flexible grouping
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 139
Eurydice-Maria Kanellopoulou ◽  
Maria Darra

The purpose of this paper is, through content analysis of 19 publications in the Greek and international literature in scientific texts, books, journal articles, and conferences, to investigate the conceptual content of pedagogical differentiation in higher education, as it emerges from the descriptions and discussion of authors, researchers, and experts. From the analysis, twelve dimensions or characteristics of pedagogical differentiation emerged that presented the highest frequency of occurrence in four broad categories. These are a. modification of the supportive learning context, meeting the needs of learners, and continuous improvement of the learning for all the learners who joined the category entitled "processes", b. student-centered teaching and learning, flexible learning context / flexible grouping and the possibility of learning option / multiple options as dimensions of a more general category called "context", c. the success and active participation of the learner in his learning, the development of life skills as well as the development of procedural knowledge skills that were included in the category called "learning outcomes" and d. the modification of "learning" products, the alternative / modern forms of assessment and the continuous assessment that were dimensions of the category "assessment". The results of the research show that the dimension with the highest frequency is a modification of the supportive learning context and follows in order of frequency of occurrence, the modification of learning "products" and meeting the needs of learners. Finally, the dimensions with the lowest frequency of occurrence include the continuous assessment and the development of procedural knowledge skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
William C. Hunter ◽  
Keishana L. Barnes ◽  
Aylcia Taylor ◽  
Charmion Rush ◽  
Tachelle Banks

Abstract In this article, two instructional practices, Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Carousel Brainstorming (CB), are discussed to guide instructors through the intentional practice of incorporating flexible groupings (CEC, HLP 17) in their daily instruction for the purpose of creating Culturally Relevant PK-12 Learning Communities for CLD Learners with Exceptionalities. Although NHT and CB are not the only approaches for implementing cooperative learning groups as an effective instructional tool, it is the authors’ premise that both practices successfully promote academic achievement and provide a positive, culturally relevant design for diverse learners, as well as a practitioner-friendly framework that is easily implemented. NHT and CB also serve as a means to provide students with a voice for their learning and to promote positive student behaviors. Regardless of the setting or identified disability, when facilitated with foresight and careful planning, evidence-based instructional best practices are supported, and inclusive course content is attained through the use of NHT and CB. Example lesson plans to intentionally incorporate both strategies are included within the article.

2021 ◽  
pp. 123-128
Ann Robinson ◽  
Bruce M. Shore ◽  
Donna L. Enersen

2021 ◽  
Meijie Bi ◽  
Katrien Struyven ◽  
Change Zhu

Abstract This study aims to probe into the concepts and use of differentiated instruction (DI) in Chinese primary and secondary schools by means of a systematic literature review from 1995 to 2019. Outcomes are presented in the form of thematic overview. Findings report that Chinese national conditions contributed to DI’ s definitions and theoretical basis from historical and realistic perspectives. Then, the selected articles show that Chinese teachers from primary and secondary schools are aware of the importance of student diversity, such as interests, learning style and abilities. Moreover, teachers can organize many teaching methods, like flexible grouping and collaborative learning, to build DI classrooms for satisfying various needs of learners. Results also point out DI’ s positive effect on students’ achievement, but Chinese large class size and teacher incapability are the main obstacles to the implementation of DI.

Benny Kurnianto

To improve students’ English proficiency, Indonesian Civil Aviation Institute has placed TOEFL® preparation in the curriculum of study program. Nevertheless, the learning design was not common compared with similar program of TOEFL® preparation in another institution. ICAI put a single teacher in class consisted of 24 students with various skills. Consequently, the English teacher had to employ a strategy to cope with this large multilevel class. This qualitative research was conducted to analyze the teacher’s strategy. Its purpose is to give enlightenment toward the conformity between learning design and learning objectives. A pre-test and post-test were given to a determined class and the grades were compared to see the fulfillment of the objective. An observation and note taking was undertaken during the learning process to explain the strategy. The result shows that the teacher occupy cooperative learning through flexible grouping to cope the class challenge. While the result shows 57% students in the class were able to gain 500 as minimum required score, it has implication in examining the learning design in broader context.Keywords: classroom; multilevel; teacher-students ratio

