cell biomass
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2022 ◽  
pp. 217-232
Tefaye Belay

Micro grid is widely used in real worlds for advanced forecasting and demand response of renewable energy source, grid integration, and operations. Micro grid consists of conventional and nonconventional energy source such as wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy, hydro power, diesel power, fuel cell, geothermal power, thermal power, etc. Micro grid is a combination of AC power and DC power such as wind, solar, fuel cell, biomass, and Hydro power, which is mostly used in micro grids. Grid can be operated by grid connected mode or islanding modes. Micro grid is classified into traditional micro grids and smart micro grids.

Mljekarstvo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Jasna Novak ◽  

Proteases of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus strains catalyze casein degradation in fermented dairy products, which can result in the production of bioactive peptides. Proteolytic properties of a selection of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) strains previously isolated in Croatia, including Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus strains, are described. All strains of Lactobacillus and Lactococcus showed an Fmc+ phenotype that can be associated with efficient growth in milk. The significant caseinolytic effect, after incubation of culture supernatant or concentrated cell biomass, was observed for Levilactobacillus brevis D6 and Lactiplantilactobacillus plantarum D13 after growth in the optimal growth medium, while for Lactoccocus lactis ZGBP5-32 and Levilactobacillus brevis SF9B strains after growth in skimmed milk. To assess the LAB growth in skimmed milk, the acidification rate was monitored. Statistically, significant acidification capacity was determined for L. plantarum D13 in the optimal medium and by the proteolytic strain Lactobacillus helveticus M92 in skimmed milk. After extraction of proteinases from the strains with caseinolytic activity, protein samples were analysed by the SDS-PAGE. The protein extract of the Lc. lactis ZGBP5-32 and ZGZA7-10, retained proteolytic activity even at very low concentrations. The ultrafiltration improved protein extraction. The crude extract possibly contained putative protease, as a decrease in contaminating proteins was confirmed by SDS-PAGE in samples of L. brevis D6 and SF9B, L. fermentum D12 and L. plantarum D13.

Fermentation ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 315
Domenico Aiello ◽  
Ciro Sannino ◽  
Tommaso Giannoni ◽  
Giacomo Fabbrizi ◽  
Mattia Gelosia ◽  

The lipogenic ability of the yeast Solicoccozyma terricola DBVPG 5870 grown on hydrolyzed lignocellulose obtained from cardoon stalks was evaluated. Data on cell biomass, lipid production, and fatty acid profiles of triacylglycerols obtained in batch and fed-batch experiments were carried out at the laboratory scale in a 5L fermenter, and at two different temperatures (20 and 25 °C) were reported. The higher production of total intracellular lipids (13.81 g/L) was found in the fed-batch experiments carried out at 20 °C. S. terricola exhibited the ability to produce high amounts of triacylglycerol (TAGs) with a characteristic fatty acids profile close to that of palm oil. The TAGs obtained from S. terricola grown on pre-treated lignocellulose could be proposed as a supplementary source of oleochemicals. Indeed, due to the rising prices of fossil fuels and because of the environmental-related issues linked to their employment, the use of TAGs produced by S. terricola grown on lignocellulose could represent a promising option as a supplementary oleochemical, especially for biodiesel production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (11) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Thi Dam Linh Mai ◽  
Thi Quynh Do ◽  
Thi Thanh Mai Nguyen ◽  
Thanh Hien Pham ◽  

The yeast Rhodosporidium toruloides is capable of lipid biosynthesis and accumulation up to more than 30% of dried cell biomass. It is a potential source for biodiesel production. Recent studies have shown that the applications of culture technologies can promote increased lipid accumulation in R. toruloides. In this study, the authors investigated the lipid biosynthesis ability of two yeast strains R. toruloides VTCC 20689 and VTCC 20765 isolated in Vietnam. The results indicated that both strains have the ability to accumulate lipids up to approximately 45% of the dried biomass of cells when cultured at 30oC for 48 h in the culture medium with pH 5.5. Cultivation of these two yeast strains on some different carbon sources showed that sugarcane molasses can be used as a low-cost carbon source for efficient lipid biosynthesis. When growing both strains on the medium with sugarcane molasses, the lipid biosynthesis reached about 44%, which is equivalent to in the medium with glucose.

