ground state degeneracy
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Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Daniele A. Dias ◽  
Francisco W. S. Lima ◽  
Joao A. Plascak

A generalization of the original Gibbs phase rule is proposed in order to study the presence of single phases, multiphase coexistence, and multicritical phenomena in lattice spin magnetic models. The rule is based on counting the thermodynamic number of degrees of freedom, which strongly depends on the external fields needed to break the ground state degeneracy of the model. The phase diagrams of some spin Hamiltonians are analyzed according to this general phase rule, including general spin Ising and Blume–Capel models, as well as q-state Potts models. It is shown that by properly taking into account the intensive fields of the model in study, the generalized Gibbs phase rule furnishes a good description of the possible topology of the corresponding phase diagram. Although this scheme is unfortunately not able to locate the phase boundaries, it is quite useful to at least provide a good description regarding the possible presence of critical and multicritical surfaces, as well as isolated multicritical points.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Po-Shen Hsin ◽  
Kevin Slagle

We investigate the properties of foliated gauge fields and construct several foliated field theories in 3+1d that describe foliated fracton orders both with and without matter, including the recent hybrid fracton models. These field theories describe Abelian or non-Abelian gauge theories coupled to foliated gauge fields, and they fall into two classes of models that we call the electric models and the magnetic models. We show that these two classes of foliated field theories enjoy a duality. We also construct a model (using foliated gauge fields and an exactly solvable lattice Hamiltonian model) for a subsystem-symmetry protected topological (SSPT) phase, which is analogous to a one-form symmetry protected topological phase, with the subsystem symmetry acting on codimension-two subregions. We construct the corresponding gauged SSPT phase as a foliated two-form gauge theory. Some instances of the gauged SSPT phase are a variant of the X-cube model with the same ground state degeneracy and the same fusion, but different particle statistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (1) ◽  
Tatjana Škrbić ◽  
Trinh Xuan Hoang ◽  
Achille Giacometti ◽  
Amos Maritan ◽  
Jayanth R. Banavar

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (12) ◽  
pp. 3680
Sture Nordholm

Pauling introduced the concept of electronegativity of an atom which has played an important role in understanding the polarity and ionic character of bonds between atoms. We set out to define a related concept of atomic reactivity in such a way that it can be quantified and used to predict the stability of covalent bonds in molecules. Guided by the early definition of electronegativity by Mulliken in terms of first ionization energies and Pauling in terms of bond energies, we propose corresponding definitions of atomic reactivity. The main goal of clearly distinguishing the inert gas atoms as nonreactive is fulfilled by three different proposed measures of atomic reactivity. The measure likely to be found most useful is based on the bond energies in atomic hydrides, which are related to atomic reactivities by a geometric average. The origin of the atomic reactivity is found in the symmetry of the atomic environment and related conservation laws which are also the origin of the shell structure of atoms and the periodic table. The reactive atoms are characterized by degenerate or nearly degenerate (several states of the same or nearly the same energy) ground states, while the inert atoms have nondegenerate ground states and no near-degeneracies. We show how to extend the use of the Aufbau model of atomic structure to qualitatively describe atomic reactivity in terms of ground state degeneracy. The symmetry and related conservation laws of atomic electron structures produce a strain (energy increase) in the structure, which we estimate by use of the Thomas-Fermi form of DFT implemented approximately with and without the symmetry and conservation constraints. This simplified and approximate analysis indicates that the total strain energy of an atom correlates strongly with the corresponding atomic reactivity measures but antibonding mechanisms prevent full conversion of strain relaxation to bonding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Nandagopal Manoj ◽  
Kevin Slagle ◽  
Wilbur Shirley ◽  
Xie Chen

The X-cube model, a prototypical gapped fracton model, was shown in Ref. [1] to have a foliation structure. That is, inside the 3+1 D model, there are hidden layers of 2+1 D gapped topological states. A screw dislocation in a 3+1 D lattice can often reveal nontrivial features associated with a layered structure. In this paper, we study the X-cube model on lattices with screw dislocations. In particular, we find that a screw dislocation results in a finite change in the logarithm of the ground state degeneracy of the model. Part of the change can be traced back to the effect of screw dislocations in a simple stack of 2+1 D topological states, hence corroborating the foliation structure in the model. The other part of the change comes from the induced motion of fractons or sub-dimensional excitations along the dislocation, a feature absent in the stack of 2+1D layers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Jeongwan Haah

We introduce a notion of homogeneous topological order, which is obeyed by most, if not all, known examples of topological order including fracton phases on quantum spins (qudits). The notion is a condition on the ground state subspace, rather than on the Hamiltonian, and demands that given a collection of ball-like regions, any linear transformation on the ground space be realized by an operator that avoids the ball-like regions. We derive a bound on the ground state degeneracy \mathcal D𝒟 for systems with homogeneous topological order on an arbitrary closed Riemannian manifold of dimension dd, which reads [ D c (L/a)^{d-2}.] Here, LL is the diameter of the system, aa is the lattice spacing, and cc is a constant that only depends on the isometry class of the manifold, and \muμ is a constant that only depends on the density of degrees of freedom. If d=2d=2, the constant cc is the (demi)genus of the space manifold. This bound is saturated up to constants by known examples.examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (9) ◽  
pp. 1350
Д.Н. Ясинская ◽  
В.А. Улитко ◽  
Ю.Д. Панов

The classical Monte Carlo method is used for the study of properties of the ground state and phase transitions of the spin-pseudospin model describing a two-dimensional Ising magnet with competing charge and spin interactions. This competition causes ground state degeneracy and frustration. It is shown that the ground state degeneracy is observed in the frustration area with nonzero probabilities of the formation of two different ordered states. Based on histogram analysis of Monte-Carlo data, the type of phase transitions is analyzed. It is found that first order phase transitions are observed near the frustration point, depending on the relationship between the spin s = 1/2 and pseudospin S = 1 interactions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Vanja Marić ◽  
Salvatore Marco Giampaolo ◽  
Fabio Franchini

AbstractIn quantum many-body systems with local interactions, the effects of boundary conditions are considered to be negligible, at least for sufficiently large systems. Here we show an example of the opposite. We consider a spin chain with two competing interactions, set on a ring with an odd number of sites. When only the dominant interaction is antiferromagnetic, and thus induces topological frustration, the standard antiferromagnetic order (expressed by the magnetization) is destroyed. When also the second interaction turns from ferro to antiferro, an antiferromagnetic order characterized by a site-dependent magnetization which varies in space with an incommensurate pattern, emerges. This modulation results from a ground state degeneracy, which allows to break the translational invariance. The transition between the two cases is signaled by a discontinuity in the first derivative of the ground state energy and represents a quantum phase transition induced by a special choice of boundary conditions.

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