chair design
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2022 ◽  
Vol 98 ◽  
pp. 103581
Stephanie Champion ◽  
Christopher Barr ◽  
Belinda Lange ◽  
Lucy K. Lewis ◽  
Michael P. Russo ◽  

Work ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Adeolu Ademiluyi ◽  
Alexander S. Aruin

BACKGROUND: Sitting is a common and familiar position used daily as a platform for many motor activities in the workplace, at school, or at home. OBJECTIVE: To investigate how difference in the chair design and selected sitting manipulations contribute to reach distance in sitting. METHODS: Ten healthy subjects were required to reach forward as far as possible while sitting in an adjustable chair with 0°, 10° forward or 10° backward inclination of the seat, with and without footrest and leg support, with legs crossed, and when holding the edge of the seat with the contralateral arm. RESULTS: In comparison to sitting with feet on the footrest, the maximal reaching distance decreased significantly when sitting on either forward or backward inclined seat (p <  0.05) and it increased when the subjects held the edge of the seat while seated with footrest and the posterior leg support (p <  0.05). There was no major effect of crossing the legs or the use of anterior leg support on the maximal reach distance. CONCLUSIONS: Modification of the chair design could increase or decrease reaching distance in sitting. The outcome of the study provides a background for future investigations of the effect of sitting positions on reaching distance in the workplace, at home, or at school.

Ergonomics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-30
Mona Frey ◽  
Adam Blanchard ◽  
Ian Skinner ◽  
Diana De Carvalho

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-54
Srinidhi Acharya S.R ◽  
Suresh P.M

Wheel Chairs are one of the convenient man made structure which are highly useful for person with disability. The major problem of this wheelchair is the architectural obstacles such as stairs etc. Many researchers around the globe have worked on wheel chair design so as to make the user independent. The question of overcoming these obstacles by a wheelchair always is the most discussed topics in recent days. This paper involves in fabricating a wheel chair which is motor operated. It is stair climbing wheelchair design which concept which overcomes the structural obstacles. The fabrication of an ergonomically designed battery operated wheel chair for multi usage is done.  Concept of stairs climbing function is embedded in the design by adopting new design and mechanism. The design considerations of the wheelchair are based on the standard design of the stairs which are constructed in India. The work deals with design and fabrication of wheelchair convertible to bed. It is also equipped with a standing aid which helps the disabled individual to stand up and perform certain work. The design involves the  use of electrical linear actuators which consists of an assembly of motor driven power screw to make the transformation from sitting to a bed by using a hand held remote, overcoming the need of a another person to shift the patient from wheelchair to bed. This project offers multiple features over a standard wheelchair and is very economical in comparison to commercially available wheelchairs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Tri Widodo ◽  
Ismail Fardiansyah ◽  
Ali Gufron

PT. Victory Chingluh Indonesia is a company engaged in the manufacture of sports shoes in collaboration with an American brand, namely Nike. From the results of the Nordic Body Map Questionnaire at the PPIC RH department of the checking ruber section, many workers have complaints in the muscles (musculoskeletal disorders) due to non-ergonomic workplaces as many as 20 workers or 64.5% feel pain in the high category, as many as 8 workers or 25, 8% felt pain in the moderate category, for the category of pain with very high intensity as many as 2 workers or 6.4% and 1 worker or 3.2% felt pain in the low category. From these results, it is necessary to take further action by making ergonomic designs of Working Furnitures (tables and chairs) with reference to anthropometric values. With this reference, we get a table design with a length of 133.6 cm using the 5th percentile, a table width of 66.8 cm with a 5th percentile and a table height of 63.2 and a chair design with a chair height of 41.2 cm with a 50th percentile. -, the width of the seat base is 40.5 cm with the 95th percentile, it is expected that workers who have a maximum hip width can use the chair, the length of the seat base is 37.8 cm with the 5th percentile, the height of the seat back is 54.5 cm with the 50th percentile th and the width of the seat backrest is 48.9 cm with the 95th percentile. Keywords: Ergonomics, Anthropometry, musculoskeletal disorders. Nordic body map, design

2021 ◽  
Xianzhi Zhong

The work presented in this report is to help develop and complete the methodology that can quickly predict the pressure distribution and estimate the comfortability of the aircraft seat. For this thesis, the human back and spine are introduced and modelled as the focus is only on the backrest of the aircraft seat. The bio modelling of the back and spine consists of the geometry including the spine curvature and back shape at various conditions. The variables include the body type of the sitter, the sitting posture and the backrest recline angle. Multiple cases of the body condition combining the these mentioned variables were modelled, which generates a comparatively inclusive human model for the future work of pressure distribution analysis. The initial building of the spine curve is based on an existing spine data, and the back shape is captured by experiments using 3D scanning technology. Forces acting on the spine are also obtained as a part of the modelling. With this more complete the inclusive bio model of the body, the pattern of the contact and pressure can then determine a more efficient configuration of cushion or aircraft seat innovation and design to achieve a better comfort.