A. V. Butenka ◽  
Z. B. Kvacheva ◽  
I. B. Vasilevich ◽  
A. Ch. Chasnoit ◽  
I. D. Volotovski

The nature and ways of isolation and cultivation in vitro of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, the main cellular components of skin to prepare a new biomedical product, tissue dermal equivalent were considered. The main attention was payed to optimization of upbuilding dermal cell biomass including selection of medium compositions and conditions of cultivation. The information was given on main parameters of cell cultures as proliferation activity, viability and phenotype of the cells. Genotoxicity of fibroblasts and biocompatibility of the cells with organic matrixes to find the optimal carrier for cellular elements of tissue dermal equivalent were studied. The composition, the process of preparation of tissue dermal equivalent and perspectives of its practical application were discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 934 (1) ◽  
pp. 012020
F Feliatra ◽  
U M Batubara ◽  
P R Mukti ◽  
V A Feliatra ◽  
I Efendi

Abstract One of the benefits of probiotic bacteria is to become a source of protein that can be used as a product in the field of biotechnology with high use value. Proteins derived from bacteria are less widely used compared to animals and fungi. The aim of this study is to analyze the composition of the media and the optimal time for the growth of a consortium of Bacillus cereus bacteria. The experimental method used is a consortium of B. cereus bacteria isolates (5 Strains) six treatments in each B. cereus consortium, namely the addition of a different protein source (eggs and skim milk, the same carbohydrate source, namely Sago) and 3 different concentrations in each protein source (8%, 10%, and 12%) so that the treatment obtained was 6 treatments with 3 replications in each treatment. Measurement of bacterial culture growth was carried out every 6 hours for 24 hours using two methods, namely the TPC method and bacterial cell biomass. Optimal growth was found in sago media which was added in different concentrations, namely 12% due to growth in this medium which was close to the same results as growth in positive control. Growth on biomass measurements showed similar results to the growth pattern similar to TPC. While in milk sago media, the growth is less because the exponential and stationary phases are shorter.

2021 ◽  
Somaye Amini ◽  
Seyed Mahdi Ziaratnia ◽  
Khodayar Hemmati

Abstract Bioreactors provide suitable conditions for the growth of cells and production of secondary metabolites by regulating physical and chemical factors. In this study, first, sucrose, 2-(N-morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid (MES) as a buffering agent and medium pH was optimized in the Erlenmeyer flask. This aim was then pursued in a stirred bioreactor through aeration and pH medium adjustment. Results of the first step showed that Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) basal medium with naphthalene acetic acid (2 mg.l-1) and 6-benzylaminopurine (1 mg.l-1) supplemented with 2.5 mM of MES and gradually increment of sucrose from 3 to 6% caused to catch the highest cell biomass and crocin production. The spectrophotometry measurement showed that the highest crocin content of the cells was 0.8 mg/g after five weeks. The results of the second part revealed that in the stirred bioreactor, constant pH (5.8) during the growth period is a limited factor for the cell growth and crocin production. Although aeration initially found to be an inhibited factor for the production of crocin, results showed that, if the evaporated volume of water caused by aeration is constituted, it can be an effective factor to increase cell growth rate around 2 folds. In addition, total crocin content of the cells, based on the HPLC could be raised up to 2 mg/g. Based on this study, it can be concluded that MES and gradual increment of sucrose could increasing the cell growth and crocin production. Aeration in bioreactor can increase cell biomass, if the medium volume will be kept constant.