2020 ◽  
pp. 179
Sonia Garcia Segura ◽  
Mª José Martinez-Carmona ◽  
Carmen Gil-Del-Pino

Resumen: El fenómeno de la globalización ha trasformado nuestros centros educativos en entornos plurales. La diversidad cultural se concentra y convive en ellos, y las creencias religiosas, que se aprenden dentro de las culturas, constituyen una cuestión social y política, de primer orden, por lo que deben ser atendidas de manera prioritaria en la investigación científico-social así como sus implicaciones educativas. El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo descifrar primero y describir después el pensamiento implícito de los jóvenes sobre la diversidad religiosa y la enseñanza de la religión en España utilizando como base el proyecto europeo REDCo (Religion in Education. A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European Countries), proyecto financiado por el Departamento de Investigación de la Comisión Europea para establecer las potencialidades y limitaciones de la religión en los sistemas educativos de ocho países seleccionados, a saber, Estonia, Rusia, Noruega, Alemania, Países bajos, Inglaterra, Francia y España. El instrumento utilizado para la recogida de información es un cuestionario validado por REDCo. Se implementó a 385 estudiantes de cuatro centros de Educación Secundaria de Córdoba (España) caracterizados por su compleja y líquida diversidad de creencias. Los análisis descriptivos señalan, primero, el interés del alumnado por conocer otras religiones y/o concepciones del mundo a través de agrupaciones flexibles; segundo, la existencia de diferentes experiencias relacionadas con la enseñanza de la religión y, tercero, su posición dispareja respecto a los modelos didácticos empleados en la enseñanza de la religión.Abstract: The phenomenon of globalisation has transformed our educational centres into plural environments. Cultural diversity is concentrated and coexists in them; and religious beliefs, which are learned within cultures, constitute a major social and political issue which must be therefore addressed as a priority in scientific-social research, as well as its educational implications. This aim of this research work is to figure out and then describe the implicit thinking of young people about religious diversity and the teaching of religion in Spain, using the European project REDCo (Religion in Education: A contribution to dialogue or a factor of conflict in transforming societies of European Countries) as a basis. This project is funded by the Research Department of the European Commission and is intended to establish the potentialities and limitations of religion in the educational systems of eight different countries, namely Estonia, Russia, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, England, France and Spain. The instrument used for the collection of data has been a questionnaire validated by RDCo. It was administered to 385 students from four Secondary Education centres in Córdoba (Spain), characterised by their complex and changing diversity of beliefs. The descriptive analyses indicate, first, the interest of students to understand other religions and/or worldviews through flexible grouping; second; the existence of different experiences with religion in the school and, third; the varying positions of students with respect to the different models of teaching religion. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 226 ◽  
pp. 03011
Maria Grigorieva ◽  
Mikhail Titov ◽  
Timofei Galkin ◽  
Igal Milman

The Interactive Visual Explorer (InVEx) application is designed as a visual analytics tool for Big Data analysis. Visual analytics is an integral approach to data analysis, combining methods of intellectual data analysis with advanced interactive visualization. One of the main objectives of InVExis to process large data samples by decreasing their level of detail (LoD).The proposed approach includes clustering as well as flexible grouping by different parameters, providing the exploration of data from the lowest to the highest level of details. The results of grouping and clusterization arevisualized using interactive 3D scene and parallel coordinates, allowing the user to gain insight into data, to explore hidden correlations and trends of parameters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 6-16
Chang Lv ◽  
Junyue Zhang ◽  
Siming Liu ◽  
Yueming Lu ◽  
Huiping Tian

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