business technology
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Arbarija Hafiz Lbs ◽  
Erlangga Hakim Manurung ◽  
Nurbaiti Nurbaiti

With the large number of fans of Roti Ganda outside the Pematang Siantar area, therefore an E-business implementation system is needed in the company. The use of e-business technology facilitates company performance and improves company quality. The application of this technology can expand the company's market share, especially the cost for advertising which is cheap compared to advertising on the street and mass media. There needs to be socialization and in-depth  learning as well as careful preparation before implementing e-business applications. In the process of designing the application of E-Business at a web- based Double Bakery Shop with a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) approach, an explanation or theory is needed that can support and support success in making the information system and to explain to users how the functions and benefits of implementing E-Business are needed. on a web-based Double Bakery with a CRM approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Isaac Trachtenberg

Multidisciplinary health researches have great potential. Multidisciplinary research brings together doctors, pharmacists, lawyers and other scientists. The exchange of experience, scientific and practical cooperation is of great importance. High professionalism, knowledge, experience and high human, spiritual and moral qualities of our doctors, pharmacists, lawyers, scientists and specialists, powerful scientific, educational, technological and methodological potential of the country give all opportunities to effectively reform the domestic health care system, modernize the pharmaceutical industry and bring Ukrainian medicine and pharmacy to a competitive European and world level.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (16) ◽  
pp. 5355
Yu Liu ◽  
Zhongjun Ni ◽  
Magnus Karlsson ◽  
Shaofang Gong

Researches on the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing have been pervasive in both the academic and industrial world. IoT and cloud computing are seen as cornerstones to digital transformation in the industry. However, restricted by limited resources and the lack of expertise in information and communication technologies, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have difficulty in achieving digitalization of their business. In this paper, we propose a reference framework for SMEs to follow as a guideline in the journey of digital transformation. The framework features a three-stage procedure that covers business, technology, and innovation, which can be iterated to drive product and business development. A case study about digital transformation taking place in the vertical plant wall industry is detailed. Furthermore, some solution design principles that are concluded from real industrial practice are presented. This paper reviews the digital transformation practice in the vertical plant wall industry and aims to accelerate the pace of SMEs in the journey of digital transformation.

2021 ◽  
Lauren Lanahan ◽  
Daniel Erian Armanios ◽  
Amol M. Joshi

Prevailing theory argues that more certifications increase performance. However, emerging empirical evidence implies that obtaining more certifications may actually decrease performance. How do we reconcile this tension? Practically speaking, why would ventures seek additional certifications in light of these recently identified risks? To address this gap between existing theory and recent empirics, we look more closely at ventures’ activities and performance outcomes after they receive their first certification. We posit that different patterns of certification reflect different forms of experimentation. In particular, ventures may be willing to experiment in ways that incur an inappropriateness penalty for the chance to gain a subsequent desirability premium if their experiments succeed. Inappropriateness means that certifications signal divergence from accepted market norms and standards. Desirability means that certifications signal activities that are in the perceived self-interest of the potential audience. We hypothesize that certifications reflecting broad experimentation incur initial inappropriateness penalties, yet when successful, they are more likely to lead to breakthroughs that generate desirability premia. We find support for this idea through an empirical analysis drawing from a sample of 7,440 U.S. ventures that receive one or more Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grants to commercialize new technologies. This study advances institutional theory of certification to better account not only for its benefits but also for its costs.

Алексей Владимирович Щербаков

Исследование автора посвящено актуальной проблеме - разработке и использованию новых бизнес-моделей в условиях возрастающей роли технологий в современной экономике. Происходящий сегодня на микро- и макроуровнях «вертикальный прогресс» (прогресс технологий) требует сбалансированного подхода в оценке ресурсов компании и ценности/полезности продукта для потребителя. В статье проведен анализ перспектив развития мировой экономики, рассмотрены аспекты влияния глобализации и технологий на бизнес-процессы и развитие крупных компаний. Обосновано значение и необходимость более детальной оценки бизнес-моделей для повышения конкурентоспособности компании. Объектом исследования являются современные компании и их деятельность по повышению эффективности реализуемых бизнес-процессов. Цель исследования состоит в разработке автором концепции интеграции факторов внешней среды в бизнес-технологию компании с использованием кросс-функционального взаимодействия ее подразделений. В результате исследования разработана модель кросс-функционального взаимодействия подразделений компании для достижения наибольшей эффективности компании в конкурентной среде. Научная новизна исследования представлена разработанной автором двухфакторной моделью проактивной бизнес-технологии на основе паттернов покупательского поведения. Полученные результаты имеют универсальный характер: они могут быть использованы как для крупных функционирующих на рынке компаний, так и для «стартапов» в различных отраслях национальной экономики. The article is devoted to an urgent problem - the development and use of new business models in the context of the increasing role of technology in the modern economy. The «vertical progress» (technological progress) taking place today at the micro and macro levels requires a balanced approach in assessing the company's resources and the value / usefulness of the product for the consumer. The article analyzes the prospects for the development of the world economy, examines the aspects of the impact of globalization and technology on business processes and the development of large companies. The importance and necessity of a more detailed assessment of the state of business models for increasing the company's competitiveness has been substantiated. The object of the research is modern companies and their activities to improve the efficiency of implemented business processes. The purpose of the study is to develop the concept of integration of environmental factors, known as factors of consumer perception into the company's business technology, using the cross-functional interaction of its divisions. As a result of the study, a model of cross-functional interaction of the company's divisions has been developed to achieve the highest efficiency in a competitive environment. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development by the author of a two-factor model of proactive business technology based on patterns of purchasing behavior. The results obtained are of a universal nature: they can be used both for large companies operating in the market and for «start-ups» in various sectors of the national economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-42
Yazid Arifin ◽  
Bambang Hadi Prabowo

