu factory in Telaga Meuku Dua village was included in the category of prohibited trading. Due to the utilization of the tofu dregs it is used as pig feed. Islam has strictly prohibited the use of pork. Thus, in Islamic law the act of buying and selling tofu dregs for pig animal feed is also prohibited because it includes Sadd adz-Dzari'ah which blocks the way of wrongdoing in the sale and purchase of tofu dregs for pig animal feed. and prohibited. Buying and selling tofu dregs for pig feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7368
Ngoc-Bao Pham ◽  
Thu-Nga Do ◽  
Van-Quang Tran ◽  
Anh-Duc Trinh ◽  
Chen Liu ◽  

Food waste has become a critical issue in modern society, especially in the urbanized and fast-growing cities of Asia. The increase in food waste has serious negative impacts on environmental sustainability, water and land resources, and food security, as well as climate and greenhouse gas emissions. Through a specific case study in Da Nang City, Vietnam, this paper examines the extent of food waste generation at the consumption stages, the eating habits of consumers, food waste from households and service establishments, as well as prospects for the reuse of food waste as pig feed. The results of this study indicate that per capita food waste generation in Da Nang has increased from 0.39 to 0.41kg in 2016, 0.46 in 2017, and reached 0.52kg in 2018. According to the results of our consumer survey, 20% of respondents stated that they often generate food waste, 67% stated they sometimes do, and 13% stated they rarely do. Furthermore, 66% of surveyed households stated that their food waste is collected and transported by pig farmers to be used as feed for pigs. The use of food waste as feed for pigs is a typical feature in Da Nang. The study also found that there is a high level of consumer awareness and willingness to participate in the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) program, which was being initiated by the city government. In service facilities such as resorts and hotels, daily food waste reached 100–200 kg in large facilities and 20–120 kg in small facilities. This waste was also collected for use in pig farming. However, there has been a fall in demand for pig feed in line with a decrease in the number of pig farms due to the African swine fever epidemic that occurred during the implementation of this study. This paper suggests that there is a strong need to take both consumer-oriented waste prevention and waste management measures, such as waste segregation at source and introduction of effective food waste recycling techniques, to ensure that food waste can be safely and sustainably used as a “valuable resource” rather than “wasted.”

Variena Intansari ◽  
Agustin Indrawati ◽  
Sri Murtini

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is the most common toxin found in nature. Ochratoxin is a metabolic product by Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. OTA produced by many Aspergillus or Penicicillium species that contaminate animal feeds can cause diseases. This study aims to determine the incidence of ochratoxin contamination in pig feed such as pellets, meat bone meal (MBM), and tofu by products. The sampling method used the disease detection formula to collect 36 samples 36 taken from several regions. North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara, Bali, Bulan Island, Solo, Lampung, Banten, Bogor and Jakarta. Ochratoxin contamination in animal feed was detected based on the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) using Agraquant® ochratoxin assay following the manufacturer’s protocol. The analysis showed that 6 of the 36 samples (16.7%) were tested positive for ochratoxin contamination. Pellets and MBM were the feed and feedstuff which were found to contain ochratoxin. The concentration of ochratoxin in MBM was below the limit set by the National Agency of Drug and Food Control of the Republic of Indonesia (5 ppb). The high contamination of ochratoxin was found in pellets from Lampung (19 ppb). The fungi found to dominates the culture media and come from pellet feed were Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Sangajav Dorjpurev ◽  
Otgonjargal Ayush ◽  
Togtokhbayar Norovsambuu

In our research experimental trial we have fed the selected 40 head of Landrace piglets, of 3 months old by concentrated mixed feed enreched with 2.0, 4.0 and 6.0 percent of zeolite during 60 days. For the case of the trials when used concentrated feed without zeolite the feed consumption per 1 kg weight gain was 4.7 kg (P <0.05). When experimented piglets are fed by concentrated mixed feed contained zeolite at 4 and 6 percent, the feed consumption was 4.3 kg of feed, which is the lowest feed consumption. The daily weight gain of the experimental groups was 221–270 g, and there was no significant difference between them. The addition of zeolite by 6.0% to the experimental pig feed ration resulted in a decrease in daily weight gain and slaughter yield. However, the inclusion of zeolite in the ration at 4.0% fully satisfies the daily mineral requirements, making it suitable for young pigs. Цеолитоор баяжуулсан багсармал тэжээлээр өсвөр гахайг тэжээсэн  судалгааны үр дүнгээс Landrace үүлдрийн 3 сарын настай 40 толгой өсвөр гахайны бүрэн найрлагат багсармал тэжээлийн жорд цеолитыг 2.0 %, 4.0%, ба 6.0 % баяжуусан 45 хоногийн хугацаанд тэжээлийн туршилт явуулсан. Цеолит оролцуулаагүй жороор 1 кг мах нэмэгдүүлэхэд 4.7 кг тэжээлийг зарцуулсан (P <0.05). Цеолитыг жорд 2.0%-р оролцуулахад 4.5 кг, 4.0% ба 6.0%-н цеолитыг оролцуулахад 4.3 кг багсармал тэжээл зарцуулж байгаа нь хамгийн бага тэжээл зарцуулж байв. Туршилтын бүлгүүдийн хоногийн нэмэгдэл жин нь 221-270 гр байсан ба энэ нь  хооронд мэдэгдэхүйц ялгаатай биш байв. Туршилтын гахайны тэжээлийн жорд цеолит 6.0%-р нэмснээр хоногийн нэмэгдэл жин болон нядлагын гарц буурах зүй тогтол ажиглагдаж байв. Харин жорд цеолитыг 4.0%-аар оролцуулахад хоногт шаардагдах эрдэс бодис шимт чанарыг бүрэн хангаж байгаа нь уг тэжээлийг өсвөр гахайд өгөх нь тохиромжтой байв.  Түлхүүр үг: Хоногийн нэмэгдэл жин, нядлагын гарч, цеолит

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 696
Sara Morello ◽  
Sabina Pederiva ◽  
Rosa Avolio ◽  
Giuseppina Amato ◽  
Simona Zoppi ◽  

In 2013, the European Union (EU) lifted the feed ban restriction, authorizing the use of non-ruminant (NR) processed animal proteins (PAPs) as ingredient in aquafeed. A further relaxation is soon expected, and NR PAPs will be allowed in next future in poultry and pig feed, avoiding cannibalism. Other potential hazards linked to PAPs as raw material should be evaluated. Antibiotics administered along the lifecycle of animals may leave residue in tissues and bones and still be present in PAPs. This monitoring study aimed to determine tetracyclines (TCLs), known to cumulate in bones, in PAPs and their possible residual antibiotic activity (RAC). A sensitive Liquid Chromatography coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method for the quantification of TCLs in PAPs was developed and applied to 55 PAPs from EU manufactures. Most PAP samples (n = 40) contained TCLs (concentrations 25.59 ÷ 456.84 µg kg−1). Among samples containing more than 25 µg kg−1 for at least three TCLs, three PAPs were chosen for RAC test before and after TCLs extraction procedure applying an in vitro acidic digestion: in two out of those three samples, RAC was observed after in vitro digestion. TCLs were determined in the digested PAPs (concentrations 26.07 ÷ 64.55 µg kg−1). The detection of TCLs in PAPs should promptly target the risk assessments of this unconsidered way of exposure to antibiotic residues.

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