T.T.B. Phuong ◽  
V.P. Trung ◽  
N.H. An ◽  
N.D. Tuan ◽  
P.T.T. Nguyen

Background: Dinh Lang [Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms] is a medicinal plant widely grown in Vietnam, with proven note-worthy health benefits. However, Dinh Lang’s amounts of triterpenoid saponins could not meet the need of the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, this study’s purpose is to figure out the optimal condition for raising Dinh Lang’s cell biomass, rhizogenesis and somatic embryogenesis to provide materials for bioactive compound productions. Methods: Different 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and α-naphthaleneacetic acid concentrations (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 mg/L) were examined to determine the best amount of each plant growth regulator for raising cells’ biomass, rhizogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. In each treatment, two grams of eight-week-old calli were cultured in 50 mL of liquid MS medium. Result: It is demonstrated by the results that liquid MS medium containing 1.5 mg/L α-naphthaleneacetic acid has the capacity of producing the highest numbers of somatic embryos (489 embryos per flask) and rooted cells (259.5 cells per flask), while the fresh weight of cells cultured in the medium given 1.5 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid reached its peak of 5.7 g.

2021 ◽  
Yetria Rilda ◽  
Rifki Rinaldi ◽  
Syukri Syukri ◽  
Armaini Armaini ◽  
Refinel Refinel ◽  

Abstract The biosynthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) is performed through enzymatic mechanisms, by controlling the particle size and morphology of the compound using the sol-gel method. Furthermore, this method utilizes stabilizer obtained from the cell biomass of Aspergillus niger bacteria, in order to yield homogeneous and consistent products, which corresponds with the XRD outcome that exhibits good crystallinity. The evaluation of functional, morphological, and antibacterial activities was carried out at pH 6.0-13.0, as the prepared samples were characterized by FT-IR. The analysis showed the interaction of hydroxyl groups, aromatic rings, as well as N-H and O-Zn-O compounds at a wavenumber of 401-584 cm−1. The XRD and SEM characterizations showed that the structure and crystal phase of ZnO were hexagonal wurtzite at dimensions of 36.2 - 45.4 nm. The differences in pH also influenced the dimensions, morphology, and antimicrobial activity. ZnO with pH of 8.0 was characterized by FESEM-EDAX, based on the analysis of morphological uniformity. This characterization obtained rod and cube structures, with atomic ratios of Zn = 61.5% and O = 38.5%. The UV-DRS spectrum showed that the optical band gap was not significantly influenced by the pH of the reactant solution, with a value of Eg = 3.00–3.11 eV. The differences in morphology further distinguished anti-bacterial properties on textile fibres, through the use of the Gram-negative and positive bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus), with inhibition zones of 17-21 mm and 21-25 mm, respectively. Therefore, ZnO is classified as a very strong antibacterial material compared to amoxicillin, with an inhibition zone of 13.6 mm.

2021 ◽  
Yetria Rilda ◽  
Rifki Rinaldi ◽  
Syukri Syukri ◽  
Armaini Armaini ◽  
Refinel Refinel ◽  

Abstract The biosynthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) is performed through enzymatic mechanisms, by controlling the particle size and morphology of the compound using the sol-gel method. Furthermore, this method utilizes stabilizer obtained from the cell biomass of Aspergillus niger bacteria, in order to yield homogeneous and consistent products, which corresponds with the XRD outcome that exhibits good crystallinity. The evaluation of functional, morphological, and antibacterial activities was carried out at pH 6.0-13.0, as the prepared samples were characterized by FT-IR. The analysis showed the interaction of hydroxyl groups, aromatic rings, as well as N-H and O-Zn-O compounds at a wavenumber of 401-584 cm−1. The XRD and SEM characterizations showed that the structure and crystal phase of ZnO were hexagonal wurtzite at dimensions of 36.2 - 45.4 nm. The differences in pH also influenced the dimensions, morphology, and antimicrobial activity. ZnO with pH of 8.0 was characterized by FESEM-EDAX, based on the analysis of morphological uniformity. This characterization obtained rod and cube structures, with atomic ratios of Zn = 61.5% and O = 38.5%. The UV-DRS spectrum showed that the optical band gap was not significantly influenced by the pH of the reactant solution, with a value of Eg = 3.00–3.11 eV. The differences in morphology further distinguished anti-bacterial properties on textile fibres, through the use of the Gram-negative and positive bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus), with inhibition zones of 17-21 mm and 21-25 mm, respectively. Therefore, ZnO is classified as a very strong antibacterial material compared to amoxicillin, with an inhibition zone of 13.6 mm.

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