2021 ◽  
Xianzhi Zhong

The work presented in this report is to help develop and complete the methodology that can quickly predict the pressure distribution and estimate the comfortability of the aircraft seat. For this thesis, the human back and spine are introduced and modelled as the focus is only on the backrest of the aircraft seat. The bio modelling of the back and spine consists of the geometry including the spine curvature and back shape at various conditions. The variables include the body type of the sitter, the sitting posture and the backrest recline angle. Multiple cases of the body condition combining the these mentioned variables were modelled, which generates a comparatively inclusive human model for the future work of pressure distribution analysis. The initial building of the spine curve is based on an existing spine data, and the back shape is captured by experiments using 3D scanning technology. Forces acting on the spine are also obtained as a part of the modelling. With this more complete the inclusive bio model of the body, the pattern of the contact and pressure can then determine a more efficient configuration of cushion or aircraft seat innovation and design to achieve a better comfort.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
Hartini Laswandi ◽  
Heni Mularsih (Almrh)

There are complaints of discomfort and difficulty in dealing with the activeness of hyperactive students felt in inclusive elementary schools. Anxious attitude when sitting, always disturbing friends while learning is taking place, this can interfere with the learning process, both for other normal students and hyperactive students. The purpose of this research is to develop a special study chair design for hyperactive students that is ergonomic based on anthropometry. The method used in this research is an ergonomic approach to the anthropometric method and the design method that prioritizes quality. Develop ergonomic and anthropometric chair products based on devine, design and develop procedures. This approach is used to determine the dimensions of the chair design. Study chair facilities that are ergonomic and anthropometric in learning need to be developed in every school, both public and inclusive schools. Guidelines for the design of activities and facilities for hyperactive students during learning activities, based on the analysis of activities and facilities for hyperactive students in inclusive schools. The design result of the development of a special study chair for hyperactive students is a chair design with adjustable armrests, flexible chairs and footrests with a slider system that can answer user complaints. Chair design with armrests, flexible and strong footrests can provide comfort for hyperactive students and reduce their activity. Inclusion schools are expected to facilitate learning facilities, especially for students with special needs. Adanya keluhan ketidaknyamanan dan kesulitan dalam menghadapi keaktifan siswa hiperaktif dirasakan di sekolah dasar inklusi. Sikap cemas saat duduk, selalu mengganggu teman saat belajar berlangsung hal ini dapat mengganggu proses belajar, baik untuk siswa normal lainnya maupun siswa hiperaktif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan desain kursi belajar khusus untuk siswa hiperaktif yang ergonomis berdasarkan antropometri. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pendekatan ergonomi terhadap metode antropometri dan metode desain yang mengutamakan kualitas. Mengembangkan produk kursi yang ergonomis dan antropometris berdasarkan dengan prosedur devine, design, dan develop. Pendekatan ini digunakan untuk menentukan dimensi desain kursi. Fasilitas kursi belajar yang ergonomi dan antropometri dalam pembelajaran perlu dikembangkan di setiap sekolah, baik sekolah umum maupun sekolah inklusi Pedoman desain aktivitas dan fasilitas siswa hiperaktif saat kegiatan belajar, berdasarkan analisis aktivitas dan fasilitas siswa hiperaktif di sekolah inklusi. Hasil desain dari pengembangan kursi belajar khusus untuk siswa hiperaktif adalah desain kursi dengan sandaran tangan yang bisa disetel, kursi yang fleksibel dan sandaran kaki dengan sistem slider dapat menjawab keluhan pengguna. Desain kursi dengan sandaran tangan, pijakan kaki yang lentur dan kuat dapat memberikan kenyamanan bagi siswa hiperaktif dan mengurangi keaktifannya. Sekolah inklusi diharapkan untuk memfasilitasi sarana belajar terutama bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus ini.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 48-52
Roshan Gangadhar Chavan

The design & development of automated chair is done in the project for the Excavator machine to ensure the comfort of the rider ensured for any angle of work being carried out by the excavator. The various components like the chair, support rod, rod end eye bearing, the control valves for the flow, pressure and direction, hose pipe and hydraulic cylinder are used to make the model of the automatic chair. The various electronic components like the proximity sensors, relays and SMPS are utilized to control and regulate the incline and decline of the chair as per the machine’s inclination so that horizontal position of the chair can be attained. The part designing and the assembly of all components are conducted in CATIA software. The circuit diagram for the proximity sensor is also made. The model is fabricated using the tools and equipment like the gas cutter, grinding machine, bending machine etc. The prepared model is tested for the incline and decline of the chair at 20˚ angle using the real-life working parameter of the machine. From the test the chair is observed to properly attain the horizontal position along with actuation of hydraulic cylinder by making sure that operator’s centre of gravity is maintained to ensure the comfort of rider.

Fitra Fitra ◽  
Azmi Azmi ◽  
Novri Jenita Marbun ◽  
Nur Arif Fathurrozi

Desks and chairs are supporting facilities for learning activities at various school levels, especially elementary schools or mostly known as SD. The Government of Dumai City through the Education authorities provided desks and chairs for learning process. SD 008 Purnama is one of the schools that received desks and chairs as aid. However the desks and chairs provided are not ergonomic in terms of the size of desks and chairs compared to size of student’s body. Somehow the un-ergonomic desks and chairs generate uncomfortable during learning and teaching process. In order to have proper anthropometry data of student of SD 008 Purnama and to be recommended to determine the size of desks and chairs ergonomically is the main purpose of this study.This study discusses the ergonomics of the design of the desks and chairs in elementary schools by using anthropometric data of students in grade 1 and 6. The research method used is quantitative research using the anthropometric approach.  This research was conducted at SD 008 Purnama so that  it can be used as main reference for the size desks and chairs for All elementary schools in the city of Dumai.The results of this study were the recommended Desk and chair sizes based on anthropometric data of students at SD 008 Purnama. Anthropometric data obtained were the high of desk and chair which can be raised and lowered. The high of desk was obtained 42.40 cm-67.35 cm and chair 29.22 cm-42.94 cm. However also obtained the length of desk was 64,57 cm, width 59.02 cm, the high of desk surface from below was 37.72 cm, the length of chair was 43.16 cm, the width of seat base was 36.89 cm, chair back height was 38.55 cm, chair back width was 38.55 cm and the high of footrest for desk and chair was 7.17 cm

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