spatially extended
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2022 ◽  
Vol 128 (1) ◽  
Lukasz Klotz ◽  
Grégoire Lemoult ◽  
Kerstin Avila ◽  
Björn Hof

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Cheng Ma ◽  
Gyorgy Korniss ◽  
Boleslaw K. Szymanski ◽  
Jianxi Gao

AbstractMany systems may switch to an undesired state due to internal failures or external perturbations, of which critical transitions toward degraded ecosystem states are prominent examples. Resilience restoration focuses on the ability of spatially-extended systems and the required time to recover to their desired states under stochastic environmental conditions. The difficulty is rooted in the lack of mathematical tools to analyze systems with high dimensionality, nonlinearity, and stochastic effects. Here we show that nucleation theory can be employed to advance resilience restoration in spatially-embedded ecological systems. We find that systems may exhibit single-cluster or multi-cluster phases depending on their sizes and noise strengths. We also discover a scaling law governing the restoration time for arbitrary system sizes and noise strengths in two-dimensional systems. This approach is not limited to ecosystems and has applications in various dynamical systems, from biology to infrastructural systems.

Hennadii Khudov ◽  
Igor Ruban ◽  
Oleksandr Makoveichuk ◽  
Yevhen Stepanenko ◽  

The paper proposes an improved imaging model in the presence of multiplicative spatially extended cloaking interference. The model take into account the effect of multiplicative masking interference. To simplify the calculations of the image brightness in the distorted region the diagram technique is used. Unlike the known ones, the model takes into account the concentration of the distorting medium in a narrow squat layer, the primary reflection of solar radiation from the upper boundary of the distorting layer and subsequent multiple re-reflections of the transmitted radiation of the visible wavelength range from the earth’s surface and the upper boundary of the distorting medium layer. A technique for finding and taking into account the reflection and re-reflection coefficients of radiation to restore distorted images is proposed. The results of experimental studies are presented. For the experiment, the image of the territory of Iraq during the 2003 "Freedom for Iraq" hostilities was selected. Keywords— image, model, multiplicative, extended cloaking interference, spacecraft, reflection, coefficient

2021 ◽  
Vol 257 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Seán Mooney ◽  
Francesco Massaro ◽  
John Quinn ◽  
Alessandro Capetti ◽  
Ranieri D. Baldi ◽  

Abstract We present a morphological and spectral study of a sample of 99 BL Lac objects using the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey Second Data Release (LDR2). Extended emission has been identified at gigahertz frequencies around BL Lac objects, but with LDR2 it is now possible to systematically study their morphologies at 144 MHz, where more diffuse emission is expected. LDR2 reveals the presence of extended radio structures around 66/99 of the BL Lac nuclei, with angular extents ranging up to 115″, corresponding to spatial extents of 410 kpc. The extended emission is likely to be both unbeamed diffuse emission and beamed emission associated with relativistic bulk motion in jets. The spatial extents and luminosities of the extended emission are consistent with the unification scheme for active galactic nuclei, where BL Lac objects correspond to low-excitation radio galaxies with the jet axis aligned along the line of sight. While extended emission is detected around the majority of BL Lac objects, the median 144–1400 MHz spectral index and core dominance at 144 MHz indicate that the core component contributes ∼42% on average to the total low-frequency flux density. A stronger correlation was found between the 144 MHz core flux density and the γ-ray photon flux (r = 0.69) than between the 144 MHz extended flux density and the γ-ray photon flux (r = 0.42). This suggests that the radio-to-γ-ray connection weakens at low radio frequencies because the population of particles that give rise to the γ-ray flux are distinct from the electrons producing the diffuse synchrotron emission associated with spatially extended features.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
B. Divinskiy ◽  
H. Merbouche ◽  
V. E. Demidov ◽  
K. O. Nikolaev ◽  
L. Soumah ◽  

AbstractThe quanta of magnetic excitations – magnons – are known for their unique ability to undergo Bose-Einstein condensation at room temperature. This fascinating phenomenon reveals itself as a spontaneous formation of a coherent state under the influence of incoherent stimuli. Spin currents have been predicted to offer electronic control of Bose-Einstein condensates, but this phenomenon has not been experimentally evidenced up to now. Here we show that current-driven Bose-Einstein condensation can be achieved in nanometer-thick films of magnetic insulators with tailored nonlinearities and minimized magnon interactions. We demonstrate that, above a certain threshold, magnons injected by the spin current overpopulate the lowest-energy level forming a highly coherent spatially extended state. We quantify the chemical potential of the driven magnon gas and show that, at the critical current, it reaches the energy of the lowest magnon level. Our results pave the way for implementation of integrated microscopic quantum magnonic and spintronic devices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. e1008899
Susanne Pettersson ◽  
Martin Nilsson Jacobi

Understanding ecosystem stability and functioning is a long-standing goal in theoretical ecology, with one of the main tools being dynamical modelling of species abundances. With the help of spatially unresolved (well-mixed) population models and equilibrium dynamics, limits to stability and regions of various ecosystem robustness have been extensively mapped in terms of diversity (number of species), types of interactions, interaction strengths, varying interaction networks (for example plant-pollinator, food-web) and varying structures of these networks. Although many insights have been gained, the impact of spatial extension is not included in this body of knowledge. Recent studies of spatially explicit modelling on the other hand have shown that stability limits can be crossed and diversity increased for systems with spatial heterogeneity in species interactions and/or chaotic dynamics. Here we show that such crossing and diversity increase can appear under less strict conditions. We find that the mere possibility of varying species abundances at different spatial locations make possible the preservation or increase in diversity across previous boundaries thought to mark catastrophic transitions. In addition, we introduce and make explicit a multitude of different dynamics a spatially extended complex system can use to stabilise. This expanded stabilising repertoire of dynamics is largest at intermediate levels of dispersal. Thus we find that spatially extended systems with intermediate dispersal are more robust, in general have higher diversity and can stabilise beyond previous stability boundaries, in contrast to well-mixed systems.

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