This study examines the role of technology and investment in the business sector in driving net exports and economic growth. This study uses secondary data from world banks to process regression using the moving average autoregression method. When the government focuses on directing the export-oriented Indonesian economy by increasing investment in the business sector and investment in the development of supporting technology for an export-oriented economy will result in integration between the business, technology and international trade sectors that will encourage net exports and export-based economic growth with a fluctuating economic growth trend following global economic conditions. However, despite this economic growth is positive.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 107-109
Stephen Andriole

Water ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 824
Karolina Södergren ◽  
Jenny Palm

The industrial symbiosis (IS) landscape is evolving rapidly. While previous studies have argued for the importance of municipalities participating in the governing of IS, research on the implications of different forms of municipal organization is still lacking. This paper aims to investigate how municipal administration and municipally-owned corporations, as two forms of organization, impact the governing of IS in the water and sewage sector. This is explored in relation to the Swedish municipality Simrishamn, which recently underwent changes in the form of organization. Results show that municipal administration contributes to a more inclusive process where many actors can influence and bring ideas and perspectives on how to develop an IS. The risk, however, is that other issues within the municipality are seen as more pressing and, therefore, get prioritized before IS. In corporate form, the development of IS becomes more business-like as the focus is kept on core business. Technology development is strengthened as skills and competencies are promoted through the expertise of the employees. Drawbacks include processes becoming less transparent and political goals, such as citizen welfare not receiving the same level of priority as within municipal administration. There is also a risk that fewer perspectives are included in the process of developing IS, which may inhibit innovation, even if the results also indicate that an increased business focus of the corporate form strengthens the innovation capacity.

Darya Semenova

The article presents the theoretical and methodological principles of identifying the risks of implementing business technologies by business structures. Considering the risk as the ratio of the probability of a risk situation and its consequences, which leads to the deviation of actual results from the planned, proved the need to identify it taking into account not only risk events but also the causes, risk factors, probability and probability of occurrence and the consequences of the implementation of a risky event. A methodological approach is proposed, which provides not only risk identification, but also allows to coordinate the process of risk minimization, scalability and flexibility, cost reduction and takes into account not only the planned and projected values of business technology performance, but also the overall planned result of business structure. Since the process of identifying the risks of the introduction of the n-th business technology by the business structure is proposed to be considered as a set of certain sequential actions, respectively, it is logical to build an appropriate functional relationship, which includes research sources of risk situation; occurrence or change of a certain phenomenon or set of circumstances that cause a risky event; identification of risk factors that cause risk situations; the actual risk situation, which we consider as an event that is due to causes and risk factors that may lead to negative or positive consequences; consequences (result) of the risk situation in case of its implementation; the probability of a risk situation, i.e, a quantitative measure of the probability of an event and the vulnerability of the n-th business technology to the source of risk. Given the possible limits of the apparatus of probability theory, it is proposed to use the theory of Markov processes with discrete states and continuous time in determining the probability of reducing the effectiveness of n-th business technology due to the n-th risk situation, respectively, obtained a model for from state to state, taking into account which in modeling the effectiveness of the n-th business technology of business structures provides an expansion of tools for planning and forecasting risk situations.

Kritika Jain ◽  
Ankit Garg ◽  
Somya Jain

In today's competitive world, organizations take advantage of widely-available data to promote their products and increase their revenue. This is achieved by identifying the reader's preference for news genre and patterns in news spread network. Spreading news over the internet seems to be a continuous process which eventually triggers the evolution of temporal networks. This temporal network comprises of nodes and edges, where node corresponds to published articles and similar articles are connected via edges. The main focus of this article is to reconstruct a susceptible-infected (SI) diffusion model to discover the spreading pattern of news articles for virality detection. For experimental analysis, a dataset of news articles from four domains (business, technology, entertainment, and health) is considered and the articles' rate of diffusion is inferred and compared. This will help to build a recommendation system, i.e. recommending a particular domain for advertisement and marketing. Hence, it will assist to build strategies for effective product endorsement for sustainable profitability.

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